Support Characterization
Figure 1 (a) and 1 (b) shows the scanning electron microscopy of the Carbotrat AP granular activated carbon before immobilization at magnifications of 10000 and 2500 times, and Figure 1 (c) and 1 (d) present the scanning electron microscopy of granular activated carbon Carbotrat AP after immobilization, also at magnifications 10000 and 2500 times.
The image analyzes of Fig. 1 (a) and (b), most clearly at the 10000 magnification, show a homogeneous and regular structure of activated carbon. Considering the images in Fig. 1 (c) and (d), it is observed the existence of other components on the surface of the granular activated carbon, in other words, the adsorption of the enzyme appears to be superficial.
Figure 2 shows the comparison between the FT-IR spectrum of activated carbon before immobilization (a) and after immobilization of the tyrosinase enzyme (b).
Some differences can be observed between the Carbotrat AP granular activated carbon FT-IR spectrum before and after immobilization of the enzyme. The spectrum of infrared support after immobilization presents peaks indicating the presence of histidine, which is part of the tyrosinase structure. It is also observed that the adsorption of the enzyme did not change the activated carbon structure. The appearance of two bands on 3700 - 3600 cm−1 region in FT-IR spectrum of Carbotrat AP granular activated carbon infrared after immobilization (b), corresponding to the stretching frequency of the N-H binding, is due to the interaction of tyrosinase with the activated carbon matrix (Kennedy et al. 2007). In addition, the band that appears near 1400 cm−1 in the activated carbon spectrum after immobilization (b) is indicative of C-N bonding, which confirms the presence of tyrosinase immobilized on the matrix. It is noted that this band was absent in the activated carbon spectrum before immobilization (a).
In immobilization using chitosan support, the enzyme tyrosinase was immobilized on the outside of the beads by covalent bonding with amino groups support followed by crosslinking with the bifunctional agent, GA. Beads had diameters between 3.31 mm and 4.15 mm. Fig. 3 (a) and 3 (b) show the scanning electron microscopy of the chitosan beads before and after activation with GA, and Fig. 3 (c) shows the scanning electron microscopy activated chitosan bead after immobilization with the tyrosinase enzyme contained in a crude enzyme extract.
The analysis of the images obtained by scanning electron microscopy provided the beads surface morphology. Chitosan beads before activation with GA had a rougher and non-uniform surface, whereas activation makes the bead surface more uniform and smooth.
Figure 4 presents the comparison among FT-IR spectrum of a chitosan bead before activation (a), after activation (b), and after enzyme tyrosinase immobilization (c).
The infrared spectrum of chitosan beads is characterized by the presence of a large band between 3400 and 3200 cm−1, which is attributed to the axial deformation of the O-H group associated with other polar groups via intra and intermolecular and axial deformation N-H, normally obscured by hydrogen bonding with OH groups. The activation with GA is confirmed with the appearance of a peak in the region around 2900 cm−1 and the region near 1600 cm−1, as a result of the interaction of GA with chitosan functional groups. Just like observed the FT-IR spectrum of activated carbon after immobilization, the presence of tyrosinase is confirmed by the existence of the most pronounced peak in the region of 1100 cm−1, indicative of the presence of histidine, the most significant component of the tyrosinase enzyme (Kennedy et al. 2007). Immobilization is also responsible for the disappearance of the peak in the region around 2900 cm−1, indicating the interaction of tyrosinase with the modified chitosan surface.
Enzyme Immobilization
Immobilization on Granular Activated Carbon
The immobilization in granular activated carbon occurs by physical adsorption, so enzyme desorption is easier to take place in case of operational changes. Immobilization assays were performed, using as support the Carbotrat AP Granular Activated Carbon, in the amount of 10.0 g and an enzyme solution with 3000.0 U of activity, up until 120 minutes of contact between the support and enzymatic crude extract. Some authors have observed that during immobilization of enzymes in GAC, the percentage of immobilized enzymes stabilized in less than 120 minutes of contact time between enzyme and support (Kennedy et al. 2007; Kumar et al. 2010; Silva et al. 2005).
Figure 5 presents the results of the immobilization rate obtained, being observed that the longer the contact time, the higher the immobilization rate of the enzyme in the support.
It can be observed that the immobilization rate increases with time. According to the test, the best immobilization time is 90 minutes, up to 55.0 % immobilization rate and enzyme activity of immobilized enzyme up to 1604.0 U. Kennedy et al. (2007) managed to immobilize tyrosinase extracted from a potato with enzymatic activity up to 30.0 x 104 U/L on a modified GAC, Kumar et al. (2007) and Silva et al. (2005) amanaged to immobilize almost 100.0 % of enzymes on different types of GAC, however, these authors worked with other types of enzymes.
