Macroplastic on the Beach: Distribution, Composition & Sources
Macroplastic contamination (items and fragments > 5 mm) was recorded on 13 out of 14 sandy beaches sampled, with a total of 4,610 items collected from the back-beach vegetation to the water line along 100 m transects. Abundance was more than five-fold higher on east-facing beaches exposed to the Humboldt Current (mean 0.27 items.m-2) than on southern (0.05 items.m-2) or northern/ western-facing beaches (0.02 items.m-2, Fig. 2). A generalised linear model (GLM) examining possible environmental drivers of plastic abundance by site using explanatory variables such as beach aspect, grain size and distance from harbour, revealed that none of the measured parameters were statistically significant drivers of macroplastic distribution (see methods and Supplementary Table 1). Items and fragments were categorised by type and possible source using a modified OSPAR methodology as per Watts et al.21 (Fig. 2, Supplementary Table 2). Assigning source (i.e. usage and responsible industry) and the mechanisms of release and pathways within the environment are difficult for plastics, for example, a bottle could be littered on the beach, thrown overboard or carried on currents from riverine inputs. Only items that did not show evidence of prolonged marine exposure e.g. no epibionts, no yellowing, no degradation of labels etc. were assigned to ‘local’ littering and waste management leakages, which represented just 2% of the items recorded. Tourist beaches were generally clean, as described by Mestanza et al. 22, a likely result of small population size, elevated environmental expectations of visitors and good provision of bins and awareness messaging although due to accessibility, tourist beaches also tend to be on sheltered coasts that are less likely to receive incoming water-borne pollution. Galapagos National Park Guides and community groups do regular beach-cleans, but accessible sites do not generally include remote, east-facing beaches.
The majority of beach macroplastic was classified as ‘unsourced’ (88%) i.e. from external sources to the Galapagos Marine Reserve; comprising mostly weathered hard plastic fragments (49% of total, n = 2,240) or items without an obvious original source (Fig. 2). Drinks bottles, caps and sealing rings were common (53% of unsourced items, n = 1,248). Discarded fishing gear was found in lower quantities than reported for other oceanic islands23,24; accounting for 10% of macroplastic by frequency (n = 457, mostly ropes), found along all coastlines. Given the protection within the marine reserve from industrial fishing and the small size of the artisanal fleet, gear loss and irresponsible disposal appears to be low locally. There is evidence of some connectivity with continental fisheries, as floating polypropylene eel traps, a gear not used in Galapagos, were recovered from one east-facing beach (n = 20; Site 16, Fig. 1B). A beached Fish Aggregating Device (FAD) was also observed; although illegal in Galapagos, FADs have been increasingly reported in recent decades25 and represent a major ghost-fishing risk whilst in the water, an entanglement risk on the beach and a major future source of microplastics.
Microplastic on the Beach: Distribution, Composition & Sources
Large microplastics (1 - 5 mm) sieved from the surface 5 cm of beach sediment were found at 11 out of 15 sites and > 95% were from secondary sources i.e. a result of fragmentation (n = 1,694; 78% fragments, 13% fibres, 4% films and 2% pellets). The mean concentration was 53 particles.m-2, but distribution was patchy (Fig. 3Aii). A GLM identified beach aspect as a significant driver of accumulation of large microplastics (p < 0.001, Supplementary Table 1) with abundance significantly higher on east-facing beaches. More than 92% of macroplastic (5% sub-sample analysed by Fourier Transform Infra-red spectroscopy; n = 137) and 80% of large microplastic (n = 1,694) was made up of floating petrochemical-based polymers polyethylene and polypropylene (Fig. 3Bi-ii) and were generally white/ black/ blue fragments or blue / green fibres (see Supplementary Fig. 1). This similarity in composition and correlation in abundance of macroplastic and large microplastic (Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient; Rs = 0.794, p < 0.001, df= 14) suggests that macroplastic is fragmenting in situ as has been described in other island systems26.
