Aim, design, and setting
The objective of this study was to assess whether greater physician supply is associated with lower mortality rates from causes of death amenable to medical care. We assessed associations between physician supply and amenable deaths using trend and multivariate analyses, drawing our data from all deaths in Taiwan between 1971 and 2008.
Our primary data source consists of Taiwan’s National Death Certification Registry from 1971 to 2008. The data include information on age, sex, location of death, and cause of death for all deaths of Taiwanese nationals. Because Taiwan law requires a death certificate to be issued by a trained medical registrar within 30 days of death, cause-of-death coding is considered complete and accurate.[24] We collected data on the number of physicians per 1,000 residents by township from Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare’s statistics on the current status of healthcare institutions and healthcare utilization,[25] and township-level information on mean household income, population, and education attainment from Taiwan’s National Statistics Bureau. We obtained data on township urbanization levels from Tzeng and Wu,[26] who created a composite score of urbanization for each township in Taiwan.
Amenable Mortality. The death certification data include, for each death, the primary cause of death coded according to the International Classification of Disease, Ninth Revision (ICD9). We followed the definition created by Concerted Action of the European Community on Avoidable Mortality (CAEC) to identify each death as either an “amenable death” or “non-amenable death.”[27] Amenable deaths include those causes of death that can be delayed with appropriate and timely medical treatment and/or public health measures. For example, lung cancer death is considered amenable both to public health policy measures (smoking prevention and cessation initiatives) and to medical care (chemotherapy). We present the CAEC classification of amenable mortality in Table 1.
Trends in age-standardized mortality rates by sex. To account for differing age structures between townships, mortality rates were age-standardized in 5-year intervals by physician supply quartile and by sex, except for years 2006-2008, which only has three years because of insufficient number of years in the final period. We disaggregated age-standardized mortality rates by sex because some diseases are specific to women (e.g., breast and cervical cancer), and some may have mortality differences based on sex.[See, e.g., 28, 29, 30] We used the direct method, as listed below, to calculate age-standardized mortality rates (ASMRs) per 100,000 residents for each sex and physician supply quartile:[31]
See Formula 1 in the supporting information.
In the formula above, Wi is the population in the ith age class of the reference population (world population) in 2000, and Ai is the age-specific mortality rate in the ith age class in Taiwan. In our age-standardized and sex-stratified trend analyses of the association between ASMRs and physician supply quartiles, we simply present the trend in all ASMRs (in the aggregate and by specific amenable causes of death) by physician supply quartiles over time.
Physician supply levels. We obtained the number of physicians per 1,000 residents in each of Taiwan’s 357 townships[1] or city districts (hereinafter ‘townships’) from Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare. In our study, we counted all physicians, not just primary care physicians, to reflect the lack of gatekeeping in Taiwan, where most physicians serve roles similar to primary care physicians in the West. For the trend analyses of ASMRs, we categorized the townships into quartiles based on the number of physicians per 1,000 residents, with the first quartile having £0.277 physicians; the second quartile, >0.277 and £0.483 physicians; the third quartile, > 0.483 and £0.984 physicians; and the fourth quartile, >0.984 physicians per 1,000 respectively.
Control variables. Mean household income at the township level was obtained directly from the National Statistics Bureau of the Ministry of the Interior and measured in New Taiwan Dollars. We also obtained education attainment data from the National Statistics Bureau, and calculated the percentage of the population with at least a junior high school education as the number of individuals who completed junior high school divided by the total number of individuals in a given township. We focused on education attainment at the junior high school level (defined as completing nine years of education), as Taiwan implemented the nine-year mandatory educational system in 1968, three years prior to the beginning of our study period. We collapsed Tzeng and Wu’s[26] eight levels of urbanization into four levels by combing levels 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8, and created three of the four levels as a series of dummy variables to be used in our statistical analyses, with level 4 (the most urbanized townships) as the omitted reference level. Finally, given the long study period and the evolution of medical technology over time, we also constructed decade dummy variables to control for decade fixed effects. Using 1971-1980 as the reference decade, we created three separate dichotomous variables, decade1, decade2, and decade3 respectively representing the years 1981-1990, 1991-2000, and 2001-2008.
Multivariate regression analysis. In addition to the simple analyses of trends, we also conducted several multivariate regressions using age-adjusted ASMR (for all amenable deaths, and key individual amenable causes of death) as the dependent variable, with the following independent variables: the number of physicians per 1,000 residents, dummy variables for urbanization levels, average household income, percentage of junior high school graduates, a post-national health insurance (NHI) dummy variable, and linear time trends variables both before and after NHI. Our unit of observation in the panel was the township-year, and we ran the following regression for each sex separately, where i represents township and t represents year:
See Formula 2 in the supporting information.
In an alternative specification, we excluded the pre- and post-NHI linear trend variables, and included instead the decade dummy variables (with decade0, 1971-1980 as the reference decade).
The key coefficient of interest is b0, which denotes the relationship between number of physicians per 1,000 residents and age-standardized mortality rates for amenable causes. We ran a baseline model with physicians per 1,000 residents as the only covariate, then added mean household income, as well as the three rurality, education, pre-NHI year counter, post-NHI dummy and post-NHI year counter variables, or replaced the linear trend variables with decade fixed effects. We clustered our Huber-White robust standard errors at the township level to account for correlations between observations within the same township over time. In addition, because our unit of observation (the township) varied widely in population, we used the township-level population as probability weights in our regressions.
[1] The official number of townships fluctuated because several smaller townships were consolidated over the years.