In this retrospective cohort study on strictly non-surgically treated periodontally compromised patients within a mean SPC period of 4.5±1.64 years, 26.5% of all patients lost 118 teeth overall, resulting in a TL rate of 0.5 teeth/patient and 0.12 teeth/patient/year. The majority of teeth were lost in cases with grade A and B and with longer duration of SPC. SPC duration and relative proportion of BOP at T2 were identified as patient-related risk factors for TL. For all other risk-factors we found no statistically significant correlation with TL. In general, the study shows the positive effect of a strictly non-surgical therapeutic approach, but also allows the indirect conclusion that better therapeutic results could have been achieved if the international clinical practice guidelines for treatment of stage I–III periodontitis would have been applied (11).
Comparing the annual overall TL rate with studies with similar observation periods, lower to same annual TL rates of 0.06 –0.17 teeth/patient were reported (30–32). A prospective study over five years reported a TL rate of 0.12 teeth/patient/year for an adherent subgroup of 96 patients, which is also in line with the overall results of our study. Within the same study, 116 non-adherent patients demonstrated a significantly higher TL rate of 0.36 teeth/patient/year (33). This result is threefold higher than the overall findings in the present study and is comparable to nontreated periodontal patients with a reported periodontal TL rate of 0.33 teeth/patient/year over 40 years (2). However, due to the low number of adherent patients in the present patient cohort, further subanalyses were dispensed with.
Studies with observation periods of 10 years reported annual TL rates of 0.12–0.21 teeth/patient (6, 7, 34–37), and for periods of 17–25 years, annual TL rates of 0.09–0.14 teeth/patient were documented (15, 16, 38). However, these studies with longer SPC periods are not comparable to the present study due to increasing TL rates within longer observation periods (8, 16). A minority of 7 patients lost 50% of all teeth within the present cohort, which is also concordant with other studies (7, 39–43).
The present study was unable to reconfirm some well-known risk factors for TL. The correlation of age with TL and the higher average T1 age for patients with TL (57.1 years) compared to patients without TL (56.5 years) were not statistically significant. Generally, age has been confirmed several times as a risk factor for TL during SPC (16, 30, 35, 39, 42). This result might become even clearer through data from a long-term study over 20 years, where an increasing TL rate within the second 10 years (1.67 teeth/patient) is reported compared to the first 10 years (1.2 teeth/patient), with a moderate positive correlation between both (Pearson’s r = 0.492) (16).
Mean SPC interval of the present study was 13.39 months, with a longer interval of 15.55 months for patients with TL compared to patients without TL at 12.61 months. Consequently, only 9 patients (7%) were adherent to SPC. SPC duration was statistically significantly longer for patients with TL (57.82 months) compared to those without TL (50.34 months) (p=0.039). The average number of SPC visits per year was 1.29 for all patients. Petsos et al. reported an average of 2.25 SPC visits per year over 10 years. Within this study, 58% of patients were classified as adherent according to a risk-adapted definition of adherence based on the PRA (35), and this group had a higher TL rate (7). In the present study, the lower number of 1.29 visits per year for overall patients results from the high number of non-adherent patients (93%) within the cohort. Petsos et al. suggests the slightly higher number of SPC visits in patients with TL can be considered a result of higher periodontal risk according to PRA, resulting in a shorter SPC interval recommendation. Due to the low proportion of 7% adherent patients in our study, this observation cannot be sufficiently compared. Moreover, in contrast to other studies (7, 8, 16, 33, 35), SPC adherence was not identified as risk factor for TL, which might also result from the low number of adherent patients in the study (44).
