Study design
We compared the WGS performance of four enzymatic fragmentation-based library preparation kits: NEBNext Ultra II FS from NEB (hereafter referred to as NEB), Swift 2S Turbo flexible from Swift Biosciences (hereafter Swift2S), SparQ DNA Frag and Library Prep from Quantabio (Quanta) and KAPA HyperPlus from Roche (Kapa) with the tagmentation-based Nextera DNA FLEX kit from Illumina (Nextera). In our study design we prepared libraries from 10 ng and 100 ng input DNA amounts, whereby the 100 ng input reactions were PCR-free (or with minimal PCR cycles, where absolutely required; see Table 1 for details). An entirely PCR-free option was not possible for Nextera and NEB kits, in which PCR is necessary to complete the sequencing adapters (and add indexes). With four technical replicates for each input amount and kit, we aimed to test the reproducibility and robustness of the kits, with respect to fragment size distribution and quality of the sequencing data. As input DNA we used genomic DNA from the human fibroblast cell line NA12878 (purchased from Coriell Institute) that has been well characterized (e.g. for indels and single nucleotide variants) and often used as standard control DNA source for genomic studies- called therefore also “genome in a bottle” (5, 6). Library concentrations produced by each replicate are summarized in Additional Table 1. The libraries from 10 and 100 ng DNA inputs, each in four technical replicates, were pooled and sequenced over 20 lanes of HiSeq X flowcells (i.e. four lanes per kit), with 150 bp paired end reads.
Table 1. Mean DNA insert sizes upon fragmentation and after sequencing achieved with different library preparation kits
Target insert size [bp]
10 ng input
100 ng input
frag. time [min]
Insert size [bp]
PCR cycles
frag. time [min]
Insert size [bp]
PCR cycles
by Tapestation
by seq. Reads
by Tapestation
by seq. Reads
Nextera DNA flex (Illumina)
Kapa HyperPlus (Roche)
SparQ Fragment and Library Prep (Quantabio)
Swift 2S turbo flexible (Swift)
NEBNext Ultra II FS DNA library prep (NEB)
Libraries were prepared from 10 and 100 ng of human NA12878 DNA using enzymatic fragmentation and tagmentation (*) based library prep kits, employing the given fragmentation times and PCR cycles. Bead-based purifications were performed according to the individual instructions of the DNA library preparation kits. Insert DNA sizes were calculated by subtracting the adapter length from the mean fragment size based on Tapestation D1000 profiles and from the sequencing reads upon mapping after trimming of adapters, standard deviation is given in brackets. PCR-free libraries do not migrate properly on Tapestation, due to forked adapters, therefore there is no insert size data based on Tapestation. For additional information, see also Figure 1 and Additional Figure 1A.
The enzymatic fragmentation-based protocols require different fragmentation conditions (time and temperature) depending on the input DNA amount and the desired insert fragment length. In each case, we used the manufacturer’s recommended conditions respectively for 10 and 100 ng DNA input whilst aiming for average 350 bp insert DNA size (excluding the adapters; see Table 1). The fragment distribution of the final libraries was assessed by capillary electrophoresis (Figure 1A and Additional Figure 1A) and in addition calculated from the mapped paired end sequencing reads (Figure 1B and C, Table 1). Gel electrophoresis was not performed on PCR-free libraries, as their termini are partially single stranded (with Y-shaped or also called forked adapters) which affects migration by gel electrophoresis. Therefore, electrophoresis insert-sizes have been omitted for the PCR-free libraries produced from 100 ng DNA with the Kapa, Quanta and Swift2S kits.
All kits except Kapa produced a relatively narrow distribution of fragment sizes (Figure 1A). The fragment distributions of Quanta and NEB libraries exhibited a notable skewing towards inserts shorter than the median fragment length. Nonetheless, based on the gel migration profiles for 10 ng input libraries, all of the kits efficiently and reproducibly fragmented the DNA using the recommended settings. The average insert size was close to the 350 bp target length for Kapa and NEB libraries and 450 bp for Nextera, while Quanta and Swift2S libraries produced considerably shorter (245 bp) or longer (422 ng) average lengths respectively (summarized in Table 1). Note that we did not optimize experimentally the fragmentation conditions, as recommended in the manuals, but rather used directly the suggested settings.
We also measured the insert sizes of the libraries obtained from the paired end sequencing reads (Figure 1B and C, Table 1). Insert sizes observed by sequencing reflected the diverse sizes seen by electrophoresis, i.e., kits that had produced longer inserts observed by electrophoresis, also showed longer inserts as measured by the distance between paired sequencing reads. Among all kits, the insert lengths varied from 185 to 366 bp, whereby Quanta and NEB libraries exhibited shorter insert sizes (in the range of 185-227 bp) than Swift2S and Nextera libraries (in the range of 326-366 bp), while KAPA libraries were in the middle range (227-240 bp). However, we consistently observed that the mean insert-sizes measured between sequencing reads were considerably shorter (by ca. 60-100 bp) than lengths estimated by Tapestation (Table 1). The jagged periodicity of the Nextera insert size profiles has been observed before and can be explained by steric hindrance between adjacent transposases influenced by the helical pitch of DNA, which is ca. 10 bp long (7).
