3.1 Water quality assessment and eutrophication state evaluation of Taihu
In the China Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB3838-2002), when the water quality reaches GB Level III, it is deemed as qualified. The mean concentration of BOD5, CODMn and NH3-N for Taihu in 2015-2019 was 2.25, 3.94 and 0.15 mg/L (Table 1), meeting Levell I, Level Ⅱ and Level Ⅱ separately. It indicated that the water quality of these three parameters for Taihu was relatively superior. The TP concentration of Taihu reached 0.076mg/L, belonging to Level Ⅳ (0.05-0.1 mg/L), and the TN concentration was as high as 1.589mg/L, belonging to Level Ⅴ (1.5-2.0 mg/L). The data above showed that TN and TP were the principal indexes determining the water quality of Taihu.
Table 1
The average concentration of each water quality parameter in different lake areas from 2015 to 2019
Lake area
Zhushan Bay
Meiliang Bay
Wuli Bay
Gonghu Bay
Western Region
Central Region
Eastern Region
During the past five years, the overall proportion of water quality was mainly of Level IV (42.66%), followed by Level III and Level V, accounting for 31.25% and 20.73% respectively (Fig. 2). The proportion being above average (reaching or superior to Level Ⅲ) increased from 24.48% in 2015 to 33.82% in 2019, while Level IV reduced by 14 percentage points approximately. The data told us that the water quality of Taihu was generally poor with a slight improvement in the last five years. The proportion of serious pollution (reaching or inferior to Level V) increased, rather than declined, reminding us that the water pollution treatment of Taihu still had a long way to go. Taihu had been in a state of lightly eutrophic overall for these years. The mean TLI of Taihu during 2015-2019 was 53.6, with a fluctuation of 53.1~54.6.
Water pollution in different sub-lakes varied greatly. Among 7 sub-lake areas, Zhushan Bay had the worst water quality, whose sum proportion of reaching or inferior to Level Ⅴ was up to 90%. The water quality in Western Region and Meiliang Bay also was poor, for they both accounted for less than 25% of the Level II-III. The Eastern Region had the best water quality. The TLI of each sub-lake was in the order as Zhushan Bay (59.8) > Western Region (56.7) >Meiliang Bay (55.7) >Central Region (53.3) > Gonghu Bay (53.0) > Wulihu Bay (52.7) > 50 (lightly eutrophic) > Eastern Region (49.2). The TLI of Zhushan Bay was significantly higher than that of other sub-lakes and it reached middle-eutropher in nearly half of the observation months, announcing that Zhushan Bay was the focus area affecting the water quality of Taihu.
3.2 Spatial heterogeneities of water quality and trophic state in Taihu
3.2.1 Spatial variation of water quality and cluster analysis of sub-lakes
Concentration maps were representations of the spatial variability of water quality parameters and TLI and were prepared by spatial interpolation of the five-year mean concentration of 17 sampling sites using the Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) method (Fig.
3). The water quality of Taihu showed obvious spatial heterogeneity: the concentrations of every parameter (except SD) and TLI were all lower from the northwest to the southeast, indicating that the water quality in the northwestern Taihu was worse than that in the southeast.
SD is an integrated response parameter of lake plankton and both organic and inorganic solutions, reflecting the clarity and turbidity of the lake directly. Low values of SD appeared in the Western Region (0.32m) as well as the Central Region (0.34m). Due to a large number of rivers with a huge amount of sediment entering the Western Region, the SD value of this area was the lowest. In the Central Region, open lake surface with a higher monthly mean wind speed than that of the lakeshore (Zhang et al. 2003), sediments were easily suspended under the disturbance of wind and flow, resulting in a high concentration of suspended substances in water. So the SD value was low in this area. High values of SD appeared in Wuli Bay (0.496m) and Gonghu Bay (0.44m).
The seven sub-lakes were divided into three groups basing on the monthly mean concentration of seven parameters by hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA) (Fig. 3i). Zhushan Bay, whose water quality was the worst, belonging to a single group. The second group contained Wuli Bay, Meiliang Bay and Western Region with poor water quality; The last group was the Eastern Region, Central Region and Gonghu Bay representing better water quality. The clustering result was also consistent with the above conclusions of spatial heterogeneity—the water quality of Taihu improved from northwest sector to southeast.
