Synchrotron-X-ray fluorescence provides elemental signatures for diverse coloration mechanisms in fossil insects
Independent origins of vertebral complexity in tetrapods
Early Cretaceous Troodontine Troodontid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Ohyamashimo Formation of Japan Reveals the Early Evolution of Troodontinae
Fossil record misconstrued: Sponge-like fabrics reflect incipient carbonate metamorphism
Automatic Segmentation of Early Triassic Vertebrate Fossil CT Scans: Reducing Human Annotation Time through Deep Learning
A New Approach to the Detection of Vertebrate Skeletons by Ground Penetrating Radars: An Example from the Ica Desert Fossil-Lagerstätte
Chimera of fossil biomolecules found in Pleistocene fossil in tropical cave: Fossil biofilm characterization by micro Raman spectroscopy
Functional constraints on tetrapod feeding ecology were released long after terrestrialisation
Eocene amber provides first fossil record and bridges distributional gap in the rare genus Robsonomyia (Diptera: Keroplatidae)
A fruit-bearing angiosperm from the Jurassic of Inner Mongolia, China