All patients undergoing experimental treatment with tDCS showed improvement in PTSD symptoms after the intervention and these positive effects were maintained after 30 days of intervention. Also, but in a lesser proportion, maintained improvement in relation to symptoms of depression and anxiety at the end of 90 days was observed.
Only minor and brief adverse effects have been reported: local hyperemia, pruritus, mild discomfort and headache. Local hyperemia ceased spontaneously within 1 hour after the end of the stimulus, itching and discomfort was reduced or ceased with extra application of saline solution on the sponges and headache ceased spontaneously within 24 hours on taking common analgesics. These data help to reinforce the evidence that tDCS is a safe technique for non-invasive neuromodulation (12, 13).
In our study, a 20% reduction in the symptoms of refractory PTSD was observed after treatment. This improvement was seen immediately after the tenth neuromodulation session and was present throughout the first month after treatment. Although the improvement continued, it was not stable over time and there was some deterioration in the positive effects over the period. However, when compared to the levels pre-intervention, the positive effects after 1 month of treatment were still statistically significant. The gradual loss of this improvement is compatible with the already known transitory effect of the neuroplastic changes induced by tDCS. One of the pioneering articles with rTMS was carried out in the 1980s by McCann et al. (18). Patients received low-frequency stimuli in DLPFC and showed an improvement in PTSD symptoms that lasted for the entire first month after treatment. Positive results were also found by Grisaru et al. (29), with individuals showing improvement in their condition for a week after applying only one stimulation session. Cohen et al. (30) conducted a clinical trial with 24 patients, dividing them into groups subjected to low-frequency, high-frequency and simulated stimuli. These authors obtained positive results in the symptoms of PTSD and anxiety for patients undergoing treatment with high frequencies compared to the other groups, as we found in our study. Another similarity is that 10 DLPFC stimulation sessions were carried out over the course of 2 weeks. Corroborating the importance of DLPFC neuromodulation in the treatment of PTSD, Boggio et al. (31) demonstrated that stimulation with high frequencies (20 Hz) in both hemispheres caused an improvement in symptoms, with these effects being more evident in the right cortex. In addition, stimulus on the right DLPFC caused an improvement in anxiety symptoms and cognition, as in our study. Watts et al. (19) also evaluated the effects of rTMS on DLPFC and observed improvement in PTSD symptoms in the group submitted to the active stimulus as opposed to the simulated stimulus, but unlike the protocol used by Boggio et al. (31) the sessions were carried out with low-frequency stimuli (1 Hz). In a similar study there was also an improvement in PTSD (16). These findings corroborate what we found in our research, due to the similarity between the cathodic stimuli of tDCS and the low frequencies in rTMS. There are several examples in the literature demonstrating the benefits of neuromodulation of the right prefrontal cortex and its repercussions both on the symptoms of PTSD and the frequent comorbidities of this disorder. The results found in our study corroborate those observed in other studies, reinforcing the importance of the right DLPFC. A peculiarity of our research was that, unlike most studies, which applied excitatory stimuli, we applied inhibitory stimuli and, even so, we obtained similar positive results. There is an increasing amount of evidence suggesting the relevance of DLPFC in PTSD and neuromodulation of this region proves to be a good alternative to be added to the treatment arsenal of this disorder. However, some aspects deserve attention and should be better clarified, such as differentiating and quantifying the action of excitatory and inhibitory stimuli, as both seem to have beneficial effects. Not only should tDCS be explored as an isolated alternative but also as an adjunct treatment to psychotropic drugs or cognitive behavioral therapy. In addition, it should be analyzed whether improvement of the condition is due to improvement of PTSD itself or is an apparent improvement, a reflection of the important relief of concomitant depressive and anxious symptoms. All individuals undergoing experimental treatment in our study were refractory and had already used at least two different pharmacological regimens. They had been symptomatic patients for longer, symptoms were more severe and they responded less to conventional treatment. Therefore, the positive response to tDCS specifically in this group would have been less than expected when compared to patients with less intense symptoms, which seems to be intuitive.
