Study setting
Guangzhou is the capital city of Guangdong province, an economically developed province in south China. Tianhe district, where this study was conducted, was the pilot site where free PAC services were offered in public hospitals.
Study design
A cross-sectional survey was conducted in Tianhe district of Guangzhou during the period of June to September 2018. All those women who had experienced at least once IA in the selected public hospitals were included in the study. However, we excluded women who were unable to speak or listen and those with psychiatric disorder. Women who left missing data in the questionnaire were also excluded.
Sample size determination
The sample size was determined by using the single population proportion based on the following assumptions, based on 50% level of significance with a 5% margin error and the expected proportion of women utilizing PAC of 57.4%[12].
The total sample size was 431 women, taking into account 15% non-response.
Sampling procedure
Three public hospitals in Tianhe district that provided PAC services on a pilot basis were included in the study. The average number of PAC users was estimated according to the recent quarterly report of patients flow in each hospital. We used a systematic random sampling approach to select participants. The number of participants from each hospital was determined based on population proportion to size. Thus the number of participants was 156, 127 and 148 from the first, second and third hospital respectively.
Data collection
Data were collected using an anonymous structured questionnaire. The development of the questionnaire was informed by existing literature on PAC utilization. The questionnaire was reviewed by experts in reproductive medicine and clinical epidemiology from China. After the pilot test, the questionnaire was revised accordingly, covering the following information: 1) socio-demographic characteristics, such as age, marital status, education, employment status, income and migrant characteristics; 2) reproductive history such as parity, previous IAs, number of living children; 3) contraceptive and reproductive health knowledge such as knowing how soon fertility returns and the time of getting pregnant again, uptake and method of contraception; 4) other related variables such as husband’/partner’ attitude on contraceptive use and decision maker on receiving contraception.
All participants were interviewed face-to-face after obtaining written permission. They were assured of their confidentiality of their identity and responses. The data collection phase was completed with the help of seven post-graduate female nurses. They were trained for two days by the principal investigator covering interview techniques, quality control, completeness of information and research ethics. All completed questionnaires were checked for completeness and consistency.
Statistical analysis
The primary data was entered into the Epidata 3.1 before being exported to SPSS 20.0. Categorical variables were presented as counts and proportions. Chi-square test was used to assess differences of socio-demographic characteristics, reproductive history, reproductive health knowledge and other related factors between abortion patients who utilized PAC services and those who did not. The binary logistic regression was employed to explore possible factors associated with PAC utilization in the univariate analysis. Then the multivariate logistic regression, using step-wise method, was further employed to adjust for potential confounding factors and identify factors that were significantly associated with PAC utilization. Results were presented as ORs with 95% CIs. A p value<0.05 was considered statistically significant in the analysis.
The study protocol was approved by the Research Ethics Board of Southern Medical University, China. All participants provided written informed consent before being interviewed.