1.1 Exergaming group
All 10 participants diagnosed with stroke who were randomly assigned to the gaming group accomplished the 5 sessions according to the protocol and completed the assigned clinical tests. The COP analysis excluded missing data of one participant. However, the participant completed all clinical tests and accomplished the game therapy successfully, thus was not excluded from the study.
1.1.1 Center of pressure area
Results of the calculated COP area for each exergame per session are presented in Table 1. We removed the data of the participant nr. 7 (however, the participant finished the entire protocol) for the FruitCatcher game due to unreliable recordings. We calculated the COP area with the ellipse covering the 95% of the data assessed. Data were averaged over the participants for each exergame and session separately. The mean values and the standard deviation values are presented in the Table 1. The decreasing regression line (Figure 5) demonstrated a potentially gradual decrease of COP area and thus smaller range of motion reflecting in the improved balance capabilities. The regression line in the Animal hurdler game was the steepest, indicating the greatest impact on the COP and dynamic balance.
The effects of different games on the COP area during balance training through the sessions were examined. Prior to the repeated measures analysis of variances (ANOVA) a Mauchly's test of sphericity (27) indicated that the assumption of sphericity in the data had been violated, χ2 = 45.599, p < 10-4. Therefore the Greenhouse-Geisser correction was applied to the degrees of freedom (df) for the F-distribution (e = 0.456). The effects within subjects were calculated with the repeated measures ANOVA after the corrections had been made. Corrections had no effect on sum of squares or the F, but affected df and the p-value. We found the changes in COP area (Figure 5) thought the sessions statistically insignificant (p = 0.222). Additionally the interaction effect between time and the exergame was also found insignificant (p = 0.114). However, the Tukey HSD post-hoc test found statistically significant differences between the exergames AnimalHurdler and FruitCatcher, AnimalHurdler and HorseRider (p < 0.003). But statistically insignificant differences were found in the mean COP area between the exergames FruitCatcher and HorseRider (p = 0.088).
1.1.2 Success in gaming
The total points achieved in particular exergames were not comparable to each other. Comparison of total points achieved was carried out between the sessions for each particular exergame.
The overview of total points achieved in the AnimalHurdler shows that the participants successfully accomplished the game in the last 2 sessions with 26% higher score (Figure 6). The detailed analysis of the median and interquartile range demonstrated large variation of the results (the score range 100-3500, p = 0.306), however, the median values showed higher score at the end () of the exergaming. In the 4th session we have noticed sample skewness.
In the FruitCatcher exergame the participants achieved 8%, 10% higher mean score at the 4th (mean 2438 points) and 5th session (mean 2460 points, p = 0.458), respectively. The analysis of the median values (Figure 6), the distribution of the score and interquartile range demonstrated that participants had been able to accomplish the game successfully with equal score even at the session 2 (mean 2316 point) and 3 (mean 2303 points). The outcomes of the FruitCatcher game for the session 1 were corrupt or missing for 3 participants, thus we considered the score for this session invalid.
On the other hand the results of the HorseRider exergame show that participants were able to achieve high score even at the session 1 (mean 3071 points) or at the session 4 (mean 3060 points). The median value of the total points dropped at the sessions 2 and 3 and the 1.5 x interquartile range demonstrated a large variation in total game score, particularly in session 3. However, the mean values at HorseRider game slightly dropped at the session 2 (mean 2832 points) and was higher in the session 3 (mean 2945 points) and session 5 (mean 2990 points, p = 0.268).
1.1.3 Clinical outcomes
The balance, postural and mobility tests FSST, TUG and MWT demonstrated functional improvements (Table 2); the FSST failed the Bartlett (c2 = 27.79) homogeneity of variances test and the Wilcoxon’s test found significant functional improvement after the training (mean 13.21s vs 10.24s, p = 0.009, U3 = 0.9). Additionally, the test found that 9 participants improved their FSST and only 1 did not. The positive changes of the 10 MWT test (mean 8.76s vs 7.14s, c2 = 23.69) were found significant (p = 0.008, U3 = 0.9). Nine participants improved their MWT time, but the MWT did not improve neither was worse for 1 participant. The Wilcoxon’s test was also used for TUG (c2 = 25.19) and despite 8 participants improved their TUG and 2 did not, the changes were not statistically significant (mean 9.56s vs 8.46s, p = 0.092). However, the effect size was still rather large (Z = -1.68, U3 = 0.7).
