General Hydrogeochemistry
Descriptive statistics (Table 1), considering all data, show a significant variation in parameter values, resulting in high standard deviation (SD) values. Certainly, this is related to considering both continental water and waters with greater influence from the sea. The total dissolved solids (TDS) varied from 13.3-21130.0 mg/L with a mean value of 1900.3 mg/L. The pH ranged from acidic (5.4) to alkaline (7.9) with a neutral mean value (7.0). Considering the mean value, the abundance of the major ions is as follows: Na+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > K+ and Cl−> HCO3− > SO42+. However, this analysis considering all samples must be interpreted with care, as the extreme values measured in the Group 4 sample (ANG-22), with strong interference from the seawater, as we will see later, caused a large standard deviation in all parameters. The groups and their statistical data will be considered later when the water types are discussed. As regarding the seawater (Millero 2013), the TDS is 35046 mg/L (very high), the pH is a little alkaline 8.1, and the major concentration rank is: Na+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > K+ and Cl− > SO42− > HCO3−. As expected in relation to seawater, the rainwater (Souza et al. 2006) was more acidic, pH = 5.22, less mineralized, TDS = 13.174 mg/L and a similar ionic abundance rank: Na+ > Mg2+ > K+ > Ca2+ and Cl− > SO42− > HCO3−.
Water types
Based upon the Piper diagram (Piper 1944), the waters under investigation can be classified into four major groups (Fig. 3):
Group 1 – Ca-Na-HCO3 waters type. It is represented by a groundwater sample (ANG-23), a sample from a small reservoir (ANG-24) and a sample from a groundwater spring (ANG-25). These samples were collected in the hillside environment, where predominate granitic-gneissic basement outcrops, residual soil, talus deposits, and dense vegetation, representing an aquifer recharge zone, but with occurrences of discharge points from the fractured aquifer. Compared to the other groups (Table 1), the waters in this group are the least mineralized, with an average TDS of 28.3 mg/L and ranging from 13.3–52.0 mg/L. The lowest TDS value is similar to the value measured by Souza et al. (2006) in regional rainwater, 13.2. As well as the minimum pH value, 5.4, is similar to that found by this author in rainwater, 5.22. The average pH is 6.0, and the maximum is 6.8. Considering the mean value, the abundance of the major ions is as follows: Na+ > Ca2+ > K+ > Mg2+and HCO3− > Cl−> SO42+. Especially noteworthy is the high silica content of this group compared to the others.
Group 2 – Ca-HCO3 waters type. It is represented by samples ANG-16, ANG-17, ANG-18, ANG-19, ANG-20, and ANG-21. These are all groundwater samples collected at Itaorna Beach, close to the current and future NPP facilities. These samples come from the porous aquifer and seem to correspond to group 3, individualized in previous hydrogeological surveys carried out in the study area by UFRJ (2003) and Eletronuclear (2005). As shown in Table 1, the pH range is 6.8–7.9 (neutral to alkaline) with an average of 7.5. The TDS range is 119.0-417.2 mg/L with an average of 235.7 mg/L. These values indicate more mineralized and alkaline waters than those in Group 1. The major ions abundance is as follows: Na+ ≈ Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+ and HCO3− > Cl−> SO42+
Group 3 – Ca-(Na)-HCO3 waters type. According to Piper Diagram, this group could be classified as a subgroup of Group 2. However, considering the Chadha Diagram (Chadha 1999, Fig. 3) and other geochemical plots shown later, it is better to consider it a separate group. This group seems to represent a mixture or an intermediate stage (flow and chemical composition) between the waters of groups 1 and 2. It is represented by two samples (ANG-26 and ANG-27) of groundwater collected in the Mambucaba River plain (Fig. 1). These samples were collected from the sandy porous aquifer on a coastal plain where ancient and current fluvial and marine sediments occur. The TDS values vary in an intermediate-range between Groups 1 and 3, 74–101 mg/L (87.1 average), and pH more similar to Group 1. The ionic abundance is as follows: Ca2+ > Na+ > K+ > Mg2+ and HCO3− > Cl−> SO42+
Group 4 – Na-Cl waters type. One sample (ANG-22) is represented, bearing an ionic composition typical of great seawater influence: It has the highest values for TDS (21130 mg/L) and ions. Presents the following rank in terms of ionic abundance (like the seawater): Na+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > K+ and Cl− > SO42+> HCO3−.This group corresponds to group 1 defined by the previous researches (UFRJ 2003; Eletronuclear 2005).