The main characteristic of depressive disorder is the presence of sadness and/or anhedonia, in addition to changes in sleep and appetite, tiredness, feelings of guilt and worthlessness, cognitive impairment and ideas of death. It is a highly prevalent disease and is a frequent comorbidity in patients with PTSD (32). In our study, after the tenth session of tDCS the depressive symptoms improved by 60%. This improvement was still noticeable after 1 month of treatment; however, the intensity of the improvement decreased over the period. Most studies that analyzed the effect of tDCS on depressive symptoms were carried out with unilateral assemblies applying the anodic stimulus in the left DLPFC because the hypoactivity of this area is one of the pathophysiological hypotheses of this disorder. Neuromodulation of this region has been promising, with a response comparable to the use of fluoxetine (33), and the association of tDCS with sertraline proved to be superior to the use of tDCS or sertraline alone (34). Other studies have also shown encouraging results. Boggio et al. (31), in a randomized controlled study of 40 patients and with the anode on the left, found a 40% improvement in depressive symptoms. Similar studies have also found positive results (33, 35), with a reduction of up to 60% in symptoms. However, due to the large functional differences between the cerebral hemispheres, it is impossible to compare these studies with this research. In contrast to these positive results, Loo et al. (36) randomized 64 depressed subjects resistant to treatment into active and simulated groups and found no significant difference between groups. One possible explanation for this may be the fact that fewer sessions were held (five in total). However, a clinical trial (37) that stimulated depressed patients resistant to escitalopram by taking 10 sessions also found no positive results. It is interesting to take into account that some studies that showed robust results in the reduction of depressive symptoms (18, 35) interrupted the use of antidepressants for up to 2 months before starting the procedure. For ethical reasons, we kept patients on standard treatment and achieved similar results. So far, there have been no unipolar assemblies used in the right prefrontal region in depressed patients. The closest have been bilateral assemblies in which the anode on the left is associated with the cathode on the right. Brunoni et al. (34), using an assembly similar to the one described, observed cognitive impairment in the right prefrontal cortex but it was the opposite of what we found in this study, in which there was an improvement in depressive and cognitive symptoms. The small number of patients in this study makes it impossible to generalize, yet all patients showed improvement in depression and none of them evolved with worsening cognition. In contrast to other studies, we observed a significant improvement in depressive symptoms without concomitant cognitive impairment. The role of the right DLPFC in depressive symptoms needs to be better understood, especially its role in the regulation of subcortical structures related to depressive symptoms. In addition, chronically ill patients are more likely to develop depressive disorder and the improvement in PTSD may have influenced the improvement in depression.
Our study showed a 54% improvement in anxiety symptoms. This improvement was present 30 days after the end of treatment, despite some decrease in these effects. Even so, this improvement remained statistically significant when compared to before treatment. Although anxiety disorders are quite prevalent, there is still little research involving tDCS in patients with these symptoms and, so far, it is limited to case reports. There is only one case report of a patient with generalized anxiety disorder refractory to treatment undergoing tDCS sessions (38). As in our study, cathodic stimulus was applied in the right DLPFC with improvement of symptoms. There is also a case report of a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder resistant to treatment who underwent cathodic stimulus in order to decrease cortical excitability. There was a 30% reduction in the severity of the condition but stimulation was performed in the motor cortex (39). Evidence of tDCS action on anxiety disorders is still incipient. This is partly due to the fact that anxiety disorders are very heterogeneous, involving different brain areas. It is expected that with the development of larger studies, the evidence supporting the use of this modality of neuromodulation as an alternative to standard treatment will increase.
There was a gradual improvement in cognition immediately after treatment. However, this improvement was only statistically significant when the patients were reassessed after 1 month of treatment, suggesting that the beneficial effects may have progressed even after the end of the stimulations. The sphere of cognition is very heterogeneous and composed of several aspects, such as attention, vigilance, perception (visual, auditory, somatosensory), working memory, learning, decision-making, etc., located in different brain circuits. The involvement of DLPFC in the various aspects of neurocognition has been the subject of investigation and numerous studies in the literature have shown positive effects on cognition after anodic stimuli, mainly in the left DLPFC (40–43). Although patients undergoing experimental treatment have improved cognition, the literature shows that, unlike what happens with anodic stimuli, cathodic stimuli applied in the right and left DLPFC are related to worsening cognitive performance. Tanoue et al. (44) conducted a study to assess attention by dividing 24 patients into three groups: cathodic stimulation in the right parietal region; cathodic stimulation in the right DLPFC; and sham stimulus (simulated stimulation, performed with the device turned off). Patients undergoing cathodic stimulation showed worse performance when compared to the sham stimulus. In addition, this worsening of performance was more intense in patients stimulated in the right DLPFC. Elmer et al. (45) also observed a worsening of cognition after cathodic stimulation in the left DLPFC. Opposing these data, another study found that anodic stimulation in the right DLPFC improves learning and attention (40), corroborating the opposite effect that the cathode and anode exert. What would justify this apparent improvement in the cognitive performance of stimulated patients is the fact that the MoCA is a simple scale with a learning curve. There is a possibility that this improvement does not necessarily reflect an improvement in cognition but rather a memorization of the test by patients. Still, this scale alone is insufficient in view of the complexity of the cognitive domains, and for a more complete assessment it would be necessary to apply several neurocognitive tests together with tests of its different domains in a broader way. In addition, the MoCA is a screening scale for mild cognitive impairment, with some authors suggesting a cutoff point between 24 and 26 points. Of the eight patients studied, seven were above 26 points in all evaluations, that is, although they did not score the total 30 points they were outside the range considered for the presence of cognitive impairment. The study of cognitive processes is a complex area and the application of cathodic stimuli, which decrease cortical excitability, is not necessarily harmful, as demonstrated by Weiss and Lavidor (46) when they stimulated the parietal cortex of healthy individuals, which was corroborated by our work.
Important limiting factors of the study were the small number of participants, which makes generalizations difficult, and the absence of a control group. Individual characteristics also had a limiting effect as age, gender and shape and size of the skull can interfere in the amount of current reaching the brain and also in the correct positioning of the electrodes. In addition, all patients were using one or more psychotropic drugs and therefore were subject to interference from these drugs in cortical excitability. It has been shown that the use of psychotropic drugs influences the rate of neuronal firing and may be related to longer lasting effects or decreased effects of tDCS (47). However, it is a unique study carried out in a population of young adults exposed to the same traumatic event, which was unique in our country and in the world, and the study used validated assessment tools for depression, anxiety, cognition and PTSD.