In the present study, we externally validated five existing models for predicting the risk of AKI in patients with AHF. The Forman risk score and Wang et al. model showed superior discrimination and calibration performance compared with the three other models.
The development of AKI in patients with AHF leads to prolonged hospitalization, increased readmission rates, and increased short- and long-term all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality. Coexisting AKI and AHF also causes higher health care costs for patients with heart failure.[4–6] In the past two decades, many studies have focused on the early identification of patients with AHF who are at high risk of AKI development in order to initiate intervention earlier and improve their clinical outcomes. Some of these studies have used clinical parameters as risk predictors, and the others have introduced or added novel urine biomarker for AKI prediction.[1, 10–13] However, the widely varying definition and classification of AKI (or WRF in some studies) as well as differences in the observed time-at-risk and the heterogeneity of study populations have hindered the cross-comparison of published data. For this reason, AKI in the present study was defined according to the KDIGO Clinical Practice Guidelines for Acute Kidney Injury published in 2012 [17], which are currently the most widely accepted and used criteria. To our knowledge, this is the first multi-institution validation study to use the KDIGO guidelines to compare existing prediction models of AKI in patients with AHF.
Among the AKI prediction models for patients with AHF, the Forman risk score was the first to be published and utilizes 4 factors (i.e., congestive heart failure history, diabetes mellitus, systolic blood pressure over 160 mmHg during admission, and elevated creatinine). The study introducing the risk score showed predictive ability for AKI in AHF but it did not report any area under the ROC curve.[10] The AUC for AKI prediction was externally validated as being 0.65 by Breidthardt et al. in 2011 [1] and Wang et al. in 2013.[12] The subsequent Basel risk score sought to use fewer predictive factors to achieve better prediction ability. Chronic kidney disease, bicarbonate level, and outpatient diuretics treatment were used for AKI prediction and the AUC was reported as 0.71 in the original article. However, a few years later, Wang et al. found no difference in discrimination ability between the Basel and Forman risk scores, both of which had an AUC of 0.65 according to external validated results.[12] In 2013, Wang et al. reported a prediction score derived from a larger patient number and, for the first time in such research, included proteinuria as one of the risk factors of AKI prediction in the AHF papulation. Since then, proteinuria has been increasingly reported to be not only a predictive factor but also an aggravating factor in AKI.[20–22] The Wang et al. prediction model had a high sensitivity of 70.0%, specificity of 70.6%, and AUC of 0.76 in predicting AKI in AHF patients. Subsequently, Zhou et al. derived the first scoring system combining clinical risk factors and novel kidney injury biomarkers (uNGAL and uAGT).[13] The Zhou et al. study reported the AUC separately; the AUC for the clinical model alone was 0.765, close to that of the Wang et al. model, while the AUC for the prediction model was 0.874.[13]
Our current study not only externally validated these five prediction models in terms of AKI prediction but also estimated their performance in predicting serious AKI events including AKI stage 3 and dialysis. As Table 3 shows, the AUCs of these prediction models for AKI prediction ranged from 0.543 to 0.73. Better performance was noted in AKI stage 3 and dialysis prediction, with AUCs of 0.565–0.858 and 0.539–0.845, respectively. All five prediction models showed favorable ability in long-term outcome prediction, with significantly higher incidences of MAKEs in the high-score groups than in the low-score groups.
Of the five prediction models we validated, the Forman risk score and Wang et al. model showed superior discrimination and calibration. The AKI risk score for AHF derived using the Wang et al. model had the best performance; its AUC was 0.73 in AKI prediction and its AUCs for AKI stage 3 and dialysis were 0.858 and 0.845, respectively. This scoring system showed favorable calibration in predicting all three outcomes. The Forman risk score also showed good performance and calibration in AKI, AKI stage 3, and dialysis prediction, with AUCs of 0.696, 0.829, and 0.817, respectively.
Although the further pairwise comparison of AUCs revealed significant differences between the Wang et al. model and Forman risk score (Table 4), both had excellent discrimination (AUC of 0.8–0.9) by general definition.[23, 24] Considering this, the Forman risk score may be seen as the relatively easier and more convenient tool for predicting AKI in AHF patients clinically because it requires only 4 clinical factors.
Much current research is being conducted to identify serum or urine biomarkers for early AKI prediction. However, these biomarkers are more costly to utilize and are not yet widely examined in general laboratory settings. Some recent studies have reported that adding urine biomarker to clinical prediction models yielded no significant performance improvement [25–29], and Törnblom et al. even reported that new statistical methods no longer support using uNGAL to predict AKI in certain patient groups.[28] Taking this into consideration, prediction models based on clinical parameters seem to offer a faster, cheaper, and easier means of AKI prediction, thus increasing the likelihood of AKI prevention and early intervention. The current study demonstrated that a clinical prediction model alone can provide excellent discrimination ability for AKI in AHF patients. Clinical prediction models can achieve an AUC of 0.80, which is particularly high for serious AKI events prediction.
Strengths and limitations
Our study has several notable strengths. First, this is the first multi-institution validation study to compare existing prediction models of AKI in AHF based on the KDIGO Clinical Practice Guidelines. Second, our study further evaluated the performance of these prediction models in predicting serious AKI events, and revealed that these prediction models also offer high discriminative power for predicting AKI stage 3 and dialysis. Third, this study not only assessed the short-term renal outcomes of patients with AHF but also evaluated their long-term outcomes. We demonstrated that patients with scores above the cutoff value had poorer long-term outcomes (defined by MAKEs incidence) than did the lower score groups.
This study also has some limitations. First, this was a retrospective analysis, the inherent drawbacks of which cannot be avoided. Second, the first record of creatinine level upon emergency department admission was used as the baseline creatinine level, and AKI was defined by the creatinine change after that. Thus, our study could only examine predictive ability in terms of AKI developing during admission and not of AKI at admission. Third, data limitations prevented some prediction factors from being validated, including NT-proBNP, uNGAL, and uAGT.