A total of 25 physiotherapists, seven males and 18 females, participated from across four different clinical sites. Clinicians were all from the UK and worked across a range of settings including primary and secondary care. Within groups, participants varied in their years of experience and levels of specialism. The following themes were identified:
- Variability in diagnostic processes and lack of standardised practice
- Differences in diagnoses and diagnostic processes
- Diagnostic process occurs over a long period of time
- Diagnostic test choices influenced by factors beyond objective markers associated with the patient injury
- Planning for prognosis influenced by factors beyond assessment findings
- Trust in staff relationships
- General distrust of individuals or modes of medicine used outside of the department
- Unity within the department
- Knowledge and attitudes towards novel technologies for facilitating assessment and clinical decision making
- Lack of knowledge and rejection of 3D motion capture
The following section provides a brief description of each theme
Variability in diagnostic processes and lack of standardised practice
Differences in diagnoses and diagnostic processes
Considerable variation was identified across focus groups regarding diagnosis and diagnostic processes, i.e. a unified structured approach could not be identified. Within and between centres, each vignette was diagnosed differently. Vignette three, for example, had 14 different diagnosis elements, some of which contradicted each other, e.g. diagnosed as traumatic in some cases and atraumatic in others. While there tended to be a general consensus for each case, these were usually over one facet of the injury, e.g. instability direction was either anterior or posterior, traumatic or atraumatic, rather than a complete diagnosis. Less than half of all participants reported being able to identify or use existing frameworks for classification. This was most clearly indicated by the following statement:
Ppt 22: ‘And then what framework do I use in classification system? Uh, [Ppt 22]’s fly by the seat of her pants framework. So I don’t, I don’t use any.’ [Vignette 1]
The few individuals who did suggest that they used a classification system typically did not record the injury using the classification system, but just kept it in mind as they moved through the diagnostic process.
Diagnostic process occurs over a long period of time
The diagnostic process was described as a period of data collection which changed and adapted as it progressed, sometimes over weeks or months, rather than within in a single appointment. This process has been outlined in figure 1. The participants described prioritising information collected from the physiotherapist over that recorded using technological means. Most participants only considered technology-based diagnostic tests or referrals as a potential future option if the original assessments and rehabilitation were unsuccessful. This was best displayed in the following quote:
Ppt #11: ‘we might not go for an MRI, an MRI straight away. See how they get on over the next few weeks. Um, and if they had any neurological symptoms, then look at the conduction studies’ [Vignette 2]
Diagnostic test choices influenced by factors beyond objective markers associated with the patient injury
The regular trade-off between the idealistic and realistic when it came to carrying out tests and prescribed rehabilitation was another emergent theme of the data. Cost was the most frequently mentioned limiting factor to carrying out tests or exploring the future use of 3D motion capture.
Tied in with cost was time; both the time for carrying out the tests and general appointments but also, should referrals be needed for the patient to access the test, the time for them to move through the waiting list. This balancing act between the needs of the patient in the vignettes, and real-life factors, e.g. patient waiting times, was a common point of discussion.
Sports ability, goals of patient, and in some cases the goals of parents and family, all influenced the the selection of diagnostic tests. Patients performing sport at a higher level were more likely to have referrals for technology-based objective testing in a shorter time frame than those who only played at an informal settings, summed up in the following comment:
Ppt #9: ’subjective factors will, will have an influence on that, in terms of how sporty he is, and how, uh, how high-level he wants to be with that, as to whether I would pursue that further in terms of investigations in that.’[Vignette 2]
Planning for prognosis influenced by factors beyond assessment findings
Many of the factors identified were directly linked to the injury or how the patient recovered, such as ‘severity of pain in the initial stages’ and ‘how quickly he gets his range back’ [Ppt #18 – Vignette 2]. A wide range of additional factors were considered and prioritised in the prognosis assessments, namely age-related psychosocial influences and subjective assessment related to social situation and family relationships. Gender/Sex bias was explicit. The teenage female vignettes were linked to poorer prognosis because ‘They've got, you know, hormonal, hormonal changes going on, they've got loads going on in life.’ [Ppt #18 – Vignette 1] which was suggested to influence their likelihood to carry out the recommended rehabilitation faithfully. There were several comments about young girls’ compliance and prognosis, the following comment best sums up these discussions:
Ppt #18: ‘[teenage girls] are most likely to present with hypermobility and multi-directional instability in their shoulders. They're also the ones that most evidently, we know are most problematic to treat because they show signs of voluntary instability. They're the ones that we don't want to operate on. We don't want anybody to operate on. They're also poorly compliant, poor attenders and tricky.’ [Vignette 1]
There was some discussion surrounding psychosocial factors affecting the male vignette, but these were much less frequently mentioned and predominantly about apprehension to regain movement.
Compliance levels were deemed to influence prognosis, with participants suggesting that patients ‘will improve but [they need] to put the work in’ [PPt #17 – Vignette 1]. Sporting activity was identified as a significant part of this:
Ppt #18: ‘Yeah, I'd have more concerns if she wasn’t doing any sport and have no reason to be better. But obviously, if she's still wanting to compete and do those things, then you kind of think she's got reasons to try and actually be better.’ [Vignette 1]
The suggestion being that patients would improve faster if they have a driving force or reason to promote positive behaviours. One individual suggested that the physiotherapists could influence compliance levels.
PPt #18 ‘I think you have to be careful we don't blame them for non-compliance when actually, a lot of it comes down to how well we can make them buy in to what we're trying to get them to do.’ [Vignette 3]
Although this was not discussed further by any of the other physiotherapists in the group.
