Hypochromicity effect of [Mo 132 ] in the detection of L1-p.
The [Mo132] (2.5µM) in buffer A shows typical absorption band at 450 nm like the cluster in neutral aqueous solution (Figure 1A), which can be clearly assigned to the intervalence charge transfer (IVCT) between Mo(V) and Mo(VI) centers bridging by O atoms.21,22 Since the absorption bands of the L1 protein at both states of pentamer and VLP appear at a wavelength less than 300 nm, the changes of absorption spectra of [Mo132] mixture with L1-p at visible region is definitely ascribed to source from the inorganic cluster. A gradual hypochromicity of [Mo132] in buffer A solution with time in air is observed and nearly 20% absorbance is lost after 4h, when a turning point emerged. After that, no more change occurs for the absorption with time in one day. The reason for the hypochromicity of [Mo132] can be attributed to the oxidation of partial Mo(V) fragments in the giant cluster by oxygen in air, according to the opposite observation during its formation.24 As further confirmed in characterization, this color change in aerobic environment does not affect the structure completeness and the detection for proteins because of the large number of reduced Mo(V) fragments in one cluster.
In comparison to [Mo132] alone in buffer A, a much stronger hypochromic effect of the cluster occurs in the same solution with the addition of L1-p. A linear decrease of absorbance is observed and more than 80% of the original absorbance disappears until culturing to a turning point at 12h. Further color fading proceeds continuously and more than 90% of absorbance vanishes after 24h (Figure 1B). Interestingly, when [Mo132] was added into the solution containing VLP, only a little color degradation occurs with time (Figure 1C) and over 95% absorbance of the inorganic cluster is maintained at the culture time scale. The job plots of [Mo132] cluster at the states in the presence of protein L1-p or VLPs show the clear changes of the absorbance at visible region versus the time (Figure 1D).
[Mo132] has been demonstrated to form blackberry-like hollow spherical self-assembly in several tens of nanometer in aqueous solution,26 while maintaining a mono-dispersed state for a couple of days. As shown in Figure 2A, the DLS curve of the cluster alone shows a hydrodynamic diameter of 2.7 nm, just like the similar size (2.9 nm) to that calculated from crystal structure, illustrating the mono-dispersion and structural completeness.27,28 The L1-p in buffer A exists in a size of about 12.0 nm (Figure 2B), being very close to the well dispersed state of pentamer subunit published before.29,30 When the inorganic cluster was added into a solution containing L1-p, larger aggregates in a diameter of about 73 nm (Figure 2C) formed immediately. Such a size differs from each individual component or typical VLPs, implying the quick interaction between [Mo132] and the protein. The incubation for 24 h or longer time does not lead to any precipitation but maintains at a stabilized aggregate with a slight increase in size to 82 nm (Figure 2D). As have been demonstrated the negatively charged POMs bind with some peptides containing basic residues through electrostatic interaction and hydrogen bonding,31,32 the non-specific interaction can also induce the combination of [Mo132] cluster bearing 42 negative charges with L1-p, causing the formation of larger assemblies or aggregates.
Visual detection for isolated L1-p and VLPs.
The absorption spectral changes of [Mo132] in L1-p and its VLP assembly (Figure S1) can also be examined in parallel by a simple visual discrimination through a direct observation of color change. As shown in Figure 3, [Mo132] is sensitive in detecting the existing states of protein L1. In a regular process, L1 monomer is very unstable and normally exists in a pentamer state, which further self-assembles into an empty capsid, VLP, at the condition of high ionic concentration and low pH, spontaneously.27,28 To identify the possible influence of [Mo132] cluster on the assembly process of L1 pentamer, the L1-p in a large amount of assembly buffer is cultured to allow an assembly of VLP in the presence of [Mo132], following a published standard process. After encountering a dialysis procedure, the DLS assay reveals the formation of characteristic assemblies accompanying by a size change from 12 nm at the beginning to an average of 51.8 nm after 24 h incubation (Figure 2E), in perfect agreement with the full-sized scale (50−55 nm) of VLPs comprising of HPV16 L1 protein.29,30 This result indicates that the addition of [Mo132] does not affect the self-assembly of L1-p into VLP. However, after this assembly process, the dynamic size attributing to [Mo132] is no longer observed apparently, even after 24h incubation (Figure 2F), implying that most of the clusters are either trapped into inside or onto the outside surfaces of the formed VLPs, or just run away through dialysis. Apparently, the existence of [Mo132] does not affect the further assembly of the L1-p as subunit. Importantly, accompanying the self-assembly of L1-p, the faded color of [Mo132] recovered because the solution changes from colorless back to brown, the original color of the cluster in solution (Figure 3).
