Study Area
Field sites were established in five, lightning-caused fires from 2014 that burned in the Northwest Territories and Wood Buffalo National Park (Fig. 1). Most of the area is sitting on ancient marine sediment having deep sedimentary soil; this area is particularly flat, except for a few plateaus. A smaller part of the area is underlain by rocky bedrock that is part of the Canadian Precambrian Shield, which is characterized by rolling hills. Wetland areas cover approximately a third of the area (Tarnocai et al. 2011), with peatlands (peat-forming wetlands with organic layer depths ≥ 40 cm) making up the majority of wetlands in the study area. Mean annual temperatures range from -4.3◦C in the north to -1.8 ◦C in the south, whereas the mean annual precipitation in the 2015-2019 period range from 279 to 357 mm (Ecological Stratification Working Group 1995, Wang et al. 2016), making it one of the driest parts of the boreal biome. Forests of the study area are dominated by jack pine (Pinus banksiana), black spruce, white spruce, and trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides), with paper birch (Betula papyrifera), eastern larch (Larix laricina), and balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera) present in smaller proportions (Ecological Stratification Working Group 1995).
Due to its high latitude and low vegetation productivity, there is very little agriculture and industrial forest harvesting in the areas and, as a result, active fire management is limited and focused around communities. Although the fire regime of the northwestern Canadian boreal forest is characterized by infrequent, stand-replacing wildfires (Boulanger et al. 2012; Johnson 1992), the 2014 fire season was particularly severe, with drought-driven wildfires burning more than 3 million ha (Northwest Territories Environment and Natural Resources 2015). Large wildfires such as these comprise a small proportion of the total number of wildfires that burn within the boreal forest, but contribute the vast majority of total area burned (Stocks et al. 2002). As reported by Whitman et al. (2018b), sampled stands were highly variable in terms of severity, ranging from surface fires to high-intensity crown fires with complete overstory mortality, and leaving many patches unburned within the fire’s perimeter.
Field methods
Thirty-two field sites were established one-year post-fire (2015) in areas of homogenous burn severity, topoedaphic setting (upland or wetland), and dominant vegetation extending ≥60 m in any direction in locations >100 m and ≤2 km from roads. Some sites (n = 3) were accessed by helicopter. Site centres were located a minimum of 103 m distant from each other, with a mean distance between centres of all sites of 170 km. Sites were subsequently resampled three and five years post-fire (2017 and 2019).
In the first sampling year (2015), sample plots were 30 × 30 m, with two 30-m transects oriented in the cardinal directions crossing at the plot centre. We measured overstory composition by tree species, percent overstory mortality, stem density (stems ha−1 ), and basal area (m2 ha−1 ) of mature trees in the pre-fire stand, for 32 trees ≥ 3 cm diameter at breast height (DBH) using the point-centered quarter method (Cottam et al. 1953, Mitchell 2015) at eight evenly-spaced points along the two transects. Burn severity (described further below) and seedling density were measured in four 10 × 10 m subplots at the corners of each 30 × 30 m macroplot. Understory vegetation cover was estimated by species in five 1 × 1 m plots located at the inner corner of each burn severity/seedling density plot and the plot centre. Vegetation cover of shrubs was separated for short shrubs (<0.5 m tall), which was assessed in the understory vegetation plots, and counts and species of tall shrubs (≥0.5 m tall,) which were sampled along the two 30-m transects where they intersected the transect lines (Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development 2014). Coarse woody debris (CWD) loading was measured along each transect out to a length of 25 m, using a line-intercept method and a go-no-go gauge, following McRae et al. (1979) with sampling intensity (length along the transect for which a size class was measured) decreasing with decreasing fuel size-class.
