As a typical intestinal symbiotic bacteria, Bifidobacterium has experienced a long and extensive evolutionary process in human hosts [1]. For example, B. catenulatum has evolved into two subspecies, B. catenulatum subsp. kashiwanohense and B. catenulatum subsp. catenulatum. Previous studies have revealed that B. catenulatum subsp. kashiwanohense and B. catenulatum subsp. catenulatum have an close phylogenetic relationship [39]. Here, phylogenetic reconstruction has revealed genomic differences between the two subspecies. The genome size and the number of the CDSs of B. catenulatum subsp. catenulatum were significantly lower than that of B. catenulatum subsp. kashiwanohense. Also, both subspecies have a unique core gene set, such results represent a marker of genetic divergence [17]. In addition, there was obvious host differentiation in Bifidobacterium. For example, B. catenulatum subsp. kashiwanohense, B. longum subsp. infantis and B. breve are more common in infants while B. catenulatum subsp. catenulatum, B. adolescentis are more present in adult intestines [7–8, 11, 27]. Thus, the possible association between subspecies divergence and the host was further explored through functional genomic comparisons to explain the divergence of B. catenulatum at the genomic level.
Bifidobacterium is a genus of saccharolytic microorganisms whose ability to utilise indigestible carbohydrates is essential for their establishment in the gastrointestinal tract [28]. In this study, functional genomics revealed significant differences in the carbohydrates consumed by the subspecies of B. catenulatum. Notably, the CAZyme cluster results are consistent with the phylogenetic tree analysis, suggesting that the functional differences in carbohydrates may be related to the genetic divergence of B. catenulatum. This study found that the GH3 content of B. catenulatum subsp. catenulatum was significantly higher than that of B. catenulatum subsp. kashiwanohense. Previous studies have shown that GH3 is a key family in the evolution of Bifidobacterium and is involved in the degradation of plant polysaccharides [29]. The results here indicate that GH3 is also a key factor for the divergence of B. catenulatum in carbohydrate function. Studies have shown that the gut environment in adults is more complex than in infants because adults typically consume more difficult-to-digest carbon sources, such as plant-based dietary fibre [7–8]. Kim et al. found that B. catenulatum strains can degrade fructooligosaccharides (FOS) in nutritionally restricted environments [30]. Previous studies have shown that a low-fibre diet in adults can cause a significant increase in the abundance of B. catenulatum [31]. Here, the results demonstrate that B. catenulatum subsp. catenulatum has more GH3 that utilises plant-derived glycans; therefore, the subspecies is conducive to the decomposition of difficult-to-use plant-derived glycans in the adult gut.
On the other hand, infants, especially those who are breastfed, have many HMOs in their intestines. HMO is a prebiotic unique to breast milk and is especially enriched in human breast milk [32]. The ability of infant-specific Bifidobacterium to metabolise HMO has been recognised as a specific marker of its adaptive colonisation and beneficial for strengthening the immune system in infants [33]. For B. catenulatum subsp. kashiwanohense, which is characterised by infant adaptation [11], its two specific CAZymes, namely GH95 and CBM51, which are notable. GH95 mainly utilises fucosyllactose, a major component of HMO [34]. On the other hand, CBM51 is beneficial to GH95 and helps it pick up FHMO [23]. Thus, this study suggests that GH95 and CBM51 act synergistically in the utilisation of FHMO by B. catenulatum subsp. kashiwanohense. Particularly, GH29 is often identified with GH95 as the family of metabolic HMO [35]. In B. catenulatum subsp. kashiwanohense, all strains except PV20-2 contain GH29. Therefore, the study suggests that these three families (GH29, GH95 and CBM51) play an important role in the colonisation of B. catenulatum subsp. kashiwanohense in the infant intestine.
Based on the findings related to the HMO-related families, this study further confirms the existence of relatively conserved HMO gene clusters in B. catenulatum subsp. kashiwanohense while not in B. catenulatum subsp. catenulatum. These HMO gene clusters are highly homologous to those in other typical infantile adapted Bifidobacterium that are connected to the GH95 and GH29 families. Only the PV20-2 strain lacks GH29 and fucU, while the genome of PV20-2 shares high homology with the HMO gene cluster of B. pseudocatenulatum JCM1200T, which can grow in purified FHMO [36], the lack of these two genes appears to have little effect on the overall ability to use FHMO. Given that the reference genomes in HMO gene clusters are all from infants, their clusters have been demonstrated to be conducive to their utilisation of HMO [28, 36]. This study suggests that B. catenulatum subsp. kashiwanohense may have a similar utilisation mechanism of FHMO for adaptive survival in the infant intestine [28, 34–35]. James et al. [11] has confirmed that B. catenulatum subsp. kashiwanohense APCKJ1 expresses HMO genes related to the consumption of FHMO, its sole carbohydrate source. Given the high similarity of the HMO gene clusters in B. catenulatum subsp. kashiwanohense, this characteristic may be extrapolated to other strains; however, this hypothesis requires further verification. Notably, B. catenulatum subsp. catenulatum 1899B and IMAUFB085 belong to infant isolates, but no HMO genes were found in them, further confirming that possession of HMO genes is a genetic trait of B. catenulatum subsp. kashiwanohense.
The evolution of Bifidobacterium involves a large number of gene acquisition events [37]. Garrido et al. [28] propose that the HMO gene clusters have transferred from B. longum subsp. infantis to B. longum subsp. longum during evolution. Notably, the HMO gene cluster in B. catenulatum subsp. kashiwanohense in this study showed a significant decrease in GC content, likely caused by HGT events, that were important in the genomic evolution of species [27]. At present, these types of HMO gene clusters have been found in typical infant-derived strains, such as B. breve, B. longum and B. pseudocatenulatum species, and they have high homology with each other [24, 28, 36]. This study proposes that B. catenulatum subsp. kashiwanohense acquired HMO gene clusters through HGT from other proximal species (such as B. longum), the acquisition of HGT contributed to the specific function of genome divergence and HMO utilisation.
Although the two subspecies of B. catenulatum are closely phylogenetically related and share a common ancestor [39], previous studies have confirmed that they showed different tendencies adapted in infants and adult intestines [7, 8, 11]. Taken together, given that the carbohydrate genetic pattern of the two subspecies was consistent with the phylogenetic relationship, we speculated that the B. catenulatum species evolved to retain the competitive carbohydrate function genes to adapt to the intestinal environment of infants and adults, respectively, driving the emergence of two subspecies. Our results are similar to the divergence of B. longum, for the infantis subspecies of it has specific genes related to the metabolism of HMO and is more suitable for breast-feeding infant intestines, while the longum subspecies is present in both infant and adult hosts but has more genes for the utilization of plant-derived sugars and is more suitable for adult diets [28]. The example of this divergence of species in different hosts seems to suggest a potential pattern of genetic divergence of Bifidobacterium, in which infant and adult wealthy species have more HMO genes and plant-derived glycan genes respectively in the human gut in order to adapt to their respective hosts.