Prevention of [Mo 132 ] hypochromicity by VLPs.
More interestingly, the addition of [Mo132] into an assembly buffer containing VLPs does not result in an obvious hypochromicity after 24h incubation in air; even in contrast to L1-p, it shows a much less color fading than that of cluster alone in buffer A encountering the same incubation time in air, indicating the strong inhibition of VLP on color bleaching of [Mo132]. Meanwhile, the DLS histogram (Figure 2F) confirms a well-kept full-size of VLPs in 24 h though a slight increase of diameter to ~55.3 nm is observed. To identify whether [Mo132] binds to VLPs or just stay alone in solution, the ultracentrifugation of various components in gradient CsCl solution, bearing in sample tubes, is performed based on the principle of size and density dependence on the position to the rotating center, where components with the larger size and higher density will locate at the position closer to the bottom.
After the CsCl gradient ultracentrifugation the photograph of VLP alone in tube #0 shows a sole blue band, which can be well ascribed to the position of complete VLPs, at zone F2 (Figure 4A) in the middle of the centrifugation tube. In the case of VLP mixing with [Mo132] in tube #1, beside a narrower blue belt at the position of F2#1 a wide band emerges at the lower position F3#1, suggesting the formation of aggregations with larger size differing from both VLP and L1-p. Because the observed color of the belt near F3#1 is far from that of VLP at F2#1 while the sole VLP does not show any significant hint at F3#0 position, we suggest that the [Mo132] trap VLPs to form larger-sized aggregates. As a result, the inhibition to the hypochromicity effect of [Mo132] can be explained to derive from the protection of the VLPs from the external oxidation. On the other hand, the photograph of L1-p mixing with [Mo132] in tube #2 presents a weak belt with pale color at the position F2#2 similar to that of sole VLP at F2#0, yet no obvious belt emerging at zone F3#2. The result implies that part of L1-p self-assembled into VLPs automatically in the presence of inorganic cluster but almost no formation of the proposed aggregates, comprising of the formed VLPs and [Mo132] as that observation at zone F3#1, due to very little quantity of VLPs. When L1-p is mixed with [Mo132] in the assembly buffer, as seen in tube #3, both narrow blue belt at zone F2#3 and wide yellowish-brown belt emerge at the same time at F3#3. The identical phenomenon of F3#3 to F3#1 demonstrates the formation of VLP in the presence of inorganic cluster as well as the induced aggregation. All these results together disclose important facts. That is, (1) [Mo132] bearing several tens charges can play a role of increasing high-ionic strength in the assembly buffer to promote the assembly of L1-p into VLPs; (2) the color degradation and the possible interaction from clusters do not affect the assembly of L1-p; and (3) there is indeed a cluster induced aggregation of VLPs occur, which is consistent well with the observation in DLS measurement (Figure 2C, 2D).
