This is a qualitative study that involves a purposive, randomly selected interview script samples of narratives of IPV experience from one pseudo named female and male victims, displayed on the website of Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria( DVRCV). The effectiveness of the use of documented transcripts of interview of IPV victims is further validated in Harre and Van Langenhoove (1999) claim that accounting positioning gives the leeway for the use of talk about talk such as interview transcripts as a retrospect source of data in accounting for positioning of social actors in lived stories of this nature. The analyses of the data was guided by the research objectives which highlighted the social force of the discursive acts ( the intent of the declarations of the narrator), the story lines of the narratives ( the going-on/purpose/goal of the declarations), the adopted and assigned position of the narrators and referents in the declarations and finally the rights and duties associated with the adopted or assigned positions and the judgments about what rights and duties are appropriate for each referents in the various storylines of intimate partner violence narratives.
Analysis and Discussion of Findings
The result of the analysis will be analyzed and discussed based on the aims of study.
Katherine’s Narrative
Story Line 1: The declarations in line 1 is about the storyline of physical assault.
Social Force of the Discursive Acts- the discursive intents of the declaration in line 1, is an accusation against the male partner’s use of right physical size advantage to enforce discipline and the flagrant disregard of her right to human self dignity. The intent in lines 2 and 3 is also an accusation against the male partner’s use of right of familial authority to enforce control and infringe on her right to freedom of association. The discursive intents in lines 4 and 5 is an accusation against the male partner’s use of right of verbal authority as the decision maker and right to command obedience from other family members which legitimates him to use verbal means of control such as blame shifting and threat to instill fear, control and discipline.
Narrative Positions- in line 1, the male partner is positioned as the victimizer/ assaulter in the story line of physical assault. This is further substantiated by the narrative realizations of the male referent in the Actor- agent position of the material process of slap, kick, hit, push, and throw things at while the female partner is positioned as the victimized/assaulted , as substantiated by the realizations of the female referent in the goal-sufferer position. Lines 2 and 3 show the male referent as the position of the controller/control freak as substantiated by the male referent occupying the Sayer slot of the verbal process of telling the female partner who to associate with and also the actor/agent slot on the material process of act of isolating the female referent (goal) of the material process of act of isolation. Lines 4 and 5 indicate that male referent adopts the blamer and the issuer of verbial threat position. This is further substantiated by the male referent appearance in the Sayer slot of the verbal process of blaming and issuance of verbal threat while the female referent takes up the blamed and the threatened position as buttressed by her occupation of the goal position of the verbial process.
(De) Legitimization of Adopted Rights and Assigned Duties
In line 1, in story line of the physical assault, the actions of the male referents is delegitimized for his use of the right of physical size advantage as a means of coercion and control, to the neglect of the fulfillment of his moral duty to protect her right of human self dignity. In lines 2 and 3, which has the story line of restriction to the freedom of association, the male referent controlling behavior is delegitimized for his normative judgment that he has legitimate right to issue instruction, command respect and make decision in the family and that every other members of the family are obligated to fulfill the moral duty of obedience to him as appropriated in the moral space of familial authority. The female referent makes the evaluative judgments that in carrying out his right to familial authority, the male partner failed in civil duty to respect her civil right of freedom of association. In lines 4 and 5, which has the story line of verbal attack/threat, the male referents use normative claim to right of verbal control through blame shifting and threat was delegitimized because it infringes on the female partner’s right to innocence until proven guilty, and right to security of life.
Story Line 2: The deontic declarations in lines 6, 7, 8, and 9 falls under a single story line of my experience during the endurance/entrapment period.
Social Force of the Discursive Acts: The underlying intent of the declarations in line 6, 7, 8, and 9 is an attempt by the female partner to win the sympathy and positive appraisal of the audience.
Narrative Positions: In line 6,7, 8, and 9, the female partner takes up the agentive position as the patient pacifist/endurer and hider of the IPV situation and also takes up the non-agentive position as the bearer of blame, an emotional and low-self esteemed person, while also being positioned as the target of the agentive action of isolation of the male partner. The male partner is positioned as capable of doing harm if not appeased as reflected in the appearance of the male referent in the client slot of the transitivity material process of “coping with” where the female referent appear as the Actor making material effort to deal successfully with the actions of the male partner.