3.2.2 Factors Determining Water Quality Spatial Heterogeneity
The north and northwest of Taihu were the most polluted area. The main reason for this spatial heterogeneity might lie in the pollutant loads of the major rivers around the lake. According to the Health Status Report of Taihu Lake (Taihu Basin Authority Of Ministry Of Water Resources 2019), the Huxi Region, including the Western Region and Zhushan Bay, accounted for 68.4% of the total inflow water of Taihu. Cities along rivers had developed industry and agriculture and high population density with numerous ports, so the pollution load of river inflow was tremendous. Xie (Xie et al. 2017) made statistics on the net pollution load of the Western Region, Zhushan Bay, Meiliang Bay and the Southern Region from 2007 to 2014, finding that the Western Region and Zhushan Bay were the main areas where most pollution remained. The problem of water pollution in Zhushan Bay has existed for a long time due to the external nutrient loading from rivers. After the occurrence of Wuxi water pollution incident of Taihu in May 2007 (Zhang et al. 2010), the gates of Zhihugang and Wujingang, originally connected to Meiliang Bay, were closed, resulting in most of the pollutants diverted to Zhushan Bay (Hu et al. 2010), which greatly affected the water environment of Zhushan Bay, making it the most polluted area with the most serious degradation of lake ecosystem and the highest occurrence of algal bloom in frequency.
To analyze the impact of external pollution source input carrying by the river channel in the north and northwest of Taihu on the lake body scientifically, monitoring sites on estuary were divided according to the location of sub-lakes. Correlation analysis was carried out between the quarterly mean water quality parameter (CODMn, NH3-N, TN and TP) concentration in four sub-lakes (Zhushan Bay, Wuli Bay, Meiliang Bay, and Western Region) with the corresponding concentration of inflow river water (Fig. 4). The results showed that the quality parameters concentrations of Zhushan Bay and Wuli Bay were greatly affected by the river inflow. The concentration of CODMn, NH3-N, TN of the lake water in Zhushan Bay, CODMn, TN, TP in the Wuli Bay, and the TN concentration of the Western Region were significantly related (p<0.05 or P<0.01) to the concentration fluctuation of estuary water.
Therefore, nutrient-rich wastewater from the northern and northwestern regions was the chief reason for serious water pollution in the Western Region, Zhushan Bay, Meiliang Bay. The improvement of water quality of river inflow was the main reason for the promotion of water quality in the north and northwest of Taihu synchronously, and then ameliorate other lake areas and the whole Taihu. The NH3-N and TN concentrations of the estuary water were much higher than that of the lake water, suggesting that the external input N loading was the main source of N pollution in Taihu.
There were many pocket-like bays in the northern and northwestern Taihu. Zhushan Bay, Meiliang Bay and Wuli Bay were all relatively closed waters independent of the big Taihu. These areas received a large amount of sewage from nearby cities like Wuxi and Changzhou, and the pollution load into the lake bay far exceeded their assimilative capacity. The flow movement in the small lake bay was slow and water exchange with big Taihu was blocked due to geomorphology. Under the combined action of these reasons, pollutants in lake bay were not easy to transfer to the open lake area and accumulated in situ. Plus poor self-purification ability, these bays became heavily polluted areas of Taihu. As for the factors affecting the spatial characteristics of Chl-a, the monsoon must be mentioned. In summer, the southeast monsoon prevailed in Taihu and blew the algae to the northwest, resulting in a higher Chl-a concentration in the northwest.
In this study, the Chl-a concentration and TLI of Gonghu Bay were relatively low, indicating the water quality was relatively good. The improvement of water quality in Gonghu Bay might be related to Water Diversion from the Yangtze River Project (WDP). Although Gonghu Bay was also a pocket-liked bay, benefiting from the WDP, it had both Yangtze River inflow—whose nutrition concentration (e.g., TP) was lower compared with other major rivers entering Taihu (Zhu et al. 2020)—and channels for outflow, which had a positive effect on the water exchange and alleviating the eutrophication statue (Yan et al. 2011).