The north-eastern coastline had the highest accumulation of large microplastics; with 808 particles.m-2 collected from one part of Punta Pitt (Site 17). This high concentration is similar to those recorded in Easter Island situated in the plastic accumulation zone of the South Pacific Gyre (805 particles.m-2 in the top 2 cm)27. This contrasts with sites a few kilometres away where four west-facing beaches had no large microplastic recorded at all (Fig. 3Aii). A similar situation has been reported on Henderson Island where the now infamous highly polluted East Beach has accumulated plastic in volumes much higher than the rest of the island26, highlighting the importance of location in defining risk.
Smaller microplastic fractions (< 1 mm) in surface beach sediment were present at 14 out of 15 sites with an average island abundance of 74.6 (dry weight). Unlike larger particles, this size fraction did not have significantly higher abundance at any site(s), (Fig. 3Aiii). Of the particles extracted (n = 173), 53% were fragments that were a similar composition to larger beach plastic i.e. mostly polyethylene and polypropylene (Fig. 3Biii). Fibres were mostly anthropogenically modified cellulosics (60%), generally associated with textiles28.
Seawater Surface & Seabed Microplastic: Distribution, Composition & Sources
Plastic contamination of the seawater surface was measurable at low concentrations at all 17 sites sampled with an island average of 0.16 particles.m-3 (Fig. 3Aiv-v). No significant explanatory variables were identified by GLM when models included beach aspect, windward vs leeward orientation, site usage (tourism, remote) or distance from harbour. The harbour (Site 7) had significantly higher seawater surface pollution with a mean concentration of 0.89 particles.m-3 (Kruskall-Wallis test; H = 33.59, df = 16, p = 0.006) (Fig. 3Aiv) suggesting local inputs such as wastewater outfalls. Seawater surface particles (n = 373) included polypropylene and polyethylene fragments (32%), synthetic cellulosic fibres (24%), polyester fibres (11%), polypropylene fibres (11%) and nylon fibres (7%) suggesting a mixture of sources (Fig. 2Biv).
Seabed (benthic sediment) pollution was not significantly higher around the populated harbour. The island mean was 35.8, (range 6.7 - 86.7, Fig. 3Av), less than half the concentration recovered from beach sediment. As regularly reported in other studies29, over 90% of benthic microplastic pollution was fibres. The closest spectrum match for 58% of fibres was polyacrylamide although these are suspected to be more likely cellulosics as polyacrylamide is generally a gel and not commonly found in the environment. Cellulosics (14%) and polyester fibres (14%) were confirmed, both high density polymers that are more likely to sink versus the lower density polymers that accumulate at the sea surface and are washed up onto beaches (see Fig. 3Bv). Although floating plastics of all sizes might enter the marine reserve, denser polymers may be more likely to sink out of the water column in coastal sediments, being incorporated in sediment transport processes closer to continental sources30. If this is true, benthic pollution in Galapagos is more likely to be locally generated and warrants further investigation of wastewater, agricultural run-off and contamination of terrestrial systems.
Our data suggest that larger plastic distribution agrees closely with modelled predictions of Humboldt Current input to the Galapagos Marine Reserve and confirms that local inputs are measurable but currently low. Distribution of smaller particles across different habitats cannot be solely explained by incoming transport on currents, likely subjected to different fragmentation and transport processes.
Contamination of Galapagos marine invertebrates
We examined seven representative invertebrate species for microplastic contamination comprising suspension and filter feeders (barnacles and oysters, n = 25), grazers (urchins, chitons and gastropod snails, n = 49) and a surface deposit feeder (sea cucumber, n = 49) from six sites around San Cristobal. All species contained synthetic particles and all but the chiton (Chiton sulcatus) contained petrochemical-based microplastics. Overall, mean incidence of ingestion was 52% across all individuals. Giant barnacles (Megabalanus peninsularis) had the highest proportion of individuals containing microplastics (83%) followed by pencil urchins (Eucidaris galapagensi) (60%) (Fig. 4A). There were no significant drivers influencing particle uptake in marine invertebrates when tested by GLM and no correlation was found between number of particles and invertebrate dry weight (g) (Supplementary Fig. 3, Supplementary Table 4) acknowledging that our data is limited to small sample sizes for some species.
