Taffix has been tested in two in vitro studies to gauge its effectivity in blocking and disabling respiratory viruses SARS-CoV-2 and H1N1 influenza.
The purpose of the study of the SARS-CoV-2 study was to test whether the Taffix™ can form a protective barrier against this virus. A gel of Taffix™ was formed on a 40 um nylon filter, and then seeded with 10,000 PFUs of virus. An untreated filter, seeded with the same amount of virus, was used as an untreated control. After a 10 minute incubation the bottom of the filters were washed with culture media and then tested for live virus by plaque assay and for viral RNA using qRT- PCR Taffix™ reduced the amount of live viruses by more than 99%, and in most experiments no virus was detected or the amount of virus present was below the limit of detection of the assay in the undiluted flow through. Using qRT-PCR techniques Taffix™ treatment reduced the amount of viral RNA by more than 4 logs (ref .7 ) The purpose of the H1N1 study was to test the direct effect of the pH of different Taffix formulations on H1N1 virus’ ability to reduce the viability of MDCK cells. MDCK cells were treated with saline, Hypromellose, or Taffix with or without virus. Cell viability was measured using a cell proliferation assay kit (XTT based).
H1N1 virus pretreated with saline for 5 minutes reduced cell viability to 27%. Pretreatment of viruses with Hypromellose alone ( pH-6.8) reduced cell viability to 37% while pretreatment of viruses with Taffix for 5 minutes resulted in 88% cell viability, attesting to ability of Taffix to disable aggressive respiratory viruses (ref 7)
We collaborated with a medium sized synagogue community comprising of some 250 members. After a preliminary notification members of the community expressed their interest in using Taffix throughout Rosh Hashana prayers and the following two weeks. Critical to the cooperation of the community members and their individual compliance, was the strong support and encouragement of the spiritual leadership of the community: the Rabbi and the wardens (Gabbaim). Typically, in ultra-orthodox communities – this community is very close knit and its members are well familiar with each other as well as to well known to the leaders of the community. The synagogue serves as the center around which the community day lives revolves. Importantly, it was clarified that Taffix offers an extra layer of protection and does not replace the mandatory use of masks. This was clearly and repeatedly explained to all participants.
Each member was eligible to collect a Taffix bottle at the synagogue the day before Rosh Hashana prayer and received written instruction on the proper usage of the device. Family members residing in the same house hold were also eligible to receive Taffix bottles (one each). Members also committed when they signed up to receive Taffix to use it whenever encountering a large social interaction and reapply it every five hours whenever they were leaving their residence for the following two weeks. Weekly reminders to all participants were sent directly through the community email system and close attention and monitoring was carried out to substantiate the number of confirmed ( PCR tests offered freely in the city) new cases in the community.
By the 14 day after the Rosh Hashana holiday the wardens of the synagogue followed up each family with a personal phone interview. Members and their families were asked to report whether they have used Taffix, how often and under what circumstances they used it, and whether there were new cases of COVID-19 infection since Rosh Hashana, Information about the total number of confirmed new COVID-19 cases in the rest of the community was also collected and confirmed. Confirmed case were defined as all SARS-CoV-2 PCR positive cases during days 1-14 of the follow up period PCR testing was offered freely at Bney Brak citizens in that period.
Statistical methods
The analysis of the results was performed first on the ITT (Intent-to-treat) population data (All members who used Taffix) and then on the PP (Per-Protocol) population. (members who used Taffix regularly according to instruction)
The Fisher's exact test for the comparison of two proportions (from independent samples), expressed as a percentage, was applied to compare the contagion rate between Taffix users and none users.
Fisher's exact test is used to calculate an exact P-value for a 2x2 frequency table with small number of expected frequencies.
All tests are two-tailed, and a p-value of 5% or less is considered statistically significant
The data was analyzed using the SAS ® version 9.4 (SAS Institute, Cary North Carolina).