Our data sources include Twitter’s archive of Trump’s tweets and #StoptheSteal tweets39,40; rally speech videos41; and time stamped, live action video of the insurrection42 (See Table S1 for a list of data sources). We used all 16 Trump tweets, 7550 “#StopTheSteal” tweets, 12 rally speeches, and 1113 videos from January 6th. Data on levels and timing of violence, weaponry, and racism come from videos taken in real-time and posted to websites that aggregated and coded the videos through crowdsoucing43.
Video footage. Figure 1 shows the area of activity covered by the videos. These live-action, real-time videos were used to operationalize levels of (i) violence, (ii) weapons, and (iii) racism on January 6th. These videos were uploaded to publicly accessible websites by protesters, journalists, and bystanders located in and around the Capitol and coded through a joint effort of organizations, which included a Twitter user (@donk_enby), an archive team, and a volunteer collection of hackers and data researchers who archived the videos before Amazon Web Services stopped hosting Parler’s website. In total, these websites posted 1113 recorded videos taken on January 6th, 2021 (See Methods Section).
Once uploaded, the videos were annotated for instances of violence, weapons, or racism through crowdsourcing. For example, if a video showed an instance of violence — say, a beating or a shove — the specific type of violence in the video was notated and recorded by a user in an accompanying online spreadsheet on the website43. Eighty-four videos were tagged for violence, weapons, or racism through crowdsourcing. Crowdsourced coders were anonymous, visited the website where the videos were posted, and coded the videos by their own accord and without pay using a coding scheme that ensured that images were being coded in a standard way across coders. We verified that the videos used in the study were correctly coded by checking the coding of each video ourselves. Other videos contained footage of protestors walking, standing, marching, shouting, talking, or vandalizing — events that are considered non-violent crimes in the U.S.44 (see Methods section, Table 4).
We used the crowdsourced notations to compute the severity of violence or and the display or use of various types of weaponry in the image over a five-minute interval. Separate videos covering the same five-minute period had their separate scores summed. The average length of a video is 32.80 seconds (S.D. = 57.60 seconds; max length = 547 seconds; min length =1 second).
To quantify the severity of violent acts or a weapon’s potential lethality, we used the District of Columbia’s criminal penalty scale, which quantifies the severity of a violent act using a point system, and in which more violent acts receive higher point scores45. For example, a beating is more violent than a shove and therefore has a higher penalty (higher point value) than a shove45. Specifically, a gunshot = 1500 points; an assault = 1000 points; other violence = 500 points. The severity of the violence or weaponry in a video was the sum of the video’s separate incidents (e.g., gunshot or nightstick) times the number of instances. The level of racism in a video was measured as the proportion of anonymous crowdsourced coders who on their own accord rated the video’s images as -"racist" divided by the total number of coders of the photo. The Methods section presents examples of the coding of the violence, weaponry, or racism identified in an image. Table S2 shows the details of the Washington, D.C. coding scheme and Figure S1 shows examples of still images and their coding. In addition to using the Washington, D.C. coding scheme, we did robustness checks on the results using an alternative, popular coding scheme based on TV violence ratings46. The results were nearly identical under both coding scheme (SI Table S5).
Trump Tweets. Donald Trump complete corpus of January 6th, 2021 tweets were archived and posted for public download at https://www.thetrumparchive.com/. In our study, Trump’s tweets were operationalized in terms of their (i) positive and (ii) negative sentiment. Tweet sentiment can create emotions that motivate real-life action with positive and negative sentiment having potentially different effects24,29. Notably, Trump’s January 6th tweets received hundreds of thousands of likes and retweets, indicating that his tweets were read and reacted to47.
#StopTheSteal Tweets (#STS). All of the tweets with hashtag #StopTheSteal posted on January 6th, 2021 are available with the search= string “#StopTheSteal since:2021-01-06 until:2021-01-08 -filter:replies” [https://twitter.com/search?q=%23StopTheSteal%20since%3A2021-01-06%20until%3A2021-01-08%20-filter%3Areplies&src=typed_query]. We downloaded the historical data with a Python toolkits snscrape. The following fields are included in the data: Time Stamp, Tweet ID, Text, Username, and URL. Parler.com posts on January 6th were omitted from the analysis because the number of posts was de minimis relative to the number of Twitter posts, and Parler posts lacked timestamping.
