Optimization of pumpkin peels pretreatments and quantification of components
Although acid hydrolysis is often used for saccharification of lignocellulosic feedstock, its use generally requires specialized equipment and it is also accompanied by several drawbacks, such as the generation of several inhibitory compounds like furfural and acetic acid, that can hamper the growth of microorganisms (Jönsson and Martín, 2016). Enzymatic hydrolysis was then considered more effective as pretreatment. For this purpose, a commercial preparation containing a blend of cellulases, ß-glucosidases, and hemicellulases, suitable for the degradation of cellulose and hemicellulose to fermentable sugars, was used. To optimize conditions of enzyme concentration and time of hydrolysis suited for the pumpkin peels treatment, assays were carried out. Different amounts of enzymes blend were added to the biomass (details reported in Methods), and the reactions were monitored by quantifying the released glucose (Table 1). We observed that a minimum of 24 h was required to obtain a liquefied mixture, indicating that the action of the enzymes was probably not complete before this time. The addition of 2.25 μL of enzyme solution per mL of mixture allowed the release of 23.6 g/L of glucose in 24 h (Table 1). Since glucose concentration did not increase after further 24 h, this time was considered optimal for hydrolysis. Therefore, these conditions (2.25 μL/mL, 24 h) were selected for the following experiments. Interestingly, glucose and xylose were the only sugars released by the action of the enzymes. In fact, fructose and sucrose concentrations remained constant over the time at all the tested enzyme concentrations (fructose 5 g/L, sucrose 29 g/L). On the other hand, the addition of amylase did not result in an increase of glucose concentration, indicating that pumpkin biomass used in this study did not contain amylose, differently from that reported by Chouaibi and co-workers (Chouaibi et al., 2020). This can be due to differences in quality and provenience of the feedstock, that can greatly affect its final sugar composition. These factors can influence in fact the physical properties of the feedstock like density, moisture content, micro-morphology, and rheological aspects. Furthermore, chemical characteristics of the feedstock are also influenced, such as chemical composition, molecular functional groups percentage, and inorganic species presence (Kim et al., 2012; Yan et al., 2020). Sucrose was the principal sugar in our pumpkin waste, that was characterized by the presence of a tiny peel fraction. Sucrose is mostly present in the pulp, thus it can be found at different levels in the wastes, depending on the type of peeling operation adopted in processing. After centrifugation of the enzymatic hydrolysate, the liquid part obtained was characterized for its composition besides sugars (Table 2). In particular, quantification of acetic acid was done because it is known to be an inhibitor of cell growth. This compound was present at the same concentration detected in the non-treated sample. Probably, acetic acid was generated during the prior biomass storage by microorganisms already present in the pumpkin waste. Nitrogen (N) is an essential element for biomass production; nevertheless, lipid production is triggered by high C/N ratio. When the C/N ratio is low the cells invest nitrogen and carbon to produce biomass, whereas when the ratio is high the carbon is mainly directed to lipid production. In the pumpkin peels hydrolysate inorganic nitrogen (NH4+) was found only in traces. Total nitrogen, quantified using the Kjeldahl method, revealed that it contains mainly organic N, that accounted for 2.4 g/L. Table 2 reports the final concentrations of the assayed components of the pumpkin peels hydrolysate after 24 h of enzymatic digestion.
Analysis of growth and sugars utilization
The availability of a pumpkin peels hydrolysate containing a sugars mixture mainly consisting of sucrose, glucose and fructose lead us to evaluate first the capacity of R. azoricus and C. oleaginosum to grow in presence of all these sugars. Cultures were performed on mineral medium (YNB), in order to avoid the utilization of other carbon sources, that could mask their ability to consume the provided sugars. In this way, we could also obtain quantitative data, in terms of sugar consumption rates and biomass yield. The importance to obtain information about growth and carbon source utilization is particularly strong due to the considerable metabolic diversity among oleaginous yeasts. These parameters are in fact known as key factors for selecting suitable species and for developing efficient fermentation processes.
