3.1. Influence of H2O2 concentration
Figure 2 shows the spectra measured at regular time intervals (5 min) during the RhB oxidation (5 mg / L) in the presence of Fe2+ (10−3 M), H2O2 (10−2 M) at pH = 3. This figure shows that the maximum absorbance is obtained at the wavelength of 554 nm. We also note the absorbance decreases during the reaction showing that there is degradation of rhodamine B.
Figure 3 shows the influence of H2O2 concentration on RhB discoloration. The concentrations of RhB and Fe2+ were respectively set at 5 mg / L and 10−3 mol / L. The pH was set at 3 by varying the concentration of hydrogen peroxide. In this figure, we see a rapid change in the degradation rate from 0 to 10 min for all the H2O2 concentrations used. Then there is a slow increase in the degradation rate from 10 to 30 min. Beyond 30 min, the degradation rate remains constant. The results of Fig. 3b confirm this result. Thus for the rest of our work, the time used for RhB degradation is 30 min.
Figures 3a and 3b also show that the degradation rate increases when the initial H2O2 concentration increases from 0.01 M to 0.03 M. With 0.03 M in H2O2 the degradation rate reaches the maximum value (95.94 %). Beyond 0.03 M, the degradation rate of RhB decreases. It goes to 94.74 % for 0.04 M and to 90.60 % for 0.05 M. This shows that 0.03 M constitutes, under the study conditions, the optimal concentration of H2O2 necessary for the RhB degradation.
The results obtained can be explained by the fact that increasing the H2O2 concentration causes an increase in the amount of OH● and therefore increases the RhB degradation efficiency. However, too high a concentration of H2O2 causes trapping of hydroxyl radicals (Eq. 2) due to excess H2O2 forming hydroperoxyl radicals (HO2●) and slows down the degradation of the dye (Nidheesh et al. 2013; Behnajady et al. 2008).
HO● + H2O2 → HO2● + H2O (2)
3.2. Kinetic model of the RhB oxidation
The study of the kinetic model applicable to RhB oxidation by the Fenton process was carried out. The results obtained by applying the 0, 1 and 2 pseudo-order models are shown in Figs. 4a, 4b and 4b.
Table 2
Parameters of the kinetics models
H2O2 Concentration
Pseudo-order 0 kinetic model
Pseudo-order 1 kinetic model
Pseudo-order 2 kinetic model
0.1 M
0.2 M
0.3 M
0.4 M
0.5 M
Consider the constant production kinetic of hydroxyl radicals and their stable concentration during the process, we have:
For the equation:
RhB + OH• → RhBOH• (3)
The kinetic equation is given by;
$$\frac{-d\left[RB\right]}{dt}=k\left[{OH}^{\bullet }\right]\left[RhB\right]$$ 4
Since the concentration of hydroxyl radicals is constant, the oxidation kinetic of the organic compound can be described by an apparent kinetic law of order 1 with respect to the concentration of organic compound (Eq. 5):
Which give:
$$\frac{-d\left[RB\right]}{dt}={k}_{app}\left[RhB\right]$$ 5
$$ln\left(\frac{RB}{{RB}_{0}}\right)= - {k}_{app}t$$ 6
Where kapp is the pseudoconstant of apparent kinetic of order 1, which is in agreement with recent work concerning the reaction of the hydroxyl radical with organic compounds (Chakinala et al. 2008).
Order 2 reaction
$$\frac{-d\left[RhB\right]}{dt}={k}_{app}{\left[RhB\right]}^{2}$$ 7
$$\frac{1}{\left[RhB\right]}= \frac{1}{{\left[RhB\right]}_{0}}+ {k}_{app}t$$ 8
Order 0 reaction
$$\frac{-d\left[RhB\right]}{dt}={k}_{app}{\left[RhB\right]}^{0}$$ 9
[RhB]t = [RhB]0 – k t (10)
The curves in Fig. 4 were used to determine the parameters of the 0, 1 and 2 order kinetics models. The values obtained are recorded in Table II. This table shows that the values of the determination coefficients obtained from the order 2 kinetic model are greater than those of the kinetic model of order 0 and 1 regardless of the H2O2 concentration. This shows that the kinetic model suitable for our study is the second order kinetic model. Table 2 also shows that the maximum value of the apparent velocity pseudoconstant is maximum when the H2O2 concentration is equal to 0.03 M. This confirms that the reaction kinetics are maximum when the H2O2 concentration is equal to 0.03 M.