(De) Legitimization of Adopted Rights and Assigned Duties
In line 6, the female partner legitimized her action by interpreting her agentive effort of coping or enduring the male partner’s behavior as a fulfillment of moral duty of an ideal woman to patiently bear the ill behavior of her male partner and do all to please him (Client) and delegitimizes the normative claim of male partners to the right family authority and disciplinarian which legitimizes his use of forceful physical means. In line 7, she legitimizes the rationale or moral expectations that demand that women fulfill her duty as submissive wives to be unwilling to challenge her male partner under the normative judgment that is right that her male partner legitimate right to verbal authority and command of unalloyed obedience. In line 8, the declarations legitimize the female partner right to be emotionally involved in situations without any negative public scrutiny. This right of emotional expression can be used as a resource for commanding as an emotional blackmail against the man. In line 9, in her normative judgment, she delegitimizes her male partner’s exercise of rights of family authority against her right to freedom of association or movement and she makes the evaluative judgment that he has failed to fulfill the duty to honor her right of freedom of association.
Story Line 3: Lines 10-11 deal with the Story line of how I ran out of patience of enduring abuse
Social Force of the Discursive Act: The declarations in line 10 and 11 foreground the female partner’s intent to justify her loss of patience and subsequent proactive response as against her passive response in the previous story line of enduring/managing the male partner’s misbehavior.
Narrative Positions- the female referent takes up the position of the defender/protector of children against domestic violence and assumes that her subsequent agentive position of reading up literatures for self development and contacting of external advisory body where all a consequence of acting to stand up against the violent aggression of her male partner ( the violent/Aggressor) . That is why in the material transitivity processes of line 10 and 11, the male referent appeared in the actor/agent slot of the material processes of violence and kill, foregrounding him as the aggressor while the female referent appear in the actor/agent slot of the material processes of contacting friends and reading literatures, foregrounding her as non-violent and passive agent. She also positions the external contacts as beneficial to her realizing self-realization as witnessed in her realization in the Senser slot of the mental process of realizing and seeing the true nature of reality.
(De) Legitimization of Adopted Rights and Assigned Duties
In line 10, in her normative judgment, the female partner delegitimizes the male partner’s exercise of family authority that legitimates his right to enforce discipline at home using physical means and makes an evaluative judgment that he fails to fulfill the parental duty to protect the children against violence. Because of her partner’s failure to fulfill his duty as a parent, she takes up the legitimate right and duty to defend her children from violence. In line 11, in her normative judgment, she legitimizes her action as an exercise of right to seek for external advice or counsel in the event of domestic violence while also making the evaluative judgment that legitimizes the action of the external consultancies as a fulfillment of moral duty of providing services that will benefit her.
Story Line 4: the story line in line 12, 13 and 14 is on How I Benefitted from external support/Counseling unit.
Social Force of Discursive Acts- it is a positive commendation of the services or activities of external support bodies like Domestic violence center and family court in a bid to encourage people to subscribe to or patronize their services.
Narrative Positions- In line 12, the services of the domestic violence center women were positioned as helpful and the female referent as the beneficiary of their helpful services. This explains why the women in domestic violence center were positioned as Actors/Agents and the female referents as Client/Beneficiary in the material process of “Help”. In line 13, the family court was positioned as sensitive and supportive body on the ground that they correctly appraised the conditions of the female referent as a difficult or hellish situation and their services were highly commended as responsible for a turning point in her life in that they did not only take a passive step but also took agentive/Proactive step by ordering the male referents to restrain from having contact with the children. Likewise in line 14, friends and family members were positioned as wonderful people to commend how beneficial their services are to her. This explains why they are attributed with the attribute of “wonderful people” in the attributive process.
(De) Legitimization of Adopted Rights and Assigned Duties
In line 12, the female referent legitimizes the services of the women of domestic violence centre based on the evaluative judgment that they have fulfilled the duty of providing helpful support to her as a client recovery support. Also, in line 13, the female referent legitimizes the services of the family court based on the evaluative judgment that they have fulfilled the expected duty of providing justice by ordering the male partner to restrain from contacting the children. This is because in her normative judgment, his right of parental access to the children ceases the moment he turned violent to the children and therefore, the judgment of the court for her is right. In line 14, in her evaluative judgment, the female referents adjudged her friends and family to have fulfilled expected duty of providing support and counsel.
Story Line 5: line 14, 15, 16 and 17, is located within the story line of “My advice to abused women”
Social Force of the Discursive Acts: reveals that the declarations under the story line of “my advice to abused women” intends to provide encouraging or helpful advice to other abused women.