Suspension and filter feeders are exposed to particles in suspension, sinking through the water column or those resuspended from the seabed. Goose barnacles (Lepas anatifera), giant barnacles (M. peninsularis) and palmate oysters (Saccostrea palmula) contained only fibres (19 particles extracted) with mean abundance per individual of 0.72, 1.17 and 0.67 respectively (Fig. 5A), a low rate of contamination compared to other studies, particularly oysters where up to 35 particles per individual have been recorded31. Extracted fibres were mostly higher density polymers such as modified cellulosics (70%) and nylon (11%) (Fig. 5B), similar to the polymer composition of particles from benthic sediment, echoing the relationship observed in a UK study of mussels (Mytilus edulis)29. Fibres have a larger surface area than fragments and a greater propensity to become bio-fouled and sink which may increase bioavailability to filter feeders that also play a role in modulating microplastic pathways by drawing down particles to the benthos32. Fibres may also be more likely to be retained in organisms or entangled in morphological structures33. This was observed in three goose barnacles in our study, where > 1.5 mm clumps of green polypropylene fibres were extracted (see Fig. 4B) suggesting potential physiological impacts from either gut or gill obstruction, due to the amount accumulated relative to the size of the animal (mean carapace length 12 mm).
Particles within grazers (34 extracted) were more diverse in terms of shape (53% fragments, 44% fibres), colour and polymer (Supplementary Fig. 3, Fig. 5Bii) than those found within filter feeders. Modified cellulosics were again the most common polymer (26%), but polyester (13%), polypropylene (13%), polyethylene (10%) and adhesives (19%) were also found, suggesting grazers are exposed to beach plastics as well as microplastics in the seawater or sediment. The gastropod snails (Nerita scabricosta), chitons and pencil urchins all had an average number of particles per individual less than one (0.64, 0.5, and 0.68 respectively). These data are in a similar range to those measured in benthic invertebrates including gastropods and asteroids in the Arctic where species means varied from 0.04 – 1.67 particles.ind-1 34. No published studies for chitons were found and literature is scarce for urchins however Bour et al. 35 found 0.45 microplastic particles.ind-1 in spiny mudlark urchins (Brissopsis lyrifera) in a Norwegian fjord. Grazers might indirectly consume particles associated with dietary items such as algae36 or directly from grazing on biofilms formed on macroplastic. Three gastropod snails collected from beach macroplastic contained polypropylene fragments with scouring marks possibly caused by radula. Suspected bite marks were also observed on polypropylene fragments recovered from urchins (n = 4, see Fig. 4B). This represents an ingestion pathway and also a process of mechanical fragmentation, as demonstrated in laboratory studies where a single urchin grazing on macroplastic produced > 90 fragments in 10 days37.
A mean of 0.99 particles.ind-1 was measured in the sea cucumber (Holothuria kefersteini) with higher contamination in specimens from the polluted, east-facing beach of Rosa Blanca (2.54 particles.ind-1) with particles recovered from 100% of individuals (n = 11). These findings are similar to holothurians elsewhere although by no means the highest; Renzi et al.38 report particle concentrations of 3.8 – 6.0 particles per individual in the Aeolian Archipelago in the Mediterranean. Extracted particles were a mix of fibres (69%) and fragments (31%) that were mostly modified cellulosics (64%). Sea cucumbers were the only invertebrate to have ingested polystyrene (11%), a rare polymer in our study. This differs from the composition of the sediments they inhabit, perhaps suggesting selectivity in their uptake of microplastics, as shown in laboratory studies of deposit feeding species (Holothuria spp.)39. The feeding mode of sea cucumbers makes them potentially good indicators for benthic microplastic contamination due to their high throughput of ingested sand.
Our results illustrate that uptake in marine invertebrates with different feeding modes and habitats is widespread in the Galapagos Marine Reserve although major drivers were not identified. The encounter rate for marine invertebrates are likely to be differently impacted among locations due to different exposure, transport pathways, feeding modes and surrounding environmental factors40.
