In this study, the skills needed for hospital managers and the challenges they are facing were identified. Based on the results obtained from the study, the skill of human relations is one of the skills needed by hospital managers. The results from Pillay show that managing individuals and human skills are the most important skill for healthcare managers [13]. Moreover, Majid and AHAN shows a significant relationship between the human skill of managers and the motivation of the employees [14, 15]. The results of a national survey in the US show that the most important skill and qualification needed for nursing managers was effective and influential relations [16]. Other studies also emphasize the importance of the skill of relations for the managers of healthcare centers, particularly hospitals [17, 18]. The study carried out by Khadka emphasizes the importance of communicative skills for hospital managers and the authors suggest that leadership and communication skills are the most important competitive factors among hospital managers [19]. The results from Stefl show that relations management and communications, which include communicative, facilitative, and negotiating skills, are among the important skills for a manager [20]. Furthermore, the results from Kalargyrou indicate the importance of the skill of human relations among the skills of the managers. The results of these studies are in line with the results of the current study [21]. The skills of the managers lead to the increase in their acceptance and appeal among the employees, which results in reduced stress and improved performance of the employees [1, 22–25]. Kebede show that training hospital managers based on improving their managerial skills results in a significant improvement in the performance of healthcare systems [26]. Therefore, it is suggested that the evaluation of the relations of the managers with the employees be performed regularly and it is suggested that workshops be held for managers about the methods of proper interaction with the employees including sympathizing with the employees and effective listening to them. Managerial knowledge was one of the items mentioned in the majority of the interviews. The results of a study on hospitals supervised by the Medical University of Tehran show that the field of managerial knowledge is divided into four categories, i.e. planning, organizing, control, and leadership. Among these, leadership has the highest priority from the point of view of middle managers of hospitals [27]. Despite this fact, in their study, Khadka point out that management knowledge is less important. However, their study was carried out in private and public hospitals; while 59 percent of the participating managers had no prior management education or training [19]. A study by Rivkani shows that while 70 percent of the hospital managers have passed the training course for managing hospital affairs, not all of them possessed the proper managerial knowledge and experience [28]. Another result of this study was the focus on the strategic and long-term vision as one of the skills of the hospital managers. Creating and developing a strategic mindset is one of the requirements of the field of management and this type of mindset is necessary and critical for all the organizational levels, particularly for the senior management [29]. Hospitals as the most important and most complex organizations providing healthcare require systemic and systematic mindsets more than any other organization. The systemic mindset is a conceptual framework for solving problems, which occurs through focusing on problems and during the execution. Solving problems in this method is obtained through finding a pattern for increasing organizational perception and understanding and focusing on issues [30]. The relationship between thinking about and focusing on systemic issues and improving the performance of the employees has been proved in a study [31]. Amini et al. conclude that the state of the systemic thinking factor among the majority of managers in the Medical University of Tehran is at a desired level and these managers abide by systemic thinking [32]. Terzic-Supic realized that teaching strategic planning and management plays an effective role in the optimal decision making of hospital managers [33]. Having motivation and being interested in becoming a manager and working in a hospital was another requirement of hospital manager mentioned in some of the interviews. According to the model proposed by the World Health Organization, management qualifications are categorized in three groups including the creation of an empowering and motivating environment which in turn includes guiding and creating motivation in the employees in order to overcome environmental challenges and realize the objectives, ensure the effective utilization of resources, and expanding the level of participation in the whole organization and outside the organization [34]. Authorities must pay attention to the point that motivation is one of the main pillars of management [30] and an unmotivated individual cannot be a successful manager in the organization. Therefore, when selecting hospital managers, this issue must be considered and people who are interested and motivated must be prioritized for obtaining the positions of hospital managers. An unmotivated manager can spread this lack of motivation among other employees as well. On the other hand, motivated managers who understand how to motivate employees can work towards realizing the goals of the organization with the help of the employees and they will be successful in performing their other duties as well. In order for the human resource department to have a good performance and be able to select qualified managers for the healthcare system, it should have a qualified manager as well [35]. Therefore, it is suggested that selecting managers be based on a comprehensive and long-term evaluation of the individuals and in this regard, measures such as having human relations, the methods of interacting with colleagues and subordinates, strategic vision, having the power of planning, the strategies of facing problems, and having creativity and initiative must be considered and be the basis of the evaluation. Furthermore, the executive experience and the expertise of the managers must also be considered and it is obvious that those managers must be selected that have an educational background in the fields related to hospital management since the results of the study show that hospital management students who spend a longer time in their hospital will be more familiar with the system an d the requirements and the needs of the institute [19]. The results from Ahmad and Romdhane show that one of the challenges facing hospital managers is the rapid changes in the policies of the Ministry of Health. In other words, when a new minister is appointed, new policies are devised based on the new priorities and plans of the minister and resources are allocated for implementing these policies and operational plans are rapidly executed, and in effect, some of the previous systems become out of order or there is no sufficient opportunity for implementing those systems. The problem of lack of political and managerial stability is observed in the majority of developing countries. Examples include Syria and Tunisia [36, 37]. Also, the effects of the political climate on health policies in Pakistan show that the rapid change of the governments affects the policies, causing the imperfect implementation of various policies [38]. Furthermore, the same problem was experienced in India where in specific time periods, policies are seriously implemented only to stop or slow down in the near future because of financial problems and the low implementation capacity of the healthcare system [39]. As we know, the field of macro policy making and decision making directly depends on the quality of human resources in terms of their knowledge and behavior. Naturally, the higher the qualifications and quality of the individuals, the higher the quality and effectiveness of the decisions. It is obvious that when a deep and informed strategic plan is implemented for each of the policies and plans, we can hope to reduce the effects of personal tastes and ensure their continued implementation after another authority is appointed. One of the challenges mentioned by the interviewees was the shortage of financial and human resources. Based on the results of the study by Delgoshaie and Campbell the shortage of financial resources is one of the operating challenges for hospital programs, which is in line with the results of the current study [41, 42]. A number lower than the standard threshold determined by the Ministry of Health for the human resources in hospitals has been reported in many studies [43, 44]. The results obtained from studies MohebbiFar, Askari, Mehrolhasani evaluating the efficiency of hospitals show that one of the factors influencing the lack of efficiency in hospitals is the large number of human resources in hospitals, particularly academic hospitals, which is not in line with the results of the current study [45–47]. It seems that the type of the study may have affected the variation in the results. One of the limitations of this study was the delay in performing some of the interviews and the researchers did their best to get timely and enough time from the interviewees.