3.1 Bond lengths and formation energies: substitutional and interstitial case of (Ti 28 O 55 N 1 ) and TiO 2 (Ti28O56N1) cluster in different configuration
When the nitrogen substituents incorporate into the TiO2, the formation energy altered function of impurity position and Ti–N bond lengths are of course altered compared to the pristine Ti–O bonds. Several additional publications have noted the effect of impurity location on TiO2 electronic characteristics. Giovanni Di Liberto et al. (Di Liberto et al. 2019) investigated nitrogen doping that is exposed to (001)-(101) Anatase TiO2 Surfaces and discovered that N001 is the most stable doping arrangement, with the nitrogen atom on the (001) side of the interface. kakil et al. (Kakil et al. 2020) demonstrated that nitrogen doping in TiO2 anatase is subsurface depth dependent in substitution and interstitial doped forms, and that nitrogen impurity locations are dependent on nanocrystal facet (Kakil et al. 2021). They also investigated the formation of nitrogen impurity in TiO2 nanoparticles and how the mid-gap state of TiO2 nanocrystal is generated, as well as how the nitrogen impurity locations depend on facet of nanocrystal.
Figure 2 shows the optimal structure of Ti28O55N1 obtained by inserting one substitution N atom in an O lattice location in various configurations using DFT/PBE. Each number in Table 1 corresponds to the formation energies of nitrogen doped TiO2 (Ti28O55N1) at various sites. Ns-Cl.n Ns is for Nitrogen substitution doped, and Cl.n stands for impurity at various positions in the cluster, with n ranging from 1 to 9, corresponding to each location in Figure 2. Equation 1 was used to calculate the formation energies of nitrogen substitution sites.
$${E}_{f}={E}_{1N nanocluster}\text{-}{E}_{nanocluster}+{\frac{1}{2}E}_{{O}_{2}}-{\frac{1}{2}E}_{{N}_{2}} \left(1\right)$$
Table 1 shows the formation energy and defect gap of a substitution-N-doped (Ti28O55N1) nanocluster at various positions. The formation energy varied from 5.321-4.685 eV, whereas the defect energy varied from 1.314 to 0.696 eV. As seen in (Ns-Cl6, Ns-Cl7, Ns-Cl8, and Ns-Cl9), the nitrogen atom inside the cluster has lower formation energy than the nitrogen atom outside the cluster. The formation energy of cluster Ns-Cl9 is 4.685, which is lower than the formation energy of another cluster impurity position. The electronic structure of a cluster is affected by the location of nitrogen impurities. According to Table 1, the energy differences are around 0.625 eV, although in the case of clusters, the majority of atoms are at the surface and Atom clusters have considerably different physical and chemical properties than bulk solids of the same composition. The discrepancy arises from the fact that a high proportion of their component atoms are situated at the surface. Fig. 4 depicts the influence of impurity position on bond-length change of various substitution positions of nitrogen dopants in the (Ti28O55N1) cluster.
We doped TiO2 in four distinct sites for nitrogen to explore interstitial N doping, as illustrated in Fig. 3. Equation 2 is used to compute the formation energy.
$${E}_{f}={E}_{1Nnanocluster}\text{-}{E}_{nanocluster}-{\frac{1}{2}E}_{{N}_{1}} \left(2\right)$$
The formation energy, defect gap, and N-O bond length of interstitial -N-doped (Ti28O56N1) clusters at different positions are shown in Table 2. The influence of impurity position on defect gap and the N-O bond produced in the case of interstitial have different lengths depending on impurity position. Because of the low formation energy, interstitial is more beneficial than substitution in terms of impurity position. We studied (Ni-Cl.4) for the electronic structure investigation because it has a lower formation.
Table 1
Formation energy (Ef) and the defect gap (EIL -EV B) of substitutional-N-doped (Ti28O55N1) nanocluster ata differentposition.
3.2 Electronic properties of pure Ti28O56 and nitrogen doped (Ti28O56N1)
The density of State (DOS) was computed using Gaussian16 software to investigate the electrical characteristics of the examined structures. Any material's electronic density of states provides enough information to comprehend its electronic characteristics fully. A density-of-state (DOS) diagram can be used to visualize the energy level distribution (Gui et al. 2019). TiO2 and N-doped TiO2 ,nanocluster wave function was calculated using Density Functional Theory (DFT), B3LYP at 6-31G(d) basis set. Fig. 5 compares the density of states (DOS) for pure (Ti28O56) and nitrogen doped (Ti28O55N1) Nano clusters. Significant impurity states are introduced into the gap as a result of doping. Following the addition of one nitrogen, the states emerge at the top of the conduction band. N's action defines the creation of the ionic N–O bond as a p dopant. N (p) helps to narrow the gap by producing the valence and conduction bands.
