Description of continuous kangaroo mother care as intervention
The following steps will be taken to initiate the introduction of C-KMC:
- Identifying the roles of individuals and training them in the necessary issues.
- Compiling instructions and forms in the process of getting ready for C-KMC administration.
- Preparing the physical space for C-KMC and ablution facilities, as well as acquiring furniture (e.g. beds and lockers or wardrobes) and organizing catering services to provide meals for mothers.
Once the KMC ward is prepared, the implementation of C-KMC will include the following:
- The pediatrician will identify infants eligible for C-KMC.
- Mothers will be counselled on how to do C-KMC including skin-to-skin care, breastfeeding and the requirements for follow-up care after discharge from the hospital.
- Mothers will be allowed to freely move, watch TV, study and do other activities of interest.
As part of the implementation, the research group will identify the strengths and weaknesses of the program and make the necessary adjustments and revisions to establish C-KMC as routine practice in the KMC ward.
Phase 1 of the study will investigate the challenges and barriers to the introduction of C-KMC in line with the first stage of the stages-of-change model. Participants at this stage will include mothers with preterm neonates, nurses, midwives, managers, and health policy makers who are associated with the neonatal ward where C-KMC is to be implemented. They will be selected through purposeful sampling to participate in focus group discussions and individual interviews. Sampling will continue until the data is saturated, i.e. no new information is obtained[20].
Participants for the focus groups will be health care providers and managers allocated to homogeneous groups (e.g. nurses or doctors only) and heterogeneous groups (e.g. health officials, hospital directors, nursing services managers, nurses and doctors in the same group). This will enable the evaluation of challenges, obstacles and opportunities for improvement from various perspectives. Mothers will be interviewed individually with a view to identifying their special needs.
Phase 2 of the study will include two groups of premature neonates as study participants: those that received C-KMC (intervention) and those that did not receive C-KMC (control). The sample size in this part of the study was determined according to the criteria used in the study conducted by Mishra et al[21]. For the days of stay in hospital (m1 = 14, SD1 = 7, m2 = 12, and SD2 = 6), α= 0.05 β= 0.2 , the sample size was determined to be 102 people in each group. The total sample size was estimated to be 204 participants. The ratio of the intervention to control group will be 1 to 1.
Inclusion criteria for neonates in both groups are birth weight ≥ 1200 grams, stable condition, spontaneous breathing (no need for CPAP / ventilator), no oxygen therapy, ability to feed by tube or directly from the breast, and absence of maternal disease (e.g. active tuberculosis and severe maternal depression and anxiety). All infants included in this phase of the study would have received intermittent KMC in the NICU. For the intervention group, an additional inclusion criterion is pediatrician permission to initiate C-KMC.
Exclusion criteria include neonates with problems such as hypothermia (despite efforts to keep the baby warm), seizure, breathing problems (apnea, chest retraction, grunting, nasal flaring, and cyanosis), drowsiness (excessive sleep or reduced activity), and jaundice requiring phototherapy along with an unstable condition. In addition, maternal unwillingness to practice C-KMC will also be an exclusion criterion.
Data collection and measurements
Phase 1 (introduction of C-KMC) will include qualitative focus group and individual interviews that will be conducted with an interview guide with a few predetermined questions, followed by open-ended, in-depth exploratory questions relating to the barriers to C-KMC. Every interview will have a moderator and an administrator. All interviews will be audio-recorded with the participants’ permission and will last between 45 minutes and one hour. Interviews will take place in a private hospital room.
The standardized tool developed from Bergh et al.’s stages-of-change model will be used to monitor the implementation progress of C-KMC. This tool has 18 sections, of which some are completed by health personnel and some are completed as part of the observation of the unit and the C-KMC implementation process. The tool uses a scoring system with a maximum of 30 points. The score obtained by a hospital indicates the status of the hospital in terms of implementing C-KMC. Obtaining a score more than 10 indicates that the hospital is on track with implementing C-KMC. A score of more than 17 indicates that the hospital is on the track with providing routine C-KMC, whereas a score of more than 24 indicates that the care has been institutionalized and is moving towards the stage of sustaining practice[18].
Phase 2 (evaluating the effectiveness of C-KMC) will employ a researcher-developed questionnaire (data collection sheet) as data collection tool. Possible items to be included in the questionnaire are listed in Table 2. The questionnaire will be sent to 10 pediatricians, nursing faculty members, midwives and nurses working in the neonatal intensive care unit to assess content validity. Their comments will be accommodated in the final version of the tool.
Data analysis
Phase 1. Focus group and individual interviews will be transcribed verbatim and transcriptions will be read and re-read several times to identify meaningful units to be coded and from which themes will be extracted and categorized. MAXQDA10 software will be used for doing qualitative content analysis according to a conventional approach[22]. Four criteria – credibility, reliability, conformability, and transferability – will be applied to increase the trustworthiness of qualitative findings[23].
Data derived from the progress-monitoring tool will be analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively.
Phase 2. Quantitative data obtained from the completed data collection sheet will be analyzed with SPSS version 24 software to generate descriptive and inferential statistics. Participants in the C-KMC and non-C-KMC groups will be matched for gestational age and sex. For data with a normal distribution, the paired t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient, and ANOVA will be used; for paired nominal data, McNemar’s test will be used.