Co-migration of hundreds of species over metres drives selection and promotes non-motile hitchhikers
The Generation of an ocular anti-inflammatory biotherapeutic to enhance wound healing.
An Advanced Bacterial Single-cell RNA-seq Reveals Biofilm Heterogeneity
Nonpathogenic E. coli engineered to surface display cytokines as a new platform for immunotherapy
Differential Gene Expression in the Kidneys of SHR and WKY rats after Intravenous Administration of Akkermansia muciniphila-derived Extracellular Vesicles
Bacterial association with metals enables in vivo monitoring of microbiota using magnetic resonance imaging
Fluorescent Reporters Give New Insights Into Antibiotics-induced Mistranslation
Evaluating Bacterial Spore Preparation Methods for Scanning Electron Microscopy
Bradyrhizobium ottawaense efficiently reduces nitrous oxide through high nosZ gene expression
A cell-free strategy for profiling of intracellular antibiotic sensitivity and resistance