After the Nitrogen atom was inserted into the TiO2 structure, the HUMO-LUMO gap was reduced from 3.772 eV to 2.389 eV. A significant change can be seen in these graphs. UV absorption spectra, which will be examined in the next section, revealed this behavior. Because the band gap of the Quantum Espresso/PBE-GGA method was underestimated, we employed the Gaussian/B3LYP approach. The gap energy reduces from 2.826 to 1.257 eV calculated by Quantum Espresso /PBE-GGA, as shown in Table 3. The electronic band and defect band in [eV] for pure Ti28O56 and nitrogen doped TiO2 (Ti28O56N1) were calculated using both Quantum Espresso /PBE-GGA and Gaussian/B3LYP/6-31G(d) approaches, and the results were compared to previous literature(Cao et al. 2021; Lundqvist et al. 2006; Oprea and Gîrțu 2019; Persson et al. 2000; Selli et al. 2017).
Table 2
Formation energy (Ef), the defect gap (EIL -EV B),and N-O bond length of interstitial -N-doped (Ti28O56N1) cluster at a different position.
Table 3
TheBandgap and defect gap inunit [eV] for pure Ti28O56 and nitrogen doped TiO2 (Ti28O56N1) utilizing Q.E espresso /PBE-GGA and Gaussian/B3LYP /6-31G (d)methods.
Band gap [eV]
Defect band gap[eV]
2.826[this work]
3.772[ this work]
3.3. Surface morphology of N-doped TiO2 nanocluster
Atomic force microscopy AFM was used to analyze the surface morphology of nanostructured Nitrogen-doped TiO2. Fig. 6 shows the surface morphology of the N doped TiO2 cluster layer formed on silicon and a histogram of particle size distribution. As seen in the histogram, the clusters appear to be almost spherical, with an average lateral size of less than (2 nm) and some of them having an average size of 5 nm. The smallest visible grains (2 nm) are primeval clusters created in the source, while larger grains produce smaller clusters aggregating and coalescing.
3.4. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)
XPS analysis was used to analyze the chemical composition and chemical state of the TiO2 nanoclusters. Fig. 7 shows the XPS spectra of N-doped TiO2, where the peaks at 401.7, 459, 464, and 530.17 eV correspond to the binding energy of N1s, Ti2P1/2, Ti2P3/2, and O 1s peaks. The N1s reveal the presence of nitrogen in the nanostructured material (inset Fig. 7). The peaks are in the range (396-404 eV) seen by numerous other writers, although Di Valentin et al (Di Valentin et al. 2007) detected a peak at higher binding energy (400 eV). This peak at this energy represents the interstitial-site nitrogen (Ti–O–N) in which the N atoms are bound to lattice oxygen atoms. This peak at this energy represents the interstitial-site nitrogen.
3.5. Optical properties of the pure and nitrogen-doped TiO2
A UV- visible absorption spectrum was performed to analyze the optical absorbance of pure and nitrogen-doped TiO2 nanoclusters. If the semiconductor size is smaller than the Bohr radius of the excited state, the quantum confinement effect is expected, and the absorption edge will be shifted to higher energy. More study is being done on the quantum confinement effect of TiO2 as well as direct and indirect band gaps. Yin Zhao and Chunzhong Li et al (Zhao et al. 2007)found that the band gap of as-prepared TiO2 nanoparticles is 3.28 eV, which is somewhat higher than the value of 3.2 eV for bulk TiO2 due to the quantum size impact of the present TiO2. In anatase TiO2 nanoparticles, K. Madhusudan Reddy et al (Madhusudan Reddy et al. 2003) indicated that the direct, rather than indirect, transition is more beneficial, as shown in Table 4. Fig. 8 shows the UV–vis spectra of pure and Nitrogen-doped (TiO2) nanostructures. The plots of (α.hν) 2 vs the energy level of the absorbed light are shown in the inset Fig. 8. The Wood and Tauc equation, which is defined as follows, is used to estimate the band gap value.
Table 4
Experimental Band Gap in unit [eV] forpure and Nitrogen-doped TiO2compared with previous works.
Nano composites
Size [nm]
Bandgap [eV]
TiO2 nanocluster
N-TiO2 nanocluster
This work
This work
Quantum dot
Quantum dot
N-doped nanoparticle
\({\alpha }\text{h}{\nu }={\text{K}(\text{h}{\nu }-{\text{E}}_{\text{g}})}^{\text{n}}\) ( 3)
Where K, hv, and Eg are constant, photon energy, and optical band gap, respectively. n is equal to 1/2 for allowed direct optical transitions, and α is the absorption coefficient. The band gap values were determined by extrapolating the linear region of the plot to hν = 0. From the Tauc plots of (αhν)2 versus hν. The direct band gap of TiO2 nanopartical observed (Jia et al. 2018; Karkare 2014; Mahmoud et al. 2021; Mandal et al. 2019) With the addition of nitrogen atom, the band gap decreased from 3.75 to 3.560 eV, and the results were summarized in Table 4. It displays the experimental measurements of band gap in [eV] units and compares them with previous works (Gnanasekaran et al. 2015; Javed et al. 2019; Jia et al. 2018; Karkare 2014; Mandal et al. 2019). Because its p states contribute to band gap narrowing by mixing with O 2p and N (p) states, the N atom's lowered band gap was the most effective. The excitation wavelengths were found by DFT (B3LYP/6-31G(d)) for pure and nitrogen-doped TiO2 (350.96 and 411.00 nm), respectively.
