4.1. CH4 production
A low CH4 production recorded in high forage level (60F:40C) may be associated with the presence of high levels of secondary metabolites (saponin and condensed tannin) in alfalfa plant used as a roughage source (Kozlowska et al., 2020). Previously, Castro-Montoya et al. (2012) found that rations using quillaja plant with high saponin content as a roughage source decreased CH4 production compared to rations with high concentrate feed. Likewise, in some studies, saponin has been found to reduce CH4 production (Morgavi et al., 2012; Jayanegara et al., 2014; Chen et al., 2019). While some researchers found that a low condensed tannin (CT<0.001%) content in alfalfa hay decreased CH4 production, some researchers reported a decrease in CH4 production due to the low NDF and a high CP content and a presence of secondary metabolites in alfalfa (Cheok et al., 2014; Rira et al., 2015; Moate et al., 2017; Szumacher -Strabel et al., 2019). These reports are consistent with our findings.
In current study, the effect of NO−3 supplementation on CH4 production in both forage:concentrate ratios was different. In this study the increase of forage level (60F:40C) led to a decrease of CH4 production. An interaction was found between ration type (roughage/concentrate ratio) and CH4 reducing agents (such as nitrate) in cattle (Alvarez-Hess et al., 2019). A high CH4 production found in a high concentrate level, is consistent with some studies (Hristov et al., 2015; 2017; Moate et al., 2017; 2019). In this study, a relationship between CH4 production, dietary starch rate and digestion can be established. This is in line with previous findings (Herrera-Saldana et al., 1990; McAllister et al., 1996; Alvarez-Hess et al., 2019).
In our study, it was found that NO−3 + O added rations decreased CH4 production in both forage:concentrate ratios (p<0.001). Some researchers reported that a combined effect of oils (rich MUFA or PUFA) and NO−3 is an effective method to reduce CH4 production in rumen (Leng and Preston, 2010; Yang et al., 2016). It has been determined that a lower effect of NO−3 on CH4 production is associated to NO−3 and nitrite reducing microorganisms (Guo et al., 2009). Nitrate acts as a hydrogen acceptor. There are studies showing that nitrate has a significant inhibitory effect on CH4 production (El-Zaiat et al., 2014; Olijhoek et al., 2016). Reduction of nitrate to nitrite and then to NH3 reduces H ions concentration required for the conversion of the CO2 to CH4 compound in the rumen and thus CH4 production decreases (Zhou et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2017). In addition, it has been determined that nitrite has a toxic effect on methanogens (Božic et al., 2009; Zhou et al., 2011). However, the reducing effect of NO−3 on CH4 is more evident in rations with a high forage which is rich in condensed tannins or saponins (Pal et al., 2014). This is consistent with our results. In our study, while a high CH4 production was observed in 40F:60C (12.44 ml), a lower CH4 production (9.09 ml) was recorded in low a high forage level (Table 3). This result is related to the increase in saponin and condensed tannins level and their effects on CH4 production in a high forage level.
In our study, oils used were rich in PUFA (SO) and MUFA (HO). As expected, SO with a high content of PUFA decreased CH4 production at a higher level than HO. This finding is consistent with studies reporting that the mitigation effect of fats on CH4 production is related to degree of unsaturation (Rodrigues et al., 2017; Vargas et al., 2017).
In both forage:concentrate ratios the higher negative effect of SO (rich in PUFA) in the reduction of CH4 production (compared to the effect of HO) is associated with a high presence of α-linolenic acid (C18:3 cis-9, cis-12, cis-15) and linoleic acid (C18:2 cis-9, cis-12) in SO. Previously, the effect of oils such as flaxseed and rapeseed rich in PUFA on CH4 mitigation was found by some researchers (Chung et al., 2011; Benchaar et al., 2015; Veneman et al., 2015). As a matter of fact, a lowering effect of oils rich in MUFA (oleic acid (C18:1)) on CH4 mitigation was found (Dong et al., 1997). In both forage:concentrate ratios HO decreased CH4 production. Likewise, in some studies canola oil (22% linoleic acid, 11% linolenic acid, and 54% oleic acid) caused a reduction of CH4 production (Dohme et al., 2000; Beauchemin and McGinn, 2015)). It was found that oil (rich in MUFA or PUFA) reduced the cellulolytic bacteria population, methanogenic bacteria, and then CH4 production (Freitas et al., 2018; Nur Atikah et al., 2018).
