On hospital admission, a large fraction of patients had subclinical signs of kidney dysfunctions that not yet constituted AKI. During subsequent days, AKI became a common complication in our patients, affecting 49% during hospitalization. This frequency was similar to that observed in previous studies, reporting AKI in 50% of the patients with COVID-19 at the ICU [2].
We found that [TIMP-2]•[IGFBP7] ≥ 0.2 (ng/ml)2/1000 was a risk factor for AKI. In addition, the survival analysis indicated that time to AKI was significantly shorter in individuals with higher [TIMP2]• [IGFBP7]. To our knowledge, no large studies have examined the performance of biomarkers for prediction of AKI onset in critically ill patients with COVID-19, but a small study reported that patients with COVID-19-associated AKI and high levels of [TIMP-2]•[IGFBP7] were more likely to progress to renal replacement therapy than those with AKI but with low [TIMP-2]•[IGFBP7] [16]. Our findings are in line with previous reports, describing elevated levels of [TIMP-2]•[IGFBP7] as predictors of adverse outcomes in various clinical conditions, e.g. death, dialysis or progression to severe AKI in patients with septic shock [17]; AKI in patients after major surgery [18]; imminent risk of AKI in critically ill patients [7], and AKI in platinum-treated patients at the ICU [19]. The mechanism proposed is that after initial damage, IGFBP7 and TIMP-2 are expressed in tubular cells. IGFBP7 directly increases the expression of p53 and p21, and TIMP-2 stimulates p27 expression, leading to transitory G1 cell cycle arrest, preventing division of damaged cells [5]. Thus, since G1 cell cycle arrest is a common response to tubular damage, these biomarkers may better reflect damage regardless of etiology.
The combination of [TIMP-2]•[IGFBP7] had the best performance for AKI prediction at values above 0.2 (ng/ml)2/1000. This cutoff was based on overall behavior of the biomarkers in the patients studied here. However, different cutoffs for these biomarkers have been reported in other studies, so specific groups of patients may require identification of optimal cutoff values, based on their respective values of AUC, sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV and accuracy. Cutoff values may be affected by the severity of AKI. That is, higher cutoffs may be found in patients with AKI stages 2 and 3; and lower cutoffs may be found in patients with AKI stage 1 or subclinical AKI. Moreover, AKI is a complex syndrome, involving a series of complex cellular and molecular pathways, and the different cutoffs may reflect mechanistic differences between various etiologies of AKI [5]. The pathophysiologic mechanisms of AKI in COVID-19 are thought to be multifactorial including systemic immune and inflammatory responses induced by viral infection, systemic tissue hypoxia, reduced renal perfusion, endothelial damage and direct epithelial infection with SARS- CoV-2 [20].
In our cohort, the time to AKI was significantly shorter in individuals with NGAL ≥45 ng/ml than in those with < 45 ng/ml, but NGAL was not a risk factor for AKI during hospitalization. The fact that performance of NGAL was significantly better on day 7 than during the whole hospitalization period, suggests that NGAL has a narrow predictive time window for AKI. In addition, NGAL has proved less discriminating in the development of septic-associated or adult cardiac-surgery-associated AKI than in other types of AKI, possibly because neutrophils themselves may be a source of NGAL in the setting of systemic inflammation [21].
Contrary to our findings, a recent cohort study found that urinary NGAL > 150 ng/ml predicted diagnosis, duration, and severity of AKI and acute tubular injury, as well as hospital stay, dialysis, shock, and death in patients with acute COVID-19 [22]. Contrasting results may be explained by the fact that some patients in that study probably had AKI when urinary samples were collected, while we only included patients without AKI at the time of urine sample collection. Therefore, the median value of NGAL in the AKI group (50.2 ng/ml) and the selected cutoff (45 ng/ml), were far below in our patients since they had subclinical AKI. In addition, it is unclear if a higher proportion of their patients had AKI stage 2 and stage 3, while most of our patients developed AKI stage 1 on subsequent days. This is relevant because that study also reported a correlation between urinary NGAL levels and AKI severity. In another recent study, NGAL was also found as an independent risk factor for AKI in patients with COVID-19, but that study also included some patients who already had AKI when urine samples were collected [23]. Thus, we suggest that in patients with COVID-19, higher NGAL cutoff values seem to be useful in predicting AKI progression but not AKI onset. In contrast with our findings, urinary NGAL but not [TIMP-2]•[IGFBP7], independently predicted AKI in a cohort of decompensated cirrhotic patients, suggesting that different biomarkers should be used in different patient groups [24].
The survival analysis indicated that mortality was more frequent in patients who developed AKI during hospitalization, and mortality was attributed to persistent AKI because it was a risk factor for mortality. The concept that time should also be considered in the description of AKI and not only severity, was demonstrated in a study reporting that duration of AKI following surgery was independently associated with hospital mortality after adjusting for severity of illness [25]. Transient AKI may reflect a temporary reduction in renal function without structural damage, whereas persistent AKI would reflect structural tubular damage [26]. Based on these observations, persistent AKI has become a relevant endpoint in subsequent studies, and it has consistently been associated with mortality [27].
The use of biomarkers has some limitations, as it should be considered that their value for prediction of AKI is limited to patients who are critically ill. When used in patients who are low risk, the false positive rate may increase. When used before an injurious exposure has occurred, the test will not forecast AKI. Similarly, the test might not remain positive for a long time after injury [28]. If positive results are obtained, the test should be interpreted along with other clinical factors and nephrology consultation should be considered. When used properly, biomarker-guided interventions are useful in AKI prevention. This was demonstrated in a clinical trial including high risk patients, defined as urinary [TIMP-2]•[IGFBP7] > 0.3 undergoing cardiac surgery. In that study, implementation of the KDIGO guidelines, consisting of optimization of volume status and hemodynamics, avoidance of nephrotoxic drugs, and preventing hyperglycemia, resulted in an absolute risk reduction of 16.6% in the incidence of AKI compared with the standard care [29].
An important limitation of our study was the small sample size. Another study limitation was that patients with incomplete clinical files or those who were transferred to other hospitals due to local saturation were not included in the study, and this may represent a selection bias. Considering that standardized definitions of AKI are based on sCr and urine output [30], then inaccessibility to nursing records restricted to COVID-19 areas represents an important study limitation because urine output was not used for diagnosis of AKI, and sCr was not adjusted for fluid-balance. The lack of pre-hospital baseline sCr measurements was also a study limitation because baseline sCr values were an estimation. One additional study limitation was that our study was conducted at a national referral center for respiratory diseases receiving disproportionately more patients with severe COVID-19, and this represents a potential source of referral bias.