Since all patients suffer from stage III periodontitis, the stage itself could not be analyzed as a risk factor for TL. A low number of patients at grade A (3.8%) and a majority at grades B (66.7%) or C (29.5%) was found. Grading was not identified as risk factor for TL. Surprisingly patients with grade A or B lost more teeth compared to patients with grade C. An explanation could be that in each group (grade A and B) one single patient lost 11 teeth (A), 9 teeth (B) resp., indicating that this might be a result of a prosthetic planning and not for periodontal reasons. In general, a retrospective determination of reasons for TL is difficult. Especially TL for periodontal, prosthetic, endodontic or restorative reasons highly depends on individual dentists´ decision biased by differences in experience and knowledge of appropriate evidence. To date, there is no uniform definition for periodontal TL. On the other hand, SPC should primarly prevent TL for periodontal reasons, but not only. We found that maximal bone loss didn´t correlate with TL, which could indicate a high proportion of TL for non-periodontal reasons within the observed cohort. Bone loss (8, 15, 30), smoking (7, 16, 33, 42, 45), and diabetes (16, 33) were associated with increased TL in several studies. In the present study, 12 smokers lost 26 teeth, and four people with diabetes lost 12 teeth. However, both factors could not be identified as risk factors for TL.
Some authors have reported individual plaque control as risk factor (16, 35). The present study found a mean PCR of 52.78% during SPC in patients with TL and 62.29% in those without TL. Hence, PCR was not identified as a risk factor for TL. In accordance with these PCR values, PBI was 42.64% (with TL) and 49.2% (without TL), and mean BOP values remained at 33.46±21.52% during SPC. Moreover, BOP at T2 correlated statistically significant with TL and indeed, this is a high degree of residual gingival and periodontal inflammation, which might result from the low annual SPC frequency mentioned above or the lack of surgical therapy. For BOP at sites ≤ 4mm, an odds ratio (OR) of 1.9–2.1 has been reported, with an increasing OR of up to 43.6 for PPD ≥ 7mm (46). These data might also indicate an increased risk for further TL in a longer observation period within the present cohort. An oral-optimized healthy diet (47–49) or a paleo-type diet (50) has been shown to reduce periodontal bleeding parameters even in presence of plaque. Diet interventions could be an additional strategy for inflammation control in the future. Currently, more evidence regarding its efficacy is necessary (11). However, no data on nutrition were collected in this study.
In contrast to the SPC interval, the duration of SPC has been shown to correlate with TL. This result is related to the significantly higher age of patients with TL, as previously explained, which is in line with previous studies (6, 42). It seems plausible that more teeth are lost the longer the observation period increases. For this reason and the SPC range of 2.5–10.7 years in this cohort, the statistical model was adjusted for the SPC duration.
Overall, the decrease in PPD ≥ 5 mm from T0–T1 and T0–T2 indicates the efficacy of non-surgical therapy. Increased Baseline PPD were not identified as significant risk factor for TL. As mentioned, this could be another indication that decisions for extraction were predominantly not based on periodontal parameters. Moreover, the results generally indicate higher proportions of residual pockets compared to other findings reported in both subgroups: a proportion of 3.5% (adherent) and 4.1% (non-adherent) with a PPD of 4 to 5mm, and 0.9% (adherent) and 1.5% (non-adherent) with PPD ≥ 6 mm (33). In contrast to the present study, Costa et al. consequently performed surgical treatment of residual pockets before SPC, resulting in a lower TL rate, which underlines the positive effect of surgical therapy as a complement to a primary non-surgical approach.
Over 11 years, an OR of 9.3 for TL has been reported for residual PPD of 6mm and 37.9 for a PPD ≥ 7mm (46). Petsos et al. found a 1.5% proportion of sites with PPD ≥ 6mm at T1 and 1.9% at T2 with lower proportions in the group without TL (7). Considering these findings, the higher proportions of residual pockets at T1 within the present population and the reported OR values for TL, it seems plausible that TL increases within a longer observation period. Recently published guidelines (11, 12) recommend a surgical approach in cases with PPD ≥ 6mm. Increased residual pockets, bleeding, and plaque levels in a strict non-surgically treated cohort seem to support these recommendations.
This study has limitations, which should be critically addressed. First, this study has a shorter observation period compared to most recently published studies. Second, due to the lack of documentation of recessions and clinical attachment loss (CAL), no information on CAL development could be reported. Third, two non-surgical approaches were re-examined, possibly leading to a bias. Fourth, due to the retrospective nature of the study, TL in general and for periodontal reasons could not be distinguished, partly as a result of decisions for extraction by dentists in different fields and the high frequency of changing therapists during SPC. Fifth, since all of the patients included suffered from moderate periodontitis at the beginning of therapy, comparability with most studies is limited.