The sample data was plotted in the Chadha diagram (Chadha 1999) to identify the different types of water. In this diagram (Fig. 4), the X-axis represents the difference between (Ca2+ + Mg2+) and (Na+ + K+) in meq/L % and the Y-axis represents the difference between (HCO3−) and (Cl− + SO42−) in meq/L %. The four water types suggested by Chadha (1999) are shown in the quadrants of Fig. 4. It is found that the Group 1 samples fell in the Na-HCO3 type quadrant and the Group 2 samples fell in the Ca-HCO3 type quadrant, as noted in Piper's diagram. The Group 3 samples fell into the Ca-HCO3 type, but they can be considered an intermediate group: with less Ca than Group1 and less Na than Group 2, as proposed in the analysis of Piper's diagram (Fig. 3). The Group 4 sample fell in the Na-Cl type quadrant, very close to the global mean value for seawater (Millero 2013), clearly indicating seawater interference. This piezometer was perforated very close to the coastline and is subject to the fluctuation of the ocean tides.
Considering the elevation of the samples (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2) and the Chadha diagram (Fig. 4), it can be interpreted that starting from the recharge zone (hills and flat hillsides) towards the coastal zone, the sodium bicarbonate waters (Group 1) will enrich themselves in calcium (Groups 3 and 2) and at a certain point, they start to be influenced by seawater (Group 4).
The pH versus TDS (mg/l) scatter plot (Fig. 5) brings some information that confirms the observations made so far about groups, types of water, and direction of flow. It is observed in this plot that Group 1 has a pH ranging from 5.6 to 6.8 and the TDS < 70 mg/L. In relative terms, it is the group with the lowest pH and TDS values; thus, they are the most acidic and least mineralized waters. This behavior is undoubtedly related to the fact that they are waters from the recharge zone or have a short residence time in contact with the aquifers lithologies.
Showing pH and TDS (Fig. 5) values of 6.0-6.5 and 70–100 mg/L, respectively, are the samples from Group 3, which are clearly in an intermediate position between Group 1 and Group 2, in terms of H+ concentration and dissolved ions. Group 2 fell in a range with pH 6.8-8.0 and TDS between 100–1000 mg/L, more mineralized and alkaline than the samples of Group 1 and Group 3. Both aspects suggest the influence of carbonate weathering in the waters of Group 2, following the porous marine sedimentary aquifer characteristics. Group 4 presents a very high TDS value (21130 mg/L): one more indication of seawater interference, while the alkaline pH value indicates weathering of the carbonate terms of the porous coastal aquifer.
Hydrochemical processes
The Gibbs diagram (Fig. 6, Gibbs 1970) has been widely used as a first approach for understanding the relative importance of the significant natural processes that control and determine the composition of groundwater (Tiwari et al. 2019; Sefie et al. 2020; Nandakumaran et al. 2020). It depicts log TDS against the ratios of cations Na+/(Na++Ca2+) and the ratio of anions Cl−/(Cl−+HCO3−) and defines three main zones: evaporation, rainfall, and rock dominance.
