Modeling for Ventilation Therapy System
As shown in Fig∙3, the ventilation therapy system of NPPV is composed of a NPPV respirator, a breathing circuit and a mask (oral-nasal mask/ or nasal mask, etc), and a respiratory patient. By using MATLAB version 9 (R2016a), the ventilation system model was designed with developing a sub-model of respirator, a sub-model of breaching circuit and mask, and a sub-model of respiratory airway.
The purpose of a NPPV respirator is to deliverer a positive pressure into the patient’s airway to support his breathing. This pressure ensures that the patient's respiratory airway is unblocked. The airflow freely moves in the airway under the positive pressure. And then the gas is exchanged between the lung and the atmosphere. The common ventilation methods in NPPV respirator usually include pressure control ventilation (PCV) and (PSV). PCV/PSV is usually applied in the patients without/with spontaneous breathing.
As shown in Equ∙1, it describes the output pressure of Pa from the respirator when the respirator is working in the PCV mode. In the period of inspiration (TI < t < TE), the pressure of Pa exponentially increases from the expired positive airway pressure (EPAP) to inspired positive airway pressure (IPAP). In the period of expiration (TE < t ≤ T), the pressure of Pa exponentially decreases from the IPAP to EPAP. Here τ1 and τ2 respectively expresses the time constant of rising and falling.
As shown in Equ∙2, it describes the output pressure of Pa when the respirator is working in PCV mode. The respirator is triggered to output IPAP or EPAP at the time of TItrig or TEtrig which deputy the start of inspiration or expiration. The ventilation cycle of T is the time span from current TItrig to next TItrig, or from current TEtrig to next TEtrig. In the period of inspiration or expiration, Pa exponentially increases from EPAP to IPAP or decreases from IPAP to EPAP.
With the NPPV, the airflow from the respirator is delivered to the patient’s airway though the breathing circuit and mask. The airflow in the circuit and mask is described in the Equ∙3. Where Qm deputies the airflow provided by the respirator. Qleak deputes the leak flow which flows to the atmosphere through the leak hole in the mask. Qin and Qex respectively depute the inspiratory airflow and the expiratory airflow. During inspiration, the Qm is separated into Qleak and Qin. During the patient’s expiration, both of Qm and Qex flow to the atmosphere as Qleak. The leak flow of Qleak is decided by the pressure of Pa in the mask as described in Equ∙3. Where a, b are the coefficients of the exponential function.
As shown in Fig∙4(a), the human respiratory airway includes the respiratory track and the lung. The viscous resistance in the respiratory track and the pulmonary elastic force (or compliance) in the lung prevent the airflow moving. For easily understood, the viscous resistance in track (Ra) and the compliance in lung (CL, reciprocal of the elastic force) are usually analogized as the equivalent electric resistance and the equivalent electric capacitance.
In Equ∙4, it describes the pressure of Pa mathematically related to Qa, Ra and CL. Here Ra represents the viscous resistances in the respiratory track. CL represents the compliance in the lung. Qa represents the airflow in the airway. In the period of inspiration (TI < t ≤ TE), Qa = Qin, and Ra = Rin, Qin enters into the lung. In the period of expiration (TE < t ≤ T), Qa = Qex, and Ra = Rex, Qex exits from the lung.
In the period of inspiration, the contracted respiratory muscles and the expanded chest cavity result a negative pressure in the lung, and the spontaneous inspiratory flow is inhaled into the lung. In the period of expiration, the relaxed respiratory muscles and the recovered chest cavity result a positive pressure in the lung, and the spontaneous expiratory flow is exhaled out of the lung. In Equ∙5, it expresses the inspiratory effort pressure of Pm produced by respiratory muscle working [12-13]. In Fig.4(b), the Pm is a mathematic function of time (t) which ranges in a respiratory cycle (0 < t ≤ T). Pm is in decreasing (0 < t ≤ Tpm_rise), holding (Tpm_rise < t ≤ Tpm_hold), releasing (Tpm_hold < t ≤ Tpm_release), and zero (Tpm_release < t ≤ T).
Simulated Ventilation
As illustrated in Fig∙5, with the programming environment in MATLAB simulink, a simulation experimental platform was designed. In this platform, the function module (FCN) of “Respirator” is designed to perform the function of Equ∙1 and Equ∙2. The time constants of τ1 and τ2 in Equ∙1 and Equ∙2 were taken as 0.1s and 0.05s respectively. The FCN of “Leakage” was designed to perform the function of Equ∙3. The sub-model of respiratory track and lung was designed with an adjustable electric resistance (Ra) and an adjustable capacitance (CL) to perform the function of Equ∙4. The FCN of “Spontaneous Breathing” was designed to perform the function of Equ∙5.
The parameters in the respirator mainly includes IPAP, EPAP, breath rate (BPM), the ratio of inspiration time vs expiration time (IE), working mode (Mode) and the airflow of triggered threshold (Threshold). The respiratory parameters in the model of respiratory airway mainly includes inspiratory resistance (Rin), expiratory resistance (Rex), lung compliance (CL), max inspiratory effort pressure (Pm_max), the ratio of inspiratory effort pressure in decreasing time (Pm_riese), holding time (Pm_hold) and releasing time (Pm_release). Secondly, the simulated experiments were carried to collect and observe the experimental results. In the virtual oscilloscope, the data curves were displayed.
PCV and PSV were designed in the model of NPPV respirator. “Mode = 0” means the PCV was set to support the breathing of the patient without spontaneous breathing. “Mode = 1” means the PSV was set for the patient in ARDS or COPD. In PSV, when the respiratory airflow proved by spontaneous breathing reaches the threshold, the respirator will be triggered to output IPAP or EPAP. The simulated breathing circuit meets the standard breathing circuit in size of φ2.2 cm×L180 cm. The simulated mask was designed to meet the oral-nasal mask (Bestfit-2M, curative Medical Inc, Santa Clara, CA). In Equ∙4, the coefficients were set with a ≈ 0.2 and b ≈ 0.65. Setting the parameters of system model as shown in Tab∙2 [14-16], the simulated respiratory patient in COPD or ARDS or without SB was proposed to be ventilated with the simulated respirator.
the set parameters in respirator and patients
Respiratory patient
Without SB
In respirator
In patient
Rin(cmH2O∙s· L-1)
Rex(cmH2O∙s· L-1)
Pm_max(cmH2O∙s· L-1)
Note: Tpm_rise=Pm_rise%×T, Tpm_hold=(Pm_rise+Pm_hold)%×T.
Tpm_release=(Pm_rise+Pm_hold+Pm_release)%×T. T=60÷bpm /or 60÷BPM, “-”means no used.
In order to prove the practicability of the simulation ventilation system of NPPV, one of best measures is to check the simulation results with physical experimental results. As shown in Fig∙6, a physical experimental platform was designed with mainly using the active servo lung ASLl5000 (IngMar medical, USA) and the noninvasive respirator ST-30k (Hunan Micomme medical, China). The respirator of ST-30K was connected to the head model though a breathing circuit (d 2.2 cm×l 180 cm) and a oral-nasal mask (Bestfit-2M). A simulated upper airway was inserted into the head model. And the upper airway was connected to the SL5000 though a breathing circuit (d 2.2 cm×l 70 cm). On the base of physical experimental platform, also setting the same parameters as listed in Tab∙1, a serial of physical experiments were conducted.