In present study, the decrease in CH4 production due to O addition can be associated with the decrease in protozoa population. In both forage:concentrate ratios, it was determined that NO−3 + O supplementation caused a higher decrease in CH4 production compared to the use of O and NO−3 separately. This result is consistent with previous studies (Duthie et al., 2017; Villar et al., 2019). Likewise, Guyader et al. (2015) and Veneman et al. (2015) reported that CH4 production decreases when nitrate and flaxseed oil (high in MUFA) are added to ration.
4.2. NH3 concentration
In the current study, rumen NH3 values determined for rations used in both forage:concentrate ratios are above the recommended minimum NH3 concentration (4.39 to 7.32 mmol/l) (Satter and Slyter, 1974), which is considered sufficient for maximum microbial growth rates. The high NH3 concentration found in the high concentrate level (40F:60C) might be related to the high number of proteolytic bacteria in rumen. Because, proteolytic bacteria increase ruminal NH3 concentration by accelerating protein degradation in rumen.
While this finding is in agreement with some studies (Kljak et al., 2017; Liu et al., 2019), it disagreed with other studies (Jadhav et al., 2017; Liu et al., 2018).
A high forage level (60F:40C) decreased NH3 concentration in present study. This finding can be associated with a high level of alfalfa (rich in saponins), which increased saponin level in ration. Saponin decreased or inhibited NH3 production. Our results were consistent with some previous studies (Belanche et al., 2016; Jadhav et al., 2018).
In our study, the forage:concentrate ratios associated with NO−3 supplementation decreased NH3 (p<0.001). NO−3 is converted to nitrite, which has a toxic effect on rumen bacteria, and therefore NO−3 addition reduces NH3 concentration at a high level compared to urea addition (control group). Nitrate alters the fermentation profile and decreases the NH3 production. However, the conversion rate of NO−3 to NH3 in rumen is slower than urea to NH3.
Various studies investigated the effect of O (rich in MUFA or PUFA) supplementation on NH3 concentration. While in some studies oil supplementation had no effect (Jalc et al., 2005) on NH3 concentration, in some studies oil supplementation increased (Jalc et al., 2002) or decreased (Szumacher-Strabel et al., 2009; Doreau et al., 2017) NH3 concentration.
In this study, oils rich in PUFA (SO) or in MUFA (HO) associated with the forage:concentrate ratios (40F:60C, and 60F:40C) decreased NH3 concentration (p<0.001). This can be explained by the presence of linolenic acid (SO) and oleic acid (HO). But the effect of SO (rich in PUFA) was more evident. In fact, the biohydrogenation of linoleic acid consumes more hydrogen (compare to oleic acid). Thus, in our study, the lack of hydrogen causes the decrease in NH3 production. Previously, while Bayat et al. (2017), and Kubelkova et al. (2018) found that flaxseed oil (rich in PUFA) compared to rapeseed oil (rich in MUFA) decreased the rumen pH and NH3 concentration at a high level, some researchers reported that Moringa oleifera oil rich in MUFA (oleic acid (74.99%), stearic acid (2.09%), linolenic acid (1.75%), and linoleic acid (1.27%)) increased rumen protected (by-pass) protein and decreased NH3 concentration (Gassenschmidt et al., 1995; Belewu et al., 2014).
