Caspases in bivalves
Caspases are key players in the apoptotic and inflammation processes in most vertebrates and invertebrates, hence the diversity of caspases present in bivalve species is not surprising. The phylogenetic relationship of the fifty-six previously and newly identified bivalve caspases is relatively complex, and shows that bivalves possess caspase homologues that are different from the well-known vertebrate caspase groups, with expansions in both the initiator and executioner caspase groups. Interestingly, bivalves, and in particular C. gigas, contain several caspases where the histidine and cysteine residues in the p20 subunit were not conserved. These bivalve caspases may have lost their catalytic function, given that histidine and cysteine are essential for this process (13). Furthermore, some of the newly identified C. gigas caspases do not contain a p10 subunit, which has been previously described for metacaspase-like proteins of non-metazoans with metacaspases being caspase homologues present in prokaryotes up to the level of higher plants (45, 46). While the p10-minus non-metazoan caspases are suggested to be non-functional, or potentially vary in their substrate specificity to traditional caspases (46), further research is needed to clarify whether these unusual bivalve caspases are functional specifically in combination with histidine/cysteine residue mutations.
Bivalves possess a variety of initiator caspases, with either CARD or DED motifs present in their prodomains. The absence of a direct caspase-9 homologue is particularly notable. None of the identified bivalve caspases possessed the caspase-9 typical p20 active site QARGG. A caspase-9 homologue has not been characterised in any bivalve species to date. Only expressed sequence tags (ESTs) in C. gigas (27) and Manila clams, Ruditapes philippinarum (47) have been identified as caspase-9 homologues by automatic annotation without detailed analysis of sequences or phylogenetic relationships, and ESTs annotated as caspase-9 homologues were not described for the oyster Ostrea edulis (48). It appears that bivalves lack this type of caspase, which seems surprising given that caspase-9 plays an important role in the intrinsic apoptotic pathway forming apoptosomes with Cyt-c and Apaf-1 proteins for further downstream activation of executioner caspases (Fig. 1). Additional bivalve genomes need to be searched for potential caspase-9 homologs to shed light on this missing homologue. Interestingly, caspase-9 activity was detected in C. gigas haemocytes after UV irradiation that initiated apoptosis in haemocytes by using a vertebrate caspase-9 activity assay (49). Caspase-9 activity was increased in the presence of C. gigas Cyt-c and inhibited by vertebrate caspase-9 inhibitor Z-LEHD-FMK, suggesting that a caspase-9 like homologue is indeed expressed in the Pacific oyster. This study also proposed that caspase-9 activity is required for successful caspase-3 activation, thus supporting the idea that the caspase homologue’s activity, in response to the vertebrate caspase-9 activity assay and inhibitor, operated upstream of any caspase-3-like activity during apoptosis in oyster haemocytes. It is possible, that one of the identified C. gigas caspase-2 homologues might function in a caspase-9 like manner, given that C. gigas possesses seven caspase-2 or caspase-2 like homologues, which is more than is reported for any other species. Further research is needed to support this theory, and verify if one of these C. gigas caspase-2 homologues operates similarly to vertebrate caspase-9, including the ability to hydrolyse LEHD sequences of substrates, which seems to be specific for vertebrate caspase-9 homologues (12). Apoptosome formation with Cyt-c, an initiator caspase and Apaf-1 protein already appears to differ in bivalves from the vertebrate apoptosomes, wherein research has shown that Apaf-1 proteins in bivalves are missing CARD domains and only contain WD-domains for binding Cyt-c (49).
