The present study assessed the lung function in two groups of asthmatic patients with and without AATD and showed significantly lower FVC (%) values in AATD patients vs. subjects without AATD. Furthermore, we showed that the values of the RV/TLC ratio in AATD patients were significantly higher vs. subjects without AATD. Although these results should be interpreted with caution, they allow some speculation regarding the pathophysiology of pulmonary dysfunction in asthmatic patients affected by AATD. It is known that connective tissue destruction and pulmonary hyperinflation are the result of a protease-antiprotease imbalance and of proteolytic degradation of elastin and other extracellular matrix components of the respiratory tract by neutrophil elastase and other proteases, whose activity is unopposed and enhanced because of AATD in the pulmonary parenchyma and airways. Therefore, the significant differences observed in our spirometry-derived parameters FVC and RV/TLC ratio suggest primarily an insufflation component that probably represents a very early measurement of the airway obstruction in asthmatic patients with AATD.
The RV/TLC ratio has received little emphasis in studies focusing on pulmonary dysfunction in AATD subjects, while other lung function-related parameters have been taken into consideration: Vance et al.14 demonstrated a reduction in FEV1 and FEV1/FVC ratio, and an increased total pulmonary resistance in PI*MZ subjects compared to PI*MM control subjects. Other studies showed a decline in FEV1 and KCO values in a group of AATD patients with PI*MZ genotype not receiving any augmentation therapy.7
While FEV1 values can indicate large airway obstructions, FEV3 and FEV6 values could better reflect smaller airway obstructions, and be a more sensitive measure to diagnose early airway obstruction.15
Our data suggest that the increased inflammation in asthmatic patients with AATD causes a more evident and early dysfunction and narrowing in the small airways, where FEV3 and FEV6 values were significantly lower compared to asthmatic non carrier patients. A study has recently suggested that the AAT protein plays relevant immune-modulating functions and might affect eosinophils, further explaining the occurrence of asthma in subjects with AATD.16 On the other hand, no significant difference in R5-R20 values has been found. This may suggest that damage to elastic tissue in patients with AATD could be better revealed through spirometric evaluations of small airways performed with forced maneuvers compared to resting evaluations such as oscillometric measurements, because of the collapsibility of small airways.
Lutfi et al.17 found that FEV3 and FEV6 are accurate and reliable alternatives to FVC in assessment of airway obstruction in asthmatic patients. Previous studies in young adults revealed through the oscillometry method an increased total pulmonary resistance in MZ subjects vs. the MM control group.18, 19
The analysis of the results obtained by grouping the patients according to their PI* genotype revealed that 50% and 41% of AATD asthmatic subjects had a PI*MS and PI*MZ genotype, respectively.
The prevalence in our data of deficient S and Z alleles and the prevalence of heterozygous forms are consistent with literature data. In more detail, the presence of S allele has been associated both with a high risk of non–specific bronchial hyperresponsiveness, and with a higher asthmatic disease vs. the general population.20,21 Other studies showed a greater asthma severity in children and adolescents when associated to Z allele in the heterozygous form.22 Eden et al. found a three-fold higher prevalence of asthma in the PI*MZ group vs. the PI*ZZ group.23
We found SAD and pulmonary insufflation not only among the groups of asthmatic patients classified as mutation carriers and non carriers, but also when we split the population in relation to the PI*MS and PI*MZ genotypes compared to the PI*MM genotype. In addition, we did not find any significant difference in lung function test results between the PI*MS and the PI*MZ AATD genotypes; the only difference concerned the AAT protein concentration.
We did not find any significant difference in FEV1, FEV1/FVC, TLC and KCO values between PI*MS asthmatic patients and PI*MM patients, consistently with Miravitlles et al..9 However, our data showed a significant difference between the mean values of the RV/TLC ratio in the two groups of patients mentioned above, a parameter not measured by Miravitlles et al.
None of our 57 patients was an active smoker at the time of enrollment in the study. Five subjects out of the 22 AATD patients were former smokers (23%) and eight subjects out of the 35 patients without AATD were former smokers (23%). There was no statistically significant difference in the AATD patients and the PI*MM subjects with reference to their smoking habits. Finally, in the group of asthmatic patients with AATD, the RV/TLC ratio correlates significantly with the years of smoking; this correlation is not significant in the 35 asthmatic patients without AATD. These results highlight an increased risk for impaired lung function related to cigarette smoke exposure in asthmatic patients with AATD compared to asthmatic subjects without AATD.
Study limits are represented by the low number of subjects and consequently by the low percentage of former smokers in the group of mutation carriers (23%). This percentage reflects the rate of former smokers in the general asthmatic population, ranging from 22–43%, as reported in literature.24 It is well known that smoking not only potentiates lung injury, but also reduces the antiprotease activity of the AAT protein by approximately 2,000 times,25 making it an important and avoidable player in the development of emphysema. Molloy et al. obtained similar results for COPD disease.26