The cultivation of R. azoricus on mineral medium containing a mixture of sucrose, glucose and fructose showed that this yeast started to consume sucrose even in presence of the other two sugars (Fig. 1A). However, a limited capacity to utilize glucose was observed. Glucose in fact was slowly and partially assimilated during the growth, in contrast to fructose that was completely utilized within 48 h (Fig. 1A). As a consequence, a low amount of yeast biomass was reached after 94 h, corresponding to 4.3 g/L of dry weight. Based on these results, we decided to analyze the growth in presence of either glucose or fructose as sole carbon sources. On glucose (Fig. 1B), R. azoricus started to grow exponentially, but again we observed that this sugar was partially consumed and, also in this case, a low amount of dry weight was obtained. Cellular viability was then tested and, surprisingly, we found that 40% of cells were not viable after 72 h. These results in conclusion confirmed the impaired glucose assimilation observed in cultivation on the sugars mixture. By contrast, the cultivation on sole fructose revealed that this sugar does not cause the same early arrest of biomass production (Fig. 1C), allowing in fact to reach higher dry weight (9 g/L). By comparing the growth parameters (Table 3), we can see that the growth rate on glucose and on fructose containing media is rather similar, despite glucose consumption rate is higher than fructose. The main differences are found in terms of final amount of produced biomass and in biomass yield, indicating that fructose is metabolized in a more efficient way than glucose. These results were unexpected, because the growth of R. azoricus had been previously documented as occurring very efficiently on glucose-based media, especially for lipids production (Galafassi et al., 2012; Capusoni et al., 2017; Donzella et al., 2019). However, the media used for lipids production, containing yeast extract or corn steep, are not exclusively mineral as the one used in the present study. This prompted us to investigate if the addition of yeast extract to the medium containing the sugar mixture could help the cells, especially in glucose utilization. After 72 h (Fig. 1D), sucrose was completely hydrolyzed and glucose and fructose were depleted, leading to the production of 14 g/L of biomass. These results demonstrate that enrichment of the medium by other nutrients, present in yeast extract, is essential for glucose metabolism and also improves sucrose consumption by this yeast species.
When C. oleaginosum was cultivated on mineral medium containing the same mixture of sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose) we observed a very different behavior. The cells initially grew by using available glucose and fructose, that were depleted after 30 h (Fig. 2A). Sucrose was then hydrolyzed, indicating that the presence of monosaccharides delayed sucrose utilization. In this culture, the dry weight continued to increase until 120 h, and in fact a higher amount of biomass was obtained (12 g/L), in comparison to R. azoricus (Table 3). The same behavior was observed by cultivating the cells on medium containing only glucose as carbon source (Fig. 2B): also in this case the biomass continued to increase in parallel with glucose utilization. By comparing the results obtained in terms of final biomass concentration and yield (Table 3), we can conclude that on mineral media C. oleaginosum is able to use glucose in a much more efficient way than R. azoricus. However, in this case, the addition of yeast extract to the medium containing the mixture did not improve sucrose utilization (Fig. 2C), demonstrating that enrichment of the medium by other nutrients does not contribute to improve sucrose metabolism.
The limited ability to metabolize glucose by R. azoricus and its early cellular death could lead to think to a phenomenon of glucose toxicity. In mammalian cells under hyperglycemic conditions, activation of the aldose reductase pathway causes redox unbalance and induction of oxidative stress, upregulating glucose toxicity pathways, as non-enzymatic glycation and disruption of mitochondrial respiratory chain (Tang et al. 2012). Aldose reductases are present in yeasts and have been studied mainly for the production of sugar alcohols (Park et al., 2016; Jagtap et al., 2019), but their role in regulation of sugar metabolism has been scarcely investigated.
However, it is noteworthy that this metabolic inability occurs only when R. azoricus grow on mineral media, and is removed by the addition of yeast extract, which is a rich source of nutrients. This reinforce the necessity of studies that carefully analyze growth parameters in order to identify the basis of metabolic diversity among oleaginous yeasts, as recently reported (Brandenburg et al., 2021 Chmielarz et al., 2021). This kind of information is often lacking because mineral media are not suitable for industrial bioprocesses.
