In previous studies evaluating RE with Ho-166 and introducing it into clinical practice, different injection methods and delivery sets were used. In an early feasibility study, microspheres were injected through a custom-made delivery set by injecting 15–20 ml of saline solution [17]. At that time, no proprietary delivery set for PLLA microspheres was available. In a later animal study and in the HEPAR I dose escalation study, pulsatile injection was done with a contrast media/saline mixture to provide constant control over the microsphere flow [18, 12, 19]. Currently, the manufacturer recommends to flush PLLA microspheres from the vial with saline solution, with intermittent injection of contrast media to check the arterial flow, through a proprietary delivery set [16, 14].
In a study comparing the prediction of lung shunting by HSD and MAA, the same injection method as in the HEPAR I dose escalation study with a mixture of contrast media/saline was used, but no residual activity values are reported [6]. In the HSD safety study a mean residual activity of 8.7% was detected (prescribed activities 105–326 MBq Ho-166; administered activities 103–313 MBq Ho-166) [7]. In the mentioned studies, injections were performed with 2.4 F or 2.7 F microcatheters (Progreat, Terumo, Japan) [4]. Compared with RE, a simplified injection method for HSD procedures is now recommended, during which injection is done solely through the V-vial [15]. Surprisingly, after the first two HSD procedures performed with this technique in our institution, we detected very high residual activities of 17.3% and 31.2% in the delivery sets (HSD-01 and HSD-02, Table 1). Further ex-vivo evaluations performed with the simplified injection method showed even higher residual activities of up to 44.1% (HSD-04). In the clinical, in-vivo cases in our study, it was still possible to see in which liver segments activity distribution occurred, but absolute quantification would be impaired. Relevant proportions of the microspheres were transferred to the patient during later injection cycles, at a point when the interventionalist may assume that he is just flushing lines and catheters before removal (Fig. 6, method A). With a change of the injection method to resemble the method used for RE procedures, residual activity in the delivery sets could be decreased significantly. An increase of the number of injection cycles from 4 to 6 (injection methods B to C) reduced lead to minor further reduction (Table 2). Application dynamics was improved: The majority of microspheres was transferred during the first injection cycles (mean 50% and 23% during cycles 2 and 3, respectively), and low activity was transferred during flushing at the end of the procedure (Fig. 6, methods B/C).
After RE procedures with PLLA microspheres evaluated in this study, using the injection method proposed by the manufacturer, a mean relative residual activity of 4.8% was detected in the delivery sets, ranging from 3.5–6.9%. These findings are similar to those measured after procedures with resin (4.0%, range 1.2–6.6%) and glass microspheres (3.4%, range 0.9–8.8%). Compared with resin and glass, with PLLA microspheres relative residual activity was less variable [8]. In the HEPAR I study, a mean residual activity of 6.1% was recorded, but the complete injection process was done with a mixture of contrast media/saline [19]. That study also found that relative residual activity was lower in the groups receiving the highest prescribed activities. In the phase II study evaluating Ho-166 microspheres for treatment of liver metastases in 38 patients, a median of 96% (range 41–99%) of the prescribed activity was injected. The injection method is not described in detail. It is mentioned that in some cases, stasis occurred or infusion was stopped because of pain [20].
Our measurements revealed a moderate negative correlation between initial/prescribed activity and relative residual activity, but no definite upper limit (saturation) of absolute residual activity could be identified. Taking the number of microspheres instead of the Ho-166 activity into account, about 10-fold more microspheres were used for RE than for HSD procedures (mean: 11.23 million and 1.18 million, respectively), but the number of residual microspheres was only 2-fold higher (mean: 0.50 million and 0.25 million). This suggests that a limited number of microspheres gets stuck at the predilection sites, which represent irregularities at the inner surface of lines and catheters, but the high variability in the proportion of residual microspheres does not allow a prospective estimation, particularly for HSD procedures.
Evaluation of infusion dynamics showed that in all RE procedures, more than 80% of the activity is transferred to the patient during the first three injection cycles (Fig. 7). This dynamic profile is similar to resin microsphere and slower than glass microsphere injection. With neither microsphere type, treatment at more than one catheter position from one V-vial should be done, because microsphere transfer and distribution would not be predictable.
Predilection sites in the delivery sets for residual microspheres were the same for HSD and RE procedures. After HSD and RE procedures, the 3-way stopcock and the needle A connector were the sites of the most intense activity accumulations, respectively (Fig. 3). Apparent microsphere accumulations at the microcatheter connector (Fig. 3b) were reduced by positioning it at a downward angle instead of horizontally, while the length of the patient line remained horizontally. The accumulations of microspheres in the proximal part of the patient line (Fig. 3d) were seen to decrease when injecting with syringe A through the sidearm of the stopcock. As with glass microspheres, after all procedures in this study variable amounts of activity remained at the microcatheter connector, emphasizing the recommendation that delivery set and catheter should be disposed of without disconnection [9]. Treatment from different vascular positions with the same microcatheter should be avoided.
All predilection sites of microsphere accumulation correspond to irregularities/steps at the inner surface of lines and catheters, at the luer-lock connection of two parts or at the rotating part of the 3-way stopcock. In a delivery set which is not assembled from different parts, but manufactured as one system avoiding these irregularities, low residual activities can be expected. A dedicated delivery set only for HSD procedures may be simpler, without the 3-way stopcock and an optimized luer-lock connector for the microcatheter.
At the beginning of injecting into the V-Vial, it sometimes took several pushes to bring the microspheres into suspension, due to their tendency to stick together at the bottom of the vial. The time period between the final production step and the procedure may be 1–3 days, during which the microspheres are not resuspended. As for glass microspheres, which are delivered in patient-specific doses, we recommend to swivel and tilt the V-vial several times while it remains in the lead/acrylic container used for delivery. This problem does not arise with resin microspheres, since the patient-specific dose is prepared on-site usually on treatment day. The microspheres do not have time to agglutinate on the bottom of the vial. In this study, there was no evidence of adhesion of microspheres to the rubber septa after swivelling as a possible reason for abnormally high residual activities in V-vials. The bevelled aspects of the needles, which have a higher diameter than those used in resin or glass microsphere administration devices (1.2 mm, 0.8 mm and 0.9 mm, respectively), should face away from the inner V-vial surface to facilitate unhindered microsphere outflow.
Limitations of the study include the small number of procedures, particularly regarding HSD procedures. Not all dose sizes could be tested with all injection methods; it was tried to reach improvements parallel to clinical routine. Only one type of microcatheter was used for all procedures. Different types may impact residual activity at the microcatheter connector. All procedures were performed by the same physician in a standardized manner. Influences by different operators performing the manual injection could not be evaluated. It can be hypothesized that this variability is higher for HSD than for RE procedures, because due the lower number of microspheres used in HSD procedures it may be vulnerable to variations in injection speed and manner (e.g. continuous or pulsatile).