According to the results of correlation analysis in Fig. 4, there was no significant correlation between TP concentration of lake water and estuary water in most lake areas, except Wuli Bay. Compared with the other sub-lakes, the area of Wulihu Bay (8.6km2) was the smallest, even smaller than 1/7 of the second smallest bay—Zhushan Bay (68.3 km2). Wuli Bay extended into the interior of the coastal city Wuxi, with slow water flow, long water exchange cycle and poor water self-purification capacity. Thus, the water quality parameters of Wuli Bay were greatly affected by the river inflow, synchronous fluctuating obviously, especially the TP concentration. This phenomenon showed that the smaller and more closed lake area is more affected by the river inflow pollution.
3.3 Temporal Trends Of Water Quality In Taihu
3.3.1 Annual dynamic of water quality
The interannual variation of seven parameters and TLI for Taihu from 2015 to 019 is shown in Fig. 5. Mk test is applied to estimate the long-term variation trend of each parameter on the scale of the whole Taihu and sub-lakes basing on monthly mean concentration (Fig. 6). Results of the MK illustrated that the concentration of BOD5 (p<0.05) and TN (p<0.01) of Taihu decreased significantly and the value of TP (p<0.01), SD (p<0.01) and Chl-a (p<0.05) increased notably in the last five years.
The concentration of CODMn, BOD5 and NH3-N had always maintained a good state for these years, and all met Level Ⅲ in 2019. Although CODMn and NH3-N didn’t show significant trends as far as the whole Taihu is concerned, the concentration of these two parameters in more than half of the sub-lakes declined apparently in 2019 comparing with that in 2015 (Fig. 5b). The NH3-N concentration in Zhushan Bay showed a remarkable downward trend, dropping from 0.84 mg/L in 2015 to 0.46 mg/L in 2019, a dramatic reduction of 45.24%.
As for TN, although the concentration of most sub-lakes never met Level Ⅲ, it is gratifying that the concentration of the big Taihu and six sub-lakes, except Wuli Bay, all had marked downward trends (p<0.05). The TN concentration for Taihu declined from 1.69mg/L in 2015 to 1.42 mg/L in 2019, and all sub-lakes except Wuli Bay had reductions close to or more than 25%. Although TN concentration of Zhushan Bay declined from 4.28mg/L in 2015 to 3.1mg/L(inferior to Level Ⅴ)in 2019, its concentration still much higher than the mean concentration of lake-level about 1.31mg/L, inferior to Level Ⅴ. Wuli Bay was the only sub-lake where TN concentration increased.
The TP and Chl-a concentration in Taihu showed significant upward trends as well as in most sub-lakes. The TP concentration of Zhushan Bay was the highest among the seven sub-lakes, and it fluctuated between 0.127-0.176 mg/L, reaching Level Ⅳ for a long time. And it had the biggest growth rate (>150%) of Chl-a in concentration five years. The concentration of TP in Wuli Bay raised from 0.046 mg/L in 2015 to 0.092 mg/L in 2019, with a growth of 100%, and its Chl-a concentration increased by more than 100%.
The SD value in all sub-lakes increased in 2019 comparing to 2015, showing that the turbidity of Taihu decreased and the underwater light environment improved. The TLI in the big Taihu and each sub-lake was relatively stable. Zhushan Bay reached middle-eutropher and the Eastern Region was mesotropher while the rest belong to light-eutropher.
After five years, the concentration of CODMn, BOD5, TN and NH3-N in Zhushan Lake decreased obviously, and its water quality improvement was the most significant among all sub-lakes. But it is undeniable that it was still the worst area in Taihu. Another area, Wuli Bay, which was usually be neglected, should be paid attention to for its water quality had deteriorated comparing with other sub-lakes.
3.3.2 Drivers Of Water Quality Long Term Trends In Taihu
(1) Decline of pollutant concentration in rivers inflow leads the decrease of concentration of TN, CODMn, BOD5 and NH3-N
In recent years, the concentrations of CODMn, BOD5, NH3-N and TN in Taihu reduced in varying degrees (Fig. 5; Fig. 6), which mainly profited from the water quality improvement of rivers inflow. A series of countermeasures aimed at decreasing wastewater effluent discharge and water quality improvement has been implemented, including but not limited to the upgrading and reconstruction of sewage treatment plants in the basin, the shutdown of heavy polluting and substandard enterprises, the construction of high standard farmland, the installation of sewage pipeline network and reduction in the usage of chemical fertilizer (Qin et al. 2019). All these measures made the water quality of the rivers around the lake better and further improved the water environment of Taihu.