The belts at different zones in tubes after CsCl gradient ultracentrifugation were taken out and the corresponding protein is assayed via the technique of SDS-PAGE (Figure 4C). By taking two known proteins with molecular weights of 44 and 66 kDa as marker, all products extracted from F2 zones of tube#1–#3 point to a molecular weight of ~53 kDa, which is in perfect consistence with that L1-monomer. Besides emerging in zone F2 of all tubes, the L1 protein also appears at zone F3 of tubes#1 and #3, supporting the assignment for VLPs aggregation with [Mo132] at two zones. Meanwhile, the fact that no smaller proteins are checked out in F1 zones of tube#2 and #3 which figures out that all the L1-p have already self-assembled into VLPs, especially for the tube#2 even without the support of assembly buffer. Coincidently, the DLS histograms of the belts taken from tube#1 show the distributions of particle size in consistence with [Mo132] at zone F1#1, and the particle sizes corresponding to that of VLPs at zones F2#1 and F3#1 were ascertained (Figure 4C, upper). As the cluster are proposed to be trapped in VLP aggregates, it is possible to find no isolated [Mo132] at zone F3#1 due to the strong interaction between two components. For the belts extracted from tube#2 (Figure 4C, middle), besides checking out the particle that can be ascribed to [Mo132] at F1#2, we also observed the particle size attributing to VLP at F2#2. Although small size close to [Mo132] appears at F3#2, no larger particles corresponding to the induced VLP are observed, excluding the possibility of it there for [Mo132]. Again, the DLS histogram of tube #3 (Figure 4C, bottom) show full spectra of size distributions similar to [Mo132] at zone F1#3, VLP at zone F2#3, and the cluster-triggered VLPs aggregation at zone F3#3, which are identical to the case observed in tube#1.
To further verify the morphology and completeness of the formed VLPs taken from F2#1-3, TEM imaging of [Mo132] alone in buffer A, the mixture of [Mo132] with L1-p before and after assembly monitoring, and the mixture of [Mo132] and the as-prepared VLP are carried out firstly. Because of the very small size and mono-dispersion, the inorganic cluster (Figure 5A) can be well discerned from that of L1-p or VLPs in solutions (Figure 5C, 5D). In the mixture of L1-p and [Mo132], whether the assembly monitoring is performed or not we always obtained spherical particles (Figure 5B, 5C) which can be well ascribed to the formation of VLPs as the match size with VLP cavity. 29,30 The amplified images (insert of Figure 5B, C(insert not shown in figure 5C) show small particles that are attributed to the inorganic clusters located inside the inner wall. Therefore, the result in Figure 5B provides an additional evidence for the cluster-triggered assembly of VLPs from L1-p even without assembly monitoring. Partial inorganic clusters are observed being encapsulated inside the VLPs during the triggered co-assembly with L1-p, indicating strong interaction between [Mo132] and L1-p. This analysis can be further supported by the observation of VLPs after mixing with [Mo132] (Figure 5D), where the inorganic clusters mainly locate at the outside surface of VLPs being pretty different from that of co-assembly of the two components.
To get an essential profile, the TEM images for the samples from the zones extracted from F2#0, F2#1 and F2#3 are then obtained with negative staining (Figure 6). It shows that the topography of VLPs and the particle size become more uniform and precise. Besides clear empty shell (Figure 6A), the well mono-dispersive particles with a statistical diameter of about 55 nm (Figure 6B, C) are in high agreement with the reported full-size of VLPs.29,30. Taken all together, it is concluded that [Mo132] can quickly bind with L1-p to form irregular aggregates, and finally lead to the formation of VLP with [Mo132] inside after assembly monitoring. However, once [Mo132] is mixed with the as-prepared VLPs, it is also assembled together to form [Mo132]@VLP where the cluster particles assembled on the surface of VLPs (Figure 6C). Of note, as the molecular weight of [Mo132] is much less than that of VLP, the sedimentation coefficient of [Mo132]@VLPs is close to that of VLPs and the encapsulation of a few [Mo132] clusters does not change much the surface properties of VLPs. So, it is rational to explain that [Mo132]@VLPs displays a close level to VLPs in tubes after the CsCl gradient ultracentrifugation (Figure 4A). In fact, the two adjoining lancet belts at the position of F2#2 suggest a fine difference between VLPs and those encapsulated with [Mo132]. Moreover, no matter with stain or not the larger aggregates of VLPs induced by [Mo132] were shown clearly both in Figure 5 and 6, which support well the observed proteins in F3#1 and F3#3 (Figure 4B).
