This observational study was conducted from May 2019 to September 2019 in the Rangueil ICU of the Teaching Hospital of Toulouse (France). The study was approved by an ethic committee. All patients were informed about their participation in this protocol and were not included if they refused to participate.
All patients undergoing a weaning test with a T-tube were prospectively included. The criteria for non-inclusion were the use of pressure support ventilation during the weaning test, the presence of a tracheostomy, failure of the weaning test within the first 30 minutes, a known pregnancy, age under 18 years, the presence of a guardianship or curatorship measure, therapeutic limitation or the absence of coverage by the French social security.
The initiation of the weaning test, its duration, the choice to perform it with a T-tube and the decision to extubate or not were made by the physician in charge of the patient. The investigator in charge of the ultrasound recordings was not involved in the patient care. At the initiation of the weaning test, the oxygen flow rate was adjusted to achieve a pulse oxygen saturation within the target range, the patient's head of bed was adjusted to a semi-seated position (between 30° and 45°), and a physiotherapist assessed limb strength using the Medical Research Council (MRC) score. If the patient was extubated after the weaning test, the quality of the cough was also assessed subjectively by the patient's physician as 'ineffective', 'partially effective' or 'effective'.
Ultrasound recordings were made using a Vivid S60N ultrasound machine (GE Healthcare) in the last 30 minutes of the weaning test by an intensivist experienced in diaphragmatic ultrasound. Patients didn’t perform any breathing effort. Two ultrasound windows were defined per side, the subcostal area opposite the midclavicular line below the costal crest and the zone of apposition between the 8th and 10th intercostal spaces opposite the midaxillary line. One ultrasound loop was recorded over each subcostal area using a sector probe (1.3-4.5 MHz) and three loops over each apposition area using a linear probe (2.4-10 MHz). Each loop consisted of 3 to 4 breathing cycles. No ultrasound parameters were measured during the recording. After the diaphragmatic ultrasound was performed, the intensivist who performed the ultrasound was asked to rate the echogenicity of each window subjectively as "good", "fair" or "poor".
Analysis of the ultrasound recordings was carried out in post-processing using GE Echopacs software (GE Healthcare). Before analysis, the ultrasound loops were viewed jointly by the operators. Patients presenting at least one recording that did not allow the measurement of one of the studied parameters were excluded.
Strains and strains rate were analyzed on the apposition zone loop using the Q-analysis tool of the Echopacs software. However, as the software is designed to recognize a cardiac cycle from the ECG signal, a respiratory cycle had to be selected manually on each side. The choice of the respiratory cycle to be used and the definition of its limits were done jointly by the operators. After this step, all measurements were made separately by each operator blinded to the other. In order to measure the strain and strain rate a ROI was defined between the peritoneal and pleural sheets, visualized by 2 hyperechoic lines, trying to include the largest possible section of diaphragm within the ROI with a minimum of 5 markers. After analysis by the Q-analysis tool, the baseline was positioned on timeline at the end-expiration to measure strain and strain rate.
The thickening fraction was measured over the same breathing cycle as the strain and strain-rate using M mode by positioning the cursor perpendicular to the diaphragm. Diaphragmatic excursion was measured by positioning the cursor towards the diaphragmatic dome in M mode.
The primary objective of this study was to describe the feasibility of diaphragmatic strain and strain rate in a population of intensive care inpatients. Secondary objectives were to assess the dispersion, the inter-individual variability and the inter-operator variability of these measurements and their relationship with EXdi and TFdi.
We have first carried out a descriptive analysis with the distribution analysis using the Shapiro-Wilk test and the dispersion parameters (interquartile range, variance, standard deviation, coefficient of variation). We also analyzed the relationships between strain, strain rate, EXdi and TFdi by Spearman rank correlation. The reproducibility between the 2 operators was analyzed for the whole measurements by calculation of the Intra-Class Coefficient (ICC) and by the Bland-Altman method with a limit of concordance fixed at ± 1.96 SD. The statistical analysis was performed on MedCalc® statistical software version 15 (Mariakerke, Belgium). A p-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.