Lipids production from pumpkin peels waste-based medium
With the aim of developing fermentative processes for the production of lipids from pumpkin wastes, shaken flask cultures of R. azoricus and C. oleaginosum were set up using pumpkin peels hydrolysate-based medium.
Cultivation of yeasts was carried out on medium (pH 5.5) containing nutrients exclusively derived from pumpkin peels hydrolysate (Table 2). After 42 h of R. azoricus cultivation, we observed that all the sugars were completely consumed, by producing 27.4 g/L of dry weight (Fig. 3A). Acetic acid was also metabolized, as we previously reported by this species (Galafassi et al., 2012). Biomass dry weight further increased, reaching the concentration of 28.1 g/L after 64 h, probably due to the use of other undetected carbon sources present in the pumpkin peels hydrolysate (likely free amino-acids). This yeast biomass contained 39% of lipids, that corresponds to a concentration of 11 g/L, with a lipid yield of 0.22 (calculated on the consumed sugar).
When C. oleaginosum was cultivated on the same medium, glucose and fructose were exhausted after 65 h, but sucrose was only partially hydrolyzed (Fig. 3B). This indicates a slower utilization of this sugar, in comparison to R. azoricus, and in agreement with the results showed in Fig. 2C. In addition, a lower level of lipids was obtained, representing 29% of yeast dry weight, that corresponds to a concentration of 7 g/L after 94 h. However, lipid yield was similar to that of R. azoricus.
In conclusion, these results indicate that the pumpkin peels waste represents a complete source of nutrients for yeast cultivation, allowing to obtain high concentrations of biomass. In addition, this medium also sustains lipid production (11 g/L by R. azoricus and 7 g/L by C. oleaginosum).
Two-stage process in bioreactor for lipids production
Based on these results, we decided to develop a fermentative process for lipids production by using the yeast R. azoricus, that exhibited the best performance on pumpkin wastes-based medium. Usually, the process for lipid production is performed in two stages, the first carried out at low C/N ratio to produce high amount of cell biomass, and the second by feeding nutrients at high C/N ratio to trigger lipid accumulation (Ageitos et al., 2011).
The cultivation in bioreactor, under controlled conditions of oxygen and pH, resulted in the production of 30 g/L of biomass, already containing 37% of lipids, after 46 h of cultivation (Fig. 4). At this point, sucrose and glucose were depleted, whereas fructose was still present. In order to increase lipid content, we decided to feed the culture by using another industrial food waste coming from the production of candied fruits (a syrup from mango processing). This waste contains in fact high concentration of glucose and fructose, but does not contain nitrogen, making it a perfect C source for our purpose to unbalance the C/N ratio of the medium. After further 44 h of process, all glucose and part of fructose were metabolized by the yeast (Fig. 4). Sugars were converted into lipids, allowing the yeast biomass to reach a lipid content of 55% of dry weight. The lipid concentration after 90 h of process was 24 g/L (Fig. 4), that corresponded to a lipid productivity of 0.26 g/L/h. Based on the sugars utilized the lipid yield was 0.29.
These results represent a very promising starting point for developing a lipid production process. Similar results were reported by Slininger and co-workers (2016), that developed a very efficient two-stage process on undetoxified lignocellulose hydrolysate, by identifying top-performing lipids producing yeasts, and also close to the highest reported by Cho and Park (2018) from other organic wastes. Moreover, by enriching the initial medium with nitrogen we can increase the biomass production during the first step, reaching higher dry weight, that in the second step can account for higher final lipid concentration. Previously, by the same oleaginous species we reported a two stage process on glucose-based medium, performed by feeding nitrogen in the first step and glucose in the second step, that resulted in the production of 80 g/L of yeast biomass containing 41% of lipid, and corresponding to a final lipid concentration of 33 g/L (Capusoni et al., 2017).
In conclusion, by the exclusive use of food wastes (pumpkin peels and candied fruits syrup), R. azoricus was able to efficiently grow and produce lipids with high productivity and yield.