Garlic mustard is a self-compatible, biennial herb of Eurasian origin that first arrived in North America in 1868 in New York (Nuzzo 1993) and is now widespread in deciduous forest understories and along forest edges throughout the continent (Cavers et al.1979; Myers and Anderson 2003). Garlic mustard can form dense, virtually monotypic stands that cover several hundred square meters and displace native species in the invaded habitats (Caverset al. 1979; Nuzzo 1991; Yostet al. 1991; McCarthy 1997; Meekins and McCarthy 2002). It occurs in habitats with irradiance levels varying from deep shade– in forest understories, to nearly full sun– along forest edges, and varies in density across these different habitats (Cavers 1979; Myers and Anderson 2003). Its biennial life history consists of a basal rosette during the first year of growth, which over-winters, bolts primary stems and bears flowers and fruits in the spring of the second growth year (Nuzzo 1991). Siliques house the seeds that exhibit a dormancy period, which can last from 8–10 months or until cold stratification occurs, initiating germination from late February through April (Baskin and Baskin 1992; Anderson et al. 1996 followed by a release of seeds from July to October (Cavers 1979). The plant senesces in the late fall of the second growth year (Anderson et al.1996).
In April 2017, we selected field sites with garlic mustard invasions in four secondary mixed deciduous hardwood forests in the adjacent towns of Northampton and Amherst, Massachusetts. Three sites were located in Amherst: Sylvan Woods, Brooks Wood, and Mill River Woods on the Northwest end of the University of Massachusetts Amherst (42 º 24.036’ N, 072 º 31.355’W). The Northampton site consisted of a hardwood forest near the Mill River Reservoir that has a garlic mustard invasion extending along a trail (42 º 18’46.37” N, 72 º 39’ 19.74” W). All sites had preexisting garlic mustard invasions at varying densities and were adjacent to agricultural land. Seedlings for the greenhouse experiments were collected in South Hadley, MA (42º 15’ 16.79’’ N, 72 º 35’ 07.10’’ W) in an oak dominated hardwood forest adjacent to Stony Brook and east of the Connecticut River.
For field observations at each forest, we placed six one m2 quadrats systematically at least 10 m apart along multiple transects within a 200 m sample range. To assess garlic mustard’s relative field density, we counted each stem of second year adults within the quadrat (Wilson 2007). High-density plots were characterized as having 29 or more adult garlic mustard stems per square meter and low-density plots were characterized as having 25 or fewer adult stems per square meter.
Within each quadrat, we measured soil temperature (Traceable® thermometer) and photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) (Li–Cor 250A Photometer) weekly from April —June. Soil temperatures were taken at a depth of ~7 cm and PPFD µmol/m2/s was measured at 60 cm above ground with a Li-190R quantum sensor attached to the 250A Photometer ± 3h to solar noon at center of each quadrat. Four soil cores were systematically taken from each side around the center of the quadrat with an auger at the depth of 15 cm, homogenized, ground, and oven dried at 23 º C. Soil samples were then processed at the University of Massachusetts Soil and Plant Nutrient Testing Laboratory Amherst, MA, for standard soil fertility tests measuring macro and micro nutrient availability, pH, extractable nutrients, cation exchange capacity and percent base saturation.
In each quadrat, the garlic mustard stem closest to the 50 cm intersect was tagged and sampled for growth metrics throughout the season. Leaf samples were taken from adult plants for glucosinolate measurements shortly after initial flowering, in June 2017. We sampled the second leaf node down from the tip of the flowering stem by taking a 1 cm hole punch sample from the leaf midrib and placing the leaf sample into a 2 mL vial of 99% menthol. After each leaf sample collection, the hole puncher was cleansed with 70% isopropanol. Leaf collection methods were adapted from Lankau 2001; Cipollini 2002; and Kliebenstein 2001. Growth metrics included the maximum height of the selected garlic mustard plant, relative chlorophyll content of the sampled leaf using SPAD-502 meter (Konica-Mintola, Japan), number of branches, and the number of leaf nodes to assess each plant’s photosynthetic ability and vigor. We harvested focal plants at the end of June, just before senescence, and recorded the number of siliques, average seed weight per plant, above-ground and belowground biomass at the time of harvest.
Analyses were conducted in R Studio, software version 3.4.0 (R Development Core Team 2017) and JMP-Pro v15.1 (SAS Institute 2019). We constructed multiple linear regression models to assess relationships among garlic mustard density and soil nutrients, and among garlic mustard density, soil temperature, and PPFD. We also calculated and tabulated the means and standard errors for each environmental variable. We constructed linear regression models and plotted correlations between growth characteristics of adult plants as a function of sinigrin concentration to assess linear relationships and possible tradeoffs between defense and growth or reproductive traits. To examine the effect of density (adult and rosette stem count) on glucosinolate sinigrin concentration, we fit a multiple linear regression with log scaled sinigrin concentration as the dependent variable, and light, site, and garlic mustard stem density as factors. Variance inflation factors were calculated, and model selection was based on AIC comparison.