Taihu remained light-eutropher stably for recent years. The main reason for TLI changed slightly in the long term was that the value of TN, CODMn and SD alleviated while the TP and Chl-a concentration increased. As a result, the value of TLI remained steadily under the synchronous interaction for improvement and deterioration.
(2) Accumulation of P loading in sediment and the release of endogenous pollution make TP concentration increase
The TP and Chl-a concentration rebounded since 2014-2015, which was a remarkable phenomenon that had been identified in several latest studies (Wang et al. 2019; Zhang et al. 2021; Zhu et al. 2018; Zhu et al. 2021). Under the condition that the mean TP concentration of the inflow entering the northwestern, western and southern Taihu decreased from 0.14mg/l in 2015 to 0.12mg/l in 2019 year by year (Fig. 4), while the TP concentration in Taihu raised from 0.061mg/l in 2015 to 0.081mg/l in 2019 (Fig. 5), which was not difficult to draw forth a point of view: the increase of TP concentration in Taihu was mainly due to endogenous pollution. Similar conclusions have been found in other lakes. Lau (Lau and Lane 2002)found that Lake Barton Broad (Norfolk, UK), with a very high reduction (i.e. 90%) of external P loading, still maintained a high in-lake TP concentration throughout the 11-year period. These observations supported the notion that it was difficult to restore a eutrophic lake solely by nutrient reduction.
The sources of phosphorus nutrients in Taihu consisted of exogenous and endogenous sources. The largest component of the former was the runoff input carrying amounts of pollution load into the lake. The latter mainly came from the release of sediment, decomposition of dead organisms and enclosure aquaculture (Wang et al. 2019). Compared to N, P is more likely to combine with metal ions to form sediments deposited at the bottom of the lake, and the proportion of TP flowing out of the lake is small, so the P concentration of sediment is always at a high level in the annual accumulation despite the decline of external P loading. The content of nutrients in sediments of Zhushan Bay, Western Region, Meiliang Bay and Gonghu Bay was relatively high (Mao et al. 2020).
(3)Sharp reduction of submerged vegetation area in 2015 reduced the absorption of nutrients
Aquatic plants, a main factor affecting the nutrients release of the sediment, serve to change the quality of lake water, retard stormy waves, immobilize bottom mud, increase water transparency, and suppress the growth and reproduction of algae (Wang et al. 2019). However, the distribution area of aquatic plants of Taihu reduced sharply in 2015, being the smallest in the past decade (Taihu Basin Authority Of Ministry Of Water Resources 2019). The submerged vegetation area in 2013 was 682 km2, while the area in 2016 was only 184 km2 (Table 2). Although the distribution area gradually increased after 2016, the scope has not recovered to half of the largest distribution area in 2013. Wang (Wang et al. 2019) also found this great change by remote-sensing image interpretation, announcing that the high-intensity, large-scale, and mechanized salvage of aquatic plants conducted by the local government are the main reason for the sharp decrease of submerged macrophyte. The decrease of submerged vegetation not only reduced the absorption of P directly but also indirectly inhibit the growth of algae by competing with algae for nutrients (Wu et al. 2021). The effects of these functions were weakened after the sharp reduction of submerged plant area, which led to the increase of Chl-a and TP concentration in the lake.
Table 2
Changes of submerged vegetation area and cyanobacteria density in Taihu.
Submerged vegetation
Cyanobacteria density
(×106 cell/L)
Notes: Data obtained from Taihu Basin Authority Ministry of Water Resources. The value of submerged vegetation area in 2014 and 2015 was lacked. |
(4)Increase of algae biomass contributes to the increase of Chl-a and TP concentration
Chl-a concentration is one of the important indicators to characterize the existing algae biomass (Chen et al. 2007). The relationship between Chl-a and TP concentration is of great significance for understanding the mechanism of lake eutrophication. There is feedback between phosphorus nutrient and cyanobacteria. The rapid growth of cyanobacteria, pumping a large amount of P from the sediment, facilitates the release of P nutrients and increases the P concentration in the lake. This study found that the concentration of Chl-a and TP both increased in the last 5 years, which might assist in explaining that the mounting algae of Taihu affecting the increase of P concentration. According to the Taihu Lake Health Status Report (Taihu Basin Authority Of Ministry Of Water Resources 2019), the number of cyanobacteria in Taihu increased significantly since 2015 (Table 2). The average density of cyanobacteria in Taihu was 39.2 million /L in 2015 and reached 82.0 million/L in 2016-2018 with a peak at 117.7 million/L in 2017. Research demonstrated that in the case of the inextricable problem of the high algae biomass of Taihu, TP concentration would still maintain a high level (Zhu et al. 2021).
