Predicting disease progression from the rate of bodyweight change in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patient during Radiotherapy
Longitudinal pre-diagnostic samples allow early osteoporosis diagnosis
Huddling substates in mice facilitate dynamic changes in body temperature and are modulated by Shank3b and Trpm8 mutation
Temporal context in paced finger tapping tunes the error-correction mechanism
Novel Image Analytic Approach Reveals New Insights in Fine Tuning of Slime Mould Network Adaptation
Visualisation of running form changes measured by wearable sensors for conditioning management, an application of the Functional Data Analysis
Temporal Coordination of the Transcription Factor Response to H2O2 stress
Computational modeling of AMPK and mTOR crosstalk in glutamatergic synapse calcium signaling
Quantifying time-varying dynamics of heart rate and oxygen uptake during incremental exercise tests
General spectral characteristics of human activity and its inherent scale-free fluctuations