Sequence bias
To evaluate possible sequence coverage bias arising from use of the different library preps, we analysed the GC content of the mapped reads, but found this to be very similar for all kits. Overall, the differences observed were minor, being less than 2-fold deviation from expected GC-content across the 20-70% GC spectrum analysed (Additional Figure 1 B-E). The greatest differences were observed in libraries from 10 ng DNA input. A closer look at these differences, represented by the observed vs. expected GC content of the whole reads, shows that Nextera and Quant libraries maintained the closest relationship between observed:expected GC content. Swift2S libraries exhibited a greater proportion of reads with lower than the expected 40% GC content, while Kapa and NEB libraries showed a slight bias towards high GC content (Additional Figure 1D).
To determine whether enzymatic fragmentation is prone to sequence specific nuclease bias, we analysed the sequence composition at the beginning of the reads, corresponding to the endonuclease cut site. All enzymatic nuclease-based kits exhibit a similar sequence pattern in the first 10 bases, having a higher proportion of A and T, being followed by an even base distribution corresponding to the expected 60 % AT and 40 % GC base content (Additional Figure 1F) The Nextera kit exhibited TA-rich sequence bias at the beginning of the reads as has been previously observed (8), that is slightly higher than the bias of the enzymatic fragmentation preps (Additional Figure 1F), also visible as a spike at low observed:expected GC ratio (Additional Figure 1E).
Sequencing performance of library prep kits
Sequencing yielded a variable number of reads; ca. 100-300 million reads per library (Additional Figure 2A). The PCR-free libraries prepared with KAPA and Quanta kits from 100 ng input DNA yielded about three times fewer reads than their 10 ng input counterparts prepared with PCR amplification (Additional Figure 2A). These observations can likely be attributed to imprecise quantification of the libraries (as the size of PCR-free libraries cannot be correctly determined by electrophoresis), but could also be due to lower clustering efficiency of PCR-free libraries, which can contain incomplete molecules having only a single or no adapter ligated.
All libraries exhibited low duplication rates after excluding duplicates produced during Illumina`s ExAmp™ amplification (Additional Figure 2B). The duplication rates were below 3% for PCR-free libraries and as expected were slightly higher for PCR-amplified libraries, in the range of 3-6% (Additional Figure 2B). In the absence of PCR amplification, “duplicate” reads originate from true biological duplicates (DNA fragments with the same start and end), which are expected due to the sequence specificity of enzymatic DNA digestion and tagmentation in addition to the high sequencing coverage. The base quality of all libraries was similarly high (> 80%; Additional Figure 2C), enabling their comparison.
Since the number of reads output by the sequencer is influenced strongly by the loading concentration, (which is affected by variations in pipetting, QC practices, and library insert size), to avoid any undue bias we used the same number of reads for the functional data analyses (genome coverage, SNV and indel detection) for each kit, by randomly down-sampling to 90-million read pairs per replicate. We then computed the mean coverage of the human genome (Figure 2A and B). We observed an even coverage across the genome for all library prep kits (Figure 2A). However, we noted that Nextera (both 10 and 100 ng inputs) and Swift2S (10 ng input only) exhibited a broader range of genome coverage, but with considerably higher depth (Figure 2A and B). This closely mirrors the fragment and insert sizes of the libraries, whereby Nextera and Swift2S turbo 10 ng libraries had the longest insert sizes (ca. 330 bp), while at 100 ng input DNA, only Nextera exhibited an average insert size above 300 bp (namely 366 bp), (Figure 1, Table 1).
The observed lower coverage per read for libraries with short inserts can be explained with the difference between the insert DNA length and the cumulative length of the sequencing reads (2x150 bp=300 bp). An insert shorter than 300 bp will result in overlap of the 150 bp sequencing reads. This results in redundant sequencing data that reduces the effective overall genome coverage, but nonetheless contributes to sequencing depth.
To evaluate how the sequencing data from each library prep performs in terms of ability to detect true genomic SNP and insertion-deletion (indel) variants while avoiding false positives, we computed the F1 scores, defined as the harmonic mean of the precision and recall of variant detection (9). For this purpose, we used either random samples of 90 million sequencing read pairs or a normalized high quality coverage depth of 5.4x for each library. The SNP calling performance was highest for the libraries with longer inserts using the fixed input read number (Figure 2C), while this trend disappeared if we used a fixed coverage depth as input (Figure 2D). This is therefore likely an effect of the higher coverage in longer-insert libraries at the fixed read number, allowing better SNP detection performance.
Longer insert libraries also performed slightly better at indel calling, at a fixed read number, but with a less clear trend (Figure 2E). However, when comparing library performance using fixed-coverage data (Figure 2F), 100 ng input libraries consistently performed better than 10 ng input libraries, suggesting that indel calling performance can be negatively affected by PCR amplification. PCR amplification has been reported to introduce a number of error-prone indels into the library, and therefore the PCR cycles should be kept to a minimum (10).