Best stirring for physical adsorption of enzyme present in extract enzyme in Carbotrat AP granular activated carbon was investigated in immobilization using 10.0 g of support and crude enzyme extract with an activity of tyrosinase of ± 3000.0 U, with a contact time of 90 minutes and constant stirring of 10.5, 15.7, 20.9 and 31.4 rad/s. Table 1 presents the immobilization rates found in different stirring speeds after the contact time between the enzymatic solution and support.
Table 1
Variation of the immobilization rate and enzyme activity of the immobilized enzyme about to with concerning system stirring
Stirring (rad/s)
Enzymatic Activity (U)
Immobilization rate (%)
The worst immobilization rate was obtained using a constant stirring of 10.5 rad/s; using 15.7 and 20.9 rad/s, it was possible to obtain an immobilization rate above 50.0 %; while stirring at 31.4 rad/s, the immobilization rate dropped to 40.0 %. The low immobilization at low stirring speed is due to insufficient tyrosinase mixture with the support. For higher stirring values, the mechanical inactivation of the enzyme occurs due to the increase of the contact area of the enzyme with air and with the surfaces of the erlenmeyer. This phenomenon was reported by Colombiè et al. (2001), Gikanga et al. (2017); Menoncin et al. (2009), and Wiesbauer et al. (2013).
Immobilization on Activated Chitosan Beads
The immobilization using activated chitosan bead support occurs by covalent bonding. Immobilization Assays were performed using 5.0 g of chitosan beads activated with 1.5 and 3.0% of GA and an enzyme solution with 2000.0 U activity, made from the crude extract during the contact time of 120 minutes and with stirring of 15.7 rad/s.
Fig. 6 presents the results of the percentage of immobilized enzymes. It is observed that the longer the contact time, the higher the immobilization rate of the enzyme in the support.
From these results, the best contact time was 120 minutes and using chitosan beads activated with 3.0 % of GA as support, resulting in immobilization of approximately 100.0 %, higher than that obtained with immobilization by adsorption on granular activated carbon and similar to that found by Chavita (2010) and Miyaguti (2011), but higher than that found by Santos et al. (2013).
Enzymatic Oxidation Assays
Influence of Initial Phenol Concentration
Phenol enzymatic oxidation assays were performed using the enzyme support system in solutions of 10.0, 20.0, 40.0, 60.0, and 100.0 mg/L for both the immobilized enzyme in the activated carbon support and the immobilized enzyme on activated chitosan beads. All assays were performed under the same stirring conditions, pH, contact time, and temperature, respectively 15.7 rad/s, pH 7.0, 120 minutes, and 298K.
The enzymatic activity of the immobilized enzymes on 10.0 g Carbotrat AP support was approximately 1500.0 U, while the enzymatic activity of the immobilized enzymes on 5.0 g activated chitosan beads was approximately 2000.0 U. The results, in terms of the final average concentration of phenol in the aqueous phenol solution and phenol removal are shown in Table 2.
Table 2
Final average phenol concentration and phenol removal from aqueous solutions containing different phenol concentrations after enzymatic oxidation
Granular Activated Carbon
Enzymatic Activity (U)
Inicial Phenol Concentration (mg/L)
Final Phenol Concentration (mg/L)
Phenol Removal (%)
Activated Chitosan Beads
Enzymatic Activity (U)
Inicial Phenol Concentration (mg/L)
Final Phenol Concentration (mg/L)
Phenol Removal (%)
Using immobilized enzyme in GAC with an enzymatic activity of 1500.0 U, the phenol limit required by CONAMA 430/2011 (MMA 2011) is only reached by enzymatic oxidation on solutions with 10.0 mg phenol/L. However, despite not attending the limit for disposal, using the immobilized enzyme, it was possible to obtain phenol removal above 50.0 %, even for solutions containing 100.0 mg phenol/L.
By using tyrosinase immobilized on activated chitosan beads with the average enzymatic activity of 2000.0 U, a final phenol concentration below the limit required by Brazilian legislation for phenol solutions with an initial concentration of 10.0 to 40.0 mg/L was obtained. However, in solutions of 60.0 mg/L, it was possible to remove up to 97.0 % of phenol, and even in solutions containing 100.0 mg/L of phenol, it was possible to achieve a removal of more than 70.0 % of this compound. This was greater than those found with the immobilized enzyme on GAC and using a lower amount of support.
The decrease in removal efficiency with the increase in the initial concentration of phenol present in the solution can be explained not only by the amount of immobilized enzyme on the support but also by the fact that o-quinone, formed by the degradation of phenol through tyrosinase, inactivates the enzyme when in higher concentrations (Bevilaqua et al. 2002; Wada et al. 1993). Another reason for solutions with high initial phenol concentration not attending the limit established by CONAMA 430/2011 (MMA 2011) is the contact time of the immobilized enzyme in the solutions, which in this work was set at 120 minutes. Some authors needed 8 hours (480 minutes) to remove practically 100.0 % phenol from solutions initially containing 100.0 mg/L (Chavita 2010; Kameda et al. 2006).
