Carriage of S. aureus in a population that is otherwise considered as healthy has shown global variation. Previous studies have revealed colonization prevalence ranging between 20%-40%, which is reported as the prevalence limit in literature, in different study populations (Chambers & Deleo, 2009; Sivaraman et al., 2009). In this study, the prevalence of nasal, phone and pen colonization fell within the range of 20-40%. Similar results have also been reported by other studies which focused on college students in Tanzania (Okamo et al., 2016), China (Du et al., 2011), Nepal (Ansari et al., 2016) as well as the general population in Nigeria (Onanuga & Temedie, 2011), Gabon (Schaumburg et al., 2011), Brazil (Pires et al., 2014), Northern Manhattan (Miller et al., 2009) and Mexico (Hamdan-Partida et al., 2010). On the contrary, other published reports have indicated prevalences outside the 20-40% limit. A study conducted on healthy volunteers in Tunisia reported a nasal colonization prevalence of 13% (Ben Slama et al., 2011) while another study focused on a remote population in Guiana reported a colonization prevalence of 57.8% (Ruimy et al., 2008). As reported by Onanuga & Temedie (2011), these variations in the prevalence of nasal colonization could be linked to the characteristics of study populations. Therefore, the high prevalence of colonization observed on nasal cavities and phones could be attributed to specific aspects of this study’s participants.
In the present study, a prevalence of MRSA (11.3%) was found among a healthy population of university students aged between 18-30 years in Central Kenya. The MRSA strains were detected using cefoxitin (30 μg) discs, which, according to Rasheed & Ahmed (2010), is an alternative method to PCR in the detection of MRSA strains. So far in Kenya, this is the first study to present results on the prevalence of MRSA among healthy university students residing within institution-based residence halls. Other recent studies like (Zakai, 2015) have reported a higher MRSA prevalence (18.7%) among student populations in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia while others, Okamo et al. (2016) in Tanzania and Kitti et al. (2011) in Thailand, have reported very low prevalences of 0.3% and 1% respectively. These reports indicate the varied prevalence of MRSA strains in student populations. Even though other reports reveal MRSA prevalence that is as low as 1%, Kitti et al. (2011), the prevalence remains higher in different populations in other areas, thus posing a serious public health issue due to frequent contact with colonized individuals (Zakai, 2015). Based on the results reported by Kitti et al. (2011) (an MRSA prevalence of 1% in a student population), it could be possible that non-exposure to MRSA may result in reduced risks of MRSA colonization. It can be speculated that continued exposure to MRSA colonized environments may result in an increased risk of MRSA colonization. In addition, considering the case of this study where significantly high chances of MRSA colonization were reported in particular residence halls, it could be possible that other students visiting these residence halls would be increasing their risk for MRSA colonization.
Antimicrobial resistance phenotypes
This study established that MRSA strains were more likely to display multi-drug resistance compared to MSSA strains, a finding which has also been reported by Gupta et al. (2013) in India. Among the published studies done in Kenya (all of which focused on clinical isolates), none reported this property among the MRSA strains. Therefore, this study highlights crucial findings regarding the circulation of multi-drug resistant MRSA and MSSA strains among a healthy student population. Given the fact that S. aureus is transmitted via direct or indirect person-to-person contact, there is the possibility of an increased prevalence of multi-drug resistant MRSA and MSSA strains among the student population, which is a worrisome scenario. It is also worth noting that the multi-drug resistance property renders multi-drug resistant strains as one of the most intractable pathogenic organisms in the history of antibiotic therapy. Therefore, the circulation of these multi-drug resistant S. aureus among students presents a challenge to the management of Staphylococcal infections that may develop, particularly in regards to acquiring effective antibiotics, which may be expensive.
Carriage of mecA gene
Molecular analysis in this study showed that the S. aureus isolates were genetically diverse. A majority of the MRSA strains carried the mecA gene, while none of the MSSA strains carried this gene (Table 4-6). Among the studies done in Kenya, carriage of the mecA gene has been reported among the MRSA strains. In their study, Maina et al. (2013) reported that all the MRSA strains harbored the mecA gene, and similar to this study, none of the MSSA strains were found to harbor this gene. In a recent study conducted in Zambia, all the MRSA were found to harbor the mecA gene (Samutela et al., 2017). Similar to this study also, a majority of MRSA (90.2%) strains carried mecA gene, while 9.8% were negative for the gene in a study conducted in Sudan (Elhassan etal., 2015). According to available literature, the presence of the mecA gene forms the basis of resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics (Murakami et al., 1991; Sharma et al., 1998; Wongwanich et al., 2000). Therefore, basing on suggestions by the majority of researchers in this field, the mecA gene was linked to cefoxitin resistance among the mecA-positive isolates recovered in this study. Other genetic elements may also be considered for the explanation of cefoxitin-resistance mechanisms (Elhassan et al., 2015). Hence, the basis of cefoxitin-resistance among the mecA-negative MRSA isolates characterized in this study could be attributed to two possible reasons. Firstly, the hyperproduction of β-lactamases, as described by Olanyika et al., (2009) and secondly, development of specific alterations in the variable amino acids found in the PBPs cascades as highlighted by (Ba et al., 2014).