Risk scoring for Galapagos marine fauna
Due to the ethical and logistical constraints around sampling vulnerable species across the entire marine food web, we devised and undertook a risk scoring analysis for predicting the risk of harm from entanglement (E) and ingestion (I) upon encounter with plastics for marine vertebrates (710 species) and invertebrates (2,474 species). We combined species distribution information (considering endemism as a priority factor) and IUCN Red List status (i.e. vulnerability to anthropogenic stressors) to consider potential population level impacts and combined this with evidence in the literature of documented harm attributed to plastics (i.e. injury or mortality) to species sharing a taxonomic family with Galapagos marine species (see Methods and Supplementary Table 5 for scoring criteria). Low scores do not necessarily equate to low risk in this analysis, rather that potential negative impacts are unknown due to a lack of evidence. Thirty-two species had a score of greater than 10 (maximum score 27) indicating likelihood of severe injury or death from plastic ingestion or entanglement upon encounter. These included five stony coral species, 15 fish species (13 shark spp.), five reptiles (marine iguana and four sea turtle spp.), five seabirds and two mammals (both pinnipeds) (Fig. 6, listed in Supplementary Table 6).
Marine Invertebrates
Laboratory micro- and nanoplastics exposure studies demonstrate dose-dependent, chronic sub-lethal health effects such as reduced digestion and disruption of embryonic development for a range of invertebrates including molluscs, crustaceans and annelids at environmentally relevant concentrations17,41. Our data demonstrate microplastic uptake across a suite of marine invertebrates but linking contamination data to health impacts for individual organisms in the field remains difficult.
Marine invertebrates scored low within our risk scoring analysis with > 95% species scoring < 4 indicating that the current evidence-base for harm is low for most invertebrates and that research attention has been historically lacking in Galapagos. Additionally, only five Galapagos marine invertebrates are included on the IUCN Red List: the over-exploited brown sea cucumber (Isostichopus fuscus) and four endemic stony coral species including the critically endangered Wellington’s solitary coral (Rhizopsammia wellingtoni) and the sun cup coral (Tubastraea floreana); the latter two, being the highest scoring invertebrates in our analysis (both E = 27, I = 18). Coral reefs are sparse in Galapagos following population crashes after the 1982 – 1983 El Niño event and have still not recovered in upwelling zones42. Ingestion of microplastics in corals has been linked with disturbance of the anthozoan-algae symbiotic relationship43, bleaching and tissue necrosis44 although encounter rate is likely to be low at the contamination levels we have reported here. Incidences of invertebrate entanglement in plastic are rarely reported with the exception of reef-building corals, where smothering by plastic debris has been shown to increase disease risk and reef die offs45. We observed a Galapagos green sea urchin (Lytechinus semituberculatus) covered in yellow plastic tape (Fig. 7B), emulating typical behaviour of constructing macroalgae ‘cloaks’ for camouflage in the environment, in this case having presumably the opposite effect. Further research into the harm of plastics for invertebrates is essential to understand population level effects and biological mechanisms behind uptake and egestion that have implications for trophic transfer in the marine food web.
Within Galapagos fish, sharks are identified as a priority group for further investigation, representing 12 out of 14 fish species at high risk (scoring > 10) of harm from entanglement and all six of the fish species that scored at high risk of harm from plastic ingestion. Although differentiating between entanglement in debris and active fishing gear can be difficult, globally there are increasing reports of shark and ray deaths attributed to ghost-fishing and entanglement46. The iconic scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini) and whale shark (Rhincodon typus) scored highest (both E = 18, I = 18) due to their conservation status (critically endangered and endangered respectively). In addition to entanglement risk, increased plastic concentrations associated with ocean frontal systems suggest that filter-feeders in those regions such as whale sharks and manta rays may be at increased risk of ingestion47. Entanglement has been reported in bream and parrotfish48 thus two endemic salemas (Xenichthys agassizi, Xenocys jessiae) are the only non-elasmobranchs to score highly (E = 12, I = 6). We recommend further investigation on the impacts to sharks, commercially exploited fish and important dietary species for endangered megafauna.