Reuse of Immobilized Enzyme
Immobilized enzymes with the initial enzymatic activity of 1500.0 U on granular activated carbon support and initial enzymatic activity of 2000.0 U on activated chitosan beads were used for the assays. After each assay, the immobilized enzyme was washed with distilled water and phosphate buffer pH 7.0 and subjected to vacuum filtration. Assays were performed using the immobilized enzyme for phenol removal from phenol-containing solutions at concentrations of 10.0 and 60.0 mg/L.
For phenol removal on 10.0 mg phenol/L solutions using the immobilized enzyme in activated carbon support Carbotrat AP, it was observed that, in the second cycle of use, there was a 4.5 % drop in yield over the 100.0 % removal yield of the first cycle, and yield drop greater than 50.0 % in its third use (Fig. 7 (a)). Removal using the immobilized enzyme on activated chitosan bead was able to remove up to 100.0 % of phenol in the first three uses. From the fourth use onwards, there was a 15.0 % drop in yield. The enzyme immobilized on activated S24 beads showed lower reductions than the enzyme immobilized on activated carbon, maintaining the phenol removal rate close to 70.0 % until the sixth use (Fig. 7 (b)).
Considering the removal of phenol in 60.0 mg/L solutions, it could be seen again that the use of the immobilized enzyme in Carbotrat AP activated carbon made a yield drop from the second cycle onwards, with an 18.9 % decrease compared to 66.2 % during the first cycle, and at the third use, the removal yield drop was 63.8 % (Fig. 8 (a)). Immobilized enzymes on activated chitosan beads were able to remove ~ 98.0 % of phenol in its first use, and from the second use, there was a yield drop of 1.2 % and, differently from removal using GAC as support, only in the fourth cycle of use phenol removal yield drop was greater than 50.0 % (Fig. 8 (b)).
The drop in enzymatic oxidation yield may cause prolonged exposure of the enzyme to the phenol degradation product (which explains a higher yield drop in more concentrated phenol solutions), the adsorption of this degradation product to the support (which causes inactivation of the tyrosinase enzyme) and also by the loss of support that occurs between uses either during enzymatic oxidation or during the washing and filtration process after testing. In addition, the sharpest drop in yield during reuse of the immobilized enzyme in GAC is caused by the enzyme desorption due to the stirring of the system during enzymatic oxidation.
Support Reuse
The reuse of the support in future immobilizations is very interesting from the economic point of view, but it was only possible to reuse the support for immobilizations in GAC, due to the type of immobilization - physical adsorption - in which it is possible to remove the immobilized enzyme after its loss of activity. Table 3 shows the reuse of the support as a function of the immobilized enzyme rate, when the initial enzymatic activity refers to the enzymatic solution and the final enzymatic activity refers to the estimated activity of the immobilized enzyme on the support.
Table 3
Enzyme immobilization rate on the same support
Support Usage
Initial Enzymatic Activity (U)
Final Enzymatic Activity (U)
Immobilization Rate (%)
The rate of immobilization declined with each use of the same support, but this decrease was less than 10.0 %, which can be considered a very positive result, as the reuse of the support would help lower the cost of using the immobilized enzyme, giving higher economic viability for it.
Enzyme oxidation assays were performed using the immobilized enzyme on reused support (second immobilization with the support), also reusing the immobilized enzyme on this support to remove phenol from an aqueous solution containing 10 mg/L of phenol.
The results of enzymatic oxidation as a function of phenol removal rate are expressed in Fig. 9.
It was possible to reach the limit established by CONAMA 430 (MMA 2011) for phenol-containing effluent disposal in the first two uses of the immobilized enzyme. There was also a sharp drop in phenol removal from the first use to the third. Just the same as with the immobilized enzymes in new support, it was also verified, but in a smaller proportion. The drop in removal can still be explained by the loss of the enzyme during the test and its inactivation in the activated carbon.
Since it is not possible to reuse the activated chitosan beads support because adsorption occurs by covalent bonding (chemically joining the enzyme to the support surface), it has been studied a way of decreasing the yield drop of the immobilized enzyme in this support type. As a cause for the drop in phenol removal yield is the adsorption of o-quinone on the bead surface, inactivating the tyrosinase enzyme, successive washing steps with pH 6.7 and 8.0 buffers, and distilled water after each cycle were added to the enzymatic oxidation test. To verify the efficiency of the use of these new steps, enzymatic oxidation assays were carried out using the enzyme-support system for 5 cycles in 10.0 and 100.0 mg phenol/L solutions.
Fig. 10 and 11 show five cycles of enzymatic oxidation reusing the immobilized tyrosinase enzyme in aqueous solutions containing 10.0 and 100.0 mg phenol/L, respectively, with and without the addition of wash steps.
