Study area and period
This study was a prospective hospital-based study, conducted at the pediatric ward of Hiwot Fana Specialized teaching hospital(HFSTH), Harar. This study was conducted longitudinally for consecutive one year from December 30/2019-Juanuary 1/2021 admitted to pediatrics ward and stayed for more than 24 hours.
Study design
Hospital based prospective observational study was used to assess DRPs and complications among children (up to 18 years old) admitted to pediatrics ward.
Case identification
BM was defined according to clinical findings including fever, headache, altered mental status, meningeal irritation signs (Kernig or Brudzinski signs or neck stiffness), bulging fontanel≥ 1 year) and elevated CSF protein (>100mg/dl), low CSF glucose (< 40 mg/dl) or leukocytosis (> 100 WBC/mm3) with at least 80% neutrophill(11). Complication is defined as if the patient developed new cases including hydrocephalus and seizure after meningitis is confirmed.
Inclusion criteria: All children with age 1 month to 18 years, children whose hospital stay is more than 24 hours, patients admitted to pediatric ward from December 30/2019-January1/2021and caregivers are willing to participate were considered as the study population. Finally, all children who satisfy the inclusion criteria were candidate as a subject for the study.
Exclusion criteria: Re-hospitalized during study period, patients/care givers self-discharged before 7 days of treatment and whose diagnosis is changed to non-bacterial meningitis or other diagnosis before discharge.
Study variables
As usual, in this study we included both dependent and different independent variables (variables that can affect the occurrence of complication). The incidence of BM complication was dependent variables where as length of hospital stay, age, sex, co-morbidity, number of drugs, time of antibiotics initiation, different laboratory investigation, initiation of corticosteroids and presence of DRPs.
Sample size determination
Because this is a prospective observational study conducted for one year, a time bounded sample size was used. That means all children admitted to the hospital, fulfill all inclusion criteria and admitted within the data collection period were included as a study participant.
Data collection procedures
All patients were examined daily for BM related complications and DRPs. BM related complications such as seizures, persistent altered state of sensorial, hydrocephalus, comma, hearing impairment, cranial nerve palsy or any neurological deficit were checked during daily examination. CT scan of brain was done in patients having neurological deficit to detect acute complications of meningitis like, subdural effusion, hydrocephalus or brain abscess. The identified DRPs were classified according to Cipolle’s method (12) as unnecessary drug therapy, needs additional drug therapy, ineffective drug therapy, dose too low, dosage too high and adverse drug reaction was recorded using structured questionnaire. For the aim of this study, both DRPs and complications were dichotomized as (children had DRPs and who are free from DRPs) and (children who developed one or more complications and who were free from it) respectively.
Data quality assurance
We have tried a lot to keep the quality of data processing starting from data collection to analysis so as to draw conclusive information. Pre-test was conducted on 5% of study participants before the actual data extraction. This pre-test is essential to check the language barrier, if variables might be missed, readability problem, and the data collector might misunderstood essence of the question. However, there was no amendment of data collection tool. Two pharmacists were involved for data collection. For this research we recruited one physician for supervision. Two days training was given for data collectors and a supervisor. The focus of training was on how to approach patient, decision of DRPs and meningitis complications in collaboration with other senior staffs, data collectors were extracted data from patient chart and laboratory requests. There was continual communication between the principal investigator and the data collector and supervisor and facilitate discussion time if concerns raised. If information in the patient chart was confusing, clarification was made by respective physician and nurse and if necessary the caregiver or the patient. We used Naranjo scale and Micro-medex version 3.1 for suspected adverse drug reaction and drug-drug interaction respectively.
Data analysis
Data analysis was computed using STATA version 14.2(Texas, USA). Before analysis, independent variable interaction, co linearity and binary logistic regression model fitness were checked. Chi-square statistics were used to check adequacy of cells for binary logistic regression analysis. Mean and median was used for continues variables whereas percentage and frequency were reported for categorical variables respectively. Univariate model was computed to identify variables which are candidate for multivariate model. Variables with p<0.25 were included in the multivariate binary logistic regression model. Finally, a multiple binary logistic regression model was computed to identify determinant predictors of complication and those variables with P<0.05 was declared as significant predictors.