The present study found the surgery outcomes of LMH patients with and without LHEP had significant difference. Patients with LHEP were more likely to gain restored ellipsoid zone after surgery but had lower postoperative BCVA.
The existence of ERM has been detected for several decades, while the pathogenesis and category of it are still unclear. T ERM is tractional and the retinal surface under it is usually plicate. The LMH associated with T ERM always has short diameter and shallow cleft, limited in the inner part of retina and described as “high hat” by Andrea et al. In contrast, LHEP is an atypical ERM with no traction and the LMH associated with it is larger and deeper [21]. In a previous study, glial cells and hyalocytes were found in both these two kinds of membranes, while α-SAM was only found in T ERM, explaining the tractional ability of T ERM [22].
The origin of LHEP is not clear but there are two main theories. Firstly, as LHEP has abundant clusters of fibrous long-spacing collagen, fibroblasts and hyalocytes, it is believed that the posterior detachment of vitreous body, which induce anterior and tangential traction, plays a role in the formation of ERM [16, 22]. Secondly, the finding of the cystic spaces in LHEP, which is due to the leakage of fluid from retinal vessels within it, suggesting LEHP possesses characteristics similar to that of the middle retinal layers and probably originates from there [3]. The proof that yellow color of LHEP is xanthophyll mainly produced by muller cells further certifies the relationship between LHEP and the middle retinal layers [23].
According to the results of present study, less BCVA could be regained in patients with LHEP after surgery compared with those without LHEP. This result is in consistence with most of the previous studies, which also found LMH or FTMH eyes with LHEP had worse visual outcome after surgery [8, 13, 14, 24]. This may be because the destroy of retina was severer in eyes with LHEP than without LHEP. However, there were also some studies reported similar surgery outcomes of eye with LHEP [10, 12, 15, 16]. As there are no significant differences of preoperative BCVA (<20/40), surgery method (ILM and ERM peeling) and time of follow-up (>6 months) among the two kinds of studies, more study with longer follow up is required for detecting whether poorer visual outcome is associated with LHEP.
Though many studies have reported the positive association between the REZ and postoperative BVCA [25, 26], there was no significant differences of REZ existing between with and without LHEP groups. There were studies reported that though the defection of ellipsoid zone before surgery was associated with worse postoperative BCVA, its restoration showed no direct association with functional recover [5, 27]. Meanwhile, several influence factors also need to be taken into consideration, including the different preoperative BCVA and limited number of studies could be involved. In the study, which showed more eyes with LHEP get restored after surgery, patients all had preoperative BCVA lower than 20/40 [13], while in other two studies patients with wider range of BCVA were included [14, 15].
Six of all included studies had patients with standard pars plana vitrectomy with traditional ERM and ILM peeling [13-17, 19]. A new surgery method has been used in other two studies for LHM patients with ERM [18, 20]. Comparing with the regular surgery method, the main difference is about the disposition of ERM and ILM. Instead of peeling the membrane, in the new method, ERM was double inverted and ILM was flapped [28, 29]. This kind of surgery can retain LHEP and promote the recovery of LHM, and a study indicated that the development of LHEP might be a recovery progress of LMH [15]. This newly surgical method and its positive outcomes further raise a doubt in the necessity of taking surgery for LHM patients with ERM.
There are some limitations in this study that need to be mentioned. Firstly, the number of studies involved is small and more studies are required for extended exploration. Secondly, the number of patients with cataract were only stated in two studies, and the different number of patients with combined phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation can influence the outcome of BCVA. Thirdly, there were slight differences in the choice of the gas for the final tamponade, either air, sulphur hexafluoride or perfluoropropane gas.
In conclusion, this study pooled the postoperative outcomes of LMH patients with and without LHEP and found that the postoperative BCVA of patients without LHEP was better than patients with LHEP, and there was no significant difference of REZ among the two groups.