The burden of wasting is determined by a set of paths between moderate wasting, severe wasting and severe wasting with complications as well as treatment admissions and outcomes, creating a network of states for children to move between. This system easily maps onto the general framework of a Markov model. Given this, a Markov model was used to represent this system and provide usable outputs to health workers in the field. These models are commonly used for probabilistic modeling, especially in fields like epidemiology where there are a defined number of outcomes or states being modeled [10]. A child can be classified according to their nutritional status as being either non-malnourished, malnourished but not in treatment, in-treatment for wasting or deceased. The Markov model presented in this work distinguishes between each level of wasting (moderate wasting, severe wasting and severe wasting with complications) and its respective treatment program. It is composed of eight nutritional statuses: Healthy, Moderately Wasted, Severely Wasted, Severely Wasted with Complications, TreatmentM, TreatmentS, TreatmentSC and Deceased. If a child resides in either the Moderately Wasted, Severely Wasted, or Severely Wasted with complications state, they are malnourished but not currently in treatment. However, because the model does account for rates of defaulters (children who stop attending treatment appointments before reaching discharge criteria) and non-responders (children who fail to respond to treatment), if a child currently resides in any of these three states, this does not necessarily mean they have never been admitted to treatment and hence these states are not referred to as untreated. During the model’s simulation, children can move between states at a set of monthly transition rates, representing the probability that a child in one state will move to another (or remain in the same one) from one month to the next. All possible transitions are depicted by the arrows in Figure 1. By knowing the number of children initially residing in each state, the model can be run for any number of months and produce a monthly breakdown of the expected number of children in each nutritional state.
The model is based on the following assumptions:
- A child must reside in a malnourished state (Moderately Wasted, Severely Wasted or Severely Wasted with complications) before entering a treatment state.
- A child cannot transition from the Healthy state directly to the Severely Wasted state; a child residing in the Severely Wasted state must have previously resided in the Moderately Wasted state.
- It is assumed that spontaneous recovery can occur among cases of moderate wasting.
- A severely wasted child will not return to the Healthy state without first residing in either the
state or the Moderately Wasted state. A child cannot transition directly from the Severely Wasted state to the Healthy state; however, they may transition to Moderately Wasted and from Moderately Wasted, return to the Healthy state.
- A child in treatment for any form of wasting may default from or fail to respond to treatment, in which case they would transition from the treatment state back to the malnourished state (Moderately Wasted, Severely Wasted, or Severely Wasted with complications) in which they previously resided.
- The Deceased state is an absorbing state.
Determining the Initial State Distribution
Given that it is known that at any point in time, a certain population of under-five children in Lahj is either suffering from or in treatment for wasting and that children are expected to remain in either the wasted or treatment state for several months, it would be unreasonable to begin the model’s simulation with no cases of wasting both because this does not reflect reality and because all subsequent rate calculations would be skewed. The initial state distribution, describing the number of children starting in each nutritional state, aimed to reflect this. The model’s initial state distribution was determined by 2018 cross-sectional SMART survey data available at the Nutrition Cluster level, presenting the prevalence of moderate and severe wasting among under-five children in the Lahj governorate using the Weight-For-Height Z-Score as the screening metric [11]. Using district-level estimates of the under-five population of Lahj and SMART district-level estimates of the prevalence of moderate and severe wasting, the number of children estimated to be moderately or severely wasted at the time of the survey was calculated. Data from the Yemen Nutrition Cluster was used to estimate the average number of children enrolled in moderate wasting treatment (Targeted Supplementary Feeding Programs) and severe wasting treatment (Outpatient Therapeutic Feeding Programs) each month. Because children enrolled in treatment will remain in treatment for more than one month, it was important for the model to capture the fact that during any given month, among the children currently enrolled in treatment programs, (those currently residing in the treatment state) only some of them will have been admitted in the current simulated month and only some of them will be discharged in the current simulated month. These considerations guided the calculation of all transition rates for entering or leaving treatment, discussed in the following section in greater detail.
Nutritional State
Number of Children
Severely Wasted
Moderately Wasted
Severely Wasted with complications
Table 1. Model’s Initial State Distribution.
