Male Fmr1 KO (B6.129P2-Fmr1tm1Cgr/J, stock #003025) (37) and C57BL/6J WT (stock #000664) mice were obtained from The Jackson Laboratory. All genotypes were confirmed by Transnetyx (Cordova, TN) using real-time PCR analysis. Mice were maintained in an AAALAC-accredited facility under a 12-hour light/dark cycle and were provided irradiated rodent diet (PicoLab, 5053) and water ad libitum. All mouse procedures were performed with approval from the University of California Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee and in accordance with the NIH Animal Care and Use Guidelines. EEG recordings were obtained from 20 Fmr1 KO and 20 WT mice. Male mice between 12 to 15 weeks of age were used for all EEG recordings. In each group (n=10 WT, n=10 Fmr1 KO), EEG data were recorded 3-4 days after recovery from MEA implantation surgery and served as pre-drug baseline responses (“Pre-drug EEG”, Figure 1). EEG recordings were obtained from the same mice one hour after racemic baclofen (RBAC) treatment (2.5mg/kg or 5mg/kg, i.p.) (“1 Hour Post-drug EEG”, Figure 1). The 5mg/kg dosage is the Fmr1 KO mouse approximate equivalent to our 30mg dosing in humans with FXS (38). Racemic baclofen (Sigma #B5399-5G) solutions were suspended using saline vehicle. EEG recordings obtained during each mouse recording session included resting-state EEG and auditory chirp stimuli (see below). Recordings were collected using the SmartBox (Neuronexus) acquisition system from awake and freely moving mice (1, 2). Acquisition hardware was set to lower (0.5Hz) and upper (500Hz) filters and data were sampled at a rate of 1250Hz. MEA surgical and recording procedures followed our previously published methods (3, 4)
In humans, we analyzed neural correlates of a RBAC acute dose (30mg) challenge in a single-dose placebo-controlled crossover study with a 2-week washout period. For the human study, legally authorized representatives and participants provided informed consent/assent for the completion of all study procedures and the human work was reviewed and approved by the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Institutional Review Board (IRB; study registered at as NCT02998151). Seventeen adolescents and adults with full mutation FXS received single dose (30mg; equivalent of 5mg/kg mouse dose) or placebo in random order (see Table 1for participant characteristics). Resting-state and auditory chirp paradigms were performed in humans as previously described (18, 25), with presentation and analyses directly paralleling our mouse studies. Recordings were collected with a Phillips/EGI NetAmp 400 system (Eugene, Oregon, USA) using a 128-channel Hydrocel saline-based electrode net sampled at 1000 Hz.
Table 1
Human Subject Characteristics
Mean (SD)
FXS (n=17)
26.3 (8.9)
Range 16 – 43
% male (n)
69 (11)
Stanford-Binet 5 Abbreviated IQ (SS)
57.5 (17.0)
Range 47 – 88
Stanford-Binet 5 Deviation IQ
55.9 (29.5)
Range 11 – 91
Figures and Figure Legends |
Mouse resting EEG data was analyzed for 2 factors: Treatment (Pre, Post) and Frequency (delta to gamma) for the cortical regions (left frontal, right frontal, left medial, right medial, left temporal and right temporal). Data were expressed as the ratio of pre-treatment (Pre) values to gauge relative differences in various factors using the same scale.Mouse EEG data analysis was performed using a combination of Analyzer 2.1 (Brain Vision Inc.), MATLAB, and SPSS. Data were extracted from the Smartbox files and saved in a file format compatible with Analyzer 2.1 software. Data were first down sampled to 625 Hz and a 60 Hz notch filter was used. EEG artifacts were removed using a semi-automatic procedure in Analyzer 2.1 for all recordings. Less than 20% of data were rejected due to artifacts from any single mouse. Resting-state (no auditory stimulus) EEG data were divided into 1 second segments and Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) was run on each segment using a 10% Hanning window at 0.5 Hz bins resolution and then average power (µV/Hz2) was calculated for each mouse from 1-100 Hz. Power was then further binned into standard frequency bands: Delta (1-4 Hz), Theta (4-8 Hz), Alpha (8-13 Hz), Beta (13-30 Hz), Low Gamma (30-55 Hz), and High Gamma (65-100 Hz).
