This study examined the release of fugitive aerosols into the atmosphere during a standard medical aerosol treatment to a spontaneously breathing simulated adult patient. The study provided real-time qualitative and quantitative insights into the dispersion of the fugitive aerosols emitted from expiratory port of a standard mouthpiece used in aerosol therapy.
There are several factors that influence the quantity of fugitive aerosol released, including, but not limited to: device, patient type, and interface. While the concentration and dispersion is affected by the room layout, ventilation, size, temperature and air turbulence [33, 34]. As such, it is necessary to consider these factors when analysing the results of this study.
The addition of the capture filter to the expiratory port of the mouthpiece greatly reduced the release of fugitive aerosols into the atmosphere, with reductions in the peak values ranging from 47.32 – 77.65 % for a normal breathing pattern and 61.33 – 83.55 % for a distressed breathing pattern. Although the reductions were not as significant as those reported in other studies, [15, 16, 35, 36], the images and data highlight the effectiveness of filters in limiting the release and spread of virus carrying fugitive aerosols.
It can be seen from the flow visualisation, Figure 2, that the greatest release of fugitive aerosols was from the unfiltered mouthpiece during simulated normal breathing. The greatest concentration of these fugitive aerosols was within 0.4 m of the end of the mouthpiece and is in agreement with other flow visualisation studies [11, 12, 37]. Moving beyond 0.4 m the concentration of these fugitive aerosols decreases due to the highly chaotic, turbulent flow structure of the fugitive aerosol plume. As a result, the aerosol begins to move more laterally rather than centrally along the midline of the simulated patient. This observation from the flow visualisation data correlates with the data from the particle sizers, Table 1, where the greatest number of particles were detected closer to the expiratory port, 187.85 ± 3.94 #/cm3 at 0.8 m and 154.72 ± 8.02 #/cm3 at 2.2 m. This is particularly relevant to healthcare workers as they are within this 0.4 – 0.8 m range, approximately arm’s length, when treating patients.
The addition of the filter to the mouthpiece greatly reduces the quantity of aerosol released, Figure 2 rows 3 and 4. The exhaled aerosol plume is much smaller and more ordered, similar to a jet in structure. This results in much less lateral spread of the aerosol. However, this much more coherent flow poses a greater risk of long-range aerosol transport longitudinally. This finding corroborates the particle number data presented in Tables 1 and 2, particularly at 0 and 2 LPM supplemental air flow. These findings indicate that although the addition of the filter greatly reduces the quantity of fugitive aerosols, there is a risk that these droplets will deposit on surfaces beyond the 2.2 m range considered in this study and pose a risk of transmission through physical contact, [38]. As such, appropriate precautions should be taken by healthcare workers, other patients, and bystanders.
The breathing pattern of the simulated patient also effected the release and dispersion of fugitive aerosols. The simulated distressed breathing patient generated lower numbers of fugitive aerosols than the normal, healthy breathing pattern, Table 1 & 2. This is also clear from the images presented in the flow visualisation part of this work, Figure 2. Although this result seems counterintuitive, works examining the effects of breathing pattern on aerosol drug delivery have found that delivery efficiency was greater in simulated distressed breathing compared to normal breathing, [23, 39, 40]. The studies attributed the greater aerosol delivery to the increased tidal volume and breath rate of the distressed breathing pattern. Consequently, healthcare workers should be aware that a patient who is not undergoing any breathing difficulties but has a potentially infectious viral infection would be a greater spreader of infection than others.
The addition of a capture filter on the expiratory port had a statistically significant effect on reducing the number of fugitive aerosol particles below the 5 µm critical threshold, p < 0.05. Furthermore, as the additional air flow rate increased the effectiveness of the filter was more apparent. The filters used in this study are rated at 99.9 % bacterial and 99.8 % viral efficiency of 0.3 µm or larger sized particles. Hence, the effectiveness of the filter in capturing particles < 5 µm is unsurprising and should be, where possible, incorporated on the expiratory port of all respiratory therapy devices.
This data presented in this study highlighted a number of means by which healthcare workers, other patients, and bystanders could be exposed to potentially infectious aerosols in a clinical situation. The World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines for infection prevention and control of acute respiratory infections in healthcare settings recommends that healthcare workers should wear a surgical mask, eye protection and take contact precautions if within 2 m from a potentially infectious patient [41]. However, this work suggests that healthcare workers should wear full airborne protective equipment, N95 mask or equivalent, gown, gloves, goggles, hair covers, and face shield or hood, in any enclosed setting, irrespective of distance, ventilation rate and device filtration. Furthermore, if possible, all aerosol generating procedures or procedures known to generate respiratory events should be performed in negative pressure environments. Environmental cleaning to reduce contact transmission in health care facilities is also necessary.
There are a number of limitations to this study, the in vitro nature constitutes one of its main limitations. The room airflow was switched off during the experiments in order to reveal the maximum distribution of the fugitive aerosol without interference by external airflow. Further work is needed to assess the interaction between, for example, ward and ICU ventilation, on the dispersion of fugitive aerosol. A single aerosol-patient interface and therapy device was used in this study. Further research examining the different types of aerosol therapy-delivery combinations is warranted.