3.3.3 Seasonal Variation Of Main Water Quality Parameters In Taihu
Taihu represented light-eutropher throughout the year with a small seasonal fluctuation of TLI. TLI was higher in spring (54.9) and autumn (53.7), lower in winter (52.9) and summer (52.7). Unlike TLI, the concentration of several water quality parameters showed notable seasonal characteristics (Fig. 7a). The TN concentration was obviously higher in spring and winter, while the TP and Chl-a concentrations were higher in summer and autumn reversely. These observations were consistent with the finding of Wang (Wang et al. 2019) and Zha (Zha et al. 2018). The correlation analysis (Fig. 7b) was applied for the seven water quality parameters with two hydrological parameters, water temperature (WT) and water level (Z), basing on the monthly monitoring data of each sampling site to explore the factors influencing seasonal change.
(1)TN concentration
There was a significant negative correlation between TN concentration and water temperature, and a slight negative correlation between TN and water level. The external input route of N loading carrying by surface and underground runoff may explain the cause of the above-mentioned feature—the monthly mean TN concentration of Taihu was consistent with that of the estuary water (Fig. 4). On the one hand, the low precipitation and water level in winter condense the N concentration in the lake; on the other hand, the heavy use of fertilization during the spring cultivation period raises TN concentration. Therefore, for the seasonal pollution prevention of N of Taihu, attention should be paid to the adjustment of the water level in the dry season and the strict limitation of the input of non-point source N load.
(2)TP and Chl-a concentration
The inter-relationships between Chl-a and TP and water temperature were highly sensitive to seasonal periodicity (Fig. 7b). May, June and November were the months with large cyanobacteria blooms in Taihu according to the multi-year data of The Health Status Report of Taihu Lake, and these periods corresponded to the high concentration of TP and Chl-a. Chl-a concentration was particularly higher in northern and northwestern Taihu (Meiliang Bay, Wuli Bay, Zhushan Bay and Gonghu Bay) in summer. The potential reasons for such spatial-temporal characteristics might be as follows. For one thing, the water temperature of Taihu was higher in summer and autumn, which was conducive to the growth of algae. For another, algae tend to accumulate in the northwestern areas and windward shores of Taihu owing to the southeast monsoon prevailing in summer, which caused the difference of Chl-a concentration in space. In addition, as a primary producer, the algal biomass and Chl-a concentration in lakes may be more affected by hydrometeorological conditions such as intense rainfall and strong winds than nutrients (Zhu et al. 2018). Therefore, it is necessary to prevent the great impact of hydrological and meteorological conditions on cyanobacteria bloom.
Figure 8 showed the linear correlation between the monthly average concentrations of TP and Chl-a in four sub-lakes. The fitting relationship of Wuli Bay was very good, with R² up to 0.921, and other sub-lakes had poorer curve fitting. This observation illustrated that Chl-a and TP both had a much more tight relationship with each other in relatively closed and small lake bay areas.
(3)SD value
In summer and autumn, the spatial disparity of SD value was unapparent and the SD fluctuating between 0.33m-0.44m (Fig. 7). However, in spring and winter, the spatial difference was displayed notably. In the closed lake bay areas (Wuli Bay, Gonghu Bay, Meiliang Bay, Zhushan Bay), the SD values were apparently higher than the yearly mean SD value (0.37m), while the open areas, such as the Eastern Region, Central Region and Western Region, were lower than mean value. The seasonal variation in different lake areas was related to the seasonal change of wind speed and algae growth in different sub-lakes. For sub-lakes with large area and light eutrophication, the influence of wind on transparency was dominant (Zhang et al. 2003), so the seasonal change of SD values in these areas was small. However, for those eutrophication hardest-hit lake bays, the rapid proliferation of algae in spring and summer led to the decrease of transparency. And in winter, the wind speed and algae area in the lake bays were small, so the SD value rebounded.