While the SMART procedure does not distinguish between untreated wasted children and those who are enrolled in treatment programs, our model made this distinction by designating two different states for treated and untreated children, which required that several simplifying assumptions be made. For severe wasting, it was assumed that among those enrolled in treatment, only those admitted within the past month would still satisfy the Z-Score used to classify severe wasting cases (Z-Score < -3.0) and were therefore included in the estimated number of severe wasting cases produced by SMART [6]. The remaining cases of severe wasting were assumed to be untreated and would be found in the Severely Wasted state. The same assumptions were made about cases of moderate wasting (-3.0 < Z-Score < -2.0). Given that severe wasting with complications is associated with a high risk of mortality and children are unlikely to remain with complicated severe wasting for several months, it was assumed that there would be no cases of complicated severe wasting in the initial distribution. Because in-patient treatment for complicated severe wasting generally takes less than one month, it was assumed that no children were in treatment for severe wasting with complications to start. The initial state distribution is shown in Table 1. Given that the prevalence of wasting varies considerably by season, because the SMART survey used for these estimations was conducted in September, it was established that the model would begin its simulated year in September. The model would be run until October 2019 – the date of the next SMART survey – in order to provide a basis for comparison for the resulting prevalence of moderate and severe wasting [12].
Determining Model’s Fixed Rates: Treatment Outcomes, General Mortality, Spontaneous Recovery, Untreated Case Fatality
Though many of the model’s rates aimed to reflect their expected variability throughout the year and were therefore time-varying, several of the model’s rates were assumed to be constant. Treatment outcome rates were estimated from CMAM compiled data provided by the UNICEF Yemen country office which followed children enrolled in Targeted Supplementary Feeding Programs (TSFPs) for moderating wasting treatment, Outpatient Therapeutic Programs (OTPs) for severe wasting treatment and Therapeutic Feeding Centers (TFCs) for complicated severe wasting treatment. (This data is available at the Yemen Nutrition Cluster included information regarding all CMAM nutritional interventions implemented in the governorate.) Transition rates from any treatment state back to the non-malnourished state was estimated from their respective program cure rates. Rates of transfer between various treatment programs (OTP, TSFP, and TFC) were also accounted for as shown in Table 2. Transition rates from any treatment state back to a wasted state were estimated using rates of defaulters and non-responders.
The general under-five mortality rate estimated by El Bcheraoui et. al – using estimates from the governorate-level estimates from the 2013 Yemen National Health and Demographic Survey (DHS) and supplementing them with estimates of mortality due to the conflict – was used to estimate the model’s general mortality rate [13]. In the absence of spontaneous recovery estimates specific to Yemen – and due to a general scarcity of reporting of spontaneous recovery of wasting - rates of spontaneous recovery for moderate wasting were estimated using data from a cohort study following moderately wasted under-five children in Iran [14]. Though the contexts of Iran and Yemen differ in several ways, this estimate was taken among the limited available estimates as the most comparable to Yemen. The implications of doing so ar4e discussed in greater detail later in the manuscript. The rate at which an untreated severely wasted child improved to become moderately wasted was derived from a cohort study measuring the efficacy of various treatments; this rate was estimated based on rates of reported outcomes of children in the untreated control group [15]. Given the scarcity of estimates of untreated wasting case fatality rates specific to Yemen, the model’s untreated moderate and severe wasting case fatality rates were derived from hazard ratios estimated by a pooled meta-analysis using data from cohorts across different contexts before the onset of CMAM [16].
Value Type
Food Insecurity value for quarter q
Duration for quarter q after applying FI
Computed baseline average duration of moderate wasting episode in months
Computed baseline average duration of severe wasting episode in months
Incidence for quarter q after applying FI effect
Incidence for month m calculated by applying quarterly FI effect and monthly rainfall effect
Monthly Value
Monthly value in range [0, 0.1] based on rainfall and temperature
Table 3. Table of values used throughout manuscript and descriptions.
Adjusting Incidence Rates
Given that a direct estimate of incidence rates of wasting would involve following a cohort of untreated children over an extended period, incidence generally cannot be directly observed. This is especially true in conflict-affected zones such as Yemen, where resources are limited and it would be impractical to conduct frequent surveys to assess the burden of wasting. In the absence of incidence data, incidence can be estimated using a simple mathematical relationship involving the annual prevalence and average duration of an episode, approximating incidence as incidence/average duration of an episode. Global guidelines recommend an estimate of 7.5 months as the average duration of an episode of wasting, yielding an incidence correction factor of 1.6 for a planning period of one year [7]. In almost all contexts studied, this estimate has been shown to yield considerable underestimates of incidence [17, 18, 9, 19]. When severe and moderate wasting incidence rates were calculated using this method in order to estimate the model’s wasting incidence rates, when run for one year, the model’s estimates of the prevalence of moderate and severe wasting the end of the year were lower than those recorded from the following year’s SMART survey for Lahj, as shown in Figure 2. This, along with the extensive evidence showing that the estimated 7.5-month duration is inaccurate and cannot be applied to all contexts, indicates that an adjusted, context-specific estimate of incidence is needed [17, 18, 9, 19].