Trump and #STS tweets were operationalized using the sentiment analysis toolkit VADER48, which calculates the proportion of positive and negative words in each tweet based on tweet’s lexicons. We analyzed each 5-minute interval from midnight to midnight on January 6th to create two time-series variables: “positive level of Trump’s tweets” and “negative level of Trump’s tweets.” If a tweet had both positive and negative sentiments, the positive and negative sentiments were recorded separately in the relevant sentiment variable. The sentiment scores in the same five-minute period were combined into separate “positive” and “negative” sentiment variables. Neutral tweets received a sentiment score of zero.
Table 1 provides examples of the coding of Trump and #STS tweets. Positive and negative words are highlighted in yellow and green respectively. For example, at 1:58 PM there is a tweet with the handle #stopthesteel had the following content, “So, I've read claims that the #StopTheSteal protestors in D.C. are really #Antifa in disguises.” This tweet contains one negative sentiment word, “disguises,” and was given a score of 15 (total number of words) x 0.139 (negative ratio) = 2.085. When a tweet had both positive and negative sentiment, we operationalized the sentiment value of the tweet proportionately. For example, Trump tweeted at 2:38:58 PM, “Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!” In this tweet, the words “please,” “support,” “truly,” and “peaceful” have positive sentiments and a combined score of 19 (total number of words) x 0.432 (positive ratio) = 8.208. Table S3 provides a listing of all of Trump’s January 6th, 2021 tweets, their positive and negative scores, number of likes, and number of retweets.
Table 1: Tweet Sentiment Coding for Trump’s Tweets and #StopTheSteal Tweets.
Negative score
Positive score
Trump’s Tweets
9:00:12 AM
They just happened to find 50,000 ballots late last night. The USA is embarrassed by fools. Our Election Process is worse than that of third world countries!
(= 27 x .0275)
2:38:58 PM
Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!
(=19 x 0.432)
12:43:42 AM
Get smart Republicans. FIGHT! https://t.co/3fs1oPVnAx
(= 5 x 0.389)
(= 5 x 0.29)
1:58:20 PM
So, I've read claims that the #StopTheSteal protestors in D.C. are really #Antifa in disguises.
(= 15 x
You want to #StopTheSteal ? There's only one man who can save America.... https://t.co/5VAzxgttOK
(= 13 x
Rally Speeches. Per research showing that cheer length is a real-time indicator of a crowd’s empowerment and collective identity due to the speech49, we operationalized rally speeches as the length (in seconds) of cheers in each five-minute segment of the speech.
Trump and a dozen others made speeches on the stage of the “Save America March” rally in The Ellipse. Some of the rally speeches had time gaps between them (the gap to previous/next speech is 20 seconds to 1+ hour) and some speeches were contiguous (e.g., Eric Trump, welcomed Kimberly Guilfoyle who welcomed Donald Trump Jr. on the stage).
The cheer variables were defined as the length of total cheers in a single speech or a group of connected speeches that were finished in each 5-minute interval. For example, the total length of cheers during Mo Brooks’s warm-up speech is 221 seconds, and Mo Brooks finished his speech at 9:16 am, we then assigned 221 seconds to the time interval 9:15 am-9:20 am in the variable “length of cheers in warmup speeches.” The authors then computed the length of cheers using a CSPAN video of the speeches. Table 2 shows the rally speaker, start and stop time of each rally speech, and the total length of cheers in seconds.
Table 2: Save America Rally Speeches
Start time
End time
Total length of cheers
Mo Brooks
Katrina Pierson, Amy Kremer
Vernon Jones
Ken Paxton
Eric Trump, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Donald Trump Jr.