The ANG-22 sample (Group 4) fell in the evaporation domain, which is one more indication of the seawater influence in this sample. Most of the samples (Group 2) fell into the rock dominance zone, which indicates that the rock-water interactions are the main factor that controls the chemical composition of these samples. Group 1 samples (ANG-23, ANG-24, and ANG-25) are in the zone of the rainfall domain. This suggests that although these samples must suffer some influence from the weathering of the rocks (mainly ANG-23), they have contact with the atmosphere, mainly concerning ANG-24 (spring area) and ANG-25 (surface water). The fact that these three samples are influenced by precipitation is consistent with how they occur on the slopes in places with crystalline rocks outcrops, residual soils, talus deposits, and denser vegetation (Fig. 1) and this also explains the low mineralization of these waters and the more acidic pH (Fig. 5). This acidification was likely due to one of the following factors, or their combination: organic matter decomposition (reaction 3), respiration of plants (reaction 4), and the natural pH of uncontaminated rainwater in the atmosphere, 5.5-6.0 (reaction 5) (Hounslow 1995; Appelo and Postma 2005).
CH2 + O2 = > CO2 + H2O = > H2CO3 (3)
C6H12O6 + 6O2 = > 6CO2 + 6H2O = > H2CO3 (4)
CO2(g) = > CO2(aq) ; CO2(aq) + H2O = > H2CO3 (5)
It is observed (Fig. 6) that the samples ANG-26 and ANG-27 (Group 3) are in an intermediate position between rock dominance (Group 2) and rainfall dominance (Group 1) zones. This suggests that they are water resulting from the mixture of these two groups and/or that depicts an intermediate step in the chemical evolution of the waters of the study area, departing from Group 1, less mineralized waters, to Group 2, with more significant rock-water interaction.
Scatter plot HCO3 /SIO2 ratio versus Mg/(Ca + Mg) ratio. The scatter plot in Fig. 7 was prepared based on Hounslow (1995) and aimed to indicate the type of rock with which the water interacted when passing through pores and/or fractures. It can be seen in this figure that the samples ANG-16 to ANG-21 (Group 2) fell in area 1A, indicating that their composition is predominantly related to the "Not silicate weathering" and, more specifically, to the weathering of carbonate rocks (calcite-dolomite minerals). The ANG-22 sample (Group 4) is also related to the weathering of non-silicate rocks but fell in area 1B, indicating seawater interference. These observations made for Groups 2 and 4 are in line with the characteristics defined previously for the porous fluvial-marine aquifer of the coastal region, locally with interference from seawater.
The samples ANG-23 to ANG-25 (Group 1) are in area 2A, suggesting waters with chemical composition influenced by the weathering of silicates, and more specifically, granite composition rocks. This behavior is consistent since these samples were collected on the hills where the fractured aquifer of granitic-gneisses composition outcrops, and therefore its chemical weathering products are present. The ANG-26 and ANG-27 (Group 3) samples are positioned on or slightly above line y = 5 (HCO3/SiO2 ratio) in area 3, depicting an ambiguous character and reinforcing that they have an ionic composition between Groups 1 and 2.
The chloro-alkaline index-CAI (Schoeller 1965). This index is calculated to assess the potential for ion exchange reactions between groundwater and mineral constituents in aquifers. CAI also indicates whether an aquifer is salinizing or freshening or has gone through these processes in the past. (Tiwari et al 2019; Stuyfzand 2008).
The ion exchange can be of the type called "base ion exchange process", in which Mg2+ and/or Ca2+ ions in the water are exchanged for Na+ and/or K+ from the mineral aquifer matrix. This is a softening process, since Ca2+ and Mg2+ are removed from the aqueous phase, reducing the water hardness. On the other hand, in the mechanism called "reverse ion exchange process", the opposite occurs (or hardening), that is, sequestration of Na+ and K+ ions by the mineral matrix of the aquifer and releasing of Ca2+ and/or Mg2+ ions to the aqueous phase. Reaction 6 presents an example of an ion-exchange reaction involving Ca2+ and Na+ (Hounslow 1995, Appelo and Postma 2005).