In 2017 and 2019, seedling density, sapling density, tall shrub density, and overstory stand characteristics were remeasured using a north-south oriented 35 × 2 m belt transect which crossed the original plot centre at 17.5 m. Seedlings were counted and identified to species along varying belt transect lengths as a function of seedling height, with seedlings 0-10 cm counted for 10 m, >10-50 cm counted for 20 m, and seedlings > 50 cm counted for the full 35 m of the belt transect. We counted and identified saplings (live trees > 1.33 m with a DBH < 3 cm) and tall shrubs for the full 35 × 2 m transect. Overstory tree species basal area was measured using an angle gauge (BAF factor 10), at 0, 17.5 and 35m along the transect, with tree species, mortality status, and decay class noted. Finally, understory vegetation cover was estimated by species at five 1 × 1 m plots placed at 0, 7, 14, 21, and 28 m along the belt transect. CWD was remeasured along the length of the 35-m transect, and beyond to an extended length of 50 m to match the initial year sampling efforts.
Environmental variables and initial post-fire characteristics were sampled in 2015 (see Whitman et al. 2018a for detailed descriptions). At this time, surface burn severity was measured using the Burn Severity Index (Dyrness and Norum 1983, Loboda et al. 2013), and generalized fire severity across all forest strata was measured using the composite burn index (CBI; Key and Benson 2006). CBI was later used to classify fire severity into low (CBI 0.5-1.25), moderate (CBI >1.25-2.25), and high (CBI >2.25). We classified surface fires as those resulting in <50% overstory tree mortality in this first post-fire year. Basal sections were collected from fire-scarred trees, or in their absence, mature, dominant trees, to determine time since stand origin (TSO) and time since last fire (TSLF) of the stand, using dendrochronological methods. Site moisture was classified from hydric to xeric according to Beckingham and Archibald (1996), with sites later generalized into dominant four stand types: treed wetland, upland black spruce, upland mixedwood, and upland jack pine (from wettest to driest). Post-fire organic soil depth was measured at inner corners of the burn severity/seedling density subplot, with three soil cores collected at the plot centre and inner corners of the southwest and northeast subplots. Physicochemical properties of oven-dried mineral and organic samples were measured in the lab. These included: pH, electrical conductivity (EC; mS cm−1 ), percent total nitrogen (N), percent total carbon (C) measured by loss on ignition, calcium (Ca; mg kg−1 ), potassium (K; mg kg−1 ), magnesium (Mg; mg kg−1 ), and sodium (Na; mg kg−1 ), as well as the relative percentages of sand, silt, and clay in mineral soils.
Field data analysis
All analyses were performed in R version 4.0.5 (R Core Team 2021). We analyzed tree regeneration as a function of total stem density of living seedlings and saplings, as well as the separated stem density of coniferous and broadleaf tree species, and proportion of broadleaf regeneration. We examined shifts in tree dominance from pre- to post-fire using tree species compositional data. We identified the dominant pre-fire tree species at each site as the tree species with the greatest proportion of the site’s overstory stem density, as measured one-year post-fire. Post-fire dominance was described for each sampling year as the species that was the most prevalent amongst the post-fire seedlings and saplings. We then visualized shifts in species dominance at each plot using an alluvial diagram from the package ‘ggsankey’ (Sjoberg 2021). For this analysis, white spruce and black spruce were combined into one category (Picea spp.) to limit errors in differentiating between white and black spruce seedlings at early ages (i.e., they are often indistinguishable). Within this analysis, we took note of sites seemingly experiencing regeneration failure, defined as non-surface fires in which no regeneration of the pre-fire dominant species was observed one-year post-fire. One site which initially did not see recruitment of the pre-fire dominant experienced delayed regeneration of >5000 stems/ha at year 5 and was thus removed from the regeneration failure group, highlighting the utility of repeated sampling in identifying longer-term trends.
We examined understory vegetation communities by functional group (forbs, graminoids, shrub), as well as the total vascular cover. We ordinated the Bray-Curtis dissimilarities of post-fire understory vascular plant communities for all years and sites using a detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) in the package ‘vegan’ (Oksanen et al. 2020). We fitted environmental variables and initial post-fire characteristics as sampled in 2015, along with two derived metrics (described below) to the DCA axes and assessed goodness of fit (R2) for all significant variables (α = 0.05). The two derived metrics were ‘percent broadleaf’, which described the percentage of regenerating stems that were broadleaf species and ‘broadleaf increase’, a binary indicator of whether the percent broadleaf of regeneration in a sampling year exceeded the percent broadleaf observed in the pre-fire overstory canopy.
