3.1. Chromatic aberration analysis
According to the protection principle of stone cultural relics, the surface of the stone before and after treatment shall not produce obvious color differences [17]. Therefore, we need to consider the influence of the reactant concentration and the number of coatings on the color difference of the sandstone surface. Figure 3 Variation curve of sandstone surface chromatic aberration with the concentration of reactants and the number of coatings. As the concentration of reactants increases, the rate of change of sandstone surface chromatic aberration is greater even if the number of coatings is the same, and as the number of coatings increases, the overall color difference change rate shows an upward trend. Due to the limited number of nanoparticles adsorbed on the surface of sandstone, the chromatic aberration will not change significantly with the increase of the number of layers and tends to be stable. Considering that the surface protection material of the stone sample must not only play a protective role, but also reduce the color difference, the concentration of precipitated calcium carbonate is selected as 0.05 mol/l in this work, and the number of coatings is 5 times.
3.2. Characterization and analysis of powder samples
In order to easily analyze the structure of materials, the structure of calcium carbonate powders, which were directly precipitated by the same precursor solutions instead of the film on the stone, was determined using XRD, IR and SEM.
3.2.1. X-ray Analysis
Figure 4 shows the XRD diffraction spectrum of calcium carbonate powder samples, as shown in the figure, 2θ = 26.3°, 27.3°, 33.1°, 36.3°, 37.9°, 38.5°, 42.9°, 45.9° and 48.4° [18], which correspond to (111), (021), (012), (102), (112), (130), (122), (221) and (202) crystal planes of aragonite respectively. The sharp peak shape and no miscellaneous peaks in the figure indicate the high crystallinity and the high crystal purity. The peak's shape corresponds with the PDF 76-0606. The characteristic peak of vaterite is located at 2θ = 21.0°, 25.0°, 27.1°, 32.8°, 43.8°, 49.1°, 49.9° and 55.7° [19], which correspond to (002), (100), (101), (102), (110), (112), (104) and (202) crystal planes of vaterite respectively. According to the Scherrer formula, it is shown that the half-height width of the diffraction peak is narrow, the average crystal grain size is small, the crystal purity is high, and there is no impurity peak. The peak shape corresponds to PDF 72-0506.
3.2.2. Fourier transform infrared absorption spectrum analysis
Figure 5 shows the infrared absorption spectrum of the calcium carbonate powder samples. We can observe that the characteristic absorption peaks belonging to the aragonite have strong absorption bands at 1082 cm-1, 872 cm-1, and 736 cm-1, due to the stretching of carbonate (v1 model), the bending vibration out of the plane (v2 model) and the bending vibration in-plane bending vibration (v4 model) [20]. The infrared absorption spectra of three crystal forms of calcium carbonate contain the plane bending vibration (v2 mode), but their positions are different. The characteristic absorption peak of vaterite appears near 855 cm-1, the plane bending vibration positions of aragonite and calcite are very close, and appear near 875 cm-1 [21]. The characteristic absorption peaks of vaterite are located at 1082 cm-1, 854 cm-1 and 708 cm-1 respectively, they are caused by the bending vibration out of the plane, the symmetrical carbonate stretching and the bending of the aragonite in-plane, and the two curves have carbonate anti-symmetric stretching and shrinking vibration at 1492 cm-1 peak, which is consistent with XRD test results. There is no functional group related to the surfactant in the infrared absorption spectrum because it is taken away by deionized water during the washing process.
3.2.3. Scanning Electron Microscopic Analysis
Figure 6 shows the morphology of the calcium carbonate powder sample. According to Figure 6 (1), we can know that the aragonite crystal type calcium carbonate is rod-shaped and has a large aspect ratio, which is consistent with the literature [10]. We use the software Nano Measurer to calculate the particle size distribution in Figure 6 (1), according to the particle size distribution diagram, we can see that the average particle size of the aragonite crystal form is about 4 microns. The morphology of vaterite calcium carbonate in Figures 6 (2), and the small particle size leads to serious agglomeration. According to the particle size distribution diagram, the average particle size of the vaterite crystal form is about 46 nano. Irregular morphology may be caused by the rapid growth of a certain crystal plane or the influence of controlled formulations, which is consistent with literature records that the stretching of the surfactant PVA affects the nucleation rate and the crystal growth direction of calcium carbonate [12]. he average particle size of vaterite is smaller than that of aragonite.
3.3. X-ray diffraction analyses
Figure 7 shows the XRD pattern of the stone sample treated with calcium carbonate deposition. As shown in figure (1), 2θ = 26.3°, 27.3°, 33.1°, 45.9°, 48.4°, which correspond to (111), (021), (012), (221) and (202), crystal planes of aragonite respectively, and the peak shape corresponds to the card PDF 76-0606. As shown in figure (2), there are characteristic peaks of vaterite at 2θ = 21.1°, 24.9°, 27.1°, 32.8°, 43.9°, and 50.2°, corresponding to (002), (100), (101), (102), (110), (104) crystal planes, and the peak shape corresponds to the card PDF 72-0506. There are characteristic peaks of silica at 2θ = 20.9°, 26.7°, 36.6°, 42.5°, 60.1°, 68.2°, corresponding to (100), (011), (110), (200), (21-1), (21-2) crystal planes, the peak-shaped card corresponds to PDF 85-1054. In the stone samples, the peak content of calcium carbonate is less, and the peak of the stone substrate is stronger, indicating that the protective film of calcium carbonate formed may be weak.