Narrative Positions: In line 14, the female referent positions herself as a (willing helper) and positions others as (capable decision maker). This is further substantiated by the appearance of the female referent in the Actor/Agent slot of the material process of “helping” and appearance of other referents in the Actor/Agent slot of the material process of “doing”. In line 15, the female referent position other referents as (lacking the capacity) to change the male partner and (innocent) of any offense which warrants her right to exit the abusive relationship. In line 16, the female referent positions external support group like domestic violence centre and other contact support group as “Expert” in the provision of recovery services that benefits victims of domestic violence.
(De) Legitimization of Adopted Rights and Assigned Duties
In her evaluative judgment in line 14, the female partner legitimizes her behavior as a willingness to fulfill the expected duty of providing help or solidarity support to other women. In line, she makes the normative judgment that legitimizes women’s exercise of right to make decision affecting their life. In spite the allegiance of love, they are not bounded to remain in an abusive relationship where the male partner is assumed to have failed to fulfill his duty of protecting the female partner from violence and the fact that she is not guilty committing offense that may have triggered violence from her partner. In her evaluative judgment in line 16, she legitimizes the duty of external people to intervene in the family crises and also the right a woman subjected to domestic abuse has to reach out for external intervention from outside group for helpful advice as expert.
Story Line : the story line is about my wife’s Ill treatment.
Social Force of the Discursive Acts: indicates the underlying intent of accusing his wife.
Narrative Positions: In line 1, the female partner is positioned as the blamer while the male partner is positioned as the blamed. This explains why the female partner appears in the sayer slot of the verbal process of blaming the male partner (the target) of the blame. In line 2, the female partner is positioned as disrespectful while the male partner is positioned as the disrespected. This is why the female referent is placed as the actor/agent of the material process of belittling the male partner (the goal/sufferer). In line 3, the female partner is positioned as a hot-tempered attacker/aggressor while the male partner is positioned as the sufferer of attack/aggression. Thus explaining why the female partner takes the actor/agent position of the material process of hitting the male partner (Goal/Target) in the circumstances of being angry. The male partner accepts the third other positioning of his partner as an incapable/inactive husband. This is further substantiated by the appearance of the female partner as the actor/agent of the material process of hitting the man (goal) and the male partner’s appearances in the senser slot of the mental process of thinking that he deserves the assault from his wife because of her acting as a sayer in verbail process of saying that he does not fit to occupies the actor/agent slot of not acting as a capable husband. The aggression the male partner suffered is also showcased by the appearance of the female partner in the actor/agent slot of the material process of forcing the male partner (the goal) into sex for her (beneficiary) own benefit so that he can occupy the actor/agent slot of the material process of becoming a good husband for her (Client). In line 5, the male partner is positioned as a selfless parent because he appears as the actor/agent in the material process of not leaving the relationship for the sake of the children. In line 6, the male partner is positioned as an informant and his mother as the confidante. This explains why the male partner occupies the sayer slot of the verbial process of telling his secret to his mother (the receiver) while the mother appear in the sayer slot of verbal process of querying/probing what he (the male referent) is doing to make her behave such way. This resulted in the male referent occupying the senser slot of the mental process of feeling abandoned. In line7, the female partner is positioned as the proposer of the break up while the male partner is positioned as the cause of the break up by everyone. This explains why the female partner appears in the sayer slot of the verbal process of making a verbal proposal of wanting a break up while everyone appears in the sayer slot of the verbal process of saying the male partner is at fault. Line 8, shows the male partner been positioned as a keeper of secret. In line 9 and 10, the male partner is positioned as a responsible parent and unsure of his of his husband capability. This explains why in line 9, the male partner appear as the senser of the mental process knowing that the need of the children is for him to take up the actor/agent role of the material process of being involved in their day-to-day care. In line 11, the male partner positions as unsure of his capacity as a husband which is indicative of why the male referent appears in the senser slot of the mental process of doubting his husband qualities. In line 12, the female partner is positioned by the male partner as an unfaithful partner. Thus explaining why he assumes the senser slot of the mental process of thinking that she acts as the actor/agent of the material process of giving up and leaving the marriage because she is acting in the actor/agent role of the material process of sleeping with other men. In line 13, the female partner is positioned as an inconsiderate/disrespectful partner. This is substantiated by the appearance of the female partner as the actor/agent of the material process of taking everything from the house without considering the male partner.
