Appendix 1
Virtual Ward Rounds – Student Guide
4th year Palliative Medicine Teaching Roxburghe House
Welcome to Palliative Medicine teaching during your 4th year General Medicine block. We wish to give you valuable learning, including real patient experience.
Due to changes related to Coronavirus we are altering the way we deliver this teaching session. This is to recognise government guidance around social distancing and is influenced by our healthcare environment and that patients in our inpatient unit are generally a vulnerable group.
We would usually have you physically present in Roxburghe House inpatient unit and joining us on the consultant ward round as we review patients. Patient contact is essential for you learning to be doctors and we still wish to provide this.
We are able to provide this by you joining the ward round remotely using technology supporting Microsoft Teams. You will do this from within the Roxburghe House Education suite.
It is important that you read the following information and meet the requirements for joining this session.
If you have any questions, please contact – could we say Nancy?
Before session
Please do not come to Roxburghe House if you are unwell. It is essential that you do not come if you have any symptoms of Coronavirus.
On the day
Please come to Roxburghe House for 08:50 on your allocated day.
Follow directions to the Education Suite (left up the corridor, door on right and up the stairs that are on the left as you go through the door.
Please observe social distancing, hand hygiene and wear a face covering at all times. There are masks and hand sanitizer at all entrances.
You will be having patient contact so please meet the usual requirements for being in a clinical environment e.g. professional appearance and dress.
The team on the day will go over with you what to expect.
Patients and staff will know that students are joining the ward round in this way. Patients will have given consent for your involvement.
During the session
Please approach this session as if you were in the clinical area. Please act professionally, respectfully and in line with the Medical Student Charter.
Patient confidentiality must always be observed including after the session.
Please switch mobile phones and any other devices off and please put them away.
No audio or video recording is permitted.
Any breach of confidentiality or lapse in professionalism will be acted upon.
After the session
Your feedback on this way of gaining clinical experience is very valuable to us, our patients and the medical school.
Please give feedback via the online form.
You may have found aspects of the day sad or upsetting, is it normal to feel this way. A member of our Spiritual Care Team will support this session.
Appendix 2
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare providers are asked to keep direct patient contact to those most important for providing care. This is to reduce the risk of transmitting the virus. As a result, many routine aspects of healthcare have adapted to use technology to support clinical work.
At Roxburghe House, we too have been establishing new ways of working to reduce the number of people you come into direct contact with. We have developed a way of using Information Technology to allow some of our team to join ward rounds remotely from non-clinical areas (where there are no patients). This is done using a secure platform called Microsoft Teams which is approved by NHS Tayside for this purpose. The team members working remotely can link with the team on site securely through Microsoft Teams: One of the team in your room for the ward round will have a tablet/portable device through which you can see those working remotely and they can see and hear you on their computer.
The team members working remotely are in a private room and bound by the same rules of confidentiality. If members of our team are joining the ward round remotely and seeing you then you can expect the following:
They will be in a private room
They will introduce themselves
They will behave with the same professionalism as those in the room with you
They will fully respect your confidentiality
The consultation will not be recorded – it is in “real time” only
Medical students are part of the healthcare team in NHS Tayside and they are recognised as Key Workers. Medical students value patient contact and this is important for them learning to be doctors. Medical students may join the ward round.
If medical students are joining us in this way:
They are in Roxburghe House in a private non-clinical area
They will not have mobile phones with them
They will also follow all of the above points (introduction, professionalism, confidentiality, no recording)
The team on site will ask your permission for Medical Students to join the ward round remotely – you have the right to refuse and this will not affect the care you receive at all
If you have questions about this or wish to discuss this further, please speak with the team caring for you.
Thank you.