Emission of CO2 since the industrial revolution of 1750 and land use change have increased the amount of atmospheric carbon (C) by 31% (ESA 2000; Lal 2004a). The soil system is the largest reservoir of C pool which is 3.3 times the size of atmospheric C and 4.5 times the size of biotic C pool (Lal, 2005; Lal 2006). African soils have an estimated soil organic carbon (SOC) stock of 166 397*106 tons (0-100cm). This corresponds to 9% of the global SOC stocks and 68% of the terrestrial C pool of Africa (Henry et al., 2009). Ethiopia has an estimated SOC stock of 6459*106 tons (0-100cm) and it is the third largest SOC stocks in East Africa next to Tanzania and Zambia (Henry et al., 2009). However, conversion of natural ecosystem to agriculture in the tropics could cause loss of 75% or more of SOC (Lal, 2005). Increased global C storage through sequestration into aboveground terrestrial biome and belowground stocks are feasible methods for reducing CO2 concentration in the atmosphere (ESA, 2000; Lal 2004a; Lal 2005). Global agricultural and degraded soils have high C sink capacity which could be in the order of 50 to 66% of 42 to 78 gigatons (Gt) of the historic C lost to atmosphere (Lal, 2005). Soils of African continent have an estimated 30% of total global C sequestration potentials (Henry et al., 2009). The SOC sequestration has the potential to increase agricultural production and reduce CO2 concentration in the atmosphere (ESA, 2000; Lal 2004b).
Topography and climate vary along landscape positions and affect SOC sequestration capacity of terrestrial ecosystems. Several studies in Ethiopia have been carried out to quantify effect of vegetation, land uses and climate on SOC concentrations (Wakene, 2001; Dawit et al., 2002; Mulugeta and Fisseha, 2004; Abraha et al., 2012; Kilic et al., 2012; Achalu et al., 2013; Nega and Heluf et al., 2013; Getahun and Bobe, 2015). They compared the effect of conversion of native vegetation to agricultural land uses and reported higher SOC concentration from forests and grasslands compared to arable cropping and grazing land uses. However, they could not make any account of the effect of different land uses under mixed farming systems along topographic elevation over broader landscape positions on SOC stocks and retention rates.
Population pressure has pushed agriculture in Ethiopia to expand into forest on hillsides and slopping lands (Sima et al., 2011). Native vegetation is being changed into arable cropping lands with slight or no conservation measures and there has been a decreasing trend of forest coverage and SOC stocks. From 1990 to 2010 alone, 1.16Gt of C stocks from forest biome and 1.83Gt of SOC stocks were lost at country level (FAO, 2010). Over grazing, fuel woods and production of charcoal, poor governance and land tenure system are some of the underlying causes for depletion of aboveground and belowground C stocks in Ethiopia (Sima et al., 2011). The inherent fragile soil properties coupled with low input agriculture have caused decline in the soil fertility within short term after conversion of marginal lands to agricultural land. Smallholder farmers fallow their field plots for three to four years until the soil fertility has partially restored. During the fallowing, controlled grazing is usually practiced. Land use changes from native vegetation to agriculture and the vice versa are the source and the sink for atmospheric CO2. Land misuses and mismanagements are the source for atmospheric while adoption of restorative land uses and recommended management practices reduces rate of CO2 emission to atmosphere, improve food security, water quality and the environment (Lal, 2004a). Alley cropping system (Oelbermann et al., 2004), coffee garden and agroforestry systems (Xavier and Mendo, 2011; Hombegowda et al., 2015), farm forestry and agroforestry systems (Prasad et al., 2012; Murthy et al., 2013), conversion of pasture and grazing land to sugarcane plantation and silvo-pasture (Junior et al., 2012; Ensinas et al., 2015), soybean and maize intercropping (Junior et al., 2012) and preservation of vegetal biomass of sugarcane sequester C and increase SOC stocks.
Traditional land use systems across various ecological regions and elevation gradients are practiced in Ethiopia since immemorial (Bishaw et al., 2013). Traditional smallholder and oxen drawn arable cropping, Eucalyptus and coffee agroforestry, woodlots, protected forest, fallowing, grassland systems and mechanized sugarcane plantation are some among many mixed land use systems practiced in the humid tropical Western Ethiopia. The indigenous and traditional land use systems could be restorative land use systems compared to continuous cropping with limited inputs and biomass return to the soil system. The indigenous but traditional land use systems have been practiced for centuries and could be stable systems that could reduce CO2 emission and positively impact food production, income generation, livelihoods and energy sources (Bishaw et al., 2013). Mechanized irrigated sugarcane plantation was recently introduced into Didessa watershed. However, there is scarcity of available research information on the effect of indigenous land uses and mechanized irrigated land use systems practiced along toposequence on SOC stocks and retentions on intermediate to highly weathered soils of humid tropical Western Ethiopia. Thus, the dynamics of SOC stocks and rates of retention in indigenous land use systems, and mechanized irrigated sugarcane plantation along elevation gradient forming land use catena are lacking in the horn of Africa in general and Ethiopia in particular.
Therefore, the objectives of this research were to quantify SOC stocks and retention rates of indigenous land uses systems, recently introduced modern mechanized irrigated sugarcane production system in sequestering SOC stocks and retention rates in humid tropical environment of Western Ethiopia. We hypothesized that indigenous land uses of mixed farming systems along elevation gradients were more efficient restorative systems of sequestering atmospheric CO2 compare with modern mechanized cropping system and their efficiencies vary along elevation gradients.