½ Ca2+ + Na-X => ½ Ca-X + Na+ (6)
→ Base cation exchange, softening, or freshening process →
← Reverse cation exchange, hardening, or salinizing process ←
Where X = solid exchanger (mainly clay and hydroxides minerals)
The CAI was calculated using the Schoeller (1965) formula:
CAI= [Cl-(Na + K)]/Cl (meq/L) (7)
CAI values will be positive if there is a hardening process, negative if a softening process is present, and there is no ion exchange process if CAI values are close to zero (Abu-alnaee et al. 2018; Tiwari et al. 2019). The scatter plot CAI values versus Cl−concentrations (Fig. 8a) shows that ANG-22 (Group 4) has CAI slightly higher than zero, indicating no ion exchange or a hardening (salinization) process, confirming the effect of seawater intrusion and saltwater upcoming for this water sample. The other samples (Groups 1 to 3) presented CAI < 0, indicating the potential for softening or freshening process, where Ca2+ decreases and Na+ increases in the aqueous phase.
This indication of a possible ion exchange softening process in the shallow porous aquifer at Itaorna Beach, the NPP site, should be pointed out. In radium-contaminated water, an artificial cation exchange resin can be used for removing Ra2+ (EPA 1983; Nirdosh et al. 1984; Bi et al. 2016; Robin et al. 2017). Thus, theoretically, in case of an accidental release of radionuclides from NPP to the aqueous phase, the fluvial-marines clays can capture Ra2+, releasing Na+ for instance, and mitigating groundwater radium contamination.
Scatter plots (Ca2+ +Mg2+ ) versus HCO3− (Fig. 8b) and Ca2+ versus HCO3− (Fig. 8c). These plots were done to identify the potential sources of Ca2+ and Mg2+ (Shansi et al. 2018). Figure 8b shows that the sample ANG-22 (Group 4) has an excess of (Ca + Mg), as indicative of seawater, enriched mainly in Mg2+ (Millero 2013) and the reverse ion exchange process (hardening). Regarding the other samples, it is observed that most of them (Group 2) fall on the 1:1 stoichiometric equilibrium line (Ca2++ Mg2+) versus HCO3−, suggesting dissolution of dolomite or Mg-rich calcite according to reaction 8 (Hounslow 1995; Appelo and Postma 2005). However, some (Groups 1 and 3 samples) fell slightly below line 1:1, suggesting a base ion exchange process (softening).
CaMg (CO3)2 + 2CO2 + 2H2O -> Ca2+ + Mg2+ + 4HCO3− (8)
In Fig. 8c, except for the ANG-22 sample (Group 4), all samples fall close or below 1:1 stoichiometric equilibrium line Ca2+ versus HCO3−. The samples on the line suggest waters composition with the main contribution of calcite weathering, according to reaction 9 (Hounslow 1995; Appelo and Postma 2005). The samples below the 1:1 line suggest a Ca2+ deficit, which may be due to calcium capture by the aquifer's solid phase (mainly clays) in an ion exchange process (softening) involving Na+ (mostly Group 1). The indications provided by these plots (Fig. 8b and 8c) are consistent with the previous observations
CaCO3 + H2O + CO2 -> Ca2+ + 2HCO3− (9)
Scatter plot Na+ versus Cl−. This plot is used to identify potential sources of Na+ and Cl− (Shansi et al. 2018). Figure 8d clearly shows that, for the ANG-22 sample (Group 4), the source of Na+ and Cl− is the seawater, which confirms the strong influence of seawater on the ionic composition of this sample. Most of the data are slightly above the halite dissolution line. The Na+/Cl− ratio greater than 1 indicates either the presence of silicate weathering or base ion exchange (softening) between Na+ and Ca2+ (Shansi et al. 2018). For Group 2 samples, it is suggested that ion exchange (Ca-Na) is the leading cause for Na + excess. For samples from Groups 1 and 3, both processes must occur, whereas for samples ANG-23 to ANG-25 (Group 1), it is suggested that the excess of Na+ is predominantly due to the weathering of sodium-rich silicates (Na-rich plagioclase). These observations confirm the interpretation performed in Fig. 8a, 8b, and 8c. In other words, these data show a Na+ enrichment and concomitant Ca2+ depletion in most of the water samples, except for the ANG-22 sample, in which the saline influence is significant.