Understanding the spatial patterns of species richness is an important issue in ecology and conservation biology ever since 18th centuries [1–4]. The species richness was previously thought to decrease monotonically along elevational gradients, based on the elevational diversity pattern of birds in the tropics [5], and also had been confirmed in other studies [e.g., 6–9]. While an important review by Rahbek [10] completely reversed the understanding of researchers. There was another more common pattern of species richness along elevation gradients, namely hump-shaped pattern, i.e., species richness first increases, then decreases after the mid-altitude peak, and the maximum diversity occurs below the middle of the elevation gradients [e.g., 11–14].
Numerous hypotheses have been proposed to explain the monotonic or hump-shaped relationship between species richness and elevation, for instance the high productivity at mid-elevation and optimum humidity conditions at mid-elevation [10, 15]. There is also the temperature hypothesis which alludes that an increase in temperature leads to increase in species richness. However, it is also proposed that high elevation species are more sensitive to temperature changes and may become extinct in the event of temperature change [16]. Some researchers have proposed the resource diversity hypothesis where an increase in the diversity of available resources such as soils, leads to an increase in plant diversity [17, 18]. However, the resource diversity hypothesis cannot independently determine species diversity because it is also dependent on rainfall and productivity. Precipitation hypothesis has also been championed by different studies, which reported a positive relationship between species richness and precipitation [19, 20], but it is worth noting that precipitation change is not consistent on different mountains because of the unique weather conditions found in each mountain [21].
There is also the hard boundary hypothesis proposed by Colwell and Hurt [22], which suggests that there is a higher species richness at mid elevation because of the overlapping ecotones and species range. The evolution time and species diversity rate hypothesis suggested that the species richness is higher in the regions with long evolutionary time, and the diversity rate of species in different groups can also lead to the difference of species richness in different regions [23]. In addition, the methods for estimating species diversity would also impact the hump-shaped relationship between species richness and elevation. In the analysis of the altitude gradient pattern of diversity, most studies assume that species are continuously distributed between the upper and lower limits of their distribution, so the number of species at different altitudes can be obtained through the distribution interval of species, thus underestimating the number of species near the upper and lower limits of the study area [24].
Area can directly affect species richness or indirectly by influencing environmental factors which then determine the species richness [25, 26]. In general, the area decreases along elevations in most mountains and this means that species richness would decreases because of the reduced habitat sizes [27]. The species richness and floristic patterns are also impacted by environmental factors which include climatic factors such as precipitation, temperature and solar radiation [28] and soil factors (soil’s chemical and physical properties). These environmental factors always put a physiological restriction to which plants can survive thus limiting the species richness and population sizes [19, 29]. In addition, environmental heterogeneity is recognized as a universal driver of species richness across different spatial scales, for it could increase the available niche space, provision of refuges and opportunities for isolation and divergent adaptation, thus could enhance species coexistence, persistence and diversification for communities [4, 30]. This is a cornerstone of ecology and has been confirmed in many studies, such as plants [31] and animals [32]. However, environmental heterogeneity along elevation gradient is difficult to quantify, and the relationship between species richness and environmental heterogeneity is not simple linear within the gradient range of the study [33]. Therefore, few studies have linked the hump-shaped species richness pattern with environmental heterogeneity along elevation gradient, including exploring the impact of area on environmental heterogeneity, thereby affecting species diversity.
In this paper, we studied the impact of area and environmental heterogeneity on species richness along the elevation gradient of Mount Kenya by considering the three climate factors, annual mean temperature (AMT), annual mean precipitation (AMP), annual total solar radiation (ATSR) and four soil factors, soil organic carbon (SOC), soil total nitrogen (STN), soil extractable phosphorous (SEP), and soil extractable potassium (SEK).