CTSIB performance with eyes open improved after the training for 2 participants and remained the same for the rest and were not sensitive due to the ceiling effect in majority of participants (mean 38.83s vs 43.52s; c2 = Inf, p = 0.18). In STOLL test with eyes closed (mean 1.61s vs 4.62s, c2 = 14.12, p = 0.093) 5 participants improved their results, 3 did not and 2 achieved the same results as before the exergaming. Four participants were more successful in STORL with eyes closed, 4 were not and 2 participants achieved the same results as before the exergaming, although the changes were not statistically significant (mean 3.92s vs 2.82s, c2 = 29.62, p = 0.674).
The outcomes of the ROM test (Table 2) with eyes open could be also neglected due to the ceiling effect of the majority of the participants (mean 44.33s vs 43.75s, c2 = inf, p = 0.317). However, the changes in ROM test with eyes closed (mean 36.79s vs 41.49s) were significant over time (ANOVA p = 0.046, c2 = 5.11), but there was no effect size due to the ceiling effect (U3 = 0.5). The sROM test with eyes closed indicated minor changes in time (19.65s vs 18.96s, p = 0.969, c2 = 2.14, U3 = 0.6). The sROM with eyes opened indicated successful training for 3 participants, while the other participants achieved the ceiling results (mean 34.56s vs 42.11s, p = 0.369, c2 = 6.53).
1.2 Conventional rehabilitation group
All 10 participants diagnosed with stroke were randomly assigned to the control group and accomplished the additional exercises sessions according to the protocol and accomplished all clinical tests.
1.2.1 Clinical outcomes
The participants in the control group accomplished the TUG and MWT mobility and balance tests (15.18s vs 12.17s and 12.34s vs 9.82s) faster after the training and the results were confirmed statistically significant (Table 3) by Wilcoxon’s test (c2 = 25.19, p = 0.011 and c2 = 23.69, p = 0.008, respectively). Nine participants improved their MWT time. Eight participants improved their TUG time, 1 failed to do so and 1 remained with the same result. However, the group mean time did not improve in FSST (12.75s vs 14.50s, p = 0.575).
On the CTSIB with eyes open (Table 3) the additional training had practically no effect (43.50s vs 45s, p = 0.317, U3 = 0.5) due to the ceiling effect of the majority of the participants. Larger effect was achieved with eyes closed (29.13s vs 34.77s, p = 0.341, U3 = 0.3). Positive but minor changes in STORL with eyes open and STOLL with closed eyes were not statistically significant (Table 3), p = 0.753, p = 0.273, respectively.
The ROM test with eyes closed demonstrated large effect size (26.46s vs 40.29s, U3 = 0.2) and significant changes in time ANOVA p = 0.046, c2 = 5.108). The sROM tests with eyes open and closed demonstrated minor changes within the control group (Table 3) and time effect was statistically insignificant (p > 0.369, c2 < 6.53).
1.3 Differences between the groups
The differences in age, time since stroke, affected side and MMSE were statistically analyzed for 20 participants randomized into 2 groups. The variances were assumed equal (Leven’s Test) for gender and time since stroke variables, therefore t-test assuming unequal variances was used. We found minor and statistically insignificant differences between the two groups of participants (Table 4).
Despite the gaming group demonstrated significant progress in motor and balance tests MWT (p = 0.008) and FSST (p = 0.009), but not also gait test TUG (p = 0.092), the outcomes were not significantly different (p > 0.05, Man-Whitney U Test) from the control-group in any of these tests (Figure 7).
Standing on the right leg with eyes closed (STORL EC) demonstrated significant differences between the groups (p = 0.035, Man-Whitney U Test, Figure 8), but medium effect size (U3 = 0.3).
Practically no statistically significant differences between the gaming group and control group were found in tests performed with eyes open (ROM EO, sROM EO, STOL(R)L EO and CTSIB EO). Mean values between the groups were found different in ROM EC and sROM EO tests, but differences in these tests between the gaming and control group were statistically insignificant (ANOVA group effect p = 0.206, 0.319, respectively). Statistically significant differences between the participants in gaming and control groups were found only in sROM (p = 0.05, c2 = 2.15, ANOVA) and STORL (p = 0.035, c2 = 29.63 Man-Whitney U Test) tests, both performed with closed eyes.. These tests demonstrated also small to medium effect sizes, U3 = 0.4 and 0.3, respectively (Figure 8).