In this study, we investigated the impact of IVH on the radiomic analysis for hematoma expansion by implementation of random forest algorithm using different HE definition and hematoma ROIs of IPH without or with addition of IVH. We compared the prediction performance and clinical outcome correlation of three decision trees (RAP−P, RAPV−P and RAPV−PV) in a small case series of 84 SICH patients. Using hematoma ROIs of both IVH and IPH for the revised HE definition and decision tree built-up, RAPV−PV had best prediction performance with preserved clinical outcome correlation of HE. By addition of IVH for feature selection, RAP−PV could improve the sensitivity and resume the outcome correlation of HE prediction model (RAP−P) using the traditional approach based on IPH per se.
The predictive indicators for HE reported in the literature included CT angiography spot sign(25, 29, 30), NCCT radiological features (hypodensities, blend sign, etc.)(31, 32), and clinical information(25, 30, 32, 33). In recent years, radiomics studies also showed convincing results(14–17, 19). The least absolute shrinkage and selection operation (LASSO) algorithm was the most applied method for feature selection and model buiding(14–17, 19), presumably due to its wide availability. The more sophisticated support vector machine(SVM) algorithm has been applied as well(15). The accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity ranged from 0.64 to 0.88; 0.75 to 0.89 and 0.60 to 0.87, respectively, which covered a wide range, and were highly dependent on the dataset(14–17, 19).
Due to the relatively small sample size, we employed the random forest algorithm to extract imaging features and then implemented a binary decision tree to build the classification model. As a proof of principle study in a small dataset, this approach was more likely to yield satisfactory performance(34). In the conventional analysis using IPH to predict IPH expansion (RAP−P), our result was comparable to the published studies(14, 17, 19). Using the combined baseline IPH+IVH to predict the revised HEP+V evaluated by combing both, i.e. the RAPV−PV, it showed the highest accuracy of 0.86, with the sensitivity of 0.82 and specificity of 0.89. The results suggest that the additional information of IVH could improve the performance of radiomics analysis for HE prediction. In most patients, the precise separation of IVH and IPH could only be performed manually with subjective judgment based on brain anatomy. The model developed using the combined IPH+IVH can be easily implemented by using an automatic computer-based segmentation tool(35–37). For patients with a high risk of expansion, more aggressive procedures, including immediate surgery, may be considered. Another very helpful clinical application of the HE prediction model is to identify eligible subjects who are likely to show HE to participate in anti-expansion drug trials for sICH(13, 31). For this application, a high specificity is preferred. That is, patients who are unlikely to show HE should not be enrolled, to maximize the power of testing the drug efficacy by using the smallest number of subjects.
The initial presence of IVH was not associated with HE in our study. It was also found in the PREDICT study(25)and the cohort study of the BAT score(31) for ICH expansion prediction. However, IVH had been demonstrated as a risk factor of HE in a case series of 259 putaminal hemorrhage(38) and the INTERACT study(33). On the other hand, dynamic IVH change, including new IVH (15 cases) and any IVH growth (38 cases) were significantly associated with hematoma expansion in our study (P<0.001). This finding was consistent with previous studies(21–23). With respect to the early outcome, IVH at the baseline CT scan is also associated with mortality and poor functional outcome with crude OR of 4.2 and 4.1, respectively. Considering the impact of IVH on the outcome prediction, and the relationship between the dynamic IVH change and hematoma expansion, addition of IVH ROI into the radiomics analysis might enrich the hematoma feature and strengthen the correlation between clinical outcome and the radiomic prediction model, that was reflected in the improvement of prediction performance of RAPV−P and RAPV−PV compared to RAP−P.
There are several limitations. First, this study was a retrospective design from a single-center with small sample size. Second, the request of the F/U CT scan was at the clinician’s discretion, most likely due to the large baseline ICH and/or worsening symptoms. Consequently, there was a relatively high percentage of patients with hematoma expansion (37/84; 44%), and poor outcomes for almost all expanders (> 94%). Third, the radiomics models were built using the random forest algorithm and the decision tree method, without going through cross-validation. Therefore, this should be considered as a pilot study mainly for proof of principle, to demonstrate the feasibility of the analysis based on combined IPH+IVH. In the future, the AI software may be applied to automatically segment IPH and IVH on the baseline and F/U NCCT, to efficiently process a large number of patients and evaluate the clinical role of the developed radiomics prediction models.