3.6. Experimental and theoretical DFTB3LYP/6-31G (d) investigation of Raman spectra for pure and nitrogen doped TiO2
3.6.1. Raman analysis
The following representation for optical vibrational modes at the Γ point of bulk TiO2 was derived from a group theoretical analysis:
A1g + 1 A2u + 2 B1g + 1 B2u + 3 Eg + 2 Eu
It consists of three Raman active modes (A1g+ 1 B1g+3 Eg), two modes are infrared active (1 A2u+2 Eu), and one mode (1 B2u) is inactive in both Raman and infrared(Ohsaka 1980). The vibration mode of TiO2 was impacted by size, annealing, architectures, and other factors; Xu et al. (Xu et al. 2001) explained the variation in the Raman bands with a phonon confinement model based on the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. They showed that the phonon becomes increasingly confined within the particle and the phonon momentum distribution as particle size decreases.
Flavio Della Foglia et al. (Della Foglia et al. 2009) synthesized the TiO2 nanostructured film via (SCBD). Raman spectroscopy indicated no crystalline structure after annealing at 200oC, indicating that the film is predominantly amorphous. They also demonstrated that the shape of nanostructured TiO2 films could improve annealing for photocatalytic applications. Hengzhong Zhang (Zhang et al. 2008) reported a combination of experimental and computational modeling to investigate amorphous titanium made up of 2 nm TiO2 nanoparticles. The nanoparticles contain a severely deformed shell and a stretched anatase-like core, according to the researchers. The weak Raman scattering in these films is attributed to the low phonon density of states in the amorphous phase, as seen in Fig. 9, which exhibits Raman spectra of pure and Nitrogen-doped TiO2 clusters without annealing. The no observed Raman bands in an amorphous solid are no longer related to traveling waves or wave vectors, as are no longer phonons.
3.6.2. Theoretical vibrational properties of pure and N-doped (TiO2)n by DFT / B3LYP/6-31G(d)
Ogata et al. (Ogata et al. 1999) employed modified variable charge interatomic potential to examine the structural and physical features of nano size TiO2 clusters of 1050 and 672 atoms at 100 K using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. We reveal the Ti–O bonding characteristics that play a key role in replicating macroscopic and microscopic values with accuracy comparable to that of first-principles computations. Kulbir Kaur Ghuman et al.(Ghuman et al. 2013) investigated the vibrational characteristics of rutile supercells and rutile and amorphous TiO2 nanoparticles using the Matsui and Akaogi rigid ion model with effective charges on Ti and O atoms. They demonstrated that the phonon bandwidth and dispersive character of optical phonon modes in higher frequency ranges agree with experimental results. However, the calculated and experimental findings are within 15% of each other in the intermediate energy range, while the calculated results are higher than the experimental values in the lower energy range.
In a (TiO2)n cluster, if n changes, the majority of physical properties change as well. The clusters were constructed by Brandon Bukowski et al. (Bukowski and Deskins 2015) with n = 1, 3, 5, 8, and 15 total atoms, or 3, 9, 15, 24, and 45 total atoms, respectively. For each cluster size, there are a number of possible structural isomers. When a result, as cluster sizes get larger, atoms tend to adopt higher coordination, eventually embracing bulk coordination with the correct cluster size.
The vibrational modes of Ti9O18and Ti28O56 clusters were calculated in this study. Except for Ti2O4 spectral investigation (Majid and Bibi 2017), none of the above physical attributes have been explored by any other researcher.
Because there are multiple coordinates of Ti (1Ti, 2Ti, 3Ti....) for any given cluster size, we have 74 modes of vibration in Ti9O18 clusters, the majority of which are different from Ti2O4 due to different structures. As cluster sizes rise, the atoms tend to adopt higher coordination, as shown in Fig. 10, which shows the Raman activity spectra of Ti9O18 and Ti28O56 computed using Gaussian/ B3LYP 6-31G (d), with two strong peaks appearing about 1040.92 cm−1 and 1045.45 cm−1. These two vibrations do not exist in the cluster (Ti28O56) because both cluster sides have 1Ti coordinates, as shown in Fig. 11. The arrow represents the O-1Ti vibration mode. We believe all clusters cannot have the same vibration, which is dependent on cluster structure. The Raman spectrum activity of pure (Ti28O56) and nitrogen doped (Ti28O56N1) Nano clusters are displayed in Fig. 12 using Gaussian/ B3LYP/6-31G (d). The (*) peak of pure Ti-O demonstrates the stretched bonds (Ti28O56). The vibrational mode N-O of nitrogen doped (Ti28O56N1) at approximately 1013.9 cm−1 is depicted in the inset Fig. 13. This is a stretching mode that has been investigated in N-doped TiO2.