To experimentally test the effect of density on leaf sinigrin concentration, we established a randomized pot design at the College of Natural Science and Education Greenhouse at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst (Experiment 1: Density effect on plant traits and sinigrin production). We harvested cotyledon stage garlic mustard seedlings in mid–May from a hardwood dominated forest in South Hadley, MA and transplanted them into 10 cm plastic nursery pots at two density treatment levels. The low-density treatment consisted of one seedling per pot and the high-density treatment consisted of five seedlings per pot. Density treatment was replicated 61 times using individual pots as experimental units (N=122).
All pots were filled with ~3 L (0.14 cu ft.) of ProMix HP soil mixed with 1/3 of natural sand. Seedlings of the high-density 5 rosettes per pot treatment were planted equidistant of each other with one seedling in the center of the pot. Seedlings grew on a bench in the greenhouse under controlled day lengths and temperatures programmed at 16 h, 21ºC daylight; 8 h, 18ºC night.
We randomly selected a subset of thirty–four of each high and low-density treatment pots (N=68) for sinigrin analysis using a random number generator. We took a holepunch sample and fresh leaf surface area measurements of the leaf of the tallest stem from the center rosette following the protocols outlined above after 10 weeks. We harvested all plants after 22 weeks in the greenhouse and assessed growth as specific leaf area, leaf mass ratio, and shoot, root, and total biomass at the time of harvest.
To examine the effect of density on plant traits and leaf chemistry, we constructed one–way ANOVA models with density category as the main effect and each plant trait and sinigrin concentration as the response variables. Post-hoc pairwise mean comparisons with 95% confidence levels were performed for significant ANOVA test variables.
To determine how light interacts with density to affect leaf sinigrin concentration, we conducted a second experiment at the greenhouse facility concurrently, with identical greenhouse conditions using seedlings sourced from the same field location as described above. In a 2x2 factorial randomized design, seventy–two pots were arranged on a single bench with low and high garlic mustard seedling density treatment levels. A light treatment of 50% aluminet knitted nylon shade cloth was draped over half of the bench shading thirty-six of the seventy-two pots. The density treatments were evenly distributed between the 50% shade and full sun. Thirty-six pots were randomly subsampled for sinigrin and fresh leaf surface area as above, with the two light treatments equally represented (Greenhouse Experiment 2: Density and light effects on plant traits and sinigrin production).The duration of the experiment and morphological traits measured match the density experiment as above.
To examine the interaction of light and density on sinigrin production, we constructed a two-way ANCOVA with density and light treatments as main effects and an interaction term. We used interaction plots with sinigrin concentration, specific leaf area, and total biomass as response variables to density and light treatments to determine effects of density treatment and light on growth and sinigrin production of the rosettes.
We measured sinigrin content using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Leaf tissue samples were stored in the vials filled with methanol for a minimum of thirty days until extraction for sinigrin analysis. To prepare the plant material for HPLC analysis, leaf tissue samples were extracted through 96 well plate filter columns packed with QAE Sepahex A-25 (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA). The columns were pre–washed with sodium acetate buffer before the addition of 800µL of aqueous plant tissue sample extract. The columns were washed sequentially 2 x with 750 µL of 70% MeOH, 2 x with 750 µL of ddH2O, 1 x with 750 µL of 20 mM NaOAc, and 2 x with ddH2O to create optimal conditions for 30 µL of sulfatase from Helix pomatia type-H1 to cleave the sulfate bonds (adapted from Grosser and van Dam 2017). After 24 hours, desulphated glucosinolates were eluted with 150 µL of ultra–pure water (18.2 mΩ) purified with a Milli-Q water purification system (Millipore, Molsheim, France) into sample vials. The samples were analyzed on an Alliance 2695 dual-wave UV HPLC instrument using a reserved-phased Symmetry C18 (150mm x 4.6mm i.d., 5 µ particle size) column at 40ºC and a VanGuard precolumn and cartridge holder (Waters, Milford, MA). All sample extracts were injected at 20 µL and spectra were generated using a diode-array detector at a UV wavelength of 229 nm. The linear gradient elution consisted of (A) HPLC grade water and (B) acetonitrile mobile phase at a flow rate of 1 mL/min with the following program set: 1.5% of B from 0 to 5 minutes 2.5% B 6 to 7 minutes; 5.0% B from 8 to 14 minutes; 18% B from 15 to 16 minutes; increased to 46% B from 17 to 23 minutes; then 92% B from 23–24 minutes, then re–equilibrated to initial conditions at 25 to 29 minutes. Standards of pure sinigrin monohydrate were run on a simplified gradient elution as described in Grosser and van Dam 2017. Sample peaks were compared to the calibration curve standard of sinigrin monohydrate, integrated using QuanLynx from MassLynx 4.1 Software (Waters, Milford, MA), and quantified using the linear calibration methods from Prasad 2015 and Grosser and van Dam 2017. The 2.11 mM sinigrin monohydrate stock concentration was used as a multiplier in the calibration QuanLynx methods. After glucosinolate extraction, leaf tissue samples were oven dried and weighed for dry mass. Sinigrin concentration was then calculated based on microMoles sinigrin per gram of dry leaf weight.