Given this, we aimed to estimate a context-specific incidence rate for both moderate and severe wasting in Yemen that not only reflected what seemed to be a significantly higher rate of incidence than the one estimated using a standard incidence correction factor, but also considered the inherent variability of rates of wasting in a crisis setting.
Finding a Context-specific Estimate for the Average Duration of An Episode of Moderate and Severe Wasting
Given that the estimated 7.5-month duration of an episode, and its associated incidence correction factor of 1.6, were producing underestimates of wasting caseloads, an adjusted, context-specific estimate was found. We aimed to find an estimate of the average duration of an episode of severe wasting which, when used to run the model for 14 simulated months, would result in a prevalence of severe wasting that matched the value reported in the 2019 SMART survey results [11]. Without yet considering the effects of seasonal variability, this estimate would function as a baseline estimate for the average duration of severe wasting, where it would be assumed that this value remained constant throughout the year. Using the initial state distribution informed by 2018 data shown in Table 1 as well as known estimates of each of the model’s non-incidence rates, the model was run for fourteen simulated months (until October 2019) calibrated with various different estimates of severe wasting incidence rates, in order to find an estimate which resulted in a severe wasting prevalence that matched that shown in the October 2019 SMART survey for Lahj. (In the process of model calibration, all rates corresponding to treatment admissions were adjusted on a monthly basis in order to match the recorded values from the data given that admissions were not constant throughout.) In our model, children can leave the Severely Wasted state either by entering the state, entering the Severely Wasted with complications state, entering the Moderately Wasted state or entering the Deceased state. Children enter the Severely Wasted state when they develop severe wasting from moderate wasting, representing the rate of incidence. As shown in Figure 3 these six rates collectively determine the prevalence of severe wasting each month. With all but incidence known, incidence could be modulated in order to find an estimate which produces the correct prevalence after running the model for a simulated period from September 2018 to October 2019. This value is referred to as avgdurS.
The same process of model calibration was used to estimate the average duration of a moderate wasting episode. However, because the model framework assumes all severe wasting cases develop from cases of moderate wasting, the prevalence of moderate wasting is also directly affected by the incidence of severe wasting. Spontaneous recovery was also assumed to occur among cases of moderate wasting, where a child with untreated moderate wasting can return directly to the Healthy state. Using the estimated average duration of a severe wasting episode, and all other known rates which collectively determine the prevalence of moderate wasting (either entering or leaving the Moderately Wasted state) the average duration of an episode of moderate wasting was estimated.
Incorporating Seasonality of Incidence: Food insecurity levels, Weather and Diarrheal Disease Trends
Incorporating Food Insecurity Levels
The factors which influence child wasting are multifaceted. However, it is known that worsening food insecurity is a primary predictor of wasting. Food insecurity directly affects the nutritional status of children by compromising both the quantity and quality of their dietary intake. A direct association between household food insecurity and wasting in developing countries has been previously established, where an increased severity of food insecurity was associated with a higher prevalence of wasting [20]. In Yemen, already facing high levels of food insecurity prior to the conflict, the direct effects of persistent conflict have severely disturbed the country’s food distribution mechanisms. As a country which is heavily reliant on imported food, importing about 90% of its food supply, blockades of the country’s main ports have crippled the economy and severely restricted food availability [4]. The decreased availability of food has led to sharp increases in food prices in local markets, and with the majority of Yemenis dependent on market food purchases and widespread unemployment, economic deterioration and a loss of family incomes exacerbating a food crisis, with the result that two-thirds of the Yemeni population do not know where their next meal is coming from [21]. Families must adopt negative coping strategies such as shifting to less preferred or inexpensive food options or limiting their number of meals.
The model aimed to capture the direct relationship between food insecurity levels and wasting, considering how fluctuations in food availability in the country would create variations in incidence rates of wasting among under-five children. The model’s incidence transition rates (Healthy to Moderately Wasted, Moderately Wasted to Severely Wasted), representing the probability that a child will develop either moderate or severe wasting, were therefore time-varying and parametric. Monthly minimum food basket prices for the Lahj governorate were used as the primary metric of food insecurity levels. This data came from the World Food Program’s (WFP) Monthly Market Watch Reports for Yemen [22]. The minimum food basket in Yemen, endorsed by the country’s Food Security and Agriculture cluster, consists of wheat flour, beans, vegetable oil, sugar and salt, considered a household’s staple foods. Minimum food basket prices were taken as the primary metric for assessing food insecurity levels for several reasons. First, it has been shown that rising food prices create the primary barrier to food access for most families in Yemen, as the conflict has created widespread unemployment and exacerbated families’ financial stress. As food prices have increased, basic food necessities have become out of reach for an increasing number of people, and families cannot secure nutritious food for themselves and their children [21]. The severe depreciation of the local currency caused by the ongoing conflict has led to a considerable rise in the cost of consumer goods since the crisis began, and the continued economic instability has meant that market food prices are often volatile, accounting for the resulting volatility of food insecurity levels since the crisis began. Additionally, variations in the cost of basic food products would also holistically capture reductions in other possible metrics of food insecurity levels – such as food supply, currency depreciation and fuel availability for food transport – and their respective effects on a family’s access to food.