In humans, for resting-state EEG analysis current source density (CSD) was estimated from eighty seconds of continuous preprocessed EEG data using a minimum norm estimate (MNE) model. Surface was parcellated into cortical nodes and grouped into bilateral regions (frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital) according to the Desikan-Killiany atlas(5). Relative power (band specific power divided by total power) was calculated for each frequency band and a linear mixed effect model (LMM) was performed to account for individual differences between participants. The LMM examined fixed effects of changes in power (post-dose – pre-dose) across 2 conditions (placebo or RBAC), 7 frequency bands (akin to the mouse work above: Delta (1-4 Hz), Theta (4-8 Hz), Alpha1 (7.5-10), Alpha2 (10-13 Hz), Beta (13-30 Hz), Low Gamma (30-55 Hz), and High Gamma (65-100 Hz)) across 8 bilateral cortical regions with nodes serving as replicates and subject as a random effect.
Across species, following 5 minutes of resting-state recording we used a chirp-modulated tone (henceforth, ‘chirp’) to induce synchronized oscillations in EEG recordings (24). The chirp stimulus used was broadband noise whose amplitude was modulated by a sinusoid with linearly increasing frequencies from 1 to 100 Hz (39–41). Each stimulus was 2 seconds in duration, and the depth of modulation was 100%. For mice, chirp trains were presented via speaker positioned at the floor of the recording chamber at ~70dB SPL 300 times with the interval between each train randomly generated to be between 1-1.5 s. For humans, chirp trains were presented via headphones at 65 db SPL 200 times each with the interval between each train randomly generated to be between 1.5-2 s.
The chirp facilitates a rapid measurement of transient oscillatory entrainment (delta to gamma frequency range) to auditory stimuli of a wide range of frequencies and can be used to compare oscillatory responses in different groups in clinical and pre-clinical settings (41). Inter-trial phase coherence analysis (phase locking factor) (42) can then be used to determine the ability of neural generators to synchronize oscillations to the frequencies present in the auditory stimulus.
Across species, chirp trains were processed with Morlet wavelets linearly spaced from 1-100 Hz using voltage (µV) and wavelet coefficients were exported as complex values for use with Inter-trial phase coherence (ITPC) analysis. Wavelets were run with a Morlet parameter of 10. This parameter was chosen since studies in humans found most robust difference around 40 Hz, where this parameter is centered (24). To measure phase synchronization at each frequency across trials, inter-trial phase coherence (ITPC) was calculated. The equation used to calculate ITPC is:
where f is the frequency, t is the time point, and k is trial number. Thus, Fk(f,t) refers to the complex wavelet coefficient at a given frequency and time for the kth trial.
Specifically in mice, there were no less than 275 chirp trials (out of 300) for any given mouse after segments containing artifacts were rejected. For human data, theta/alpha ITPC to stimulus onset, ITPC to the chirp stimulus at 40 Hz, ITPC to the chirp stimulus centered at 80 Hz, and single trial power across the entire trial in the alpha and gamma bands were averaged across 23 fronto-central sensors that were selected a priori based on previous findings and that reflect the cortical projection for auditory event-related activity (Ethridge et al., 2019). Each variable as submitted to a 2 (drug vs placebo) x 2 (pre-dose vs post-dose) x 2 (hemisphere) repeated measures ANOVA (see Ethridge et al., 2017 for additional detail). All 17 participants with FXS provided chirp data for at least 3 out of four sessions, however only 11 participants provided a complete chirp dataset with at least 35% artifact-free trials at every session, therefore only 11 participants are included in the chirp statistical analyses.