(De) Legitimization of Adopted Rights and Assigned Duties:
In line 1, the male partner makes an evaluative judgment that delegitimizes his female partner’s action as a failure to fulfill the moral duty of assuming blame for mistakes while in line 2, the male partner makes the evaluative judgment that delegitimizes the female partner’s action as a failure of fulfilling the moral duty of a woman to respect her husband. In line 3, the male partner makes the nominative judgment that delegitimizes the female partner’s action as an exercise of moral right of physical size advantage and verbal assessment which she does not have normative acess to. In line 4, the male partner makes the evaluative judgment that delegitimizes the female partner’s action of forcing him to have sex with her as a failure to fulfill the moral duty of respecting his normative right to consensual sex. In line 5, the male partner makes the normative judgment that legitimizes his act of staying put in an abusive relationship based on the recognition of the children’s right to parental care and makes the evaluative judgment that legitimizes his act as a fulfillment of the expected moral duty of parents to see to the well being of their children above their personal need. In line 6, he makes the evaluative judgment that delegitimizes his mother’s act as a failure in the fulfillment of the moral duty expected from a confidant by an informant not to be critical of the informant and on this note. In line 7, the male partner makes the evaluative judgment that delegitimizes the act of his wife asking out of the marriage, as a failure to honor the moral duty expected of couples to stay committed to their religious marital vow of sticking together through good and bad times and also makes the evaluative judgment that everyone act of putting the blame on him for the breakup is failure of the moral duty of fair hearing before judgment or criticism. In line 8, he makes the normative judgment that legitimizes the counselor’s right of access to private information in the moral space of counseling and the evaluative judgment that his act of disclosure of his private information is a fulfillment of his moral duty as the counseled/informant to share private information with the counselor/confidante. In line 9 & 10, the male partner makes the evaluative judgment which legitimizes his reason for staying put in the abusive relationship in other to fulfill the parental moral duty of been sensitive to the need of the children. In line 12, the male partner makes the evaluative judgment that delegitimizes his female partner’s act of giving up and leaving her marital home, as a failure to fulfill the marital moral duty of faithfulness to the union. In line 13, he also makes the evaluative that delegitimizes his female partner’s act of taking things out of the house as a failure in moral duty to accord him his right as the family authority and decision maker of the house.
Story Line: the story in lines 14-16 is about my how I survived the abusive experience
Social Force of the Discursive Acts: shows an underlying intent to justify his actions
Narrative Positions: In line 14, the male partner positions as a selfless parent which is indicative of why he appear as the senser in the mental process of thinking of the kids more than himself as the only action that mattered to him at the moment. In line 15, the counselor is positioned as (the helper) who acts to help to the male partner (the helped). That explains why the counselor appears as the carrier of good attribute on the ground that she takes up the actor/agent role of the material process of helping him become a senser of the mental process of knowing the nature of the abusive behavior of former partner in bed. In line 16, the male partner positions himself as (being naïve) in the relationship to justify why he acted in a passive actor/agent role of the material process of living in naivity rather than the expected active agent role of being in control.
(De) Legitimization of Adopted Rights and Assigned Duties: In line 14, the male referent makes the normative judgment that legitimizes his action of not exercising the moral right of exiting an abusive relationship based on the evaluative judgment that she is acting to fulfill the parental moral duty looking out for the children’s well-being. In line 15, the male referent makes the evaluative judgment that legitimizes the services of the counselor as a fulfillment of the expected moral duty to provide counseling help. In line 16, the male referent makes the normative judgment which exonerates him for his failure to exercise his moral right of family authority and control.
Story Line: the story line in line 17 is about advice to other abused men.
Social Force of the Discursive Acts: the intent of the declarations in line 17 is an advice.
Narrative Positions: the male referent is positioned as a lover of children and not in support of divorce as a means of avoiding domestic abuse. This explains why the male referent occupies the sayer slot of the verbal process of not saying to someone to leave an abusive relationship because of the challenges of abandoning parental moral duty and breach of the moral right of the children to receive parental care. The male referent is also identified in the identifying relational process with the identifier of having the lover of the children as the only positive thing in the relationship.
(De) Legitimization of Adopted Rights and Assigned Duties: the male partner makes the normative judgment that legitimizes her action of not exercising her right to exit an abusive relationship because of the evaluative judgment that delegitimizes exercise of right to exit abusive relationship to the detriment of fulfilling parental moral duty of caring for the children whom he thinks has the moral right to be cared for.