In our study, a combined effect of NO−3 + O supplementation link to the forage:concentrate ratios decreased NH3 concentration (p<0.05). However, combined effect of NO−3 + SO (compared to NO−3 + HO) was more evident on NH3 concentration in the both forage:concentrate ratios. In the same time, the biohydrogenation (due to O supplementation) and hydrogen sink reaction (due to NO−3 supplementation) were happened to use the free hydrogen in rumen. Like that, NH3 production decreased because of lack of hydrogen. Previously, combined effect of NO−3 + O supplementation was reported in some studies (Veneman et al., 2015 (NO−3 + linseed oil supplementation); Villar et al., 2019 (NO−3 + canola oil supplementation)).
4.3. pH, VFA, and AA: PA ratio
In the present study, pH values of rations used, are determined from the fluids remaining in the injectors after 48 hours of incubation. The pH values vary between 5.99 and 6.25 (Table 3). The pH difference in this study is due to forage/concentrate ratio. In this study while a high concentrate level decreased pH, a high forage level increased pH. Although, it was found that NO−3 addition link to forage:concentrate ratios decreased pH values (p<0.05). This finding is in agreement with some studies (Li et al., 2012; Villar et al., 2019). Likewise, rumen pH values found in our study are consistent with the value reported by Latham et al. (2016). A decline in pH observed due to NO−3 supplementation indicates that microorganisms were not accustomed to digesting nitrate. It suggested that NO−3 supplementation caused a dramatic change in rumen conditions. A decreased in pH due to the high concentrate level can be associated to a high starch content which creates an environment to inhibit nitrate and nitrite metabolism. This means that a high concentrate level provided sufficient energy for the microorganisms to convert nitrate to nitrite and then nitrite to NH3. For this reason, NH3 concentration was high in the high concentrate level (Table 3)
In the present study, oil addition associated to forage:concentrate ratios decreased pH values. A decrease in ruminal pH, AA concentration, and CH4 production observed due to oil addition in our study can be associated with the degree of unsaturation of oils used (SO and HO). Some researchers have reported that oils addition reduces ruminal pH, AA concentration, and CH4 production with oils (rich in MUFA or in PUFA) supplementation (Wu et al., 2016; Majewska et al., 2017; Alvarez-Hess et al., 2019). However, it was found that SO (compared to HO) decreased significantly pH, AA concentration, and CH4 production (Compared to HO). This can be associated to the high level of linolenic acid in SO. This result is consistent with some studies (Russell and Wilson, 1996; Mertens, 1997). By the way, NO−3 + O supplementation combine with forage:concentrate ratios decreased more pH, AA concentration, and CH4 production. This is associated to the biohydrogenation of unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA, and MUFA) provided by oil (SO, and HO), and hydrogen sink reaction (due to NO−3 supplementation) which occurred in the same time.
In this experiment, TVFA, individual concentration of VFA (AA, PA, BA, and AA: PA ratio) were affected by F:C ratios, FA, O, F:C ratios x FA, F:C ratios x O, FA x O.
It was determined that a high concentrate decreased AA concentration, and AA: PP ratio (p<0.001). An increase in PA, BA, TVFA concentration found in the high concentrate level can be explained by the lowering pH due to the increase in lactic acid content derived from the high easily fermentable carbohydrates content of rations used, and an increase in carbohydrate fermentation. An increase in BA concentration can be also associated with the increase in ammonia concentration which inhibited bacterial growth and promotes a fermentation for BA production in this study. As it is known, VFA are produced as a result of microbial fermentation of carbohydrates in the rumen. However, the increase in AA, TVFA, and AA:PA ratio found in the high forage level, is associated with the increase in fiber content (in this case NDF and ADF). Depending on an increase in fibrous content of ration, ruminal hydrogen concentration used in the production of AA and CH4 increased. Our results are consistent with some studies (Kljak et al., 2017; Moate et al., 2017; Alende et al., 2019).