Colorimetry response mechanism of Mo 132 to L1-p and VLP.
Redox nature of [Mo 132 ]. The coordination atoms such as Mo and W of POMs at highest oxidation state are known to be photochemically reduced in the presence of reductant and the reduced POMs show oxidation property, like peroxidase, for some organic and bio-molecules.33,34 For [Mo132], it has 60 of reduced Mo(V) atoms and 72 of oxidized Mo(VI), which allow the cluster to be both reduced and oxidized in suitable conditions. As the inter-valent charge transfer absorption of Mo(V) to Mo(VI) emerges at visible region, the [Mo132] is normally in yellowish brown. When the Mo(V) atoms are oxidized, however, the color degeneration will occur. As an example, the incubation of it with a weak reductant L-ascorbic acid (Vc) for 24h does not make the [Mo132] cluster change to a deep color by a reduction (Figure S2A), but instead of the phenomenon in Figure 1A, the hypochromicity is achieved in aerobic condition by using Vc as a sacrificer against the oxidation of air. To confirm that the hypochromicity is derived from the oxidation of [Mo132] and to accelerate the process going on, an irradiation of 365 nm light is then performed in parallel with and without Vc in buffer A (Figure S2B). After 12h, 20% of the absorbance is diminished for the latter case while almost no change was observed for the former.
Interaction of capsid protein for colorimetry change of [Mo 132 ]. The non-covalent interactions of POMs with several types of biomolecules are investigated considerably in the past years.35–37 Based on the structural features of POMs it is obvious that the negatively charged [Mo132] mainly provide electrostatic interactions with a variety of cationic species of protein. However, the observed hypochromicity effect here should be essentially conducted by the external oxidation sourcing from the protein rather than the buffer solution or the aerobic environment completely since the color degradation does not occur in such a short time and entirely. To confirm the speculation, several peptides and proteins with specific surface charges are used to examine the hypochromicity effect of [Mo132] (Figure S3). The results show that under a neutral condition the negative peptide of pTau-aac (pI=4.5) and protein of BSA (pI=4.6) do not induce much absorption change of [Mo132] while the positive charged ones of dTau30 (pI=10.4) and lysozyme (pI=11.0) drive the large decrease of absorption definitely, indicating the vital role of positive partners to the [Mo132] hypochromicity. Apparently, it is the exposed basic residues in L1 accelerate the oxidation of [Mo132].
The cryo-electron microscopy and image analysis on capsid protein37 reveal that the L1-p bind together to form VLPs via a long segment of the C-terminal (Figure S4A). Particularly, it reveals the sequence after Asp401 at the C-terminal extends from one pentamer to the adjacent one to strengthen the VLPs structure. This segment is dominated by the cationic residues such as arginine and/or lysine (Figure S4B), which are strongly prone to bind with the negatively charged [Mo132]. After L1-p assembles into VLP, however, this segment will be embedded in the wall of VLP sphere and the charged environment varies largely (Figure S4C). To further confirm the binding site of [Mo132] with capsid protein, the sequence of two peptides, pep1-401 and pep401-495 are constructed and expressed separately, through the identical approaches as the full-length L1.