In order to establish a baseline for comparison, monthly food basket prices were expressed in relation to pre-crisis food basket prices as reported by the World Food Program, with 2018 and 2019 food basket prices for each month expressed as a percentage of the reported pre-crisis price. In the data set used, this value ranged between 1.47 and 2.16 during 2018 and 2019. For each of these values, the FI value was calculated, a value ranging from 0 to 1, where value of 1 corresponds to the highest relative food insecurity levels. Table 4a presents the corresponding FI value range for each food insecurity bracket, and Table 4b presents the determined quarterly bracket based on relative food basket prices from September 2018 to October 2019.
The effect of food insecurity levels on the incidence rates of both moderate and severe wasting was considered by applying this effect to the duration of an episode of wasting. All estimates of incidence, with incidence defined as the number of new cases which develop over the course of one planning period of length t were based on the following formula:
This formula was proposed for use in the CMAM model in order to calculate the number of incident cases for a planning period of one year [7]. Based on equation 1, if prevalence is held constant, a longer duration will result in a higher incidence correction factor and thus a higher incidence rate. Based on the established relationship between higher levels of food insecurity and higher rates of incidence of wasting, a simple linear relationship was assumed between the FI value and the duration of an episode, re-calculated on a quarterly basis and referred to as Qduration. This relationship is expressed in Equation 2, where the baseline average duration avgdur, found previously through model calibration, is modulated by the FI value. Using this equation, a higher FI value yields a shorter and thus a higher incidence rate. A delayed effect was assumed, where the effects of a change to food insecurity levels – in the form of a change to incidence – in the current quarter would not be observed until the following quarter. This parameter was considered on a quarterly basis because it was assumed that isolated, monthly food price fluctuations would not create significant disruptions or improvements to overall food security levels and nutritional outcomes; the model sought to capture large-scale and long-term changes that would likely disrupt access to food.
Incorporating Weather and Diarrheal Disease Trends
Having established a quarterly incidence rate based on changes to food insecurity levels, next, the effects of diarrheal disease rates were considered. The relationship between diarrheal disease and wasting among children has been well-established – for both moderate and severe wasting and diarrhea has been cited as a leading cause of wasting in children under five years old by the World Health Organization [23, 24, 25]. Diarrheal disease has been shown to be a strong predictor of wasting among children because episodes of diarrheal disease inhibit the child’s ability to absorb important nutrients necessary for growth. In Yemen, frequent heavy rains and limited sanitation and hygiene services have driven the spread of diarrheal disease [26]. Given the particularly high rates of diarrheal disease among under-five children in Yemen, the model aimed to capture the way in which fluctuations in diarrheal disease rates would directly affect incidence rates of wasting– a relationship that is both well-established in the literature and anecdotally reported by health care workers on the ground in Yemen.
Given that it is known that diarrheal diseases are more likely to spread in period of heavy rains and higher temperatures, we defined a monthly rainfall value ranging from 0 to 0.1, a weighted sum of historical monthly rainfall and temperatures for Lahj as reported by the World Bank [27]. Relative weightings were determined as those which would most closely match diarrheal disease admission rates from health facilities’ clinical register data provided by UNICEF, where it was assumed that a higher rate of admissions corresponded to a higher incidence rate. A comparison of the established monthly rainfall value and diarrheal disease admissions in under-five children is shown in Figure 5, showing the direct association between the two values.
With the quarterly incidence known, the rainfall value would modulate this value to determine a monthly incidence rate. Diarrheal disease was considered on a monthly basis given its more immediate impact on incidence rates of wasting. It was assumed that a change in diarrheal disease rates in the current month would affect the following month’s wasting incidence rates. Monthly incidence rates were calculated using Equation 4. The rainfall value was assigned a threshold of 0.04, where any value below this would not alter the originally calculated incidence rate. This value corresponded to the average rainfall value during the non-rainy season in Lahj.