Deep Learning Based Models: Basic LSTM, Bi LSTM, Stacked LSTM, CNN LSTM and Conv LSTM to Forecast Agricultural Commodities Prices



The literature argues that an accurate price prediction of agricultural goods is a quintessence to assure a good functioning of the economy all over the world. Research reveals that studies with application of deep learning in the tasks of agricultural price forecast on short historical agricultural prices data are very scarce and insist on the use of different methods of deep learning to predict and to this reaction of filling the gap, this study employs five versions of LSTM deep learning techniques for the task of five agricultural commodities prices prediction on univariate time series dataset of Rice, Wheat, Gram, Banana, and Groundnut spanning January 2000 to July 2020. The study obtained good forecasting results for all five commodities employing all the five LSTM models. The study validated the results with lower values of error metrics, MAE, MAPE, MSE, and RMSE and two paired t-test with hypothesis and confidence level of 95% as a measure of robustness. The study predicted the one month ahead future price for all the five commodities and compared it with actual prices using said LSTM models and obtained promising results.

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