Ethics approval and consent to participate
This study was approved by The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University (Nanjing, China) and written informed consent from each patient was obtained. The use of patient samples was approved by the Ethics Committee of The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Availability of data and materials
The datasets and the analyses of the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
The design of the study is financially supported by the collaborative innovation center for tumor individualization focuses on open topics, Grant/Award Number: JX21817902/008; 333 Project of Jiangsu Province, Grant/Award Numbers: BRA2015470, BRA2017534; High‐level innovation team of Nanjing Medical University, Grant/Award Number: JX102GSP201727; Project of China Key Research and Development Program Precision Medicine Research, Grant/Award Number: 2016YFC0905901; The collection, analysis, and interpretation of data is supported by Key Medical Talents, Grant/Award Number: ZDRCA2016023; National Key Research and Development Program of China, Grant/Award Number: ZDZX2017ZL-01; Wu Jieping Foundation, Grant/Award Number: 320.6750.17006 supported the writing the manuscript.
Authors’ contributions
All authors have read and approved the manuscript.
Conception/design: YMY
Provision of study material or patients: ZFJ, YMY, CXS, JBL, JW, WL, YFL, MZY, JL, BYW, MY, FJ, HBW, JZ, PFF, HW, ZYF
Collection and/or assembly of data: FY, TYZ, XH, CXS, MZY, JBL, ZFJ, YMY, BYW, MY, FJ, HBW, JZ, PFF, JW, WL, YFL, JL, HW, ZYF
Data analysis and interpretation: FY, XH, TYZ, JL, JW
Manuscript writing: FY
Final approval of manuscript: FY, XH, CXS, JBL, BYW, MY, FJ, HBW, JZ, PFF, TYZ, JW, WL, YFL, MZY, JL, HW, ZYF, YMY, ZFJ
The manuscript has been previously presented as an abstract at the 2018 San Antoni Breast Cancer Symposium, Publication Number: P6-17-34.