With several caspase-2 homologues present in bivalves, this expansion of caspases might take part as initiators of programmed cell death along the two apoptotic pathways. As mentioned previously, the vertebrate caspase-2 pathways are not fully resolved, but caspase-2 s form PIDDosomes by binding to cytoplasmic p53-induced proteins with death domains (PIDD) and bipartite adapter RIP-associated Ich-1/Ced-3-homologue proteins with death domains (RAIDD) as part of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway (17). PIDD protein homologues have been reported in the genome of the clam species Mya arenaria (7) and R. philippinarum (47). A RAIDD homolog has also been identified in the mussel Mytilus coruscus in the NCBI database (GenBank ID: CAC5373468.1), thus supporting functional bivalve caspase-2 homologues including formation of PIDDosomes. RAIDD adaptor binding to caspase-2 might also be involved in a more direct response with TNF-receptors for the extrinsic pathways interacting with executioner caspases. Caspase-2 regulated apoptosis in vertebrates has implications for host-pathogen interactions as well as in responses to endoplasmic reticulum stress and DNA damage (50). Bivalve caspase-2 homologues show similar implications with upregulated expression of Mg2-like and Cg2B in haemocytes after UV treatment (22) or in bacterial challenges (27), respectively. Increase in gene expression of Mg2-like also suggests that even caspase members without the conserved sites in the p20 subunit might fulfil an essential function during immune response, although it is doubtful that this caspase homologue has maintained a catalytic function. The surge in C. gigas caspase-2 homologues also indicates that more caspase-2 homologues might exist for Crassostrea angulata and M. galloprovincialis than the two previously characterised, in particular as these two are too distantly related to be the only representatives of this caspase-type in their species.
One of the most conserved caspase groups is the initiator caspase-8 group containing DED motifs in the prodomain. This group is also highly conserved in bivalves and several caspase-8 homologs have been previously characterised. Our BLAST search only identified four new C. gigas caspase-8 homologues, which were grouped together with the already characterised bivalve caspases-8. To transmit apoptotic signals in vertebrates, caspase-8 forms a complex with membrane-bound death receptors (i.e. Fas, TNF or TRAIL) binding to Fas-associated proteins with death domain (FADD) via a DD motif. This complex recruits procaspases-8 via a DED motif between FADD and the caspase prodomain. Caspase-8 then undergoes self-cleaving for activation. Many of these death receptor homologues have been described in bivalve species (1, 27, 51–60) as well as FADD homologs in different oyster species (27, 48, 53). Based on previous research, caspase-8 homologues seem to be functional and operate in a vertebrate-like manner. Ch8A (25) and Cg8B (21) were both located in the cytoplasm after cell death was induced. Furthermore, Ch8A (25) and Mc8A (23) were able to activate human caspase-3 in transfected cells, supporting a downstream activation of executioner caspases by oyster and mussel caspase-8 homologues. Overall, we identified three types of caspase-8 homologues in bivalves: (1) caspases with two DED motifs; (2) with two DED motifs and an additional DD motif, and (3) with only one DED motif in their prodomains. How these variations in prodomain motifs affect their binding ability to FADD or death receptors is not clear. In vertebrates, FADDs can also interact with only one of the caspase-8 DEDs (61), suggesting that one-DED-containing caspase-8-like homologs of bivalves are potentially able to bind to FADD. An analysis of the binding ability of Mc8B, the mussel homolog containing two DEDs and one DD motif, showed that the Mc8B DD motif is able to bind to the DD motifs of the human Fas death receptor and human FADD adapter protein (23). Thus, this additional DD motif might provide an opportunity to directly bind to Fas and/or FADDs. We also identified a DD motif in Cg8B caspase that was not previously reported (21), suggesting that the additional DD motif is potentially common in this bivalve caspase-8 B group. In mammals, the second DED motif in the caspase-8 prodomain has a role in inhibiting apoptosis by inactivating procaspases-8/FADD complex through binding to a DED motif containing inhibitor c-FLIP (62). Although no FLIP homologues have been identified in bivalves, the second DED motifs in caspase-8A and 8B groups might still be utilised for apoptosis regulation. Interestingly, FLIPs (v-FLIPs) have been identified in herpes viruses as a viral inhibitor with v-FLIPs inhibiting apoptosis of host cells when infecting cells (63). Thus, the presence of only one DED motif containing bivalve caspase-8 homologues might be an adaptation to viral infection that utilises v-FLIPs to prevent host cells of apoptotic immune responses.