The increase in PA concentration due to NO−3 addition can be explained by the competition between the mechanism of PA production and nitrate (for ammonia production). In other words, propionic acid producing bacteria population (Selenomonas ruminantium, Propionibacterium and Tessaracoccus) increased and they used free H ions present in the rumen to produce propionic acid. For this reason, hydrogen required for nitrate reduction (nitrite then ammonia) decreased. Consequently, PA concentration increased and NH3 concentration, AA and AA: PA ratio decreased in the rumen. But, a decrease in BA (due to NO−3 supplementation) was caused by the rapid reduction of NO−3 (to nitrite then ammonia) which use up the electrons needed for the production of BA. However, a high forage level decreased BA concentration. This was due to the combined effect of tannin and NO−3. Our results were consistent with some studies (van Zijderveld et al., 2011; Adejoro and Hassen, 2017; Wang et al., 2018).
In this study, the decrease in AA due to NO−3 supplementation can be explained by the use of free hydrogen for production of NH3 and PA. Like this, hydrogen concentration required for the production of AA decreased. One of the possible reasons for the reduction in the concentration of AA due to the combined effect of NO−3 and the two types of oil (MUFA or PUFA) is the use of free hydrogens for the production of PA and BA.
In our study, the effect of NO−3 + O on VFA and AA: PA ratio changed according to the source of fatty acids (MUFA and PUFA). For that, NO−3 + SO (rich in PUFA) associated with forage: ratios decreased AA concentration but it increased PA and BA concentrations. This result can be explained by the simultaneous effect of NO−3 (hydrogen sinks) and the biohydrogenation of PUFA which consume more free hydrogen than the biohydrogenation of MUFA. A high concentrate level increased more the combined effect of NO−3 + SO on AA, CH4, NH3, TVFA and AA:PA ratio. However, while NO−3 stimulated the population of propionic acid-producing bacteria, the unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA and MUFA) in SO and HO used free hydrogens for biohydrogenation. Thus, the production of AA, CH4, NH3, TVFA and AA:PA ratio decreased. Our findings are in conformity with those found by Popova et al. (2017) and Villar et al. (2019). Our results showed that AA and CH4 were more decreased due to the combined effect of NO−3 + SO which can be explained by biohydrogenation of PUFA and NO−3 mechanism (transformation of NO−3 to nitrite then to NH3) for obtaining PA having different and associative mechanism for using available hydrogen. Use of NO−3 and O in the same time in the ration led to reduction in ruminal hydrogen concentration.
4.4. Protozoa population (PP)
In the current study, a high concentrate level increased the number of PP compared to the high forage level (p<0.001). Previously, it was shown that a high concentrate level can increase (Franzolin and Dehority, 1996; Lengowski et al., 2016) or decrease (Gozho et al., 2005; Khafipour et al., 2009; Hook et al., 2011) protozoa population.
However, the increase in forage (rich in secondary metabolites: saponins and tannins) content of ration link to NO−3 addition caused a decrease in the protozoa number. This can be explained by the combine effect of NO−3 and saponins which acted negatively on protozoa population. Our findings are consistent with those of Lin et al. (2013).
In the present study, NO−3 added rations associated with forage:concentrate ratios decreased PP. Otherwise, nitrite which come from a transformation of nitrate, inhibits rumen protozoa population and thus CH4 production. This is consistent with findings of Iwamoto et al. (2001).
Furthermore, in our study, there is a parallelism between NH3 concentration and PP in a high forage level, and this finding was reported by some studies (Hu et al., 2005; Liu et al., 2018).
In our study, use of NO−3 alone or in combination with HO (rich in MUFA: oleic acid) and SO (rich in linolenic acid and linoleic acid) reduced protozoa population. However, the combined effect of NO−3 + SO decreased protozoa population more than individual use of NO−3 and O. This can be explained by the simultaneous mitigation effect of NO−3 and PUFA (linolenic acid and linoleic acid) on PP. Previously it was demonstrated that NO−3 alone (Sar et al., 2005; Asanuma et al., 2015) or in combination with linseed oil (Veneman et al., 2015) or canola oil (Villar et al., 2019) decreased PP. While some authors notified a toxic effect of NO−3 and lipids on protozoa PP (Morgavi et al., 2010), other researchers reported no significant effect on PP (Guyader et al., 2016).