In our study, there were significant functional and morphological alterations in the MG of keratoconic eyes compared to normals. The keratoconus group showed significantly higher OSDI scores and lower NIBUT, TBUT, greater corneal and conjunctival staining compared to the control group. Meiboscore, partial gland, gland thickening, and gland dropout scores were also significantly higher in the keratoconus group compared to age-matched controls both for the upper and lower eyelids. Furthermore, OSDI scores, tear film instability and most morphological alterations correlated with disease severity.
Keratoconus is a multifactorial disease with genetic, environmental, inflammatory, hormonal risk factors and eye rubbing playing role in etiopathogenesis [17]. In the literature, few studies reported on increased dry eye symptoms [7, 18], tear film instability [6, 19], ocular surface staining [6, 7] and conjunctival metaplasia with goblet cell loss in keratoconus patients [5–7]. indicating involvement of whole ocular surface epithelium and tear film in the disease process in these eyes. Although the reason for such findings is not clear, inflammatory changes were detected in the tear film of keratoconic eyes, which were suggested to lead to goblet cell loss and alterations in mucin secretion with resultant tear film instability [3, 4]. On the other hand, whereas, MGD is considered the most common reason for tear film instability, and evaporative dry eye, knowledge on the role of MGD in signs and symptoms of ocular surface disease in keratoconus is scarce [20].
Meibomian gland disease is a chronic condition of the MG, characterized by terminal duct obstruction and/or qualitative or quantitative changes in glandular secretion. Although traditionally MGD is diagnosed on the basis of subjective symptoms and slit lamp biomicroscopy findings such as; lid margin abnormalities, the condition of the gland orifices, and meibum grade, rapid objective evaluation of the MG with high reproducibility is only possible with noncontact meibography [21]. This method is now widely adopted in clinical practice for evaluation of meibomian gland–related diseases. Meibomian gland dropout on meibography has been reported to be correlated with NIBUT, TBUT, lipid layer thickness, meibum expressibility and tear film osmolarity [22–24].
Previously, Mostafa et al reported increased OSDI scores, decreased TBUT and Schirmer test results, and increased MG dropout in keratoconus patients compared to controls. In their study, in which only upper eyelid meibography measurements were performed, meiboscore grades were not significantly different between the two groups. The authors could not demonstrate any correlation between TBUT, Schirmer test results, gland dropout or gland distortion versus severity of keratoconus. In our study, we observed significant differences in OSDI, TBUT, and MG morphology between keratoconic eyes and normals. Among the MG morphologic parameters meiboscore and partial gland, gland dropout and, gland thickening scores were significantly higher in KC group compared to controls in both upper and lower eyelids. Furthermore, we evaluated NIBUT as has been suggested by the TFOS DEWS II report [26] to evaluate tear film stability, and the NIBUT measurements in these patients showed moderate to strong correlations with upper lid and lower lid meiboscore and partial gland scores. We could also demonstrate significant correlations between meiboscore, partial gland and gland thickening scores of both the upper and lower eyelids and the severity of keratoconus, with worsening of meibography findings as the disease stage increased.
To our knowledge, our study is the first study showing such correlations between OSDI, NIBUT, meibography findings and keratoconus severity. The reason for the morphological changes in MG is not clear, however, ocular surface inflammation initiated by tear film instability, or directs mechanical irritation of the lids by the conic cornea or vigorous eye rubbing may be possible underlying mechanisms. Although tear film dysfunction or MGD cannot cause keratoconus, such ocular surface problems may further exacerbate the disease through increased eye rubbing.
One of the limitations of the present study is its retrospective nature. We could not reach lid margin abnormality data of all patients from patient charts and therefore did not include slit lamp biomicroscopy gradings of MG orifices or secretion quality into the study, which could have increased the accountability of our current findings. However, our patients were not MGD patients per se, furthermore, at the outpatient clinic we found evaluation of gland orifices via observation of meibography images much easier and reliable as compared to evaluation at the slit lamp with or without digital pressure on the lids. Therefore, we believe, the outcomes of our study confirm the presence of signs and symptoms of tear film instability in keratoconus patients and add new information to our knowledge of MG morphology in these eyes as measured by non-invasive meibography.
In summary, keratoconus seems to be associated with significant morphological alterations in MG of both upper and lower eyelids. Furthermore, the morphological alterations in these eyes seemed to correlate with symptoms, tear film instability (particularly NIBUT) and keratoconus stage. Although further longitudinal studies are required to elucidate the mechanism underlying the association between keratoconus and MGD, the present findings indicate the possibility that MGD may be one of the underlying factors in dry eye symptoms and tear film instability in patients with keratoconus.