The physiotherapist pre-existing knowledge and notion of whether the treatment was likely to be effective was another factor which influenced prognosis. This was particularly relevant to some groups for the injured male rugby player vignette, whereby the statistical likelihood of the shoulder injury occurring again was discussed:
Ppt 7: ‘Uh, but we know from research that given his age, and the fact that he’s male, and he’s sporty… Uh, I think he’s sporty, um, that there is likely to be a recurrence. And so, I’d have that in the back of my mind really. At that age I think it’s like over 90%, so…’ [Vignette 2]
This made up one of the few examples of literature or data supporting the answers given in the focus groups.
Trust in staff relationships
Within the focus groups there was a general theme of trust within the department and suspicion regarding individuals who were outside of that group. This was true for both external physiotherapists and members of different departments within the hospital environment. This was expressed in a number of different ways.
General distrust of individuals or modes of medicine used outside of the department.
Distrust was common when the participants discussed medical professionals outside of their department in relation to the patient vignettes. This was expressed through active discussion of unwillingness to trust other healthcare professionals’ assessments or reports. The physiotherapists in the focus groups described additional checks which they would undertake due to them not trusting other professionals’ practices and abilities. One physiotherapist described wanting to undertake a concussion test in addition to their standard assessments
PPt #20: ‘because I’ve had a few head injury guys that come in, like tackles or falls and things who end up being a shoulder but having been feeling quite sick and no one’s actually checked.’ [Vignette 2]
While another described wanting to repeat some of the checks provided in the vignette to confirm the data which they had been given:
PPt #20: ’I’d probably redo the Beighton score as well, make sure I agree with that scoring.’
Facilitator: ‘Why would you do the Beighton score?’
PPt #20: ‘Just so that then it’s uh, I guess it’s who’s, who’s referred. If they’ve been referred from the GP, um, how often are they doing that?’
It is important to note, however, that where patients’ situations were judged to need or benefit from external assessment or referrals, it did not stop the participants from stating that they would refer as soon as it was needed. For example:
Ppt #7 ‘If he’s a, you know, really keen sportsman, this is his career, uh, potentially, then I’m going to refer him straight away for an assessment on the understanding that most likely we’ll be rehabbing you for three months.’
Unity within the department
This distrust, however, was generally absent within the groups themselves and very few members disagreed with anything which was said by their colleagues. This was verbally and structurally apparent in the construction of the group discussion. Participants tended to structure their response as a group rather than a series of individuals. When the participants responded to questions, while the first person to speak tended to answer in detail, the following responses were generally much shorter and tended to be structured as: an agreement of the former participants’ comments – often without clarifying which aspects they were agreeing with –, then an additional small detail or element which they had noticed. In some cases, though these were less common, some participants only agreed and contributed nothing else.
Groups often had one person who was a reference point for other members when they were unsure. These individuals, who tended to give much longer, detailed answers in the focus-groups, were typically senior figures within the department and with whom they consulted on a regular basis for advice regarding patients.
Facilitator And is any of this informed by any clinical pathways or best practice guidelines?
Ppt #5 Nothing specific. I’ve always gone to Ppt #7 when I have had…
Ppt #7 [Laughs].
Ppt #5 These difficult patients and got her opinion on it.
Ppt #8 [Laughs]. I’ve asked her as well. [Vignette 1]
Typically, these figures of reference were the only individuals who, during the focus group, alluded to the use of research or evidence to support their points.
Knowledge and attitudes towards novel technologies for facilitating assessment and clinical decision making
Lack of knowledge and rejection of 3D motion capture
Participants expressed a general lack of knowledge regarding 3D motion capture which resulted in 3D motion capture being nearly completely rejected as a potential diagnostic test, best summarised by the following statement:
Ppt #10 ‘I don't know enough about it so I wouldn't want, feel confident to recommend it.’ [Vignette 1]
This was consistent with the trend or participants not looking to pursue the use of technology unless it was necessary. Only one individual suggested that they would use it in one of the scenarios. Only two individuals described personal experience of using 3D motion capture, and many others specified that their training had not covered the method at all. In some cases of discussion, participants identified potential benefits of 3D motion cap for their practice.
Rejection of 3D motion capture was justified with key concerns held against the technology. Concerns were linked to a lack of knowledge which extended to nearly every aspect of discussion including the technology itself, output it produces, the process of accessing and how it was established within the wider health service and clinical setting.
Technologically-based objective tests were described as being ‘lovely and because it would take away any question, but it doesn’t form part of our practice that we can have [Ppt #25 – Vignette 2’, and the participants emphasised that they currently only use them when there are significant concerns or if initial attempts have failed.
Associated with the uncertainty were concerns regarding the accuracy and usability of the 3D motion capture technology from, as discussed in this comment here:
PPt #20 ‘[scans] aren’t fully reliable and sensitive so I think it sort of, if we were to have something, use something like [3D motion capture], it’s how sensitive is it, how reliable is it? Um, how specific is it?’ [Vignette 1]
Other concerns raised included suitably of staff training for interpreting the results and reservations about the benefits of the additional data for the diagnostic process. Several participants showed an interest and willingness to investigate and try 3D motion capture, although in these cases participants often had inaccurate information or expectations regarding the system performance and capabilities. Participants conceptualised integrating it into their practice and derived potential benefits, best presented in this comment:
PPt #20: ‘If you had a machine or a computer system that they walked into a room and they said that my symptoms come on when I do this, they did that and then the computer says this is the problem and this is what you do, that would be amazing. [Vignette 1]
Participants also expressed a willingness to learn more about the method to make a better-informed judgement.
PPt #23: ‘It would be nice to get more experience of using it I guess.’ [Vignette 2]
Participants suggested that while there were mixed responses and concerns regarding 3D motion capture, further training and education regarding the techniques and outputs, could positively influence their decision to use this mode of analysis in the future.