Madison Cawthorn
Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman
Donald Trump
Figure 2 is an ensemble plot of the time-series of each data source – Trump’s positive tweets, Trump’s negative tweets, #StopTheSteal positive tweets, #StopTheSteal negative tweets, racism level, weaponry level, violence level, and the period of the Save America rally speeches is shaded in orange. Variables are sampled at 5-minute intervals.
Granger Causality Model. Granger causality is a widely used and validated 2003 Nobel Prize-winning innovation that infers X’s “Granger” causal effect on Y in from their time-series data50-57. Whereas experiments use control and treatment groups to experimentally manipulate a treatment, Granger causality tests the hypothesis that time-series X “Granger causes” time-series Y. Formally, after passing the stationary test, a time-series of X is considered to “Granger cause” Y if t-tests and F-tests on lagged values of the X variables and lagged values of Y significantly predict future values of Y. Thus, we present and interpret the Granger results conservatively as showing that variable X is a statistically significant predictor of outcome Y, not a cause in the controlled experiment54.
Data Requirements of the Granger Model. To meet the data requirements for a Granger Causality analysis, we followed prior research58-64. There are two necessary requirements. First, the time-series must be stationary. Accordingly, we ran standard Dicky-Fuller stationarity tests. All variables passed their stationary tests with up to 2 lags (i.e., total lag of 10 min). Table 3 shows that all stationarity tests for lags of 1 and 2 passed the Dicky-Fuller tests. Second, Granger data should not be seasonal. Our data is not seasonal. -Also, Granger data may contain zeros. Our data does contain zeros. Thus, our Granger analysis follows established precedents in economics and neuroscience that use stationary, non-seasonal data that can contain zero values58-64.
Granger causality is tested by regressing outcome variable Y on its own lagged values and the lagged values of predictor variables X. The null hypothesis test is that the estimated coefficients on the lagged values of X are jointly zero. Failure to reject the null hypothesis is equivalent to failing to reject the hypothesis that X does not Granger-cause Y. Our findings were obtained from the Stata commands var and vargranger. The vargranger command indicates the Granger causality bivariate relationship between each Y and each X net of the effects of other Xs in the same equation65. Thus, violence level is an outcome variable and an independent variable depending on the equation. This rotating set of outcome variables allows reciprocal (or bidirectional) Granger causality among the variables in the model. Our model takes nine time series variables: violence, weaponry, racism, Trump’s positive tweets, Trump’s negative tweets, Trump’s speech cheers, warmup speech cheers, #StopTheSteal positive tweets, and #StopTheSteal negative tweets.
Thus, there are nine models; each model has a different dependent variable that is regressed on 16 independent variables (8 variables* 2 lags). A robustness check of the Granger Model was performed with MVGC Matlab® Toolbox (SI Table S4), which produced confirmatory results. Further, for each equation and each endogenous variable that is not the dependent variable in that equation, we conducted Wald tests, which test the hypothesis that each of the other endogenous variables does not Granger-cause the dependent variable in that equation66.
Table 3: Dicky-Fuller Test Results for Stationary.
Lag = 1 (5min)
Lag = 2 (10min)
Violence level
-9.7910, (p=0.0000)
-8.4050, (p=0.0000)
Weaponry level
-8.4380, (p=0.0000)
-5.8460, (p=0.0000)
Racism level
-9.7820, (p=0.0000)
-7.5120, (p=0.0000)
Trump's tweets (negative)
-10.9850, (p=0.0000)
-7.7070, (p=0.0000)
Trump's tweets (positive)
-11.2870, (p=0.0000)
-7.8550, (p=0.0000)
#STS tweets (negative)
-4.1190, (p=0.0009)
-3.1890, (p=0.0206)
#STS tweets (positive)
-4.8920, (p=0.0000)
-3.5840, (p=0.0061)
Cheer Length --Trump's speech
-11.9580, (p=0.0000)
-9.7470, (p=0.0000)
Cheer Length--other speeches
-10.8720, (p=0.0000)
-9.1070, (p=0.0000)