Reptiles are the group considered highest priority for investigation of the impacts of plastic pollution in Galapagos (5 out of 7 spp. scored > 10; Fig. 6), particularly green turtles (C. mydas) and hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) (both E = 18, I = 18). Sea turtles are highly vulnerable to interactions with plastic debris and entanglement in derelict fishing gear (Fig. 7C) although data are scarce for the Eastern Pacific region49. Models predict that 52% of the global sea turtle population have ingested plastics50 with consumption of films, fragments, fibres, Styrofoam, sheet-like plastics and bags linked to injury and mortality51, with the latter often compared with visual similarities of jellyfish prey. Bags comprised 4% of the total litter items in our study but density varied highly, probably due to in situ fragmentation. At Puerto Tablas, a known turtle foraging area, we collected 107 bags and bag fragments from just 100 m of beach, posing a considerable risk if washed back out to sea. Duncan et al.52, report microplastic (< 1 mm) ingestion in 100% of sea turtles analysed, comprising seven species and three ocean basins, suggesting that ingestion of smaller particles could be occurring from the environment, associated with algal food for rom trophic transfer from invertebrate prey.
Due to the lack of familial counterparts, the marine iguana (A. cristatus) (E = 12, I = 12) is considered to have a comparable risk to green turtles as both are primarily algae eaters, spend time at the sea surface increasing potential encounter rate with floating plastics and nest in similar beach habitats. On San Cristobal, a new marine iguana subspecies has been recently described at one of our most polluted sites, Punta Pitt (A. cristatus godzilla). This subspecies is a major conservation priority due to the very small population size of < 500 individuals and high predation pressure from feral cats53. The additional potential stress from plastic pollution is therefore of high concern particularly when considering the sensitivity of this species to other pollutants12.
Feeding on floating plastics has been well documented in seabirds, particularly in procellariiformes and models predict that by 2050, 99% of seabird species and 90% of individual birds will be ingesting plastics54. Galapagos hosts the world’s largest breeding colony of the critically endangered waved albatross (Phoebastria irrorata) (E = 18, I = 27) and Galapagos petrel (Pterodroma phaeopygia) (E = 18, I = 18), both species known to forage in the Humboldt Current System at increased risk of encounter with floating plastics and at risk of bycatch in fishing grounds outside of the protection of the marine reserve. In addition to the risk of injury for the ingesting adult, there are intergenerational risks from passing plastics to offspring55. The Galapagos penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus) scored highly (E = 18, I = 18), with evidence from the closely related Magellanic penguin (S. magellanicus) where 15% of stranded birds (n = 175) had ingested plastic with demonstrated pathology56. Threat of entanglement is high for penguins and the flightless cormorant (Phalacrocorax harrisi) (E = 18, I = 12), with most interactions of similar species with fishing lines57. Integration of plastic debris into nests (Fig. 6D) could introduce entanglement and chemical threats, although direct harm has not been quantified. Observed at several of our most contaminated sampling sites, the world’s rarest seagull, the lava gull (Leucophaeus fuliginosus) (E = 18, I = 18) is at risk from ingestion and entanglement as reported in Patagonia with discarded fishery gear causing mortality in closely related kelp gulls (Larus dominicanus)58.
The high risk to the Galapagos sea lion (E = 27, I = 18) from plastic pollution is evidenced by 251 harmful entanglement interactions recorded between 1995 and 2003, 54% linked to fishery litter and 46% to other litter such as packaging (see Fig. 6A)59. This species is often found close to population centres, particularly the harbour in San Cristobal that hosts one of the largest colonies. Anecdotal observations of entanglement are frequent and other studies suggest that encounters are likely to be higher in juveniles60. Although no published accounts of harmful interactions for the Galapagos fur seal (Arctocephalus galapagoensis) (E = 27, I = 18) were found, there are numerous examples from other Arctocephalus spp. for both entanglement (mostly in fishing gear) and ingestion evidenced by small plastics < 5 mm recorded in scats in Macquarie Island in the southwest Pacific61 suggesting trophic transfer.
This work demonstrates that our novel rapid assessment tool provides a qualitative way of scoring species risk from plastics according to the global evidence base. This could support plastic pollution risk mitigation for species and presents a method that could be applied to other vulnerable systems. Although biased by the most studied taxa i.e. coastal species or those that are likely to beach following injury or mortality, this method highlights range-restricted species that are vulnerable to a suite of known conservation threats via the proxy of IUCN Red List data. In addition to highlighting species in Galapagos that are of highest concern, it also highlights the dearth of data for many species groups, particularly for invertebrates and fish.