Diversity of SCCmec elements
Screening of all the S. aureus isolates for the presence of SCCmec elements revealed the existence of SCCmecV as the most prevalent mec type, followed closely by SCCmecII, then SCCmecI and lastly, SCCmecIII, which was only present in three isolates. Contrary to the clinical isolates recovered in Kenya, the non-clinical isolates examined in this study did not harbor any of the SCCmecIV types. SCCmecV has been shown to be of small molecular size, and this could be the possible reason for its high prevalence among isolates recovered in this study (Omuse et al., 2016). No other published study done in Kenya with similar findings was found. Previously, SCCmecIV has been reported to circulate highly in community settings, possibly because of its small size, which renders it more mobile and thus can be inserted into multiple S. aureus lineages (Omuse et al., 2016; Tong et al., 2012). It was unclear why none of the isolates recovered in this study harbored SCCmecIV.
The prevalence of SCCmecI was high among the MRSA strains compared to MDR strains. This observation was not unique to this study since SCCmecI is known to encode solely for resistance to β-lactam antimicrobials (Deurenberg et al., 2007). The prevalence of SCCmecII was found to be high among the MDRs compared to MRSA strains. Also, this observation was not unique to the present study because the SCCmecII cassettes are determinants of antimicrobial multi-resistance. The SCCmecII cassette carries additional genes for drug resistance, which are integrated into plasmids (pI258, pUB110 and pT181) and a transposon (Tn554) (Deurenberg et al., 2007). Similar to SCCmecII, the prevalence of SCCmecV was found to be slightly higher among the MDRs than MRSAs by 1%. SCCmecII (as stated before) determines antimicrobial multi-resistance, while SCCmecV encodes for resistance to β-lactam antimicrobials. The high numbers of SCCmecV strains, which were also found to be MDRs, could be attributed possibly to the fact that half the population of MDRs carried both SCCmecII and V in their genomes.
Multiple SCCmec elements
In this study, carriage of multiple SCCmec elements was reported on several occasions. Maina et al. made a similar observation in Kenya, where a single isolate was found to carry both SCCmec I and II. Almost half of the MRSA strains analyzed in the present study carried SCCmecII and SCCmecV compared to those that carried SCCmecI and SCCmecV (11.5%), SCCmecI and SCCmecIII (7.7%) and SCCmecII and SCCmecV (3.9%). Half the proportion of MDRs carried SCCmecII and SCCmecV. Characteristically, this study established that the SCCmecII and SCCmecV combination was more prevalent among the MRSA and MDR strains, and therefore, a likely genotypic characteristic of MRSA strains that are also MDRs. More studies could also be done to ascertain the prevalence of the existence of this combination of SCCmec elements among MRSA strains that are also MDRs.
Variants of SCCmec elements
In the present study, two MSSA strains were also found to carry SCCmecI. Additionally, among the mecA-negative MRSA strains, six carried SCCmecII, five carried SCCmecV while only a single isolate carried SCCmecIII. None of the previously published studies done in Kenya reported a similar finding. This finding was unclear, though other research reports demonstrated the existence of similar observations (Chlebowicz et al., 2010; Donnio et al., 2005; International Working Group on the Classification of Staphylococcal Cassette Chromosome Elements (IWG-SCC), 2009; Shore et al., 2014; Vandendriessche et al., 2014; Wong et al., 2010). Donnio et al. (2005) characterized MSSA strains, which had the IS431: pUB110: IS431::dcs structure (SCCmec-associated elements), but did not carry mecA and ccrAB. Wong et al. (2010) characterized seven isolates, which resembled USA100 and carried SCCmecII but not mecA. For the two MSSA isolates that carried SCCmecI, it could be possible that the isolates lost the methicillin-resistant phenotype due to partial excision of the SCCmec Stamper et al. (2011). On the other hand, the mecA-negative MRSA carrying the various SCCmec types retained their methicillin-resistant phenotype possibly due to other genetic factors, which have been described previously in this context.