In C. hongkongensis, Ch8A has been shown to activate the NF-ĸB transcription factor (25). The NF-ĸB pathway in vertebrates is involved in the transcription of pro-inflammatory cytokines (pro-interleukins IL) and cytoplasmic Nod-like receptors (NLRPs), which take part in the pyroptotic inflammatory response together with caspase-1 and other inflammatory caspases (19). The FADD-caspase-8 complex is also involved in activating and regulating inflammation (20), thus, it is likely that bivalve caspase-8 homologues are also potentially involved in inflammation responses. However, cleaving of interleukins and induction of pyroptosis by inflammasomes including caspase-1 might differ between bivalves and vertebrates given that our BLAST search of the C. gigas genome did not identify an inflammatory caspase homologue (caspase-1/-4 or -5) nor was one reported previously for any other bivalve species. The previously characterised C. gigas caspase-1 homologues (28) did not show any characteristics of vertebrates caspase-1. This C. gigas caspase homologue was also not able to cleave the tetrapeptide substrate sequence YVAD, which is specific to vertebrate caspase-1. Instead it was able to cleave DEVD and DMQD tetrapeptide sequences, which are specific to caspase-3-like caspases. This C. gigas caspase was renamed Cg3B in our study. Thus, inflammatory responses via pyroptosis might be regulated differently in bivalves, although we cannot exclude that a different caspase homologue has taken over this function. In general, pyroptosis in invertebrates related to caspases has only been reported in a few cases. For instance, caspase-1 homologues, Mj1 and Aj1 with pyroptotic-like functions were reported in Marsupenaeus japonicas shrimp in relation to the white spot syndrome virus infection (38) and in the A. japonicus sea cucumber in relation to Vibrio splendidus challenge (37). Although both caspases do not contain a CARD motif in their prodomain, as is common for vertebrate inflammatory caspases, both caspase-1 homologues showed caspase-1 like activity and response to YVAD substrates as well as binding to IL-1β like proteins in shrimp. Nevertheless, our phylogenetic analysis clustered both caspase homologues with the executioner caspase clade, and none of our identified bivalve caspases showed close phylogenetic relationships with these two caspase-1 homologues, suggesting that bivalve, crustacean, echinoderm, as well as vertebrate inflammatory responses, have evolved differently.
The expansion of the executioner caspases in bivalves provides numerous caspase homologues for potential apoptotic regulation and execution, including possible involvement of several executioner caspases with distinct functions. In vertebrates, executioner caspases such as caspase-3, caspase-6 and caspase-7 are also functionally distinct, interacting with each other, cleaving different substrates, or displaying different cleaving efficiencies for the same substrate (64). However, bivalve execution of apoptosis seems to differ from the vertebrate model given that no direct homologs to vertebrate’s executioner caspases have been identified. Instead, bivalve appear to possess their own specific groups, which may in some cases even be bivalve-specific. The bivalve caspase3A group, which is the most closely related group to vertebrate caspase-3 and − 7, varies in the p20 conserved active site. However significant changes in gene expression patterns of Cg3A during development (Fig. 4), and Tg3A after cadmium exposure (32) were observed, thus suggesting that these two caspases might still fulfil essential functions in both development and immunotoxicity responses. Most prior research was conducted on Cg3B, for which no caspase homologue in another bivalve species has been identified. This C. gigas caspase was cloned several times independently, with different names assigned (27–29); it was renamed Cg3B in this study. Additional studies on Cg3B have been conducted in relation to spatial distribution (caspase-1 (30)) and in response to bacterial challenge and development (caspase-3 (34)). A study in C. gigas haemocytes on FMRFamides, specific neuropeptides, assessed the expression of Cg3B after stimulation with CgFMRFamides twice as caspase-1 and caspase-3 based on the primer pair sequences provided (35), with both analyses showing significant increases of Cg3B an hour after FMRFamide injection. Cg3B is expressed in the cytosplasm (28, 30) as well as in the nucleus (28), which is similar to vertebrate caspase-3 translocating from the pro-form cytoplasm to an active form in the nucleus (65). Cg3C, on the other hand, was only detected in the nucleus. Cg3B and Cg3C also displays high proteolytic activity to DXXD like substrates, which is similar to vertebrate caspase-3 homologues (28–30), as well as Cg3B induced apoptosis insomuch as it cleaves the poly ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP), a DNA repair protein (29). In vertebrates, caspase-3 cleaves PARPs to inhibit DNA repair and induces apoptosis (64). Furthermore; Cg3B display LPS binding activity, although some discrepancy in the LPS recognition was described with one prior study supporting binding LPS with the N-terminus (29), while another previous study supported the C-terminus (28) of this caspase homologue.