3.3. Influence of Fe2+ concentration
The influence of Fe2+ concentration on RhB oxidation has been studied. Figure 5 show the results obtained.
Figure 5 show that the RhB degradation rate varies with the Fe2+ concentration. These figures show that when going from 5.10−4 M to 8.4.10−4 M the degradation rate increases from 94.43–96.02%. These results are in agreement with the results of the literature which states that the addition of Fe2+ improves the RhB destruction rate (Torres et al. 2007; Minero et al. 2005; Dai et al. 2006). Then it is observed that beyond 8.4.10−4 M, it decreases to reach 85.42% at 1.25.10−3 M. This shows that the optimum degradation rate of RhB is reached for a Fe2+ concentration equal 8.4.10−4 M. Thus, for optimum degradation of RhB, the [H2O2] / [Fe2+] ratio equal to 35.7.
Above 8.4.10−4 mol / L, Fe2+ is engaged in a secondary reaction by consuming hydroxyl radicals, hence the decrease in the RhB degradation. According to Panizza et al. (Panizza et al. 2001) when the Fe2+ concentration is very high, side reactions occur (Eqs 11 to 13). These reactions compete with the degradation reaction of organic compounds. This reduces the organic compounds oxidation.
HO• + Fe2+ → Fe3+ + OH- (11)
Fe²+ + H2O2 + H+ → Fe³+ + H2O + HO• (12)
2Fe3+ + H2O2 → 2 Fe2+ + O2 +2H+ (13)
According to Eq. 12, Fe2+ react with H2O2 to form Fe3+. So if the Fe2+ concentration is high, the amount of Fe3+ produced will be high. Fe3+ reacts with H2O2 according to Eq. 13. The sharp decrease in degradation with an excess of Fe2+ would also be linked to the decomposition of H2O2 by the Fe2+ produced.
3.4. Influence of RhB concentration
The amount of material to be degraded is one of the factors that determines the efficiency of the treatment process. Thus, various initial RhB concentrations were studied by fixing the concentration values [H2O2] = 0.03 M and [Fe2+] = 8.4.10−4 M. The results obtained are presented in Fig. 6.
From Fig. 6, the degradation efficiency decreases as the initial RhB concentration increases. This is in agreement with the results of the literature (Wang et al. 2008; Vajnhandl et al. 2007). Also, an almost total degradation (98.52%) is observed after 5 min for the low concentrations of RhB (1.5 mg / L). At high concentrations (10 mg / L), degradation is relatively slow with a rate of 94.27% after 30 min.
The gradual decrease in degradation rates with initial concentration could be explained by competition reactions between the dye molecules and those of the intermediates formed during the Fenton oxidation process (Hu et al. 2008). The dye molecules as well as the intermediate products formed will compete to react with the HO• radicals. The amount of degradation intermediates formed is proportional to the initial concentration of the dye, so the decrease in the RhB degradation efficiency is a direct consequence of the increase in this competitive effect with the initial concentration of RhB (Hu et al. 2008).
3.5. Influence of pH
The media pH is one of the most important parameters influencing the degradation of organic pollutants by advanced oxidation processes. In this work, the RhB degradation was carried out at different pH values (1.5; 2; 3; 4). The results obtained are shown in Fig. 7.
The results of these figures indicate that the degradation rates are higher in a very acidic media (pH between 1.5 and 2) than for pH between 3 and 4. RhB degradation rate is constant at equal pH. 1.5 and 2. A degradation rate of 99.42% was obtained for a pH equal to 1.5 or 2. These latter values therefore constitute the optimum conditions for RhB degradation. Several studies report that pH dramatically influences the transformation of synthetic dyes in aqueous solution, and generally the optimum value is in the range 1 to 3 (Nidheesh et al. 2013; Gad et al. 2009). In the water treatment domain, the pH brings about a modification in the ionization degree of the organic molecule which appears in different forms depending on its ionizable functions. RhB carries a carboxylic acid function having a pKa = 3. If the media is characterized by a pH below this value, the cationic form of RhB (RhB+) is predominant. Its zwitterionic form is predominant for pH greater than 3.7 (Minero et al. 2008).
The acceleration of degradation kinetics in an acidic media (pH between 1 and 3) is therefore probably due to the protonation of the functional site –COOH, which improves the hydrophobicity of the RhB molecules. These results show that the efficiency of the capture of HO• radicals by RhB molecules is greater in acidic conditions, due to the strong regeneration of H2O2 molecules (Nidheesh et al. 2013).