In the 10.0 mg phenol/L removal, the new cleaning methodology after each assay allowed the phenol removal yield to fall only 0.9 % after 5 cycles, unlike the enzymatic oxidation cycles using the old method. From the fourth cycle onwards, it dropped by 15.0 %, reaching 28.8 % on the fifth cycle. Yield to enzymatic oxidation to phenol is shown in Fig. 10.
For the removal of 100.0 mg/L (Fig. 11), although the use of successive washing steps after each cycle was not sufficient for the maintenance of enzymatic activity, its application still caused the decrease of phenol removal yield in the initial cycles, allowing the immobilized enzyme to be used five times with a phenol removal above 50.0 %. There has been a 33.7 % yield drop after 5 uses of the immobilized enzyme, whereas, with the old cleaning methodology, this drop was almost 50.0 %.
Immobilized enzyme storage
One of the most important parameters to consider in enzymatic immobilization is storage stability. In general, storing enzymes in solution makes them unstable and leads to a decline on activity.
In order to verify the behavior of the enzymatic activity concerning the storage time, 5 immobilizations were performed under the same conditions for each support used, using immobilized enzymes with activities of approximately 1500.0 U for immobilization in GAC and 2000.0 U for immobilization in beads. Activated chitosan was stored under refrigeration for later use in enzymatic oxidation assays at different times: 1 day, 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, and 4 weeks after immobilization.
Fig. 12 and 13 show the phenol concentration decay concerning the contact time of the aqueous solution initially containing 10.0 mg phenol/L with the immobilized enzyme on GAC (Fig. 12) and ACB (Fig. 13) after different storage times.
Enzymatic oxidation using immobilized tyrosinase 1 day after immobilization reached 100.0 % of phenol removal within 60 minutes for immobilization on both support types and similar to that found by some authors such as Chavita (2010) and Pigatto (2013). Analyzing the graphs, it is shown that phenol removal slows down as the time between immobilization and enzymatic oxidation increases and that after the fourth week of storage, the drop in activity is more pronounced in both cases.
The graph in Fig. 14 shows the yield of the enzyme oxidation reaction related to the storage time of the immobilized enzyme in the GAC (a) and ACB (b) carrier before its first use.
According to the results, the immobilized enzymes on both supports removed 100.0 % of phenol from a 10.0 mg/L solution within 120 minutes, up to 2 weeks after immobilization and storage under refrigeration. After 3 and 4 weeks of storage, the enzyme showed a rate drop of 9.5 and 16.0 % when immobilized on GAC and 7.3 % and 12.6 % when immobilized on ACB about to with concerning the first 3 weeks of storage.
The stability of the immobilized enzyme in GAC and ACB concerning the storage time between its first and second use in enzymatic oxidation assays was also investigated. Again, 5 immobilizations were performed for each support type, under the same operating conditions, generating 5 support enzyme systems containing an initial enzyme activity of 1500.0 U and 2000.0 U, respectively. Each enzyme support system was then used in enzymatic oxidation of an aqueous 10.0 mg phenol/L solution and stored under refrigeration after the assay. Once reserved, each enzyme support system was reused with time between two different uses: 1 day, 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, and 4 weeks after their first use.
The graphs show in Fig. 15 and 16 illustrate the phenol concentration decay concerning the contact time of the aqueous phenol solution, with the initial concentration of 10.0 mg/L, with the immobilized enzyme on GAC (Fig. 15) and ACB (Fig. 16) on its second use. All assays were performed under the same conditions, stirring of 15.7 rad/s, temperature 298K, contact time 120 minutes.
The second enzymatic oxidation with the same enzyme immobilized 1 day after the first use was able to remove 94.0 % and 100.0 % of the phenol from the solution shortly after 60 minutes of contact on GAC and ACB supports, respectively, similar to what happened with the first use of the immobilized enzyme with one day of storage; this was also the assay with the fastest removal. Analyzing the graphs, it is noted that the enzymatic oxidation assay curves for the second use of the immobilized enzyme in ACB 2, 3, and 4 weeks after the first use are very similar, indicating a stabilization of the immobilized enzyme while the assay curves of the enzymatic oxidation rate related to the second use of the immobilized enzyme in GAC showed similar decays when compared to the first use of the immobilized enzyme.
Figure 17 shows the yield of the enzyme oxidation reaction related to the storage time of the immobilized enzyme in GAC (a) and ACB (b) between its first and second uses.
The stability of the immobilized enzyme in ACB can be caused by two reasons: covalent immobilization (it keeps the enzyme in a stable position compared to the free enzyme) and a stabilizing effect provided by the support (it minimizes possible distortion effects imposed by the aqueous solution on the active site of the immobilized enzyme, which did not occur in the immobilized enzyme in GAC).