It is known that concentration of sulfate was not so high in Precambrian time causing its scarcity in seawater of the Paleoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic eras12,13,14,6. Fakhrae and his coauthors have explained the appearance of Sulphur in significant concentrations by an input sulfate into the ocean as result of weathering of sulphides on the land14. However, this way requires enormous fields of sulfide deposits and long time for weathering and dissolution with the following transportation towards the sea basins.
Thus, it is assumed that the source of sulfur for the deposition of sulfates in the Precambrian time could be in the form of sulfuric acid rains. They actually dissolved the dolomite causing the chemical disintegration and separation of Ca and Mg. This effect, for example, was proved by experiments in which the MgCO3 content in the dolomite composition changed when it interacted with sulfuric acid15. Ca and Mg subsequently formed their new phases – calcium bound with the sulfate-ion to form bassanite, and magnesium returned as carbonate in the form of magnesite or the high-magnesium dolomite, which is also, had high distribution in Precambrian16. It is widely known that magnesite is often adjacent to anhydrite4,17 while the host rocks for both minerals are dolomite. The source of primary sulfur could be powerful volcanic events during the late Neoproterozoic and earlier in the Middle Proterozoic, which also contains multi-meter thicknesses of sulfate rocks around the world18.
As a consequence of industrialization and climate change, we are seeing frequent sulfuric acid rains in our modern era, causing the erosion of carbonates (marble statues, buildings, reefs etc.). However, the most extensive sulfuric acid rains as a geological process can be observed now on Venus, where this acid forms enormous clouds in the Venus atmosphere. McGouldrick with co-authors argued that the present atmosphere of Venus is saturated by clouds composed of a sulfuric acid/water solution creating acid rains/aerosols on the surface of planet. They also argued that the early Martian atmosphere was also sulfur-rich19. In addition to these, signs of sulfuric acid rains were observed on the surface of Mars in the form of the appearance of basanite on the planet`s surface. It has been proven in veins of Gale crater in Martian surface where bassanite was formed by dehydration of gypsum and where it is an important mineral phase20,21 as well as the presence of jarosite (one more product of Sulphur activity and subsequent transformations) in Martian sediments22.
Volcanic activity provides the input of Sulphur in the atmosphere where it is mixed with atmospheric moisture and water and form acid clouds come in the form of rains or in the form of an aerosol. However, the difference comparing with ancient Earth is fact that neither the Venus nor the Mars have hydrosphere unlike the Earth where sea and lake water reservoirs could “extinguish” and sediment the products of the reaction of sulfuric acid rains turning and burying them in the form of precipitations as the sediments and rocks.
Simultaneously, this process caused a powerful aggressive karst formation on the dolomite surface in Precambrian lithosphere. These solutions eroded the Riphean dolomite rocks and formed the karstic processes causing the dissolution and distractions of carbonate rocks. The combination of aggressive sulfuric acid with alkaline carbonates led to their active dissolution of the Riphean dolomites and interaction with subsequent neutralization, with the formation of hydrated bassanite, magnesite, undissolved dolomite and water, as well as probably amorphous silica - SiO2.
All these compounds were actively washed off by water-acid currents flowing down from the mountains and highland forms of Precambrian relief forming the deposits saturated with bassanite. Aggressive acid solutions fall into the relic sedimentary basins of shallow seas and lakes of the Ediacaran time and was buried with different types of other sediments - terrigenous (clayey and sandy-silty), carbonate and others, intensely mixed with them. Bassanite, as unstable mineral over time serves as a precursor phase for its further conversion to the gypsum and anhydrite. Thus, peculiar sulfate-terrigenous sequences were formed creating bizarre structural shapes of sulfate rocks. At the same time, magnesium sulfate, as an easily soluble compound in water, was actively carried by the waters also into sedimentary depressions, where it was also deposited together with terrigenous sediments and formed extensive magnesite mixtures, and later got buried together with terrigenous and carbonate rocks (Fig. 4).
Hence, anhydrite as a mineral phase of rocks can be formed not as a process of evaporate sedimentation. Acid rains can cause the currents of dissolved carbonates and returned to bassanite suspension further flowing down in the Ediacaran depression of the Siberian platform. However, huge fields of anhydrite and magnesite fields are known in not only the Neoproterozoic, but also are generally characteristic of the Precambrian23. Giant strata-bound magnesite deposits are known and have occurred predominantly in Precambrian strata4,17. Many of them explained as results of hydrothermal activity formed by the replacement of parental limestones24,25. For example, the world’s largest strata-bound magnesite deposit belt of 2.1 Ga Dashiqiao Formation in China, which was not formed as a result of hydrothermal origins18. The same feature characterized for Brazilian magnesite ore deposits where magnesite shows textural characteristics related to original sedimentary structures26.
Thus, we suppose that the Neoproterozoic era was the epoch of extensive sulfuric acid rains that can cause catastrophic geological events of all ancient spheres of the Erath where anhydrite-rich strata could be the result of chemical neutralization after sulphuric acid rains. However, epochs of acid rain could be distributed in Mesoproterozoic time and PostCambrian on the boundaries of geological periods supported by other catastrophic events27. Moreover, such rains could play crucial role in vast distribution of other unusual ancient events explaining for example high silicon compounds that could have been involved in the same story and form huge talc fields28 as well as also explain the abnormal appearance in Precambrian of sulfides (the problem of “heavy pyrite”)3,29,30 and barite31,32,33.