3.6. Influence of inorganic ions
The influence of the Cl− concentration on RhB oxidation was studied at pH 2 in the presence of 5 mg / L RhB, 3.10−2 M H2O2 and 8.4.10−4 M Fe2+. Fig. 8a shows the results obtained. This figure shows that the addition of chloride reduces the RhB discoloration rate. The reduction in the rate of discoloration increases as the chloride concentration increases. Fig. 8b shows that the RhB discoloration rates are respectively 99.42%, 97.72%, 96.96%, 92.42%, 81.53% and 76.54% for a chloride concentration of 0, 6.49.10−4, 1.19.10−3M, 2.91.10−3M, 7.03.10−3 M and 10−2 M. This shows that the chloride inhibits the degradation reaction of RhB. This inhibition may be due to complexation and radical scavenging (Lu et al. 2005). As shown in equations (14) and (15), chloride react with hydroxyl radicals competing with the RhB oxidation reaction, leading to inhibition of oxidation, and therefore slowing down the oxidation rate (Liao et al. 2001).
Cl− + OH• ↔ HOCl−• + H2O (14)
HOCl−• + H+ → Cl• + H2O (15)
Cl− can undergo complexing reactions with ferrous and ferric ions, which prevents the reaction causing the formation of hydroxyl radicals product. Complexation reactions are shown in Eqs (16) - (20).
Fe2+ + Cl− → FeCl+ (16)
FeCl+ + Cl− → FeCl2 (17)
Fe3+ + Cl− → FeCl2 (18)
FeCl2+ + Cl− → FeCl2+ (19)
FeCl2+ + Cl− → FeCl3 (20)
Based on the above reactions, the Fenton reaction was inhibited because ferrous and ferric complexes cannot catalyze hydrogen peroxide to produce hydroxyl radicals as efficiently as when they are free. At the initial stage of the Fenton reaction, the species of iron is the ferrous ion. The reactivity of ferrous ion complexes with chloride are much lower than those of Fe2+ (Lu et al. 2005). This results in a reduction in the RhB discoloration rate. The values in Table 1 show that the chloride inhibit the RhB discoloration. The RhB discoloration rate decreases with increasing chloride concentration. This table also confirms that the kinetic model suitable for the oxidation of RhB is the pseudo-order 2 kinetic model.
Table 3
Parameters of the kinetics models
Cl −Concentration
Pseudo-order 1 kinetic model
Pseudo-order 1 kinetic model
Pseudo-order 2 kinetic model
0 M
- 0.290
6.49.10−4 M
- 0.287
1.19.10−3 M
- 0.272
2.91.10−3 M
- 0.233
7.03.10−3 M
- 0.197
The influence of inorganic ions on RhB degradation rate has been investigated. The results obtained are shown in Fig. 9. This figure shows a decrease in the RhB degradation rate in the presence of inorganic ions. It is also noted that for a given ion, the higher its concentration, the more the RhB degradation rate decreases. This figure indicates that the presence of Cl- has a less negative influence on RhB degradation, compared to nitrate, sulphate and phosphate ions. According to the results obtained, inorganic ions strongly slow down the RhB degradation rate in the following order: Cl- ˂ NO3- ˂ SO42- ˂ PO43-.
In fact, the Fenton process is very sensitive to inorganic ions present in solution (Lu et al. 1997). These ions can form complexes with Fe (II) (Eqs 21 to 24) thus affecting the distribution and reactivity of free Fe2+.
Fe2+ + Cl− → FeCl+ (21)
Fe2+ + SO42− → FeSO4 (22)
Fe2+ + H2PO4− → FeH2PO4+ (23)
Fe2+ + NO3− → FeNO3+ (24)
The presence of Cl−, NO3−, SO42−, PO43− leads to competition between organic matter and hydroxyl radicals, which delays the RhB oxidation. Inorganic ions react with hydroxyl radicals to produce inorganic radicals with less powerful oxidizing powers compared to hydroxyl radicals.
The influence of the synergistic effect of the above anions was also examined. The results obtained are illustrated in Fig. 10. Analysis of this figure shows that the presence of several ions (NO3−; Cl−; SO42−; PO43−) in the reaction media greatly reduces the RhB degradation rate. This reduction in the abatement rate is more accentuated as the ion concentration increases. The results presented in Figs. 8, 9 and 10 clearly indicate that the presence of these ions negatively impacts the degradation of RhB.