3.4. Scanning Electron Microscopic Analysis
Figure 8 shows the surface morphology of the stone samples. As it is shown in Figures (a), the blank stone samples have a rough surface and high porosity. By observing Figure (b), it can be seen that the surface porosity of the stone sample treated with aragonite calcium carbonate is reduced, but a large number of cracks are generated. This is due to the large particle size of aragonite calcium carbonate, uneven distribution during the reaction process, the large pores on the surface of the stone cannot be filled, and a uniform and dense film cannot be formed. The surface of the stone sample treated with vaterite is uniform and dense without cracks as shown in Figure (c). According to the particle size distribution results, it can be proved that it is because the vaterite has a small particle size that it can fill up the pores on the stone surface during the reaction process and reduce the porosity, so the formed film is relatively uniform and dense.
3.5. Wettability
The wettability of the stone sample surface is evaluated by the static contact angle, the water absorption and the air permeability. The surface contact angle of the stone sample is shown in Figure 9. The static contact angle of sample B is 28°, the static contact angle of sample A is 18°, and the static contact angle of sample V is 13°. According to Table 1, the surfaces of the samples are all of the easily wettable types. After our treatment, the contact angle of the sandstone sample surface decreased, and the hydrophilicity increased. There are two reasons for the decrease in the contact angle of the sandstone surface: the first is that the calcium carbonate particles are on the sandstone surface, increasing the surface roughness of the hydrophilic stone and improving the surface hydrophilicity; the second is that calcium carbonate deposited on the surface of sandstone produces a large number of hydrophilic hydroxyl groups in the aqueous solution, which is easy to attract water molecules [22].
3.6. Water absorption analysis
According to the change of the water absorption rate shown in Figure 10, the water absorption rate of the stone sample changes very quickly within 48 hours of soaking in the first stage. The water absorption rate of the blank stone sample is as high as 3.6%, the water absorption rate of the sample treated with aragonite calcium carbonate is 3.4%, which is close to that of the blank stone sample, while the water absorption rate of the stone sample treated with vaterite is only 1.6%, which is lower than the half of the blank stone sample. The second stage of the change in water absorption is from 48 hours to 336 hours. In this stage, the rate of change in water absorption slows down. The third stage is to soak for 336 hours to 432 hours, the water absorption rate gradually tends to be constant at this stage, and the water absorption reaches saturation.
It can be seen that the water absorption rate changes very slightly until the water absorption reaches saturation in the second stage. The water absorption rate of the blank stone sample only increases by 0.9%, the water absorption rate of the sample treated with aragonite increases by 0.7%, and the water absorption rate of the stone sample treated with vaterite increases by 0.4%. It shows that the water absorption rate of stone samples can reach the maximum after soaking for 48 hours. According to the water absorption test results, both materials have a protective effect, effectively reducing water absorption. However, sample V has the lowest water absorption rate. According to the analysis of the average particle size in Figure 6 (2) and the surface morphology Figure 8 (c), it can be seen that the small average particle size effectively reduces the porosity, and the formed film is dense and uniform, which hinders the water molecules enter the interior of the stone. Therefore, the water absorption is the lowest.
3.7. Water vapour permeability analysis
Figure 11 shows the change in water vapour permeability. Generally speaking, the Blank sample has the best air permeability, followed by sample A, and sample V has the worst air permeability, indicating that the larger the pores are, the better the air permeability is [14]. This confirms that vaterite calcium carbonate greatly reduces the porosity of the stone sample, resulting in poor air permeability. However, observing the entire change process, it is found that the difference of the three curves is not very large, with the increase of the number of cycles, the changes of the three curves are the same, and the mass change is less than 0.1 g, and the overall fluctuation is very small, indicating that two materials will not affect the water vapour in and out of the stone and do not affect the respiration of the stone.
3.8. Weather Resistance
The sandstone is outdoors for a long time, and its surface has large pores, so it is easily corroded by the soluble salt. To explore the feasibility of protecting materials, it is necessary to conduct weather resistance tests on the treated stone samples. Sodium sulfate is one of the most destructive and ubiquitous salts insoluble salts. We choose it as the soluble salt in this experiment for the weather resistance test [23]. The results of the weathering resistance test are shown in Figure 12 and figure 13.
For the blank sandstone in Figure 12 (a), the appearance of the three parallel samples began to weather after the 5th cycle, and a large area began to fall off after the 20th cycle, and the quality curve dropped significantly. For the sandstone treated with aragonite stone in Figure 12 (b), the surfaces of the three parallel specimens began to pulverize after the 10th cycle, and a large area fell off after the 20th cycle. Figure 12 (c) shows that after the vaterite treatment, the surface appearance and quality of the three parallel samples hardly changed significantly. The quality of the first few cycles of the quality change curve of all samples shows an upward trend, which is consistent with the viewpoint of the literature [15]. By comparing the mass change curve in Figure 13, it can be seen that the change of sample V is the smallest, indicating that the soluble salt content in sample V is the smallest. Combining the average particle size of vaterite calcium carbonate as shown in Figure 6 (2) and the analysis of the deposition on the sandstone surface as shown in Figure 8 (c), due to its small average particle size, the thin film formed on the sandstone surface is dense and uniform. Not only can the porosity be reduced, but also the entry of water molecules and soluble salts can be prevented, thereby improving the protective effect.