Localisation of Ch3/7 in cytoplasm and nucleus in HEK293T cells as well as apoptosis activity of Ch3/7 in haemocytes was confirmed with Ch3/7 RNAi decreased apoptotic rates and Ch3/7 expression (31). Ch3/7 are also able to activate the NF-ĸB pathway and p53 pathway. p53 is of particular interest when cells experience stressful environmental conditions such as DNA damage, UV light or tumorous growth with p53 activation inducing apoptosis by blocking specific cell cycle pathways (66). p53 members were identified in several bivalve species in relation to apoptosis and neoplasia (7, 67–69). p53 pathway activation was also found by Ch8 homologue with an intermediate activation of human caspase-3 (25), suggesting that both C. hongkongensis caspases regulate apoptosis via a p53 pathway. Caspase-3 like activity was also reported for Cg3/7 with DEVDase activity (33), for which research suggested that the long intersubunit linker sequence of Cg3/7 found in many caspase-3/7 members is essential for maximal DEVDase activity. Increases in expression of Mg3/7 (22) and Tg3/7 (32) after apoptosis induction with UV light or cadmium further supports that this large bivalve caspase group is important during apoptotic processes. Nevertheless, how the newly identified Cg3/7 members and the Cg3/7-like group are involved in apoptosis still needs to be clarified. Cg3/7A-J caspases contain the conserved histidine/cysteine residues for a potential functionality, but Cg3/7-like homologues are less conserved, and sequences seem to be unique, which might suggest a potential new type of caspase in metazoans. Furthermore, two Cg3C-like homologues with DSRM motifs in their prodomain were identified, which is a motif that has not been previously reported for any caspase. DSRM motifs are usually used for posttranslational modifications of proteins, but they could also potentially take part as sensors and modulators of innate immunity (70) by recognising intracellular viral dsRNA. The DICER protein is one of the better known examples of a DSRM motif-containing protein that recognises virus-derived RNA and is capable of degrading the dsRNA to small interfering siRNA or mircoRNA (71). A CgDICER homologue has been identified, including DSRM motifs, which was able to bind to viral dsRNA and poly(I:C) (a synthetic viral dsRNA analogue) (72), supporting the idea of functional DSRMs for viral pathogen detection in bivalves.
Caspases in bivalve development, immune system function, and stress-responses
The role of caspases and apoptosis in organogenesis and embryonic/larval development is well studied for many invertebrate species (73, 74), and expressions of various initiator and executioner caspases have also been reported throughout embryonic and larval stages in bivalves (21, 26, 27, 30, 34). Caspase-regulated programmed cell death might also play a role in metamorphosis, which marks the transition from a larval to juvenile life stage. During metamorphosis, bivalve larvae undergo a massive re-structuring wherein they lose larval organs such as the velum and foot (species specific) that are required for pelagic dispersal, in favour of adult organs such as gills that are suited to later more sessile life stages. The loss of larval organs is almost certainly regulated by caspase-dependent apoptosis, as seen for many other animals that undergo metamorphosis (73, 75, 76). Our analysis of C. gigas caspases prior, during and post metamorphosis (spat, also called juveniles 24 h post metamorphosis induction) showed expression of the proposed initiator and executioner caspases. However, although each caspase displayed a unique expression pattern, none of the six tested caspases showed an upregulated transcription during the first 6 hpe after the metamorphosis-inducing epinephrine treatment, with most of the larvae displaying a decrease in their expression (Fig. 4). Several possible explanations may elucidate these findings. First, apoptosis during development could be a very localised event in certain tissues, as compared to apoptosis during an immune response which is very rapid, intense and unspecific. Apoptosis during metamorphosis might be slower and thus might not be significantly reflected in transcription patterns. Furthermore, caspases are usually present in the cell as inactive zymogens until needed; thus, a slow accumulation could take place over time. Moreover, our sampling time point might have been too early to capture the full apoptotic process for larval organ absorption. A previous study on caspases during metamorphosis in C. gigas showed that Cg3B and Cg3C are highly expressed 6–24 h and 6–48 h post settlement, respectively (30). Although it is not specified how these authors defined ‘post settlement’ (metamorphosis is a gradual process that occurs over a period of 12–36 hours), these expression patterns suggest caspase activity occurs late in the metamorphosis process. Caspase homologs in C. angulata, Ca2A and Ca3C, also showed expression peaks 6 hours post metamorphosis, although once again the authors did not define how they determined ‘post metamorphosis’ which is problematic as a specific timepoint in the transition process would be difficult to identify, especially in a 6 h window. In-situ hybridisation of these two oyster caspases in larvae prior to metamorphosis suggested the presence of caspases in the velum and larval foot (77). Finally, it is also possible that none of our six caspases are involved in metamorphosis, as indicated by their decline in expression. Further investigations regarding caspase expression and regulation during bivalve metamorphosis are needed to gain more insight into how caspases are involved in the transition from larval to spat. However, as our gene expression profile of the four different executioner caspases, Cg3A, Cg3B, Cg3C and Cg3/7 clearly demonstrated, selection of the specific caspase-3 homologue to investigate is important, as these can vary through significant down- or upregulation before and after metamorphosis.
