A conceptual framework for the study consists of identifying factors defining major aspects of vulnerability of household incurring catastrophic health expenditures. There are two major perspectives on vulnerability 1) it is a pre-existing condition and focuses on potential exposure to hazards 2) all individuals and groups are exposed to hazards are not equally vulnerable, rather display differential loss which depend on the coping mechanism or ability to cope.
Pre-existing condition is poverty for the population studied. Individuals or households from this population who incur catastrophic expenditures are primary units to be studied.
Note – review of methodology
Retrospective data was collected on Out-of-Pocket expenditure incurred by a household during the last 365 days prior to the survey. Data was also collected on total household expenditure incurred during the last 365 days prior to the survey including food and nonfood expenditure. The data was collected from the period of December 2017 – July 2018.
The study findings are based on data collected from 426 households from 20 urban slums of Jaipur City. The sample size was determined by taking prevalence of catastrophic health expenditure to be 15 percent,, at 95 percent confidence interval with 5 percent precision andthe design effect of 2.
Primary data was collected with the help of android based mobile application ODK. Structured schedules were used for conducting the interviews.
Based on previous studies …………dependent factors were catastrophic health expenditure and coping mechanism. Independent factors were type of services availed, composition of household, income of the household, number of earning members, type of household unit, sex of the head of the family, and literacy levelof the head of the family.
Binomial logistic regression predicts the probability that an observation falls into one of two categories of a dichotomous dependent variable based on one or more independent variables that can be either continuous or categorical. The specification of the determinants model is as follows –
To determine the factors which force households to incur CHE following equation is used –
log [Pij/1-Pij] = β0 + β1jAPij + β2jCBij + β3jOPij + β4jIPij + β5jRIij + β6jSij + β7jIij + β8jU5ij + β9jUAij + β10jOij + β11jFij + β12jOij + β13jEMij + + β14jSEij + β15jOWij + β16jHIij + β17jWEij + β18jSAij + β19jCAij + β20jUNij + β20jUNij + β21jILij + β22jSEij + β23jTEij + β24jSPij + ε2ij
Where the dependent variable is the log odds that household iwill incur CHE, alternative j (j = 0) relative to alternative 1, where alternative 1 is incurred CHE, 0 is not incurred CHE. The alternate 1 is taken as the baseline category or the reference category.
For this study, Binomial logistic regression was conducted to determine factors that force a household to incur catastrophic health expenditure and factors that compel a household to cope with health expenditure with borrowings and/or by selling assets. reason
In the above model, M is the number of males in the family, AP is ANC/PNC services availed, CB is childbirth services Availed, OP is out-patient services availed, IP is in-patient services availed (present or deceased member), R is household possess ration card, S is size of the household, I is income of the household, U5 is number of under 5 years children in family, UA is the number of unmarried adolescents in family, O is the number of old in the family, F is married reproductive females in the Family, EM is the number of earning members in the family, SE is sex of head of the family, OW is household lives in owned unit, HI is household lives in hired unit, WE is head of the household work in household enterprise, SA is head of the household regularly salaried/pensioner, CA is head of the household work as casual worker, UN is head of the household presently unemployed, IL is head of the household illiterate, SE is head of the household educated secondary or above, TE is household is temporary structure, and SP is household is semi permanent structure.
The βs vary by type of alternative and represent the net effects of the independent variables on the probabilities of choosing the coping mechanism. The term ε2 represents unobserved determinants of coping mechanism choice and is assumed to be independently distributed.
Factors forcing households to incur CHE
Coping mechanism refers to choices to fund the healthcare expenditure. To identify the factors that determine the choices of a coping mechanism following equation is used –
log[Pij/1-Pij] = β0 + β1jSij + β2jEMij + β3jU5ij + β4jUAij + β5jOij + β6jAPij + β7jCBij + β8jOPij + β9jIPij + β10jTHEij + β11jIij + β12jCAij + β13jUNij + β14jHHij + ε2ij
Where the dependent variable is the log odds that household i will choose coping mechanism alternative j (j = 1) relative to alternative 2 for the health expenditure, where alternative 2 is a loan or borrowed money or selling assets, 1 is either current income, or savings or aid from relatives. The alternate 2 is taken as the baseline category or the reference category because it is with the smallest frequency.
In the above model, S is size of the family, EM is the number of earning members in the family, U5 is number of under 5 year children in family, UA is number of unmarried adolescents, O is the number of old in the Family, AP is ANC/PNC health services availed, CB is childbirth services availed, OP is out-patient services availed, IP is in-patient services availed (including deceased members), THE is total health expenditure, I is family income, CA is head of the households casual worker compared to head of the household salaried, UN is head of the households unemployed compared to head of the household casual worker, and HH is head of the households work in household enterprise compared to head of the household salaried.
The βs vary by type of alternative and represent the net effects of the independent variables on the probabilities of choosing the coping mechanism. The term ε2 represents unobserved determinants of coping mechanism choice and is assumed to be independently distributed.