We then assessed understory vegetation diversity by calculating vascular species richness and evenness by stand type, also using the ‘vegan’ package. We further assessed species compositional shifts by calculating the number of unique vascular plant species ‘extinctions’ and ‘colonizations’ at each site over time. Extinctions were counted as species that had been present within a site in the previous year but not found during the next year of field sampling. Conversely, colonizations were considered to be the number of unique species found within a site that had not been present at that site in the previous year of field sampling, with all plants observed in the first year attributed to colonizations.
To detect varying temporal responses among stand types and fire severity classes, we tested for significant differences (α = 0.1) within each sampling year for tree seedling and sapling density, understory vegetation cover classes, understory community diversity metrics, and CWD loading, among both stand classes and fire severity classes using non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis rank sum tests (Conover 1999) in the ‘agricolae’ package (de Mendiburu 2021). We conducted posthoc comparisons of rank means using Fisher’s least significant difference tests, with Holm-adjusted p-values (Holm 1979) to determine which groups were meaningfully different. Tree seedling and sapling data were log-transformed prior to analysis to better visualize changes in groups with large differences in regenerating stem density.
Climate and fire analysis
To characterize trends in regional climate and fire activity we produced multiple time series within a study area corresponding to the boreal plains, taiga plains, and taiga shield ecoregions (Ecological Stratification Working Group 1995) within the Northwest Territories, as well as the portion of Wood Buffalo National Park that extends into the province of Alberta. We extracted all fire perimeters from the Canadian National Fire Database (CNFDB; Natural Resources Canada 2021) that intersected the study area, between 1965 and 2020. The starting point of 1965 was selected due to the lack of consistent fire data reporting prior to the 1960s in this region. We cropped the fire perimeters to the study area extent and calculated the area burned in hectares (ha) for each fire. We adjusted area burned estimates for fires that were not mapped from satellite or aerial photo sources, using the NWT model for area burned adjustment reported in Skakun et al. (2021). Finally, we removed any fires that were smaller than 200 ha from the dataset (i.e., because of inconsistent reporting of small fires) and then calculated the annual number of large fires and total annual area burned for the entire study area.
We produced a 50 × 50 km grid of points over the study area and extracted an elevation value from the North America Elevation dataset (Commission for Environmental Cooperation 2007) for each location. If a point fell inside of a waterbody we removed the point from the dataset. Using ClimateNA (Wang et al. 2016), we downscaled PRISM (Daly et al. 2008) and WorldClim (Hijmans et al. 2005) climate data grids to the local elevation points. We selected climate variables that are known to be related to fire activity: annual summer (JJA) maximum temperature (Tmax; ℃), annual summer precipitation (PPT; mm), annual summer mean vapour pressure deficit (VPD) in hectopascals (hPa), and annual number of frost-free days (NFFD). For each point, we calculated the Theil-Sen nonparametric slope (‘Sen’s Slope’) of the time series of climate data, for the same period used to examine fire activity (1965 - 2020). We tested the significance (α = 0.05) of the slope at each point using a two-tailed Mann-Kendall trend test, with a variance correction for serially autocorrelated data (Hamed and Rao 1998) using the ‘modifiedmk’ package (Patakamuri and O’Brien 2021). We then summarized the climate data within the study area by calculating an annual average value for each climate variable, creating four time series of regional climate trends.
We then derived Sens’s slopes for the six regional time series (number of fires, area burned, TMax, PPT, VPD, NFFD) and also calculated variance-corrected one-tailed Mann-Kendall trend tests to determine their significance. We estimated Spearman correlation values indicating the relationship between the climate and fire time series and tested their significance, using the ‘astrochron’ package (Meyers 2014) to generate phase-randomized surrogate time series for cross-correlation in order to account for serial autocorrelation (Ebisuzaki 1997). We used the natural logarithm of the area burned for cross-correlations.