The implications of programmed cell death and additional inflammation responses have also been widely discussed in relation to the bivalve innate immune system (1, 2, 4, 6, 78–80). Haemocytes are one of the crucial executioners of invertebrate immune responses, and one of the proposed key strategies of haemocytes is to undergo apoptosis when infected by a pathogen, or when they have ingested invaders through phagocytosis to prevent proliferation and spread. Pathogens on the other hand, are seeking tactics to prevent apoptosis, for instance by inhibiting enzymes such as caspases, or through strategies that avoid triggering the host cell response. Thus, caspase expression, as well as their presence and activity in haemocytes or tissues where pathogens are present, is of great importance to our understanding of host immune defence, as well as our understanding of pathogens. Spatial expression studies of caspases in mussels and oysters have shown that initiator and executioner caspases are frequently expressed in haemocytes as well as gills, digestive glands and labial pals, which are areas exposed to pathogens and environmental stressors (i.e. pollutants) (21, 22, 28, 30, 31, 81). Moreover, our identification of a large number of different bivalve caspases with unique traits and motifs such as lack of second DED, or additional DDs and DSRMs in prodomains, or variations in p20 active sites, provides insight into the regulatory mechanism of apoptosis. It also provides information about potential adaptations involved in pathogenesis. Furthermore, exposure of different bivalve species to pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and parasites has shown recruitment of apoptosis-associated proteins and enzymes (22, 34, 48, 82, 83). These include different effects on transcription of caspases to LPS, poly I:Cs, lipoteichoic acid of gram-positive bacteria, CpG of Vibrio sp., zymosan (yeast glucan) as well as common pollutants (PAHs and PCBs) (22). Exposure of C. gigas embryos and larvae to the gram-negative bacteria Vibrio coralliilyticus has shown that apoptotic responses to pathogens develop early in oyster larvae (blastula – D-shelled larvae) near the digestive gland with first Cg3B appearing in D-larvae 12 h post exposure to bacteria (34). V. splendidus also increased caspase-3 activity in the posterior adductor muscle in M. galloprovincialis 24–72 h post injection (84). Furthermore, Vibrio alginolyticus increases the expression of Ch8A and Ch3/7 in haemocytes of C. hongkongensis oysters (25, 31). Interestingly, the same Vibrio sp. did not induce the expression of the C. gigas caspase-8 homologues in Pacific oyster haemocytes after bacterial challenge (21). This could either be a species specific or a caspase-type specific response. Based on our phylogenetic analysis, Ch8A and the assessed oyster caspase-8 homolog, here classified as Cg8B, belong to two different types of bivalve caspase-8 homologs with potentially different functions and responses to pathogens. LPS from Escherichia coli, another gram-negative bacterium, has been shown to inhibit activity of Cg3B in C. gigas, thus causing a reduction of apoptosis in HEK293T cells (29). The authors concluded that Cg3B potentially functions as a target, or even as sensor of LPS, with inhibition of apoptosis evoked by the host as a survival strategy. LPS and Vibrio spp. exposures have also resulted in an increase in IAP homologs in C. gigas (27, 81) and Ruditapes decussatus (85), with IAPs known inhibitors of apoptosis. CgIAP2 has also been shown to inactivate Cg2A (81). However, the same study also demonstrated that C. gigas possesses 48 potential IAPs, more than for any other species reported. However, it is still not clear exactly how IAPs affect apoptosis in bivalves, in particular since no caspase-9 homologue for apoptosome formation has been identified yet. The mitochondrial protein Smac/Diablo is known to inhibit IAPs (86); and a CgSmac homolog in C. gigas haemocytes was significantly upregulated after LPS exposure (72). When CgSmac was supressed, apoptotic rate in haemocytes, as well as caspase-3 activity, decreased. In contrast, LPS also induced the expression of regucalcin (RGN) in C. gigas, a regulator of calcium homeostasis in haemocytes, and when