After DNA sequence assay (Figure S5) and protein purification, each peptide is mixed with [Mo132] in buffer A. Different phenomena are achieved for them. Quick decrease of [Mo132] absorption at 450 nm is observed in mixing with pep401-495 (Figure 7A). The band disappears almost completely and the solution becomes pale within 90 min. The time-dependent plot of absorption (Figure 7C) reveals that the peptide drives the exhaustive hypochromicity of the cluster much fast than that of L1-p (Figure 1A), which confirms a decisive role of pep401-495 to the hypochromicity. In contrast, mixing pep1-401 with [Mo132] leads only to a very slight decrease of absorption at 450 nm (Figure 7B), indicating the feeble contribution of it in L1 to [Mo132] hypochromicity. The plots of absorption intensity versus time (Figure 7C) illustrate clearly the responsive differences among pep401-495, pep1-401 and L1-p to [Mo132], further demonstrating that it is the binding with basic residues of pep401-495 causing the enhanced hypochromicity by L1. Thus, it can be speculated that during the assembly of L1-p to VLP, the stronger binding affinity between L1-p subunits could force [Mo132] to be released from the basic sites of L1-p and attach to other position of VLPs electrostatically. Considering the positive areas at interior surface of VLPs,38 the negatively charged [Mo132] are easy to adsorb on inner surface of VLP, which shielding [Mo132] from oxidation and consequently show protection of it from hypochromicity. Moreover, the observed larger aggregates of VLPs induced by [Mo132] (Figure 5, 6) suggests another protection of [Mo132] from hypochromicity.
Redox nature of [Mo 132 ] in the presence of L1-p and VLP. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is used to analyze the redox state of [Mo132] (Figure 8A) and that of it in the presence of L1-p (Figure 8B) or VLP (Figure 8C) under aerobic condition. The characteristic Mo3d doublet, composed of the 3d5/2 and 3d3/2 levels resulting from spin-orbit coupling, are shown in the spectra. Good fittings of the data points, corresponding to two possible 3d doublets of Mo in different oxidation states of Mo(VI) and Mo(V), are achieved by means of two pairs of Lorentzian–Gaussian function. The contribution from the peaks centered at 232.4 and 235.5 eV are assigned to Mo(V) while those at 233.6 and 236.6 eV are attributed to Mo(VI).39,40 From semi-quantitative calculation it shows that the characteristic ratio of peak area for Mo(VI) and Mo(V) is 1.45:1 (Table 1), which is slightly over the value of 1.2 calculated from the ratio of 72 Mo(VI) to 60 Mo(V) in structure. The reason of the positive deviation can be deduced from the aerobic oxidation of partial Mo(V) atoms (approximate 10) in [Mo132] solution during sample preparation.
Table 1
Integrated area of the simulated peak for Mo(V) and Mo(VI) from the XPS results in Figure 8A, B, and C, respectively, and the ratio of them.
[Mo132] + L1-p
[Mo132] + VLPs
Area ratio Mo(VI) to Mo(V)
The fitting curves of [Mo132] in mixing with L1-p (Figure 8B) becomes largely different from [Mo132] alone. Besides the binding energy pairs that are ascribed to Mo(V) and Mo(VI), the third coupled binding energy bands are observed which may attribute to the intermediate of Mo during transition. The quantitative calculation reveals the ratio of peak area for Mo(VI) and Mo(V) increases to 2.5:1 (Table 1), indicating that more Mo(V) atoms have been oxidized. Obviously, larger amount of Mo(V) (approximate 31) in [Mo132] has been oxidized into Mo(VI) after binding with L1-p, which is a solid evidence for the enhanced hypochromicity in mixture.
Accompanying the assembly of L1-p, the XPS result of [Mo132] return back almost to the state of [Mo132] alone in solution (Figure 8C). Although the intermediate component of Mo atoms still appears in the fitting-model, the calculation reveals a reduction of band ratio for Mo(VI) to Mo(V) to approximate 1.5:1 (Table 1). That is, 17 of oxidized Mo(VI) are reduced back to Mo(V). As a result, the L1-p present here is just like a sensitizer for [Mo132] hypochromicity. It is the electrostatic interaction between [Mo132] and pep401-495 connecting the basic residue and [Mo132] directly, which allows the oxidation of Mo(V) to Mo(VI) more easily, and consequently the intervalence charge transfer between Mo(V) and Mo(VI) centers is largely weakened and the color disappeared with time finally. As illustrated in Scheme 2, such a process is deteriorated accompanying by the elimination of free basic residues in L1-p, after assembling into VLP.