CgRGN was supressed, the apoptosis rate in haemocytes increased after LPS stimulation (87). Thus, LPS and Vibrio spp. can affect apoptotic genes such as caspases, IAPs, mitochondrial proteins and other participants in the haemocytes of hosts, with complex effects on apoptosis execution. IAPs also seem to be upregulated in response to Ostreid herpesvirus type 1 (OsHV-1) in C. gigas (88), while Cg3B expression is downregulated in infected haemocytes. It is assumed that this is a virus counter measure to the Pacific oyster’s response to viral infection (89, 90) given that OsHV-1 is known to suppress apoptosis in C. gigas haemocytes (90, 91). Inhibition of apoptosis also plays a role in parasitic infections, as proposed for Bonamia spp. which are highly infectious in the European flat oyster O. edulis. Comparison between wild populations and oysters selected for resistance showed that inhibition of apoptosis, and an increase in IAP expression, predominates in the wild oysters (82). Thus, apoptosis of infected cells or haemocytes, which have phagocyted parasites, can prevent the spread of this pathogen (82, 92). Gervais and colleagues (48, 93) reported that apoptosis in haemocytes occurred in O. edulis 1– 4 h post Bonamia contact, and continued to induce the expression of apoptotic genes many days after infection, but with differences between individuals originating from different locations in France. In relation to caspase involvement in Bonamia infection of O. edulis, it is noteworthy that based on our phylogenetic analysis and O. edulis transcriptome data (94), the proposed flat oyster caspase-3 homologue (93) seems to be an homologue to Cg3A (94% identity) with identical p20 conserved sites ..Y…..QSCRC. However, the proposed caspase-2 homologue did not resemble any of our bivalve caspase-2 homologues, but showed 77% identity with CgCARDDCP-1 genes instead. This C. gigas CARD-containing protein is not a caspase, but nevertheless seems to be involved in LPS binding and activation of NF-ĸB pathway after Vibrio stimulation (95).
Caspase activation and regulation in relation to apoptosis can also be impacted by environmental stressors, for instance temperature, oxygen and heavy metals. In Mytilus spp., extreme temperatures can lead to DNA damage, reduction in haemocyte variability and lysosomal membrane stability as well as activation of apoptotic proteins (24, 96, 97). M. galloprovincialis Mg8A and M. coruscus Mco8A expression and activity increased significantly in gill tissues and haemocytes after exposure to extreme heat and cold (24). Furthermore, caspase-3 activity was upregulated in haemocytes of M. galloprovincialis and M. californianus after high and low temperature stress (96). Hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) and reoxygenation (H-R) in M. edulis and C. gigas also lead to increases in upregulation of genes related to apoptosis, autophagy and inflammation (36). C. gigas exhibited a higher hypoxia tolerance, which was also expressed in lower and/or later expression of apoptotic and inflammatory genes. For instance, when considering the chosen caspase-3 homologues based on our phylogenetic analysis members of the caspase-3/7 group, Mg3/7 expression increased after 1– 6 h H-R cycles, while Cg3/7 expression was not affected. However, it cannot be excluded that Cg3/7 is not the executioner caspase involved in hypoxia-related apoptotic responses, and that another executioner caspase might be responsible given that C. gigas possess many alternatives (as we point out, 39 in total). Nevertheless, this study also showed that Mg2-like and Mg8-like caspases, two of the lesser conserved bivalve caspases, were upregulated after an 1 h H-R cycle, suggesting that these unconventional initiator caspases are potentially functional and involved in H-R responses. Heavy metals such as cadmium also affect apoptosis performance in haemocytes of oysters (98) and clams (32). Caspase-3 activity was not recorded after cadmium-exposure in the haemocytes of the oyster Crassostrea virginica, thus potentially suggesting that apoptosis was induced by an caspase-independent pathway (98); transcription of Tg3A and Tg3/7 in the blood clam T. granulosa was also impaired, indicating a dysfunction of apoptosis in haemocytes (32).